What was the point of becoming a giant? was she planning to eat her or something?

What was the point of becoming a giant? was she planning to eat her or something?

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  1. 11 months ago

    >no fur on fingers

    • 11 months ago

      I hate how all of her characters use their fingers to support their weight like that. No creature uses their hands like that.

      • 11 months ago

        >weak fingers

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Thats just the lighting, look at loona's feet

      I hate how all of her characters use their fingers to support their weight like that. No creature uses their hands like that.

      Most of her weight is on her elbows though

  2. 11 months ago


  3. 11 months ago

    I'm planning to eat Loona too if you know what I mean

  4. 11 months ago

    if you're big enough you can impale someone with your fingers

  5. 11 months ago

    But why is fly dog?

  6. 11 months ago

    Given that she is the queen of gluttony, I guess that yes.
    In reality it was to appeal to macro furry artists

    • 11 months ago

      most obscure ways to let people know you're a furry
      #4: saying"macro" instead of "giantess"

      • 11 months ago

        Enough time on Cinemaphile, Cinemaphile and /trash/ makes you learn furry terms. But anyway guess I'm a furgay since I watch this show.

      • 11 months ago

        I have a giantess fetish and you are so correct it hurts.

      • 11 months ago

        I have a giantess fetish and you are so correct it hurts.

        Anon... no non furry person would be watching this show or being in this thread and don't try to lie to me saying that you watch it for the plot because we know that obviously is a lie.

        • 11 months ago

          Who says I watch this shit at all? The only reason I clicked on this thread because OP used the word giant and posted a picture of a large woman. Having a giantess fetish I had to click to see what's going on.

          • 11 months ago

            >The only reason I clicked on this thread because OP used the word giant and posted a picture of a large woman. Having a giantess fetish I had to click to see what's going on
            Ok you win, you truly are the coomer of coomers

          • 11 months ago

            As someone who loves giants I'll never understand giant fetishists, but I think you guys are cute when it''s not about vore

            • 11 months ago

              What's vore?

              • 11 months ago

                You have to be 18+ to view this site or to view the cartoon this thread is about.

              • 11 months ago

                fetish about people getting swallowed whole
                giant fetishists are almost exclusively voregays

              • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              Agreed. I'm more in the more gentle stuff. You know, a cute giant fawning over a tiny.

            • 11 months ago

              In the majority of cases I have seen the striking aspect of size is the aspect of dominance and power, this fetish allows someone who looks cute to be a unstoppable machine or someone who can overpower another character who would be the one in charge if the giant was normal sized.

            • 11 months ago

              I see it as viewing the same object from different perspective can give you a totally different attitude or appreciation of that same object. Like viewing the Earth from space or observing microorganisms under microscope.

            • 11 months ago

              Your tatses are objectively shit-tier my dude.

              Vore is the best part of giantesses.

          • 11 months ago

            >The only reason I clicked on this thread because OP used the word giant and posted a picture of a large woman. Having a giantess fetish I had to click to see what's going on.

        • 11 months ago

          I wouldn't consider myself a furry. I watched hazbin hotel because FOTM adult animation, then helluva boss made me laugh, and I've been watching since.

          When it gets especially pandering to furries, I roll my eyes. This episode was fricking painful.

          that's not to say I don't jerk it occasionally to furry shit, but who the frick doesn't?

      • 11 months ago

        I have a giantess fetish and you are so correct it hurts.


      • 11 months ago

        I have a giantess fetish and you are so correct it hurts.


        >Calling another anon furry in a furry web series thread

    • 11 months ago

      most obscure ways to let people know you're a furry
      #4: saying"macro" instead of "giantess"

      Fine I'll watch the damn show again.

    • 11 months ago

      >Tfw a macro furry artist
      >Wouldnt touch this shit design with a 50 foot pole
      The better macro designs are the simpler ones, vivziepop makes unironically overdesigned garbage, her most frickable characters are Millie and Moxxie and Loona and they're the most straightforward and simple of her designs

      • 11 months ago

        can u draw ralsei from deltarune sinking into a tar pit please

    • 11 months ago

      >Tfw a macro furry artist
      >Wouldnt touch this shit design with a 50 foot pole
      The better macro designs are the simpler ones, vivziepop makes unironically overdesigned garbage, her most frickable characters are Millie and Moxxie and Loona and they're the most straightforward and simple of her designs


      Until now only one artist did a giantess pic of her and it isn't even NSFW

    • 11 months ago

      >not a bee
      Can't even make an obvious joke, it's clear Viv gets off to dog OCs

      most obscure ways to let people know you're a furry
      #4: saying"macro" instead of "giantess"

      "giantess/macro/shitpiss term for idiots" is a dumb fetish for dummies, real men see giant thing and go "time to pick GS and cut off that tail for extra carve chances"

  7. 11 months ago

    In-universe wise, it was a power move to show off her potential strength in a "I was only holding back" sort of way.
    Narrative-wise, it was to show that Loona is going to stand up for herself and her dad no matter how big of a threat is thrown at her. A surprisingly nuanced bit of character building on Viv's part that I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it was a complete accident.

    • 11 months ago

      Ja except Loona wasn't standing up for anyone. She was being a b***h like usual.

      • 11 months ago

        She was pushing back against Bee for thinking she knew Blitz's limits to the same degree Loona does. She literally says as much. Blind hatred for a character isn't a good excuse for missing the point of a scene.

        • 11 months ago

          >She was pushing back against Bee for thinking she knew Blitz's limits to the same degree Loona does

          That's not what she said tho. That's what Loona says happened. She was bizzarely hostile to Bee every time they spoke from the start.

          As for Blitzo, clearly Loona doesn't know his limits that well anyways, since he was too drunk to drive lol.

          • 11 months ago

            Loona came off as a massive c**t in this episode.
            Most of the people at the party were friendly towards her, yet Loona was still acting like a turbo b***h.

            • 11 months ago

              >Most of the people at the party were friendly towards her,
              Her very first interaction at the party was meeting a turbob***h that had humiliating photos from Loona's past. It soured her on the party in general. When she realized that she was going to a party out of an infatuation with a guy currently dating someone way out of her league she cursed her own stupidity and left. When a hot guy started hitting on her, she decided to give it another whirl and was willing to use her dad's exploits as a key to get in. She ultimately DID care about Blitzo enough to do the right thing and take him home, but not before spending some time living it up and deluding herself into thinking that everything was fine and that Bee was just trying to cause pointless problems for her. She's no saint, but she was pretty understandable throughout this, and somewhat sympathetic. Especially once she got her shit together and realized that Blitzo needed her help.

            • 11 months ago

              She was a b***h to the b***h, she got a little too defensive of her dad, and she "wtf'd" at the drug-crazed teenagers making idiots of themselves. She wasn't that bad.

      • 11 months ago

        >Loona wasn't standing up for anyone
        Did you even watch the episode?

        • 11 months ago

          Yes. Did you?

          >"I feel like he's wasted off his ass and causing problems. So could you just check on him at least, and see if something's up?"

          (The woman saying this has the literal power to detect vibes btw)

          >"Don't act like you know him better than I do!"

          >"That's not what I'm saying. But he had Luke 4 tongues inside him at once. Good for him, but he's giving off a very not ok vibe, y'know?"

          >"Oh yeh, I bet you know all about vibes. People just loooove you so much."
          (Loona being autistic and jealous"


          So no she wasn't standing up for anyone. Blitz was getting hammered because he just had an emotional tranwreck at Ozzie's which Loona didn't know about.

    • 11 months ago

      >it was to show that Loona is going to stand up for herself and her dad no matter how big of a threat is thrown at her.
      He says when Loona backed down the minute the queen went big

    • 11 months ago

      >Loona is going to stand up for herself and her dad no matter how big of a threat
      Except she literally backed down and apologized as soon as she remembered who she was talking to.

  8. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago
  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    Voregays make their fetish all too easy to see.


    exists, you know

    • 11 months ago

      No one brought up vore you schizo

  11. 11 months ago

    Why the frick is she part bee? I get the dog thing because dogs don't know when to stop eating, hence gluttony.

    • 11 months ago

      More like why was she part canine. I know why: viz and her team can’t do anything other than DA furries and it’ll be more popular than an insect. Despite some liking moth girls and some being bee frickers.

      • 11 months ago

        Cerberus guards the Gluttony Ring in the Divine Comedy.

        • 11 months ago

          Vivzie only has 7 circles in her version. She’s shown she’s willing to ignore these primary sources, if she’s even aware of them in the first place.

        • 11 months ago

          She's a goddamn fox bee thing, not a dog

    • 11 months ago

      ties in with the whole cotton candy=sugar and honey=sugar

  12. 11 months ago

    No seriously, isn't the show meant to take place in hell?
    Aren't dogboys supposed to be lower class citizens? Why are they partying in a mansion?
    What is this show anymore
    I was upset by the low quality on previous episodes, this one was just confusing
    What's with her design? A wolf bee? Why?
    Why is everyone so nice?

    • 11 months ago

      I was convinced that the bee fox was like Eveline from RE7 and the honey was like the mold fron the same game but at the end it was just a party.

    • 11 months ago

      The gluttony ring is where hellhounds are born. A common theory before this episode was that Bee hosts these parties to let hellhounds breed more so she can put the pups up for adoption and make more servants

      • 11 months ago

        >implying "my body my choice" LBQTQPRWERQ types would stay preggers

        • 11 months ago

          Cant wait for the future episode where abortions aren’t allowed in hell because it’s such an “evil, mysoginistic and oppressive place for female demons”

          • 11 months ago

            It really shows how evil is a matter of perspective huh. Being “controlled and restricted and oppressed” is evil and killing babies with your freedom is evil.

            I guess it’s that good is a thin line to walk not a side to take

          • 11 months ago

            Not when her ‘surprise’ twist is going to be that heaven is actually the bad place and hell ain’t so bad

            She’s basically going for the
            >so I’m going to hell if I don’t repent? Well frick you dad, heaven is actually the bad place if people like you are in it and I’m gonna make a cartoon about exactly that

            • 11 months ago

              I feel like she’s going to “make” that twist work by having Heaven be a place devoid of anything “fun” like they have in hell because the average Vivzie fan and younger generations in general are hella materialistic. I hate how this logic functions.

              It actually reminds me of this Twilight Zone episode where this crook dies and goes to a place where he gets everything he wants but it turns out that kind of place is Hell.

              • 11 months ago

                Hedonistic physical pleasure is all they can think of.

              • 11 months ago

                I’ll grant her it’s tough to make heaven comedic and not the lame/bad place when you have a materialistic frame and hell already has wild parties

                But still it’s pretty obvious where she’s going with everything when hell is full of the alphabet crowd and heaven is full of mysogonists like Adam and fake hypocrites like Cletus/Keenie/Collin or uncaring buttholes like Deerie

              • 11 months ago

                This is such a dumb/unlearned take on Heaven and Hell, too. God isn't against people having fun, he's against people wasting themselves chasing unending highs.
                > So I recommend the enjoyment of life, for there is nothing better on earth for a person to do except to eat, drink, and enjoy life. So joy will accompany him in his toil during the days of his life which God gives him on earth.

              • 11 months ago

                God is remarkably inconsistent on the subject. In any case it's impossible to depict a classical heaven that any sane person would want to live in, if you show it on screen rather than as an abstract concept parody is pretty much your only option.

              • 11 months ago

                The systems of metaphysics and greater reality just feels fricked in general. Everything is some form of entrapment. Any answer is some form of
                >slave to God
                >slave to multiple gods
                >slave to satan
                >slave to more powerful humans
                >slave to the less powerful humans that allow you to keep power and not kill you in your sleep
                >slave to karma
                >slave to fate
                >slave to the inescapable and absolute reality of death and entropy
                >slave to the feel-good neurotransmitter chemicals that drive us
                I fail to perceive an answer where humanity is ever free. We frick, raise children and then die until we go extinct or the sun explodes. Life is a self-insistent miracle that has never been answered for. The phenomena of existence is astronomically absurd, the only solution I can see is to be ignorant of ever asking the question.

              • 11 months ago

                I wouldn't worry about it.

              • 11 months ago

                You’re no more a slave to God than you were a slave to your parents as a kid

                You can make the argument
                >well what if I want to sin in heaven?
                But I think if you make it to heaven, that question would be like asking
                >what if I want to murder my family or the love of my life or my best friend/destroy what I care about the most?
                Like in theory sure, but in practice you wouldn’t want to

              • 11 months ago

                fair point. it's all just so confusing.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Heaven doesnt make sense for the simple idea of if you died and learned a loved one is or is going to be in Hell, how could you ever truly enjoy it?

