What was TV like in the "analog" era?

What was TV like in the "analog" era?

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  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      I came here to post this. We didn't have a remote control for the cable box until I was 14. Had to get up and turn the dial. But you knew what you were watching from the tv schedule insert of the newspaper or tv guide. But 1/3 of the time we used it for NES and we played outside, basketball and rode bikes more than watched tube.

      Now sucks. I enjoy my DVR watching reruns and my VHS and DVD collection.

  2. 1 month ago

    Better than now although not great (never was)

  3. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      If commercials were like how they used to be, I'd willingly watch them a lot more. Before they'd tell stories, have fun jingles and stuff, but now they're just boring.

  4. 1 month ago

    You had to wait months to a year to see a re-run of a good episode if you missed it and didn't tape it. As bad as the writing has gotten in the past few years, at least now I can pirate every season of every show I ever watched and don't have to sit through advertisements.

    • 1 month ago

      Well TV wasn't as good as movies back in the early to mid 90s, so most of the stuff on was kind of background noise. For certain shows, if it was really important to you, then you would make sure you pissed and did everything you needed to do to be in front of that TV on time. Or you could set the VCR, which most kids were able to figure out at a young age.

    • 1 month ago

      When i was a kid my parents told me that if I talked while recording tv shows on vhs the police could find me because it's illegal. They even made a big thing about drawing the curtains so that tv inspector couldn't see into the lounge room. It worked because I would shut the frick up which is what they wanted

  5. 1 month ago

    You bought TV guide monthly at the grocery store

    • 1 month ago

      My great aunt left a massive hoard of TV guides when she died, dating back to the 60s

      • 1 month ago

        scan and upload them for posterity.

      • 1 month ago

        One thing I started to hate way back when cable was getting bigger in the 2000s is that cable boxes were slow as frick. Before you could just press the channel button and it instantly would switch because of analog technology. Now you switch a channel and it has to decrypt or run DRM or some shit so you sit there with a second or two watching a black screen. Channel surfing was literally pressing the channel up and down buttons at every second and seeing a fully visible picture and sound until you find something you like. Then you'd press the numbers to a channel you like and switch back and forth with then return button.

        Yeah archive em or donate them to a group that will.

        • 1 month ago

          yeah, and with analog broadcast waves, you could get SOME of the picture and all of the sound. It's all or nothing now. Like a car radio that only seeks and won't let you listen to a weaker signal. Frick digitizing everything.

    • 1 month ago

      >You bought TV guide monthly at the grocery store
      It was a weekly publication, zoomer.

      • 1 month ago

        it was actually biweekly. nice try, millenial.

        • 1 month ago

          No, it was weekly. It only switched to biweekly in the 00s after people got digital cable guides with their cable packages and subscriptions declined.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, it changed size too. But always a small weekly for most of the run.

    • 1 month ago

      It was much worse than now.

      -WAY less selection, available shows were shallower and narrower
      -Worse picture and sound quality
      -Content was more restricted in terms of language, violence, sex etc…
      -it was broadcast on a schedule, so you had to organize your time around seeing a show
      -More commercials
      -the typical TV show had worse writing than now

      People who grew up only in the streaming age can’t understand how good they have it.

      If you had cable, you had the TV Guide channel. Newspapers also had TV listings.

      • 1 month ago

        >WAY less selection, available shows were shallower and narrower
        >More commercials
        >the typical TV show had worse writing than now
        This just proves you are a moron and have no idea what you are talking about

        • 1 month ago

          If you're a pirate like most of this board the first two points are true.

          • 1 month ago

            No, they aren't
            Only a moron would think there are less commercials now
            A hour long show from the 80-90s was usually 45-50 minutes without commercials, hour long shows these days are between 40 and 42 minutes

            • 1 month ago

              Pirates nowadays have 0 commercials unless they specifically want them.

              • 1 month ago

                Not the point moron

              • 1 month ago

                I'm just saying as someone who went from watching content the way it was back then to pirating it now (and for the last 15 years or so), I find all of

                It was much worse than now.

