What was the point of this scene in the greater narrative of the sequels?

What was the point of this scene in the greater narrative of the sequels?

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  1. 11 months ago

    >a million Reys all connected
    >there's a million Palpatine clones
    >she's a Palpatine
    They never do anything with it, but there's a kernel of an idea that someone had at some point in there.

  2. 11 months ago

    >think of a couple of scenes they think would be cool when they first begin to write anything down
    >don't bother to connect them to the story in a coherent way
    I guarantee they did that.

  3. 11 months ago

    >the greater narrative of the sequels

  4. 11 months ago

    Her destiny wasn't fractured, every version of herself was the same

  5. 11 months ago

    Within the context of VIII, that she's no one.
    She asks who she is and it just shows her herself

    • 11 months ago

      To elaborate, her entire sense of self revolves around building towards some grand revelation and that she's someone important, part of some heroic lineage, but the dark side cave leads her to the revelation of what she already knows in her heart of hearts to be true - she is alone, and she is nobody. This causes her to run off and have sex with Kylo so she can feel some kind of validation

      • 11 months ago

        the infinite mirror visual doesn't really connect to that. rian is just dumb and has terrible ideas, partly why he just does the opposite of what other people suggest.

        • 11 months ago

          rian is a genius for finally murdering this manchild franchise

        • 11 months ago

          Eh. She asks multiple times. And just having a single Rey might be too similar to the cave sequence in V
          And also yes he's ripping off Citizen Kane

  6. 11 months ago

    Dark Science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew?

  7. 11 months ago

    DUDE it's like scene from CITIZEN KANE!!!

  8. 11 months ago

    Rey should trust herself.

  9. 11 months ago

    It was supposed to be a super symbolic Too deep 4 u scene like the cave in Empire except the cave had a clear point to it

  10. 11 months ago

    I've thought about this a while and I can't come up with anything at all. it's just garbage

  11. 11 months ago

    We’ve been over this. Disney has been using an in-house LLM for years now and for some reason it likes composing scenes with recursion and duplications of actors. See: that scene and the scene from Pirates of the Caribbean with all the Jack Sparrows.

  12. 11 months ago

    i've legit had thjis happen to me after consuming a whole bag of edibles. also checked.

  13. 11 months ago

    What was the point of this scene in the greater narrative of the original trilogy?

    • 11 months ago

      Highlighting Lucas' weird sexual fetishes
      Just a wacky sitcom tier misunderstanding moment

    • 11 months ago

      That Lucas was also winging it and didn't decide Leia was Luke's sister until he got writer's block writing RotJ

    • 11 months ago

      for a love triangle and to throw off viewers that she is his sister?

    • 11 months ago

      She only kisses him to deflate Han.

    • 11 months ago

      That Lucas wasn't planning ahead either which makes Disney look even worse.

    • 11 months ago

      I doubt Lucas would have had Leia kiss Luke if he knew what he would decide to do in ROTJ, but people overstate it. There isn't really a love triangle in TESB. Even that scene is just underscoring Leia's feelings for Han.

  14. 11 months ago

    The point is that Rey could not be tempted by the Dark Side because she has no personality or ambition to speak of.

  15. 11 months ago

    It's just showing how Rey fell to the dark side without even realizing it

  16. 11 months ago

    The point of this scene was "REMEMBER WHEN LUKE TRAINED IN A DARK SCARY FORCE CAVE TOO???? MEMBER??" That was the whole point of it.

    • 11 months ago

      This. Last jedi is just a rehash of empire the throne room set piece borrowed from return of the jedi and the hoth/crait scene reversed.
      The good guys are chased out of their main base by the bad guys. Due to an unfortunate circumstance, the good guys are stuck being chased by the bad guys because they cannot jump away.

      Meanwhile, the main hero has found a Jedi master in exile, ostensibly to train. However, they are not what the hero expects.

      The hero eventually learns about the Force, faces a vision against themselves in a dark cave. The hero has a vision, and rushes off to confront the villain against the wishes of the Jedi master. Which is in the same place the hero's friends have been captured and their ally has betrayed them.

      >Our hero believes that the villain actually has good in their heart and can be turned. So they willingly give themselves up to enter the belly of the beast. The hero tries to convince the villain to turn back. The villain appears unmoved and presents them to their master, who takes the hero's weapon and places it right next to them on their throne. The villain then goads the hero about how they have the other good guys trapped and are killing them while the hero watches in distraught. The villain later kills the big bad guy.

      >The hero fails in their mission in the belly of the beast, is told some bad news, is given an offer to join the villain, rejects it, and is left on the run. We have a battle on a planet with a white surface where the good guys, who are in trenches and weak speeders, face off against armored walkers in an attempt to stall for time before the thing that is protecting them is breached. The good guys are battered, left to lick their wounds and hopefully regroup to fight another day.

  17. 11 months ago

    Rian made a movie for himself about himself and Kathleen Kennedy sees Rey as her self insert, so he was able to please himself and his empowered female boss.

  18. 11 months ago

    A million Rey clones would solve the issue of the rebel fleet being decimated to whoever could fit on the Millennium Falcon. And they're alll there to be killed so that's fun. Have them wear sexy Stormtrooper armor and you got a movie.

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