                Like what if a parent dies and then those events lead to the kid being traumatized and in despair does something that causes them to go to hell when they die? No good parent would be content in Heaven knowing that, and NOT being made aware of that would make God a fricking monster.

              • 11 months ago

                You bring up a valid point of doubt, something I’ve thought of too. But I don’t know it’s that easy. I’m not gonna pretend I got it all figured out

              • 11 months ago

                Heaven doesnt make sense for the simple idea of if you died and learned a loved one is or is going to be in Hell, how could you ever truly enjoy it?

                Like what if a parent dies and then those events lead to the kid being traumatized and in despair does something that causes them to go to hell when they die? No good parent would be content in Heaven knowing that, and NOT being made aware of that would make God a fricking monster.

                You are supposed to look down on the punishments of the damned to accentuate your own bliss.

              • 11 months ago

                That's fricked up. What sick frick would enjoy knowing loved ones are experiencing eternal agony? You cant experience any sort of sadness in heaven as it by its very concept should be bereft of it .

              • 11 months ago

                It makes your happiness more delightful by comparison and makes you more grateful to God for not putting you in the bad place, say the learned theologians. Also to see God exacting divine justice on His enemies is joyful in itself.

              • 11 months ago

                none of that sounds pleasant.

              • 11 months ago

                People in Heaven can intercede for troubled souls so you'd presumably go help your kid through the aerial tollhouses and drag them to heaven

              • 11 months ago

                but then thats not eternal punishment.

              • 11 months ago

                Intercession is to stop you from being sent to Hell in the first place, not to pull you out early

              • 11 months ago

                You bring up a valid point of doubt, something I’ve thought of too. But I don’t know it’s that easy. I’m not gonna pretend I got it all figured out

                That's fricked up. What sick frick would enjoy knowing loved ones are experiencing eternal agony? You cant experience any sort of sadness in heaven as it by its very concept should be bereft of it .

                this anon here makes a good point

                You are supposed to look down on the punishments of the damned to accentuate your own bliss.

                It makes your happiness more delightful by comparison and makes you more grateful to God for not putting you in the bad place, say the learned theologians. Also to see God exacting divine justice on His enemies is joyful in itself.

                A point that is reinforced repeated in Dantes Inferno, with Vergil practically beating Dante over the head with it saying these people deserve eternal damnation, and are not worthy of prayer or pity and should be looked down upon for their failures in life. Only Souls in purgatory are worthy of such things.

              • 11 months ago

                You think it's slavery because you've defined yourself as a separate entity from all those things. You should read some Alan Watts. (Just don't take his stuff as gospel, he's more of an intro-level popularizer than anything.)

              • 11 months ago

                (You should not read some Alan Watts.)

              • 11 months ago

                Watts provides a very insightful introduction to many aspects of many eastern philosophies, he's just wrong about some things, as anyone else would be.

              • 11 months ago

                War and competition are what life is about, anon. Everything, from microbes, to planets and stars, is all one giant war. That includes Heaven and Hell. Peace is a lie, reject it and be happily content! Everyone wins, everyone loses, compete, slay, and be fulfilled!

              • 11 months ago

                Breaks glasses.
                >NO! There was time now!

              • 11 months ago

                How about the guy from “ A Kind of Stopwatch” that wouldn’t shut up? I wonder if him having a Cinemaphile account would’ve helped

                > Suck my nuts, Vivzie. Unless it’s a false positivity leading to things like pic related, what the actual frick?
                You do realize that multiple sins irl ARE positive feeling right?

                There's a reason many people are gluttonous and greedy, they feel like fricking amazing

                I don’t know. I feel like you take pleasure out of sin when you’re living, but when you’re in hell, your physical form dies and you do the same shit, but you’ll never enjoy it ever again and also you’re burning for all eternity. It feels like Vivzie missed the whole “eternal torment and suffering” aspect of hell. South Park is guilty of this too AND saying mormons are the only ones in heaven.

              • 11 months ago

                How much of modern media is influenced by the twilight zone anyway? I wonder if the mangaka behind Doraemon watched it and came up with The Laughing Salesman

              • 11 months ago

                >your physical form dies
                iirc the reason given why Sinners seem to be harder, better, faster, stronger than Hellborn is because they are no longer bound to their physical bodies, so it be that they actually experience the “rush” from their vice more than they were alive

              • 11 months ago

                How much of modern media is influenced by the twilight zone anyway? I wonder if the mangaka behind Doraemon watched it and came up with The Laughing Salesman

                man, i've really gotta actually watch twilight zone one of these days

              • 11 months ago

                It’s hard to see the elitist and grandstanding heaven as being the good place, there’s an inherent arrogance to the mindset of heaven, I it seems like it could be essentially another ring of hell, themed around a particular mindset. The rings ARE heavenly if you are the kind of person who enjoys those things. It’s like a planet of hats situation. Hell seems largely bad because bad people go there but if the rules were different and each kid of person had their own afterlife most of the rings would be pretty nice for the people in them, and then an actual hell would look like pride with all the washout troublemakers and genuine evil, but even they are free to do it and seem on average at least content.

                An afterlife that actually gives everybody what they want seems to have been the original plan for hell in the first place.

                I also wonder if there actual is a REAL heaven with the genuinely good souls with a more understanding and healthy set of ideals outside strict morality or small failings. Hell might be a part two to the test that earth is. On earth you are aware of the test and the ass kissers in fear of pascal’s wager who are only good to be rewarded go to heaven where they stay forever not having done anything bad but not being genuinely good either, the rest go to hell and now you are blind to the test, they think they failed the test, some of them already have, but if you make the best of it regardless and remain true even then, you get to go to the real heaven when you die a second time.

                Nobody inside the system is aware of the system. Hellborn demons would also have souls in this case, they see earth and think they’re non-participants but they’re actually the major focus

              • 11 months ago

                I agree, Pascal's wager is a weird cope that only really serves as a "gotcha". Actually abiding to it sounds miserable since it's entirely fear driven, plus the logic is incredibly short-sighted. It could just as easily apply to some Zulu cannibal god as it could Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism. It only serves to shitfling in purpose of the incredibly basic "does a higher power" exist debate that normalgays love

              • 11 months ago

                That's excessively complicated. Hell is for buttholes and heaven is for sanctimonious buttholes and Earth appears to be just as bad as hell from the handful of times we've seen it.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s a system devised by god to make utopia why would it be exactly what it says on the tin

    • 11 months ago

      Sadly at this point this show taking place in Hell is only a forgettable detail. It pretty much adds nothing and Beelzebub being Beelzebub adds absolutely nothing.

      The gluttony ring is where hellhounds are born. A common theory before this episode was that Bee hosts these parties to let hellhounds breed more so she can put the pups up for adoption and make more servants

      By far and wide I would prefer if Ring of Gluttony was more like a giant Bee Hive where Hellhounds are a race of beings made by Beelzebub to exploit them to no end and have their time either mining resources from the hive to give her or rest of Hell or being used as playthings of Beelzebub in whatever way she desires, be it fulfilling thirst for curiosity by conducting demented experiments on them. Emotionally using them by either making some her pets she abuses because she finds it "cute" or doing hard drugs and because of that mutilate them, this fulfilling more emotional thirst. Or just straight up eat them or use them sexually and fulfilling physical gluttony.

    • 11 months ago

      adventure time - wacky characters because magic fantasy
      rick and morty - wacky characters because aliens
      helluva boss - wacky characters because hell
      not that complicated

  13. 11 months ago

    >exudes sexuality
    >Song is about unleashing your lust and just losing your inhibitions and fricking
    >gets angry with Moxxie and Millie having a loving duet in his house of lust

    >exudes sexuality
    >Song is about getting your party on and having more than you normally would
    >gets concerned with Blitzo for being too gluttonous and partying his face off, even if he's enhancing the party atmosphere

    >inb4 Ke$ha
    that's not a good reason.

    • 11 months ago

      Viv thinks Asmodeus only likes Lust between "consenting romantic people," and he does not like rape

      • 11 months ago

        think viv is one of the people who forgets they're IN HELL?

      • 11 months ago

        Jesus christ either demons are virtuous but nontraditional or they're fricking buttholes you can't have it both fricking ways. Its all one or all the other.

      • 11 months ago

        Huh, it was couples only. It’s kinda funny if his form of lust is sex for the sake of feeling good compared the “for making good Christian babies in missionary position in the dark and the woman doesn’t cum” and it’s Valentino and humanity that’s gone way off into abuse and rape and drugs and murder. It’s not just sexual lust and passion. Uncontrolled emotions just doing whatever you desire. Blinding animalistic horny AND anger and the addiction to drugs. That part might be more gluttony but we see she views it as having limits when it gets beyond your control. It’s about wanting excess for the joy of it not about the crave of an adict.

        It kinda makes sense that they’re all tame versions of their sin. They’re the DEADLY SINS. They’re inherently destructive when taken too far, yet they’ve been stable for thousands of years now. If their sin was destined to be their ultimate downfall you’d think that would have gotten to them by now if they were so self sabotaging. Based on the leak of Lucifer it seems like hell was supposed to be a fun and free place and it was kinda sabotaged out of spite by sending the worst interpretations of the ideals they all had.

        Heavens rules are just god’s opinion. The whole place seems cliquey, self righteous and vindictive. Which is how self defined good people tend to be.

        • 11 months ago

          But shouldn't the idea be that demons are immortal so they can indulge completely and suffer no ill effects? Lord of gluttony can eat 100 big smoke orders and 30 bubblebass krabby patties and still have room for more.

          • 11 months ago

            She probably could just eat everything, but I think the main source of sustenance and power for the princes is getting other people to commit their sins. It’s why Ozzy had a bunch of strip clubs and sends sex demons to earth, instead of just lining them all up and fricking them himself. They need other people to partake in the sin moreso than themselves.

    • 11 months ago

      I think they want to show that this specific character has more of a conscience, and better control over her nature/powers. Then others are just fully what they are, like I'm guessing Mammon is going to be pretty brutal.

      I think it might actually be a part of Ozzie's arc that he becomes more like Bee in a way, where he publically recognizes that there is a logical limit to lust so he stops hurting his SO by lying to everyone.

    • 11 months ago

      For a guy who rules a part of hell Asmodeus was courteous as frick to Moxxie.
      >hey bro this is a frick club, here's what u should sing about
      Interestingly both he and Beelzebub have the exact same sort of mentality, where the instant someone isn't playing their ballgame they want them out.

      Asmodeus's game is all lust, all the time.

      Beelzebub's is all gluttony, all the time.

      They aren't intrinsically evil, but if you're not going to embrace the thing they embody they'll want you gone.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah I wouldn't call Ozzie's behavior towards Moxxie all that malicious or angry. He was just peeved this Invader Zim sounding ass dork Imp is singing a cheesy love song at high class prostitute house. If the people want romance they would go to a Lilith concert or something, at Ozzies they want fricking and songs about fricking.

        His jabs at Stolas on the other hand seem more personal and malicious. Probably cause of Demon Royalty politics and shit.

  14. 11 months ago


    I got a legit laugh at the fourth wall indictment of how all the coomers were sexualizing loona.

    And yeah, this episode was 100% furry bait.

  15. 11 months ago


    >Loona is the character that only gets art due to concurrent media exposure once the media in question dies she will be forgotten.
    Imagine being this wrong
    Loona will far outlast the show itself

  16. 11 months ago

    Ayy Lmao, why do you automatically take Vivienne at her word on everything? She bullshits a lot

  17. 11 months ago

    Kesha's mediocre voice acting really didn't sell this scene.

  18. 11 months ago


    I feel like she probably could have but IS she that evil? It’s really seems like the worst hell has to offer largely comes from sinners and we KNOW there’s cannibalism in hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if she eats people but she doesn’t seem like she’s that kind of person. Her character realistically should be that kind of person, but is she actually? Most of the hellborn we’ve seen are pretty nice people honestly, the worst are pretty bad but most are selfish or jerks mostly from their environment. The princes we know anything about so far all really seem like chill people, they set up a society that caters to their sin but I don’t think they’re EVIL DEMONS I think they just believe in various hedonistic lifestyles.

    She doesn’t want to gluttonously devourer everything she can she wants other people to enjoy themselves as much as she constantly does. That’s NOT what blitz was doing and that’s why he was a problem.