                -WAY less selection, available shows were shallower and narrower
                -Worse picture and sound quality
                -Content was more restricted in terms of language, violence, sex etc…
                -it was broadcast on a schedule, so you had to organize your time around seeing a show
                -More commercials
                -the typical TV show had worse writing than now

                People who grew up only in the streaming age can’t understand how good they have it.

                If you had cable, you had the TV Guide channel. Newspapers also had TV listings.

                true except for the worse writing in modern shows as you rightfully pointed out.

      • 1 month ago

        HBO and Showtime existed for unedited shows and movies. There were also damn good network shows. Way fewer commercials. Niche programming has its perks, but everything is diluted, so all those special interest shows streaming are low budget. And I'm no racist, but forced diversity has made modern shit bland and unrealistic. UPN had black shows, major networks had whiter shows. People in real life tend to hang with each other. Mix races, idc. But don't make everyone that way because it doesn't represent reality.

    • 1 month ago

      Nobody did that.

    • 1 month ago

      It was weekly, and who the frick did that and didn't save 75% by having a subscription???

  6. 1 month ago

    Homer is 5'6?

    • 1 month ago

      more like 5'9" you ignorant mong

  7. 1 month ago

    >if weren't home in time, you missed it
    >if you stepped out to take a piss and missed it, tough luck
    >you might be able to catch during the summer during reruns, if you don't miss that as well
    >you try and set the timer on your VCR to record a program because you were going to be out of the house, but the VCR either fricks up or eats the tape
    >you either pull out the paper tv guide to see whats on, turn on the TV guide channel and are able to see in 1 1/2 in the future, or just flip channels until you find something interesting

  8. 1 month ago

    Full house reruns

  9. 1 month ago

    the same as it is now, except the reception was better.

  10. 1 month ago

    I remember nights where the reception sucked so bad that you'd feel robbed afterwards because you might only get one chance to watch that particular episode

    • 1 month ago

      better than now, where it's either all or nothing. not a day goes by where I don't have to adjust the stupid antenna since I don't have cable.

      • 1 month ago

        I thought they stopped analog transmission years ago

        • 1 month ago

          Digital antennas exist

    • 1 month ago

      I remember when my cable TV went off air right at the exact moment a cartoon episode I was hyped to watch for a week. I think that was the first time I genuinely felt the desire to murder someone.

  11. 1 month ago

    Trash. If it wasn't my childhood I would look back at it with contempt

  12. 1 month ago

    After school specials and very special episodes were widely mocked, and now they're a majority of content.

    • 1 month ago

      If you got a trigger warning before an old very special episode you knew someone was dead or molestable.

      • 1 month ago

        There were no trigger warnings, just a hotline number if you were getting fricked

        • 1 month ago

          "The following program may contain cool shit. Viewer discretion is advised"

          • 1 month ago

            I can see how someone would construe it as a trigger warning, but it was very different in character.

            • 1 month ago

              No it wasn't. You're misinterpreting a now general term.

              • 1 month ago

                It was. You're projecting a current norm onto a time when it didn't exist. I know you'll larp as having been alive at the time, but you obviously weren't, and you can't understand what the world was like. Obeying authority was deeply uncool, people said homosexual openly and without concern, it was different right down to the air. A trigger warning serves a very different purpose than legal obligation and subtle advertising.

              • 1 month ago

                Nope. YOU are projecting a bunch of modern shit. It's obvious from the context of the post that they were referring to the old warnings before shows. You made it gay. Stop playing out hypothetical arguments in your head before they happen.

              • 1 month ago

                A disclaimer isn't comparable to a trigger warning. Stop defending morons. No one should have to look at context.

              • 1 month ago

                A disclaimer is the exact same thing as a trigger warning. It's just that one has the gay reddit sjw word that you wouldn't want to be caught dead accidentally defending, and the other doesn't.

              • 1 month ago

                >A disclaimer is the exact same thing as a trigger warning.
                It's not. How old are you and what country are you from?

              • 1 month ago

                >that homie never replied
                you sure got him
                I agree, a disclaimer does not have the same intent or essence as a homosexualy trigger warning

              • 1 month ago

                A disclaimer is the exact same thing as a trigger warning. It's just that one has the gay reddit sjw word that you wouldn't want to be caught dead accidentally defending, and the other doesn't.