    • 11 months ago

      I think there is something else going on with the princes, I think they're actually getting their powers from the humans/demons on Earth/in hell when they indulge in their vices
      Bee's eyes glow up when she talks about the hellhounds, 'Keep making me that sweet honey
      Ozzie sends the succubi/incubi up to earth, so they can get laid
      we've seen the Apps that they use, which correspond to the individual sins

      I don't think that the princes need to indulge in their own vices, they get high when the demons/humans do it
      no wonder Ozzie/Bee weren't happy about M&M/Blitzo
      must be like snorting crack for them and then getting a bad batch

      • 11 months ago

        >The queen bee is constantly surrounded by a group of worker bees who feed, groom, and care for her. They even digest her food for her since a queen bee lacks the digestive glands necessary to process her own food.
        Also her mates die shortly after mating. Seems unlikely they're going with that route. Or them being the biological parents of all the underlings. But queen bees commanding their colonies seems plausible.

    • 11 months ago

      She IS inherently evil, as she's feeding off sinners and beings' indulgences. She just happens to not be a jerk while doing it.

      • 11 months ago

        If she was she wouldn't have said shit about Blitzo.
        Viv stupidly had this character torn between being Kesha and Beelzebub. Beelzebub should be something of a prick like Asmodeus was, but Viv doesn't want Kesha's insert to look like a bad person which neutered the gluttony aspect so hard it might as well not be there. She picked two mutually exclusive inspirations for one character.

        • 11 months ago

          She asked Blitzo to leave because he was disrupting the party and giving it awful vibes, which she doesn’t like feeding off.

          • 11 months ago

            >the quern of gluttony asked a glutton to stop being gluttonous
            >the queen of gluttony doesn’t like feeding off of something specific
            >the queen of gluttony is a fugly sparkledog/bee hybrid

            Hedonistic physical pleasure is all they can think of.

            That’s all they’ll experience in hell, without the pleasure to come from it.

            • 11 months ago

              >the queen of gluttony is thin as a toothpick

            • 11 months ago

              She likes feeding off genuine joy and overindulgence that's positive, not coping shit like Blitzo did.

    • 11 months ago

      I think gluttony is a more general term for things in excess than just consuming a lot of food. Everything with her is over the top from too much food to too much people at the party to how her design itself of overly designed which I think was part of the point. Also I feel the whole point of the party was to get the hellhounds drunk enough to have unprotected sex afterwards creating more hellhounds than what can be supported by the parents which ends up having the pups given up to orphanages which are glorified slave trade

      • 11 months ago

        >I think gluttony is a more general term for things in excess than just consuming a lot of food.
        read a dictionary moron

        noun [ U ] disapproving
        UK /ˈɡlʌt.ən.i/ US /ˈɡlʌt̬.ən.i/
        Add to word list
        a situation in which people eat and drink more than they need to

        noun: gluttony
        habitual greed or excess in eating.

        glut·tony ˈglə-tə-nē ˈglət-
        : excess in eating or drinking

        Gluttony is the act or habit of eating too much and being greedy.

        [ gluht-n-ee ]
        excessive eating and drinking.

        gluttony /ˈglʌtəni/ noun
        Britannica Dictionary definition of GLUTTONY
        : the act or habit of eating or drinking too much

        gluttony noun
        [uncountable] (disapproving)
        the habit of eating and drinking too much

    • 11 months ago

      From what I saw and could stomach seeing because sparkledogs make me wretch, she's taking a literal approach to "feasting on the party's energy" so all the parties and being nice helps the real meal stay as decadent and filling as possible. It wouldn't be the first time people choose to interpret the gluttony in the more partially abstract way, and I'm not saying this is a unique or particularly interesting take on it. Moreso it seems that's what's actually going on because Blitzo apparently was being enough of a stain that she was getting angry about her 'meal' being fouled up. Again though, I only saw some clips of the scene in question, so I could be horribly wrong.

      • 11 months ago

        >I care enough to speculate about it but I can't watch it
        It's a dumb furry with glitter, not 2girls1cup.

    • 11 months ago


  19. 11 months ago

    If this show were picked up by Amazon Prime, could they go uncensored fricking or whatever like The Boyz does? Or do they just not care to do it anyways.

    • 11 months ago

      Given that Vivzie offered NSFW commisions in the past, I don't think she will hesitate about going one step higher if something like that happens.
      But I'm scared about what will happen to the series if they turn off Vivzie's inhibitors.

      • 11 months ago

        Hopefully the lack of inhibition would allow for something fascinatingly fricked up to occur more often than not compared to what we have now with the show. First few episodes of Helluva Boss were really fricked up and surprisingly mature about the divorce thing until it shit itself. I liked the beach and harvest episodes for how Moxxie was being sexually abused by others and it was actually horrible rather than funny. It was the tone that let us know how brutal Hell is supposed to be for most of the demons except for the sins and Lucifer's immediate family. But straying away from that has been giving me blue balls for two years now.

  20. 11 months ago

    Why does Cinemaphile care about this homosexual shit? Do you need to hype everything just because it's new?
    Fricking Cinemaphilemblr

  21. 11 months ago

    Have they showed Mammon yet? My idea for an episode is Mammon's kid, a toddler in their terrible twos phase where everything they see belongs to them, takes something of importance from Moxxie/Millie and since their ass is grass if they just try stealing it back, they have to come up with some other way.
    The resolution is to just make a really sparkly but shitty arts and crafts project. Think tons of glitter glue, and convince the tyke to trade for it.

  22. 11 months ago

    >What was the point of becoming a giant?

    It's an intimidation stance. You see it all over the animal kingdom. The implication being that a bigger opponent is stronger and more likely to win in a fight. But if one can get an opponent to recalculate their chances of victory and have them back down, it's possible to win a conflict without having to come down to violence.

  23. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


  24. 11 months ago

    This was literally the only part that positively clued me in that she was THE Beelzebub, and a bigwig official Seven Deadly Sins Queen. Even with this, I left the episode feeling slightly unsure whether she was that, or just some random ass hellhound/gluttony demon halfbreed who blows a lot of hot air but isn’t really that great outside of her personal hellhound circle. I needed to see the fan discussion to confirm who she was supposed to be.

    I don’t think any part of the episode even refers to her as Beelzebub, just “Bee.” If anyone ever called her Beelzebub in full, I missed it. Maybe if she didn’t look like a dog it would be easier to figure out that she was special.

    It makes no sense that Ozzie and Stella and various other characters throw such a shitfit and make such commotion over the scandal of Stolas, a relatively minor prince, having a supposedly unprecedented relationship with an imp that is so far beneath his station- While Bee, who is even higher ranked than Stolas, is in a fullblown official boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with a hellhound, who is only slightly higher than an imp in their caste system and in some cases it seems can be ranked even lower. And no one seems to care. This did not help show her status at all, and also actively hinders the main plot and lore.

    Between Bee dating Tex, Fizz and Moxxie’s dad being so clearly successful, and Blitzo being exes with a powerful succubus celebrity, it seems the caste system really doesn’t matter. The show keeps telling me imps and hellhounds are second class citizens and that the aristocracy are in a league apart, while showing me the opposite. These characters don’t feel like rare exceptions to a rule anymore, they feel like the rule isn’t that big of a deal at all.

    So yeah, the growing giant just because she was slightly ticked off thing at least helped a little to reinforce that she is supposed to be powerful.

    • 11 months ago

      She is not only Beelzebub, but also the Goetian Demon Baal/Bael. The symbol can be seen during the episode through it's slightly modified.

      • 11 months ago

        >but also the Goetian Demon Baal/Bael
        Which also doesn't factor into this design at all because that demon has the heads of a man/cat/dog.

        • 11 months ago

          Baal has heads of a man, a toad and a cat and is on a body of a spider. It is by far one of the weirdest and most interesting designs of Ars Goetia and Viv just wasted it and the character. It's disappointing.

          • 11 months ago

            It would have been cool if baal was a chimera between different hellish races

            • 11 months ago

              I made him a spider that has instead of a head a torso and head of a human that when he turns either to the left or the right it turns more and more into another animal. The more he turns it to his right it turns into a cat and the more he turns to his left the more it becomes like a toad. I think it gives some pretty creepy imagery when for instance he turns his head only partially to his left and it becomes half a toad and half a man. Like that scene from HXH when that annoying one Pouf has a half of his face turned into an ant.

        • 11 months ago

          You do realize Bael and Beelzebub canonically have very similar looking sigils, right?

          • 11 months ago

            And the post was bringing up Bael.

    • 11 months ago

      Ngl I thought she was Beelzebub's hellhound before it actually clicked for me

    • 11 months ago

      The only justification I can think of for her openly dating a hellhound is because as the representative of gluttony, she probably does not care about her own image unlike the other sins. I imagine belfegor will also similarly not care about her status.

      • 11 months ago

        She does seem like the type to not give a frick, I can see that. What I don’t get is why characters like Ozzie don’t just shrug when Stolas fricks an imp and say “Oh, so he’s like Bee. Bee does this shit too. I guess we got another one now.” It diminishes the forbidden love aspect to some degree when you show precedence, and suddenly Stolitz is not that groundbreaking. All so Loona can get cucked for a minute. It’s not even important for Bee to date Tex, it’s just a waste.

        • 11 months ago

          I imagine Ozzie wouldn’t want to try and humiliate someone on the same rank as him since they are meant to be somewhat of a family considering how Bee talked about Satan. Plus the goetia system is much more traditionally noble it seems than the 7 princes who basically just do whatever they want since they’re probably immortal and almost all powerful. The goetia have much more customs and need heirs, so rules and relationships matter a lot more to them. Ozzie is a goetia himself while also being a prince, so he understands this a lot more. I do agree though that the relationship is forced and pointless and doesn’t really help the forbidden love aspect. But I can see ways for Viz to justify it.

    • 11 months ago

      Supposedly she is where all the hell hounds come from so dating one of her own doesn’t seem weird. Also, she is surrounded by imps and hounds, so chances are she is also mocked for her boyfriend, but we don’t see it since this is her party, not a public classy event.
      I will agree the caste system is badly presented. Besides imp butlers being treated badly it’s not like we see imp racism or anything. We’ve never seen some high class demon coming and abusing them.

      • 11 months ago

        Hell hounds are not one of her own. That’s not how castes work.

  25. 11 months ago

    Will Charlie grow to consider Alastor her best friend?

  26. 11 months ago

    I hate Bee’s design. They got Ke$ha to do the voice, and yet she looks like a total mess.

    • 11 months ago

      She doesn't even look like who she's supposedly supposed to be, she just looks like some random hellhound OC.

  27. 11 months ago

    macro is the king of fetishes because it can include
    >big breasts
    >big feet

    • 11 months ago

      Forgot my favorite, maternal.

    • 11 months ago

      >not a bee
      Can't even make an obvious joke, it's clear Viv gets off to dog OCs

      "giantess/macro/shitpiss term for idiots" is a dumb fetish for dummies, real men see giant thing and go "time to pick GS and cut off that tail for extra carve chances"

      The duality of autism

  28. 11 months ago

    Why was Loona so uncomfortable for half the episode

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Social awkward

    • 11 months ago

      Not drunk enough.

      • 11 months ago

        I hate how few fatasses there are in this ring of gluttony

        • 11 months ago

          High metabolism.
          Also who wants to see fat people?

          • 11 months ago

            Normally no one, it's just on theme and that's why people are mad

            If anything this highlights how everything in this show feels samey despite everyone being made of different colors

            • 11 months ago

              I would have preferred Gluttony feeling samey to Lust, that was an actually good episode.

          • 11 months ago

            FRICK YOU, that’s who wants to see fat people!

            • 11 months ago

              Oh, I guess we missed out on a tuba for the music.

              • 11 months ago

                Frick, that’s right, we totally did.

                You know what else I realized, the absence of fat people is a symptom of woke feminism. More specifically fat acceptance. It’s basically a doctrine that being a fat frick lardass is a genetic problem (a.k.a. not your fault for not putting down the fork) and Vivzie is indirectly catering to that mindset.

                How ironic, Vivzie doesn’t want to be called out for being a fatass so she can’t draw them.

              • 11 months ago

                >the absence of fat people is fat acceptance

              • 11 months ago

                Next they'll say having sex with women is gay because you're touching something with estrogen.

              • 11 months ago

                Next they'll say having sex with women is gay because you're touching something with estrogen.

                I mean the absence of fat people IN THE RING OF GLUTTONY is fat acceptance. Gluttony is a choice that makes you fat, fat acceptance says “NO, IT’S MUH GENETICS”. Doesn’t that make more sense?

              • 11 months ago

                You don't need to reach like this. There's plenty to criticise within arm's length.

              • 11 months ago

                That’s true. I just wanted to see fat b***hes fighting over food, I don’t even watch this show.

    • 11 months ago

      Anti-social b***h being stuck in a huge party to get a guy she doesn't like.

  29. 11 months ago

    Is she a bad b***h?

    • 11 months ago

      She needs to beehave

  30. 11 months ago

    >Show makes it a big deal that a Goetian is dating an Imp
    >No one gives a flying frick that one of the 7 is getting porked by Big Hellhoud wiener

    • 11 months ago

      Who needs consistent writing?
      Asmodeus is sleeping with Fizz anyway, why would anybody give a shit about Stolas doing it.

      • 11 months ago

        >it makes total sense that no one cares that Asmodeus is with an imp because as the Sin of Lust, forbidden desire is his entire shtick
        >and yet leaks of the next episode show that Asmodeus is going to get called out for hypocrisy for calling out Stolas' relationship with an imp
        >even though Asmodeus' entire point in that scene is that he's actually praising Stolas for it because cheating on his wife for forbidden thrills in the spirit of lust

        • 11 months ago

          Was he praising him or relishing the fact that sin has destroyed him?

          • 11 months ago

            He was phrasing it in a dickish way but I feel like the 'Now that's the spirit of lust' line was essentially saying
            >this is how you SHOULD act
            At least in his club/the Lust ring, anyways.
            Granted you could also read it as him just enjoying that his sin is what made Stolas do something stupid and life-altering.

            • 11 months ago

              He’s making fun of him for destroying his life.

              I feel like it’s not just hypocritical of him but it might actually be a flaw in the motivation of his character, does he WANT the deadly part of his sin? Surely the perspective would be that it’s ok to do? The princes shouldn’t think of themselves as evil for defying god, they would likely reject the notion of sins for ultimate freedom. The idea that they’re actively agents of evil rather than evil in the repercussions of their actions is strange. Seeing people enjoy themselves the way they want is good for them but seeing the negative results of their own ideology should be something they DON’T want to see and try to ignore.

              • 11 months ago

                Demons traditionally ruin men to spite God.

              • 11 months ago

                The princes seem less like demons in this show and more like personifications of their sin. Like they’re not actively trying to ruin lives, but instinctually they’re just spreading their lifestyle because they think it’s right and the consequences don’t matter.

    • 11 months ago

      Part of me think it's because who's gonna really frick with one of the lords of hell. Like really, Lucifer could have a frick buddy imp and I don't think anyone would say shit.

      • 11 months ago

        This Beel kinda looks like a Mario and Luigi boss

        • 11 months ago

          Nothing wrong with that

          >entire cope episode
          Man, S2 E1 will forever be on my shitlist. Remember in Loo Loo Land where Stolas tells Octavia that he tried to make the marriage work but they eventually just fell out of love? Remember how S2E1 makes it clear that Stella has no qualms talking shit about him in public before the affair and implies that she has physically abused Stolas before? You would think the topic would come up during the reasons/excuses he gives for cheating. And this isn’t even getting into how it makes Stella a flatter character than Millie or how it makes the dynamic between Stolas and Blitz boring by having it revealed as a one-sided “childhood romance love at first sight” cliche, especially since Blitz doesn’t seem to remember it at all.

          That sounds exhausting for a fan expecting something deep and complex this homosexual romance. I don’t even watch the show and I feel gyped

          • 11 months ago

            Friend recommended the show since he was a fan of Vivzie’s stuff before Helluva Boss, and while I haven’t watched every episode the few I have watched has had a few moments of what felt like genuine chemistry between Stolas and Blitz, which has kind of been ignored or tossed aside in recent episodes after S2E1; as someone who writes as a hobby this show feels like a masterclass on missed opportunities and losing the plot.

            • 11 months ago

              I’m a bit of a writer myself. Unfortunately, I don’t even want to touch this shit. So what are the major takeaways (on what NOT to do) with those two and this show in general?

              • 11 months ago

                >Don’t introduce plot points you don’t intend to follow up on
                Season 1 felt like it had a theme of IMP making enemies, and those enemies likely coming back to come bite them in the ass at some point for the finale, but that didn’t happen which leads me to…
                >Keep your plot focused
                The show pivoted hard into focusing on the Blitz and Stolas “romance” with the Season 1 Finale part 1 and with about half of Season 2 when it had mostly been a background thing up to that point instead of murder adventures. Before S2E, or arguably about halfway through season 1, their relationship was essentially mutually exploitative, with Blitz using Stolas for the book, and Stolas using Blitz for his body, Blitz actually found it annoying how horny Stolas was whenever he called him or flirted with him on the job. Hell I’m not even against them having their “fight” during the part 1 finale but it should have been kept mostly as a background thing after that, and S2E1 didn’t need to exist, it could have just been remarked upon by Moxxie and Millie during another mission that Blitz seems more tense or that he keeps denying calls from Stolas with Blitz refusing to talk about it, and if Spring Breakers has to happen, have them be incredibly awkward or distant towards each other (and to tie back to my previous point, potentially have them worry about DHORKS or even the Cherubs).

                I could probably rant a bit more, but it’s 2am here and I need to get ready for work in four hours, will probably continue after I wake up with some individual changes that could probably be made or character points if the thread isn’t dead

              • 11 months ago

                Those are two very crucial storytelling elements no one should frick up yet Vivzie’s found a way. I don’t want to call this a “romance” either, what’s between Stolas and Blitzo, because it’s gay and toxic as hell. I can’t believe they’re trying to call it that let alone shine it in a good light. I fricking hated Stolas from the get go for being a cheating homosexual that put his daughter in a difficult situation and now they’re trying to make that sound like him finally “breaking free”.

              • 11 months ago

                *gutless, cheating homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                Alright I’m back, also I got Spring Broken’s name wrong and mixed up with Seeing Stars
                As it stands, Millie largely feels like an accessory to Moxxie, her traits are largely “loves Moxxie”, “gets angry when Moxxie is hurt”, and “likes fighting”. Vivzie has said she doesn’t have much depth or focus because “Hazbin Hotel is for the girls and Helluva Boss is for the boys”, however you can’t just neglect one of your main cast. Millie could be helped by having moments of downtime, and while even this might be cliche, making her the “heart” of the team. Have her go shooting with or get in a barfight with Blitz, have her go on a girls night out with Loona, have her talk to them about their problems and just make sure she isn’t always attached to Moxxie at the hip. On the subject of those two:
                >Harvest Moon Festival/Striker
                Should have been a Millie episode or at least explained how they met and why they’re together, aside from that, it might have actually served better to swap Exes and Oohs and the episode in terms of Seasons. Exes and Oohs gives us backstory on how Moxxie and Blitz met, and fits with the theme that S1 seems to have of IMP making enemies. Harvest Moon Festival being in S2 also has the benefit of having both of Striker’s appearances in the same season so that he can feel like some sort of “seasonal villain”, could even tie in CHERUB by it being them he got his angelic gun from, but that might be a stretch. Striker as a contract killer shouldn’t have to be hired twice to get a target killed, which is what it sounds like happened in Western Energy- Festival being in Season 2 means his appearances goes to “tries to assassinate Stolas, fails, goes into hiding, ambushes Stolas at the meeting with Stella and Andrealphus, has to get called off by Stella due to her needing Stolas alive for a while longer.”

              • 11 months ago

                Another gripe with S2E1 is eliminating any amount of potential depth or nuance to Stella’s character by turning her into having always been a cruel b***h. Up until then, she just seemed pissed (to the point of being hysterical, to be fair) at her husband for publicly cheating on her with a member of the class that is seen as just barely above dogs. Given the paintings in the backgrounds of earlier episodes, they did seem to at the very least tolerate each other, or even enjoy each other’s company at some point, and Octavia herself said that they were “normal” before Stolas’ affair. So having her just always been “the evil b***h” feels like a contradiction of earlier evidence and one of the “missed opportunities” that I mentioned. You could have had her say something potentially interesting like “No one would have cared if you had kept it private, half of the nobility does it, Asmodeus is shagging a clown for frick’s sake, but he keeps the most of it contained to behind closed doors.” a line like that would also likely address the criticism people have of the Sins so far all having paramours on the bottom of the social ladder.
                Isn’t much to really say about her since she’s barely in the show, I think most of her appearances are in Stolas’ flashbacks. But she hasn’t interacted onscreen with her mother once, and that’s weird. She’s practically Stolas’ own Millie.

              • 11 months ago

                Spot on. I hate how other characters had to be brought down to prop this homosexual up. Stella could’ve been a compelling villain without always having to have been an evil b***h.

                In keeping with the themes of revenge, I think she could’ve become the completely evil b***h she is AFTER he cheats as revenge. Contrasting with how revenge is a job to the main crew, revenge is the only thing that Stella can derive from pleasure anymore and it culminates into the death of her ex-husband (because he deserves death) and the complete estrangement of her daughter. Leaving her all alone in her wickedness and the hollow power she desperately sought after.

              • 11 months ago

                Ok, maybe some pre-cheating b***hiness, like making fun of poor people for being so poor and torturing small animals. Stuff that would turn Stolas off and sound funny in retrospect. But ultimately, I feel like she should start with some nobility, like keeping the social classes separate because she thinks society will disintegrate otherwise and being a faithful, if miserable, wife. They should just be two buttholes with nothing in common that got stuck with each other and now they lash out in evil ways.

                Kinda reminds me of the Puppingtons at this point.

                Some anon who apparently had some insight into development of the show got to know that Stella is apparently banging Andrealphus and they added that in to basically make her even more hateable. That person said that before even Western Energy released and that checks in with how they wrote Andrealphus.

                >adding stuff to make her more hatable
                Like pic related how she always had a foul, murderous temper. But honestly, I just find it adorable and funny. Kids have bad tempers and rich people are just kids that never matured.

                Look at her, knowing nothing concrete about the show, you’d think she’s just taking her anger out on her plushies for getting a B on her test or something

              • 11 months ago

                >Ok, maybe some pre-cheating b***hiness, like making fun of poor people for being so poor and torturing small animals.
                That'd be funny
                >my dude she kicks puppies
                >but she's so hot bro
                >she. kicks. puppies.

              • 11 months ago

                Now I’m imagining that she orphaned Loona by kicking her down a cliff or something. A hilariously dark backstory that also serves to link the protag and antag

              • 11 months ago

                That would mean they actually could think, you know, using the neurons in their head not just for stroking their own egos and genitals.

              • 11 months ago

                I’m not concerned with the brainpower of the actual writing team, we’re just speculating.

              • 11 months ago

                This one image basically killed and buried 500 feet underground any potential Stella's character had. This one image was pretty much the moment I felt my love for this series just completely disappear. In an instant. Just pure, heartbreaking and utter disappointment.

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry to hear. When I see it, I chuckle a bit, but given the way the show is structured, I’m now understanding how inappropriate the image is. Do you think it could work with a different context like thd one I gave? Where she’s a perfectionist taking her rage out on stuffed animals instead of a demon spawn that's choking little animals for no reason?

              • 11 months ago

                No. Because this image in itself has one purpose and one purpose only. Make a point that Stella is a piece of shit and Stolas is correct in what he is doing. No other way to look at it. Sadly the scenario you gave (or literally any other) would be pretty much like patching a deep hole in the road with a carpet. The purpose of this image is singular and no amount of excuses would change it. Best course of action would be not to have it at all.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, you’re right. I’d much rather prefer them both just being buttholes but the cheating from Stolas is the one thing that sets her over the edge. Still, I feel like she needs to be shown as a kind of perfectionist to be able to be sent over the edge by the cheating. Like in her mind, since birth, she’s been a perfect little demon and her reward is some pussy homosexual that cheats on her instead of just leaving her outright. Of course they don’t like each other, they probably wouldn’t have meant to, but it drives her up a wall that she’s being humiliated by a guy that doesn’t even have the balls to leave her outright. Is that better?

                Now J want a baby Stella image of her crying over a B+

              • 11 months ago

                I personally would write her as someone who values image, her family and order more so than anything else, to the point of being very stone cold and often times full of wrath whenever something threatens it while Stolas would be more hedonistic and selfish, but also more full of life and care for people he happens to truly care about. One is on the extreme of being horribly cold and all about order while other one is all about defying order for his own desires, no matter how depraved. Both on two extremes where there is a lot of tension and disdain for the other. Neither being the one who is truly in the wrong, just both being very broken people who have different extreme outlooks on life and suffer because of it and hurt others around them.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Well... Thank you for Trips of reassurance.