                >ironically triggered by this
                Tumblr was a decade ago guys. Get over it

              • 1 month ago

                A disclaimer is the exact same thing as a trigger warning. It's just that one has the gay reddit sjw word that you wouldn't want to be caught dead accidentally defending, and the other doesn't.

                >they were referring to the old warnings before shows
                Yes, which aren't trigger warnings. That's what we've been discussing. Why does every zoomer do this weird "repeat current state of argument" thing when they talk themselves into a corner? It's nearly universal.

                Do you guys actually think

                If you got a trigger warning before an old very special episode you knew someone was dead or molestable.

                is saying trigger warning unironically?

              • 1 month ago

                Nobody thought that, which would become clear to you if someone translated these English language posts into something you were a little more familiar with

              • 1 month ago

                >pretend to be moronic
                >ur just young
                What's next on the sperg flowchart?

              • 1 month ago

                You tried to larp, then demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension. I don't know what to tell you, you're thoroughly confused and having a conversation with yourself. You're just dumb enough to convince yourself that everyone else is dumb, which makes you particularly hard to correct and reason with. If you'd just go back and read the conversation, you might finally understand what was so simple for everyone else. Then again, you might not, and just pull the string to post more
                >green buzzwords

              • 1 month ago

                >Reading comprehension
                >whole spergout is based on misinterpreting a simple post
                Do you know that this attitude of doubling down after being mistaken is glaringly obvious to people in your real life? If you are capable of eye contact, look out for people rolling theirs while talking to you and dismissive language. If you work at improving this behavior you'll be able to spot it in others immediately

              • 1 month ago

                Nobody misinterpreted it. You decided they did retroactively after you made a stupid post, ironically doubled down on it, and started looking for justifications because you're terminally online and more concerned with winning internet arguments than in being correct. I would never visit the favella you call home, but if I did, you could see my eyes rolling and hear my dismissive language.

                Unfortunately, no amount of work is like to improve your circumstance here - your problem isn't laziness, but an apparent lack of inborn capability. You have as much chance of suddenly developing an extra 20 IQ points as a really hard working dog has of suddenly learning math.

              • 1 month ago

                moronic homosexual

              • 1 month ago

                Pedophile Cinemaphile janny

              • 1 month ago

                There were no trigger warnings, just a hotline number if you were getting fricked

                If these aren't both yours, stop replying to me

              • 1 month ago

                Don’t you just love it when two moronic homosexuals on Cinemaphile argue for so many posts that you lose track of who is who so you just end up going to bed content with your life and choice to not be such a petty homosexual on the internet who craves validation they never got from their parents?

              • 1 month ago

                >they were referring to the old warnings before shows
                Yes, which aren't trigger warnings. That's what we've been discussing. Why does every zoomer do this weird "repeat current state of argument" thing when they talk themselves into a corner? It's nearly universal.

              • 1 month ago

                just couldn't help yourself, outed and exposed

      • 1 month ago


        It shouldn't have made me laugh, but goddamn.

    • 1 month ago

      There was a mandate for educational programming back in the day. Kids, especially the poors with no cable, used to watch PBS and Seseme Street and Electric Company and learn reading and math.

      Now our blacks and browns are using their ipads to play coomer games at the age of 5 so they can't even read anymore

      • 1 month ago

        Wildlife shows stole the saturday morning cartoon programming. Bloopers of Jack Hanna getting mauled by a koala are funny though.

  13. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      my porn channels were in the high 90's

    • 1 month ago

      >when the creepy eastern european guy would show up at 9pm to put illegal cable boxes in every room

      • 1 month ago

        Yours was just a surveillance box. You were his preemo porn channel.

      • 1 month ago

        wtf when did apu make babb with Serena Goyslop?

  14. 1 month ago

    You guys didn't have an illegal cable hookup?

    • 1 month ago

      No, I was white growing up.

      • 1 month ago

        You aren't white now?

        • 1 month ago

          C'mon. You can muster up better humor than that. Don't sink to frogposter levels.