              • 11 months ago

                You’re welcome. I’ve just exhausted all my interest in these characters.

              • 11 months ago



              • 11 months ago

                Stolas is a pussy b***h ass motherfricker. The only way to deal with an aggressive b***h with anger issues is to beat her and frick her brains out until she is well behaved. He was unable to do that so its his fault he is stuck with current Stella

              • 11 months ago

                Really? Then that changes a lot, but still, they looked like an average American family which still adds to the subversive nature of the show. Also, the idea of making revenge a business is also pretty fricked. No it isn’t, women need love too, that is wild.


                >no more sparkledogs
                If only

                Exactly! They’re already in hell so I don’t see why not

                That definitely would’ve spiced up the drama

                I am surprised she isn't shown cheating to showcase "how much of a hypocrite" she is supposed to be, but then again I find women are not allowed to have sex in this show. Only women voiced by men and men with other me are the only time we get to know they actually do frick.

              • 11 months ago

                I want someone to write a decent story about her trying to seduce her brother cause she is just so lonely and her brother is just concerned for her well being

              • 11 months ago

                >Stella could’ve been a compelling villain without always having to have been an evil b***h.
                Alternatively, she could have been an iredeemably evil b***h while still being a fun villain, which she kinda was in episode 5, screaming into the phone about how she wants her husband dead when he's sitting right across the table from her. Instead the writers removed all levity from the situation with S2E1 just to turn up the drama and make Stolas more sympathetic.

  31. 11 months ago

    Why is anyone shocked that it's a sparkledog and not a biblically accurate depiction of a demon from hell

  32. 11 months ago

    It’s weird how little fear people show when confronted by a Lord of Hell. They kowtow to Stolas and recoil in horror from Alastor,,both of whom are lower on the totem pole than Bee or Asmodeus.

    • 11 months ago

      So far all the princes have been pretty likable and hospitable and with the goetias, stolas is the only one who isn’t completely classist. The sinner overlords are all openly malevolent or thinly veiled at best

      • 11 months ago

        > “Hell is other people”
        -Vivzie, probably

  33. 11 months ago

    Man I hate just how CLOSE the concept of this version of Gluttony works. As a subversion, gluttony being a thin party girl that tempts everybody to indulge in hedonism is pretty neat, considering the sheer amount of fat Gluttony characters exist in media. But why is she a fox-bee? A bee could kindof work, since Honey is very rich and sweet, and queen bees are served hand and foot by servants which is very gluttonous. But then why did the canine head come into play? It just takes away form the bee thing. Or does the bee thing take away from the canine? Dogs after all will often eat to the point of sickness if they have as much food as they want. It just feels like too many things are going on at once to have a strong particular identity. It's just a shitty fursona. Asmodeus was a cool subversion of lust, being a wienery, pompous well-dressed frickboy rather than some stereotypical FMA style sultry booby lady Lust. Do we know what any of the other sins look like?

    • 11 months ago

      I think she's a dog because of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBpGs_aGa8A

      • 11 months ago


        She likes feeding off genuine joy and overindulgence that's positive, not coping shit like Blitzo did.

        >IN HELL
        Suck my nuts, Vivzie. Unless it’s a false positivity leading to things like pic related, what the actual frick?

        • 11 months ago

          > Suck my nuts, Vivzie. Unless it’s a false positivity leading to things like pic related, what the actual frick?
          You do realize that multiple sins irl ARE positive feeling right?

          There's a reason many people are gluttonous and greedy, they feel like fricking amazing

          • 11 months ago

            >You do realize that multiple sins irl ARE positive feeling right?
            You should read the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. He directly addresses this about pleasurable sins.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh god that's SO overanimated I can't keep focus on anything
        Blue girl is kinda cute though not gonna lie

        • 11 months ago

          She’d be cuter if she were fatter

    • 11 months ago

      I’m pretty sure Hazbin Hotel is gonna reveal that Lucifer, Charlie’s dad, is the head of Pride. I guess because of the whole “thinking he’s better than God” thing. He’s supposed to be kinda like a circus ringleader type character.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean thats what I already assumed as well, also to say what I said in the other thread L man off big Superjail Warden vibes.

    • 11 months ago

      Mammon, the Lord of Greed, is probably gonna be a fat clown. Satan might be dude with a goat head and he might preside over Wrath. Pride is Lucifer. I have no idea about Sloth. I think there’s been speculation that envy is the Leviathan, so some kind of sea creature? Possibly a giant whale?

      • 11 months ago

        I hope from the leaks we get a cool rockstar mammon. Seems to be a fantastic embodiment of greed since the music industry is absolutely vicious. A fat clown would be unbelievably lame.

      • 11 months ago

        Might be kinda funny if they gave Sloth the least amount of effort and just made it a literal sloth. Just the laziest design, with no interesting qualities and very little use. It would actually stick out among Vivzie’s characters for its simplicity.

        • 11 months ago

          Just make a stick figure sloth too. Then at least I could look at something without it barfing rainbows into my eyes

          • 11 months ago

            It should be a still image so that no one has to animate it. The character is fast asleep most if not all of the time its onscreen.

            • 11 months ago

              No voice actor or background either. Anyone that enters is rendered into blocks of their color design (can’t wait to see what a Vivzie color design block would look like

              >Verification not required

      • 11 months ago

        It would be pretty lame if leviathan isn't an giant sea serpent or something like that because maybe one could understand why Viv didn't go with the canon appearance for some characters for being too grotesque, but leviathan is a literal giant sea serpent any furry artist could come with a pleasing design of that

        • 11 months ago

          No, she’s gonna frick it up again and overdesign it, I can already feel it.

          • 11 months ago

            Leviathan is gonna be completely ruined, aren't they?

            Instead of cool shit we're just gonna get copies of whoever's interacting with them but flipped vertically and dunked in green paint.

            Literally just shapeshifting into a cheap knockoff of someone else.

            That's what I'd expect Viv to do because she's stupid.

            I hope from the leaks we get a cool rockstar mammon. Seems to be a fantastic embodiment of greed since the music industry is absolutely vicious. A fat clown would be unbelievably lame.

            Yeah I'd expect real "He sold his soul for Rock-'n-Roll." energy from him.
            We probably won't get that, but I'd expect it.

            • 11 months ago

              Haven’t we seen leviathan in a picture in HH?

              We also already know at least mammons head

      • 11 months ago

        I think leviathan/envy will have a sea creature feel because I'm pretty sure that's the ring Charlie's ex is from. He and his family are like, octopus people or something.

      • 11 months ago

        I remember this design being thrown out somewhere, don’t remember who it was for or if it was fanart

        • 11 months ago

          Looks like Beelzebub, judging by the bug theme and chef hat.

      • 11 months ago

        It'll be so dumb to make Mammon fat when his domain of greed specifically doesn't include overeating. A greedy person can hoard food sure, but the actual fatness/overeating is a gluttony thi ng

      • 11 months ago

        Viv said on Patreon back in December that Leviathan would be a chill, surfer bro-type and that she intentionally made Mammon overweight and ugly as a middle finger to the people who claim that she only draws Tumblr sexy men.

        • 11 months ago

          Ugh, just more bratty bullshit. I’d bet money her restrictive art style still manages to give Mammon some kind of sex appeal.

        • 11 months ago

          I personally would make Leviathan more of a suffering being. An embodiment of envy, not just as a extremely powerful being that everyone envies of power, but one that envies more than any other over being completely alone with a life of a monster too big, too heavy and too powerful to be anything else. Envy so strong it gave way for the entire ring of Hell to be created and for it to be it's master.

        • 11 months ago

          >Surfer bro type
          I bet 10 dollars Leviathan is an anthropomorphic muscular elfish shark with sun glasses

        • 11 months ago

          The literal embodiment of envy being "chill" is the worst thing I've ever heard.

          • 11 months ago

            Precisely, the frick is a surfer bro gonna envy, the next wave?! Holy fricking shit, why isn’t he sloth then?

          • 11 months ago

            I personally would make Leviathan more of a suffering being. An embodiment of envy, not just as a extremely powerful being that everyone envies of power, but one that envies more than any other over being completely alone with a life of a monster too big, too heavy and too powerful to be anything else. Envy so strong it gave way for the entire ring of Hell to be created and for it to be it's master.

            Imagine being in Hell for all Eternity, and Lucifer, the fallen archangel who rebelled against God and caused the War in Heaven has a wife and daughter.
            And all you did was get created too big and too strong, so God Himself stepped in to kill your wife because he considered you having a family to be too dangerous. Adam's first wife literally ran off to frick the devil and she can sit around as queen of Hell, but your innocent monster-wife got obliterated. There is no other partner that could understand you, least of all survive a physically intimate relationship with you, and literally every other prince if hell either has a family or fricks around.
            Leviathan is a literal incel: God smoked his only partner

            • 11 months ago

              And coincidentally leviathan being a seething incel would fit his sin of envy

            • 11 months ago

              I imagine he would be one Sin that goes on a rampage every once in a while as he is pretty much overcome by hatred and grief to the point where everyone needs to stop him as he wishes to be obliterated from existence, but Hell with it's cruelty will never grant him this mercy. To the populous it may look like it's trying to take over of show off it's power and they envy him even more which makes Leviathan all the angrier.

        • 11 months ago

          Did she confuse Leviathan for Belphegor?

        • 11 months ago

          surely, if she only made Mammon fat and ugly out of spite, that proves she DOES only draw tumblr sexy men typically

          • 11 months ago

            And that she considers fat people ugly of she'll only draw them if it's out of spite or they're still sexy curvy (mimzy).
            Twitter ain't gonna like this.

            • 11 months ago

              >they're still sexy curvy (mimzy).

        • 11 months ago

          surely, if she only made Mammon fat and ugly out of spite, that proves she DOES only draw tumblr sexy men typically

          Watch Mammon become a non-conventional sexyman like Sans or Spamton dominate all Helluva Hazbin fanart

          • 11 months ago

            I decided to check one of the tried and true sites and he already has 88 pieces of art.

            • 11 months ago

              Mammon? What do the fan interpretations of him usually look like? I assume clown like

              • 11 months ago

                Dude that looks like a fat Fizzaroli in a either a jester outfit or pinstripe suit, or a tall Fizzarolli in a pinstripe suit- fat depiction is the majority as they were likely made after Vivzie said she was going to make him fat. Primary color scheme is either money green with black accents or black with money green accents, only thing connecting the two designs together is the imp clown face similar to Fizz’s and that his jester hat has three “horns” on it, sometimes they have bells on the end and sometimes those bells have dollar signs attached to them.

              • 11 months ago

                We we’ve seen his face already and there was this

              • 11 months ago

                Oh God are they going to make him an Aussie?

              • 11 months ago

                He doesn't appear to be upsidedown.

              • 11 months ago

                If Mammon isn't just Maxmoefoe I am going to be sorely disappointed

              • 11 months ago

                Ah, that would certainly explain a lot.

                Oh God are they going to make him an Aussie?

                You’d think Australia was hell enough already, eh?

              • 11 months ago

                Penguin king clown?

        • 11 months ago

          All Viv designs are shitty and stale

  34. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        The soul of a (un)lucky one was punished to hold her bra and chest for all eternity

      • 11 months ago

        Underboob bra. Not sure it's actually for support.

  35. 11 months ago

    Why is hell presented as some kind of safe space for degenerates parties with hundreds of people instead of the chaotic warzone it was in the HH pilot?

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe HB takes place in a period significantly after HH pilot?
      Oh who am I kidding? That would actually require clever and nuanced writing from Viv. It's because she's a butthurt ex-Christian still mad at her parents and wants to "1-up" them by showing the denizens of Hell as sympathetic dindu nuffin woobies.

      • 11 months ago

        HB pilot starts likely within a week or so of the HH pilot, Loona was looking at the news interview on the computer. And Robofizz references her song later

        By now in HB it’s been several months at least so I wonder how the HH show timeline will link up with it since it was held back so far.

  36. 11 months ago

    I rewatched it and once you ignore the highly animated eyecandy music number it's really easy to notice just how fricking awkward and stilted the whole fricking story is. Like it genuinely doesn't make any fricking sense and it's not even clear what's supposed to be happening or why it's happening up until the last second when Loona shows some concern for Blitzo.

    • 11 months ago

      It felt like all set-up with no actual plot.

      • 11 months ago

        There is a plot. Loona goes to a party and doesn't have a good time but ultimately ends up growing a little closer to her Dad... It's just everything in between that feels so incoherent. Loona dialog with Queen Bee. Her wanting to leave and then going running back because some people said hi to Blitz. Her inability to have a good time at the party, but as soon as Blitz gets fricked up, suddenly she's relaxed and sociable even though she was brought to tears because the guy she liked (I guess?) has a girlfriend. It's so fricking disjointed.

  37. 11 months ago

    A character becoming giant is a cheap way to make them look strong, outta all the powers they could give Beelzebub they chose the most bland option

    • 11 months ago

      I really thought the cotton candy was going to be some hypnotic shit considering Loona was immediately freaked out by out by it and the dogs started to act weird, and Bee would be an unbeatable antagonist like Asmodeus that they couldn't fight back against by physical means. No, just turns out both Loona and Bee were equally autistic and nothing was actually wrong.

      • 11 months ago

        I am disappointed they made Beelzebub, who is probably the most infamous being in Hell besides Lucifer such a bland and non threatening character.

        Like she is portrays as the least malicious and evil royal demon so far, literally tells Loona that her father is participating in too much excess and its unhealthy (Queen of Gluttony BTW)

        I was with you on the whole hypo shit with all the food and drinks, like it's part of her plot to gain more followers by getting them hypo-addicted to her sweet stuff. Would've been way more interesting than whatever the frick this episode was, literally just a Loona not enjoying a party

  38. 11 months ago

    I fixed her design

    • 11 months ago

      I like this better than the original too, NGL. It’s horrifying in an accurate way.

    • 11 months ago

      Made for Italian wiener

    • 11 months ago

      >plows directly through her at mach 4

      • 11 months ago

        Beel look out! https://youtu.be/htpJzgkhWXE

  39. 11 months ago

    Still fox, but more bug features.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >makes a supposed professional seethe

      • 11 months ago

        >inb4 the tweet is deleted

      • 11 months ago

        >supposed professional
        Professional = one who makes a living doing something. It's not based on credential, it's not based on bravado. A "supposed professional" would be someone breakdancing on the street for handouts claiming it's enough to make a living. And, you know what, I bet he's 20 times better than some cheer-leading backup dancers making 30k, but one's a professional and the other isn't. Only non-professionals thing "professional" is a brag and that ones' professional status can be in dispute.

        • 11 months ago

          All these words and I don't understand what you're saying. You dickriding I'm assuming?

      • 11 months ago

        The Spindlehorse crew being so defensive to the point of vague-tweeting and needing to coddle their boss is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen

        • 11 months ago

          >they hid the tweets calling them out

          They honestly come off as pretty pathetic.

      • 11 months ago

        >they hid the tweets calling them out

    • 11 months ago

      That's literally just her giant form with less clothes.

      • 11 months ago

        The eyes maybe, but otherwise I don't see it.

  40. 11 months ago

    Her shit probably tastes like honey

    • 11 months ago

      Nah mate, cotton candy

  41. 11 months ago

    Anger made her lose control of her smaller form.
    My question is Why the frick was Loona still willing to throw down at that point, only backing off when she saw it was making Vortex uncomfortable?
    Like b***h, did your dumb ass think you were gonna throw down with one of the Sins, the third strongest beings in hell, while your hellhound ass is part of the second weakest group?

    • 11 months ago

      >Anger made lose control of her smaller form
      It seemed more to me that she willingly did that and was ready to rekt Loona if she didn't back off because i was shown that she can change the size of objects so is likely that she didn't need to concentrate to keep something in a size altered state.
      >Why the frick was Loona still willing to throw down
      Same reason why sometimes in manga and comics a street level character tries to do kung fu shit to a planet buster, anger makes you make irrational decisions.

      • 11 months ago
  42. 11 months ago

    What was the point of the episode? Nothing happened. It's also way shorter than usual. Seems like they wanted to make her the villain and have them fight her but changed their minds and just ended it early instead.

  43. 11 months ago

    Anyone got any fanart of Millie being depressed/suicidal based on the Ep 5 previews? I have reasons for this question.

    • 11 months ago

      What happened?

      • 11 months ago

        Apparently, it is suspected that the upcoming episode will have Millie acting like she's just not good enough for Moxxie's love and becomes an emotional mess, maybe even contemplating suicide. Meanwhile, I think Barbie is supposed to show up and since she happens to be Blitzo's sister and Moxxie and Blitzo are such good buds now, Barbie will probably get magnetized to Moxxie and kick off Millie's descent. Who knows, I'm just spitballing with the paper that I have.

    • 11 months ago

      Apparently, it is suspected that the upcoming episode will have Millie acting like she's just not good enough for Moxxie's love and becomes an emotional mess, maybe even contemplating suicide. Meanwhile, I think Barbie is supposed to show up and since she happens to be Blitzo's sister and Moxxie and Blitzo are such good buds now, Barbie will probably get magnetized to Moxxie and kick off Millie's descent. Who knows, I'm just spitballing with the paper that I have.

      It will be episode 6

  44. 11 months ago

    I just had the weirdest revelation about this show's setting. Why did they have to go with Hell when the archdemons don't act so much like demons and are more like pagan gods? Bee acts like a cross between Dionysis and Hermes and Ozzie is not dissimilar to Zeus and Aphrodite.

    • 11 months ago

      They didn't even need to call them afterlives and simply just celestial buracracies and spirit planes.

    • 11 months ago

      Because the setting is "demons in hell", not "Zeus/Aphrodite fusion OC in ancient greece".

      • 11 months ago

        It's weird though because if they were just OC pagan gods (greek, norse, whatever) that would explain the lack of eternal tormet and why the demons are at just fireproof humans rather than monsters

        • 11 months ago

          It wouldn't give an explanation for fireproof humans, or for the setting. It wouldn't simplify anything, it would just require additional original worldbuilding.

    • 11 months ago

      >Bootleg Helluva Boss replaces all of the imps with satyrs and faun

      • 11 months ago

        yes please

        • 11 months ago

          D O R K

      • 11 months ago

        They really are just fireproof satyrs and fauns rather than actual demons based on their mannerisms and how much more morally varied they are.

      • 11 months ago

        Who would voice the knockoff parallel cast if that was the case?
        I would have:
        Blitzo-Michael Kovach
        Loona-Olivia Olson (Marceline VA)
        Moxxie-Jason Marsden
        Millie-Grey Griffin
        Stolas-Brock Baker

    • 11 months ago

      Viv chose hell because it has a smaller “learning curve”
      Everyone sort of gets the gist of what “hell” is because of dante’s inferno and other literature talking about it, so she chose that instead of creating some new miss-mash of an afterlife.

      • 11 months ago

        The princes seem less like demons in this show and more like personifications of their sin. Like they’re not actively trying to ruin lives, but instinctually they’re just spreading their lifestyle because they think it’s right and the consequences don’t matter.

        I mean't that the archdemons seem more like archfey with the lack of pure malice and are more just vice ridden entities. The whole Christian demon thing doesn't really make a whole lot of sense since even Chinese demons were less evil and more just buttholes.

    • 11 months ago

      I mean most archdemons Like Beelzebub and Moloch are Middle Eastern pagan gods from the Canaanite Pantheon, the Gods the Semites worshiped before the Abrahamic religions. If Judaism and Christianity Spawned in Northern Europe instead of the Levant Odin, Thor, Loki, etc would be labeled as Archdemons instead. I mean the whole idea with Pagan Gods is that they are powerful demons in mascaraed that attempt to get mortals to worship them and sin as opposed to worshiping God, both for power and the pleasure of damning more humans

  45. 11 months ago

    Why did Loona say she was hot?

    • 11 months ago

      She's bi.
      because of frickin' course she is

    • 11 months ago

      She's a bit of a sperg.

      • 11 months ago

        cute pup

    • 11 months ago

      She wanted to see who Vortex’s girlfriend was and what kind of competition she was for her and she was blown so far out of the water she immediately left.

  46. 11 months ago

    well the episode has another flaw

    • 11 months ago

      I think the main carryover from dogs is the chocolate thing. They eat all kinds of human food they probably shouldn’t otherwise

    • 11 months ago

      Are they supposed to drink alcohol?
      Or are hellhounds not literally fricking dogs.

      • 11 months ago

        So why did Loona need a shot in the previous episode?

        • 11 months ago

          She needs to get shot

          • 11 months ago

            with my cum

        • 11 months ago

          Only dogs can get shots?

  47. 11 months ago

    The friends Loona made at the party actually appear in her following feed in sinstagram in seeing starts. Cool.

    • 11 months ago

      Theres some weird places with effort put in

      • 11 months ago

        There’s effort put in everywhere and sim people just don’t seem to like the aim

    • 11 months ago

      I know IMP is pretty reckless when it comes their cross realm traveling but posting images of you hanging out in the human world on hell instagram were even the Princes of Hell and Lucifer have an account is beyond stupid. Didnt Stolas make a big deal about how all of this Grimoire travel stuff is suppose to be hidden cause if any of his peers find out he is lending such a powerful object to an Imp and his goons for sex its head on a plater.

      Like I feel like Blitz and Co's gross violation of mortal realm for monetary gain should come to bite him in the ass way more than it should.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean, sucubi do it, maybe it's more like, it's crime if you are caught doing it(world hopping). but not illegal to be in another world, as long as you aren't discovered by humans it's fine

        • 11 months ago

          I assume Succubi and Incubi are allowed to travel between worlds cause their whole point of existence is to seduce and tempt morals, its just they gotta stay hidden and keep all the hell related shit secret. Mayday probably got permission from the big boss of Lust Ozzy himself to travel between worlds and be given a means to do so.

          Blitzo on the other hand literally stole and then bribed a Grimoire outta of demon lord to travel between worlds and not make mortals sin but instead just kill them.

          I guess a decent comparison between Blitzo's ventures into the mortal realm and that of a succubus is a trained pilot flying a plane and some random jackass who stole the license of a pilot in exchange for sex flying a plane. It will only be a matter of time before Blitzo crashes and burns, bringing a whole heap of trouble for him, Stolas, and Hell in general (unless his Gary Stu main character powers protect him)

          • 11 months ago

            i always liked the idea that they are demons in the human world to but they act like normal fricking people so no one really cares.

            • 11 months ago

              i like to think that every single one of them moderates a forum of some sort, it's the only explanation i have

      • 11 months ago

        > Didnt Stolas make a big deal about how all of this Grimoire travel stuff is suppose to be hidden cause if any of his peers find out he is lending such a powerful object to an Imp and his goons for sex its head on a plater

        I don’t remember that part. Closest thing I remember is Stolas telling Blitzo that when Stolas needs to have the grimoire for his official goetia work, he really needs it ontime because that shit is important. Maybe I forgot if there’s a part where he said they need to keep it secret.

        I do remember the pilot showing that IMP has a full blown tv commercial advertising their services, where they make it very clear that they go back and forth between Hell and Earth because that is a big part of the job. I guess maybe the pilot episode might not be canon, but I always thought they’d still have to publicly advertise, because I never once got the impression that they were some secret underground black market operation that clients can only find out about through shady dealings or anything.

        • 11 months ago

          He say it in the Truth Seekers episode

          • 11 months ago

            I rewatched the scene, and it sounds a lot more like Stolas is concerned about IMP getting caught by humans. I don’t see clear indication that there’s some reason anyone in Hell should give a frick that IMP is simply going to Earth, at least as long as they don’t reveal themselves to humanity.

            • 11 months ago

              "If YOU get in trouble, I get in trouble."
              That heavily implies he'd get into trouble if they were caught.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, but he doesn’t make it very clear exactly how or with who they would get in trouble with. I think the big frickup he’s worried could’ve happened that day was humanity having definitive proof of the existence of demons, and that is definitely a big nono. But it doesn’t mean that Blitzo isn’t allowed to borrow his book in the first place, just that he can’t violate the one “revealing their existence” rule. I would not be at all surprised if Lucifer turned out to be aware of IMP all along and not mind. If anything, I would assume Heaven would be the ones who would be pissed about these goings on, but of course that isn’t made explicit either so I get there’s room for other speculation.

            • 11 months ago

              Well in the episode with Verosika Moxxie points out how Veroskia's alcohol caused a fish to mutate into a demonic monster and that if Satan finds out they will be in big trouble cause it is a blatant revealing of Hell, its how he gets her and the her gang to stand down and accept defeat.

              Funny how a few episodes later IMP and Stolas all get caught on video by a buncha humans supposedly working for the US government. We have to see the consequences of the DHORKS episode, if ever. Like I am pretty sure if Stolas giving his powerful Grimoire to a bunch reckless peasants doesn't warrant him being executed, straight up revealing himself to Humanity will.

              Lets also not forget his daughter just straight up walks around one of the largest and most populated cities in the world with no disguises and the only reason she doesn't get abducted by feds is because everyone in LA is moronic (at least something that makes sense).

              Like if Stolas and Blitzo didnt have such Gary Stu immunity to consequences and Vivz but some base level effort into the "plot" Stolas should've been on trial ages ago. Its funny cause practically every Helluva Hazbin fanfic that tries to tell a story that isn't bland romance has Stolas face consequences for his actions, sometimes its lenient, sometimes it ends with his daughter being executed.

      • 11 months ago


        I mean, sucubi do it, maybe it's more like, it's crime if you are caught doing it(world hopping). but not illegal to be in another world, as long as you aren't discovered by humans it's fine

        I dont think theres any issue with anyone going to the mortal world aside from sinners for obvious reasons. The Issue and why they are likely going to get fricked is because they dont have any means of disguising themselves like Succubus Incubus their hell hound bouncers and proper demons. Hell likely benefits from mortals not being aware that hell is a very real place in this universe, people seeing actual hellspawn and living to see it would get around and cause people to become more aware of other demonic activities in the mortal world and crack down on it and get people to mass pivot to Christianity in order to avoid the now confirmed existence of hell. The fact that they have a Stolas's Grimoire is the icing on top.

        • 11 months ago

          And thats not even mentioning the fact that eventually Heaven will get involved and perhaps even start Judgment Day early. I am surprised the Exterminators dont have Blitzo on their priority list given the shit he's done (maybe they just dont kill Hellborn and are only allowed to kill Sinner)

          • 11 months ago

            we dont know a lot about how heaven operates other than an annual purge of sinners in pride ring. Heaven likely knows about what IMPs doing after the incident with Cherub, and all the people they revenge kill for. If they havent stepped in yet they likely wont unless they really cross the line.

  48. 11 months ago

    Blitzo is literally a less charming and unfunny Roger the Alien. Roger is an example of an obnoxious gay character that fricks everything done right. He also has a higher body count both in terms of kills and people fricked than Blitzo could ever imagine

    • 11 months ago

      If Roger wound up in Hell he would become the top overlord in like a week

    • 11 months ago

      Roger actually has an excuse for being such a piece of shit since being nice can actually kill him, Blitzo doesn't.

      • 11 months ago

        He's a demon in hell

        • 11 months ago

          I would agree with you but the show tries so hard to make you feel sympathetic towards him, Stolas, and few others. That Hellborn are just hecking misunderstood and heaven is probably the bad guys

        • 11 months ago

          see, it'd make sense if he was raised on some megamind "bad good good bad" bullshit but given how people in hell can be alright based on where they're from he's just an butthole

          • 11 months ago

            The main cast seem halfway alright but all the extras are buttholes.

            • 11 months ago

              Bloodlust aside Moxxie and Millie are pretty decent folk.

              Loona is a jaded butthole half of the time and a decent person the other half.

              Blitzo is awful 90% of the time and is "good" the other 10%.

              Stolas is just pathetic and bad in the sense that he is an awful parent.

              Octavia is just an innocent girl in her late teens

              Stella keeps getting depicted as being more and more blandly evil and heartless to make you sympathize for Stolas

              and the rest of the side characters are a hodgepodge of being decent to plain evil

              • 11 months ago

                >Stella keeps getting depicted as being more and more blandly evil and heartless to make you sympathize for Stolas
                Even though Stolas is completely in the wrong from minute one. They literally had to make an entire cope episode ruining the family's backstory and characterizations to force the Stolas dindu nuffins shit. I literally cannot fathom why they had to do this, you'd think Stolas just being an butthole because he's a cheating piece of shit and Stella being an butthole because she's a terminally vindictive b***h would write itself with no further explanation required. Instead we get some of the worst writing tumblr has to offer shoved down the throat of a show that literally doesn't need it.

              • 11 months ago

                >entire cope episode
                Man, S2 E1 will forever be on my shitlist. Remember in Loo Loo Land where Stolas tells Octavia that he tried to make the marriage work but they eventually just fell out of love? Remember how S2E1 makes it clear that Stella has no qualms talking shit about him in public before the affair and implies that she has physically abused Stolas before? You would think the topic would come up during the reasons/excuses he gives for cheating. And this isn’t even getting into how it makes Stella a flatter character than Millie or how it makes the dynamic between Stolas and Blitz boring by having it revealed as a one-sided “childhood romance love at first sight” cliche, especially since Blitz doesn’t seem to remember it at all.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes I do remember Loo Loo Land. It's very clear the focus of the show shifted since then, Viv has since decided Stolas can't be an butthole in any way shape or form, so much so that the reality of hell has started to literally bend and transform to force the narrative. All I've seen after Season 1 has just been more contrivance to make Stella the worst thing since Sliced Hitler like

                Ok, maybe some pre-cheating b***hiness, like making fun of poor people for being so poor and torturing small animals. Stuff that would turn Stolas off and sound funny in retrospect. But ultimately, I feel like she should start with some nobility, like keeping the social classes separate because she thinks society will disintegrate otherwise and being a faithful, if miserable, wife. They should just be two buttholes with nothing in common that got stuck with each other and now they lash out in evil ways.

                Kinda reminds me of the Puppingtons at this point.

                >adding stuff to make her more hatable
                Like pic related how she always had a foul, murderous temper. But honestly, I just find it adorable and funny. Kids have bad tempers and rich people are just kids that never matured.

                Look at her, knowing nothing concrete about the show, you’d think she’s just taking her anger out on her plushies for getting a B on her test or something

                pic (funny enough Viv early on said truly reprehensible souls like child predators and Hiterally Litler just get vaporized instantly instead of living as a sinner in hell)
                Blitzo not remembering it at all and not wanting to love Stolas for real is the only silver lining of that whole episode, because it just shows how much more of a worthless pile of shit Stolas has always been. They literally cannot write a normal relationship for this show.

                Those are two very crucial storytelling elements no one should frick up yet Vivzie’s found a way. I don’t want to call this a “romance” either, what’s between Stolas and Blitzo, because it’s gay and toxic as hell. I can’t believe they’re trying to call it that let alone shine it in a good light. I fricking hated Stolas from the get go for being a cheating homosexual that put his daughter in a difficult situation and now they’re trying to make that sound like him finally “breaking free”.

                Another gripe with S2E1 is eliminating any amount of potential depth or nuance to Stella’s character by turning her into having always been a cruel b***h. Up until then, she just seemed pissed (to the point of being hysterical, to be fair) at her husband for publicly cheating on her with a member of the class that is seen as just barely above dogs. Given the paintings in the backgrounds of earlier episodes, they did seem to at the very least tolerate each other, or even enjoy each other’s company at some point, and Octavia herself said that they were “normal” before Stolas’ affair. So having her just always been “the evil b***h” feels like a contradiction of earlier evidence and one of the “missed opportunities” that I mentioned. You could have had her say something potentially interesting like “No one would have cared if you had kept it private, half of the nobility does it, Asmodeus is shagging a clown for frick’s sake, but he keeps the most of it contained to behind closed doors.” a line like that would also likely address the criticism people have of the Sins so far all having paramours on the bottom of the social ladder.
                Isn’t much to really say about her since she’s barely in the show, I think most of her appearances are in Stolas’ flashbacks. But she hasn’t interacted onscreen with her mother once, and that’s weird. She’s practically Stolas’ own Millie.

                Octavia going from the one thing Stolas cares about in his family to being a Meg-tier nobody semi-accident is a great litmus test to reveal Viv and crew are childless and have no fricking clue what they're writing about. Why the FRICK they decided Stolas had to be the central focus of an imp hitman show at the detriment of all other characters/plot points I will never understand (outside of gay tumblr points)

              • 11 months ago

                I fully expect them to explain him not remembering as either him deliberately not wanting to bring it up, or he got in some kind of accident when he was younger (iirc crew said the white spots he had just grew on him when he was older, but other imp characters have them as skin markings like freckles for Moxxie and scars for Sally Mae, so my guess is that there was some sort of explosion and not only did it ruin his circus career, but likely killed his mom, forced Fizzaroli to become a cyborg, and fricked Blitz’ memory).

              • 11 months ago

                I think it was mentioned outside of the show somewhere that Blitzo's spots are from some sort of accident, so that's probably exactly what Viv has been cooking on since the pilot. The memory erasure to fit in with S2E1 will just fall in to place like a terrible fanfic



                it's okay anon, Viv has acute mental illness she doesn't know anatomy pls understandu

                >funny enough Viv early on said truly reprehensible souls like child predators and Hiterally Litler just get vaporized instantly instead of living as a sinner in hell
                So not only is she an annihilationist, she’s a PROFOUNDLY moronic backwards one. The Hitlerally Litlers should be the ones serving time in hell while the lesser homos just get vaped. Not that it matters anyway because Annihilationism is stupid cope.

                They’re leftists, normal relationships and family dynamics is like hazardous waste to them and their lifestyles. I thought all the relationships were toxic because hell initially, but now I’m realizing how allergic to good writing Vivziefat really is

                >So not only is she an annihilationist, she’s a PROFOUNDLY moronic backwards one.
                It's been apparent since Hazbin's pilot that's what she "believes in" (or more accurately, appropriates for lazy writing)
                The "hell is toxic and abusive what can you really expect" excuse definitely falls right the frick apart after Season 2's start. There's no excuse for it now.

              • 11 months ago

                >Like a shitty fanfic
                I wouldn’t put it past them

                It would make a bit more sense if sinners were the bottom of the barrel in hell and between them there was another hierarchy where not so evil people were above the really shitty ones.

                iirc Sinners are above imps and hellhounds because they can’t be killed by normal means, they’re generally stronger/faster/tougher than them, and some of them have powers or abilities related to their mortal life

              • 11 months ago

                I said that because the standard setting for hell is a place where bad people suffer. But in the show you see that they don't really experience such a bad stay. It could even be said that some of them got an upgrade.
                Being the punching bag of every other hell race and less evil ones would fit more that concept.

              • 11 months ago

                My guess is that if they were everyone’s punching bag then it would make less sense that more sinners wouldn’t be jumping at the chance to try and redeem themselves and get out of Hell.

              • 11 months ago

                It could just be they're too stubborn and prideful to acknowledge their own faults as people as ask for forgiveness. Hell is filled with Earthly delights, sex, drugs, etc. It pleasures the body but starves the spirit, abd because they were mortal those pleasures are familiar to them. Why ask forgiveness when you're in a place that reinforces your poor life decisions and you don't know what the other side is like?

              • 11 months ago

                >funny enough Viv early on said truly reprehensible souls like child predators and Hiterally Litler just get vaporized instantly instead of living as a sinner in hell
                So not only is she an annihilationist, she’s a PROFOUNDLY moronic backwards one. The Hitlerally Litlers should be the ones serving time in hell while the lesser homos just get vaped. Not that it matters anyway because Annihilationism is stupid cope.

                They’re leftists, normal relationships and family dynamics is like hazardous waste to them and their lifestyles. I thought all the relationships were toxic because hell initially, but now I’m realizing how allergic to good writing Vivziefat really is

              • 11 months ago

                It would make a bit more sense if sinners were the bottom of the barrel in hell and between them there was another hierarchy where not so evil people were above the really shitty ones.

              • 11 months ago

                I mean she can't even keep the lore of her own Hell straight, she says the worst of the worst don't last in Hell but in the HH pilot they literally say that Jeffrey Dahmer is still around and kicking and like a celebrity.

              • 11 months ago

                >she thinks cannibals are above child predators and Himtler
                She’s not wrong but this just confirmed to me she’s a basic fujoshi fangirl.

                It would make a bit more sense if sinners were the bottom of the barrel in hell and between them there was another hierarchy where not so evil people were above the really shitty ones.

                In this hell, they got a hotel trying to redeem sinners and get them out and I remember earlier in the thread they said they were going to try to make Heaven a more detestable place to live

                I don’t know why I keep coming back to discuss this, I hated HH from the very beginning. The first antagonists of the show were a bible-thumping, gun-loving American family with the one cheating prostitute of a mom. They killed them all, even the children. Goes to show where the priorities lied from the beginning: vulgarity and subversion to the point of insanity.

              • 11 months ago

                *HB, but I’m sure hotel had a plot that was just as shallow and subversive.

              • 11 months ago

                and about three times in length

              • 11 months ago

                Eww. I love how everyone’s hyped that it got picked up for tv and hasn’t streamed at all. Is it possible to cancel a TV show just before you air it?

              • 11 months ago

                More like it's possible to pick up a TV show just to keep it in "production hell" to make sure it never makes it to air in the first place

              • 11 months ago

                >The first antagonists of the show were a bible-thumping, gun-loving American family with the one cheating prostitute of a mom.
                They were cannibal, Satan worshipers who kind of made me confused why they would kill imps if they would think they were servants of Satan their "god." Also, is it weird to note how only the men make sex noises in the show? Technically cannibal clan mom is voiced by a man so I don't know if that technically counts. It is like the show does not want women to be able to have sex in almost any contrived way as possible.

              • 11 months ago

                Really? Then that changes a lot, but still, they looked like an average American family which still adds to the subversive nature of the show. Also, the idea of making revenge a business is also pretty fricked. No it isn’t, women need love too, that is wild.

                More like it's possible to pick up a TV show just to keep it in "production hell" to make sure it never makes it to air in the first place


                I guess if the "truly reprehensible" souls stuck around, they would be EXTREMELY powerful Overlords. So much so, it would make the Princes and royalty completely obsolete.
                No more Asmodeus, no more sparkledogs.

                >no more sparkledogs
                If only

                Stolas is a pussy b***h ass motherfricker. The only way to deal with an aggressive b***h with anger issues is to beat her and frick her brains out until she is well behaved. He was unable to do that so its his fault he is stuck with current Stella

                Exactly! They’re already in hell so I don’t see why not

                If she is actually fricking her big bro I would view her doing it more out of desperation for the touch of a man that actually cares about her rather than anything malicious. Andre is basically just a more dominant and confident Stolas from what little I have deduced from him

                That definitely would’ve spiced up the drama

              • 11 months ago

                I guess if the "truly reprehensible" souls stuck around, they would be EXTREMELY powerful Overlords. So much so, it would make the Princes and royalty completely obsolete.
                No more Asmodeus, no more sparkledogs.

              • 11 months ago

                Do they stop existing when they die or are they killed as they manifest in hell because nobody wants to deal with someone that bad, I’m sure they’re weak and disoriented when they first get there. Established evil stops new threats, we don’t know how the manifestation process actually happens but with Alastor something was apparently unusual about it because it happened quickly and he was so powerful. But he might have had help in hell from a pact with a demon while he was alive.

              • 11 months ago

                The worse they make Stella the hotter she gets ngl, I am shocked she wasn't fricking her brother on top of other men. But they put the brakes on at the weirdest times when she is supposed to be despicable but they don't even go all out about it.

              • 11 months ago

                Imagine if Stella becomes a better person and all it takes is fricking her brother. It would piss off so many people, especially the ones who though her Bro was going to be extra gay Stolas 2.0 but with an attitude.

              • 11 months ago

                His remarks and way he acts towards Stella strikes me as weirdly sexually charged. I have no idea why they would put that in the show if they didn't want people picking up on that instead of him being gay as frick.

              • 11 months ago

                Some anon who apparently had some insight into development of the show got to know that Stella is apparently banging Andrealphus and they added that in to basically make her even more hateable. That person said that before even Western Energy released and that checks in with how they wrote Andrealphus.

              • 11 months ago

                It is like they are incapable of making her actually hateable and they keep making her more hot and disgusting in a fascinating way that aligns with the setting.

              • 11 months ago

                You know what else, you can have a character become hatable without turning them into a complete psycho villain.

                Another example I’m thinking of is Skylar. Without getting into details, she has Walter by the balls from the pilot, and when he shows some agency, even in a fricked up, cruel world, the first thing she does is ostracize and cheat on him. I think it’s telling how he focuses more on how she never believed in him than the cucking. He’s a small man with a big ego and I also think he’s yelling at himself for not believing in him. Skylar is also otherwise a dull, almost useless b***h which are most definitely hate-able traits.

              • 11 months ago

                *when he’s yelling at her after Hank’s death and trying to move his family elsewhere

              • 11 months ago

                Some anon who apparently had some insight into development of the show got to know that Stella is apparently banging Andrealphus and they added that in to basically make her even more hateable. That person said that before even Western Energy released and that checks in with how they wrote Andrealphus.

                If she is actually fricking her big bro I would view her doing it more out of desperation for the touch of a man that actually cares about her rather than anything malicious. Andre is basically just a more dominant and confident Stolas from what little I have deduced from him

  49. 11 months ago

    >Isn't fat

  50. 11 months ago

    So that generic wolf dude was dating a prince of Hell the whole time? Are princes of hell that easy to score?

    • 11 months ago

      Isn't the prince of Lust dating a fricking clown?

    • 11 months ago

      In the sense they can date whoever they want sure

  51. 11 months ago

    Seeing all the YouTube comments defending the awful writing reminds me that this fanbase is primarily comprised of teenagers with no taste

    • 11 months ago

      >Stop liking what I don't like!

    • 11 months ago

      What was even offensively bad about it? There was barely any writing in the damn episode how can it be awful? You know, except the whole fact that it was a clear follow-up aired out-of-order to an episode that aired two years ago or something. That was pretty bad. What was Blitzo upset about again? His bad date with Stolas?

      • 11 months ago

        Everything with Kesha and Loona going from enjoying the party to being miserable for no reason over the course of 3 minutes.

        • 11 months ago

          She's not a people person.

        • 11 months ago

          That’s just the way women are. Vivziecrotch should know

        • 11 months ago

          What are you on about? Blitzo got wasted trying to drown his depression in bee-r. Blitzo, being an middle-aged imp with baggage and not a bunch of stupid teenagers was getting a little too dark for the room. Beegirl tried to delicately ask Loona to check on Blitzo, but Loona, who (a) though a big unwound, was probably still a little anxious and not entirely sure where she fit into this weird party, (b) probably didn't want to admit to herself that she might have encouraged Blitzo to go a bit too far and (c) feeling defensive about her dad who just did so much to social grease her into the party let her temper get the better of her and got loose-lipped, insinuating that the quality of person that Beegirl surrounded herself with might largely be vapid dick-riders and idiots. Beegirl got mad at this insinuation, Loona saw Vortex's expression and decided that she didn't want to fight in front of him, so dropped it and conceded to checking on her dad.

          I know it moved from "Blitzo doing kegstand" to "now Blitzo's completely wasted" a bit too quick, usually you want to show their wastedness progressing, but it was a basic (fictional) party interaction.

  52. 11 months ago

    I see the Stella supporters are still lingering around.

    • 11 months ago

      No, frick Stella too, she’s an abusive c**t and this show isn’t fun to watch.

  53. 11 months ago

    What's with Viv's obsession with Kesha? When was the last time Kesha was even relevant? The only song of hers I know is the one that shows up in every movie trailer greentext parody.

    • 11 months ago

      Tick tock?

      It’s obviously bias of some sort to her previous project

    • 11 months ago

      I’ve heard her name like three times ever and I only know die young is her song from Viv, I don’t think Kesha has been relevant since the 2000s at minimum? Teenage girls liked Miley Cyrus songs from what I can recall.

    • 11 months ago

      >When was the last time Kesha was even relevant?
      When Die Young was banned from some radios in 2012 after the Sandy Hook shooting

      • 11 months ago


        I guess if the "truly reprehensible" souls stuck around, they would be EXTREMELY powerful Overlords. So much so, it would make the Princes and royalty completely obsolete.
        No more Asmodeus, no more sparkledogs.

        >humans take over and do the jobs sparkledogs and gay OCs refuse to do
        Oh no! Anyway...

        • 11 months ago

          >Ke$ha Responds To Sandy Hook 'Die Young' Controversy
          >Pop star tweets that she was 'forced' to sing the lyrics in 'Die Young,' which several radio stations reportedly stopped playing after elementary school shooting.
          >"I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO."

          • 11 months ago

            sounds like bullshit, but she was being preyed upon by her producer for years so it could go either way

          • 11 months ago

            Who gives a shit what they want? They’re soulless puppets of the industry already, it’s in their contracts.

  54. 11 months ago

    Is this really Beelzebub? I was under the impression that hellhounds were generally considered the grunts or muscle above an imp or as a loyal minion. I was thinking she was the Hellhound of the real Beelzebub when she was talking about someone who was keeping her drugs and how she borrowed it all the time. I was thinking THAT person was the real head of the gluttony circle.

    • 11 months ago

      She talked about Belphegor.

  55. 11 months ago

    >Demons are now literal sparkledogs

    • 11 months ago

      And that doesn’t work? You don’t feel like you’re in hell? I think it’s working perfectly.

  56. 11 months ago

    Ironically, I think making her a sparkledog would only inspire more fatgay art than making her a bee.

    • 11 months ago

      It already has

      >Stella could’ve been a compelling villain without always having to have been an evil b***h.
      Alternatively, she could have been an iredeemably evil b***h while still being a fun villain, which she kinda was in episode 5, screaming into the phone about how she wants her husband dead when he's sitting right across the table from her. Instead the writers removed all levity from the situation with S2E1 just to turn up the drama and make Stolas more sympathetic.

      Also like Clay Puppington where she’s always been a spoiled little brat but being married to someone she genuinely can’t stand cranks it up to 11. While at the same time, giving her good lines and an overall hilarious personality where that kind of scene can exist. I line it that way too.

      Maybe she can also go on unhinged rants about the opposite sex while indulging in her sin of choice (violence) and trying to relate to the one person she genuinely loves anymore (I would’ve hoped this could’ve been Octavia).

  57. 11 months ago

    Because she's a dog thing and not a snake.

  58. 11 months ago

    She just wanted the zoophobia chick again

  59. 11 months ago

    Friendly reminder
    Viv will continue to fall off as long as she keeps writing stuff they appeals exclusively to her

    • 11 months ago

      You think she gets off to making Stella crazier and crazier? There’s one anon here that thinks she gets hotter the more irredeemable she becomes, is Viv the same way?

      • 11 months ago

        Viv clearly gets off to the miserable howling of frustrated Cinemaphile anons.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, clearly. Although I’m enjoying the speculation. Do you have any examples of other writers doing what Vivienne is failing miserably at?

    • 11 months ago

      I am just not sure if that's exactly why. There was earlier episodes very aligned to her tastes that were good. Songs, fujobaiting and all that existed in the earlier episodes.

  60. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Is that were her honey comes from?

      • 11 months ago

        idk she said something about having a rainbow in her vegana

        • 11 months ago

          Finally after 2 years of dick jokes we get some pussy talk.

      • 11 months ago

        Bee shit is like 100% honey so I wouldn't be surprised if its the same with her, especially since her stomach is see through and filled with a honey like substance

        • 11 months ago

          Honey is Bee barf you moron

          • 11 months ago

            Does she barf on Vortex?

            • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              barfs directly into his mouth like a baby bird and he probably enjoys it more than life itself

            • 11 months ago

              Nah she sharts on his dick

      • 11 months ago

        Given Viv's humour is likely that the honey is her veganal fluids

      • 11 months ago

        The massive futa-wiener of hers.

      • 11 months ago

        essence is created in the honeycomb when someone succumbs to gluttony

  61. 11 months ago


  62. 11 months ago


  63. 11 months ago
  64. 11 months ago

    It’s for the vore shitters

  65. 11 months ago

    Blitzo is being a buzzkill at the party by...
    >Over drinking....in Gluttony??
    >Kissing two guys.
    "You look like you're in an orgy"
    Seriously what the frick kinda writing is this?

  66. 11 months ago

    Did you guys fell bad for Loona?

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah. I felt about the same feelings when I got to the party. I felt like a black sheep and just decided to leave. I was then laughed at at school from this incident. but I suspect that they wanted to cruelly pinch me there and I did the right thing by leaving in time. but with this approach, I killed all socialization everywhere. and I will not meet any Loon like that.

    • 11 months ago


  67. 11 months ago

    Intimidation, genius.A threat display to make her back the frick off and reconsider her behavior. Why are millennials so dumb about basic things in life, like human behavior?

  68. 11 months ago

    i want to get her pregnant I want to be pregnant and get stuck in her while she is pregnant so I can be fed into her baby and ghet fur baby pregnant in her.

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