          • 1 month ago

            Humor? I was asking a question

            • 1 month ago

              I don't really appreciate it when kids pretend to be moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                Well, maybe you shouldn't be a moron in the first place

              • 1 month ago

                >no u
                Just desperate for someone to talk to?

              • 1 month ago

                That appears to be you

              • 1 month ago

                >no u
                Just desperate for someone to talk to?

      • 1 month ago

        C'mon. You can muster up better humor than that. Don't sink to frogposter levels.

        I don't really appreciate it when kids pretend to be moronic.

        >no u
        Just desperate for someone to talk to?

        this guys fricking moronic

        • 1 month ago

          Just desperate for someone to talk to?

          • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      I did. I had a family member that worked for a cable company so we got free premium channels. But he stopped working for them a few years later, and then the switch to digital meant the old tricks wouldn't work.

    • 1 month ago

      My dad was a Time Warner cable guy so we got it legally free

  15. 1 month ago

    You could flip through the channels really quickly. There wasn’t any lag.

    • 1 month ago

      Based channel flipper, I’d almost forgotten. But you never did…

  16. 1 month ago

    same stuff, different commercials (ads)

  17. 1 month ago

    it's alright. it's biggest pro is probably when people had the.. ''i want to be home by Xpm so i can watch something."

    or flipping thru the channels, and finding one that had a great 2 hour block you enjoyed falling asleep too, or watching after you get home from work etc. it was spikes of things to look forward to.

    certain things you can't replicate anymore

  18. 1 month ago

    Homer is 6' tall on his drivers licence. Also lists his state as 'NT' which sparked the 'North Tacoma' theory.

    I sure hope someone lost their job for that error.

  19. 1 month ago

    Sound mixing for a single tinny bag of shit was better in every aspect but bass.

  20. 1 month ago


  21. 1 month ago

    I miss the old days, bros. We didn't know how good we had it.

  22. 1 month ago

    Better. Every night of the week there was at least 1 good show worth watching. Now there are 0 shows worth watching.

    • 1 month ago

      But there are SO MANY of them! And you can watch on your phone whenever you want, every episode not worth seeing. Convenience! And you'll never own it, and it's subject to change. Welcome to the future.

  23. 1 month ago

    Fresh prince reruns at 6!

  24. 1 month ago

    >get home from school
    >hour of king of the hill reruns
    >hour of simpsons reruns
    >hour and a half of seinfeld reruns
    yea, im thinking KINO

    • 1 month ago

      Dang, where did you grow up?

      • 1 month ago

        He's probably talking about satellite in 2009

      • 1 month ago

        He's probably talking about satellite in 2009

        This was standard fox programming you absolute children

        • 1 month ago

          Not really

    • 1 month ago

      I did this as a kid and it made me an antisocial freak

    • 1 month ago

      >Mad about You.
      I am also thinking kino.

    • 1 month ago

      Dang, where did you grow up?

      sounds like one of the local broadcast stations in Dallas/Fort Worth

  25. 1 month ago

    Having only 5 channels with no EPG was great. You just stumbled onto things. Watching TV was fun.

    • 1 month ago

      watching tv was like your best girlfriend. you idolize certain moments forgetting the load of bullshit that came with it

  26. 1 month ago

    It was great. We were in the future. We had movies to look forward to watching. They weren't going to start for another 32 minutes?, we'd just set the stove timer to remind us. In the meantime we'd do 80's stuff. Like watch TV.

  27. 1 month ago


    You're supposed to simply report him every time you see him post.
    At this point there's a 50/50 chance you're his homosexual ass anyway.

    • 1 month ago

      NTA but I did and there is a 95% chance its him replying to himself as usal.
      The little shit goes crying about how he hates jannies one second and the next reports people who post his reddit account for doxxing him.

  28. 1 month ago

    >The following program contains coarse language, nudity & sexuality. Viewer discretion is advised.
    That just meant stick around for fap material.
    Picrelated is what you get today, which is simultanesouly insulting, patronizing and infantiliziing.
    You don't even know what they took from you.
    It was a lot.

    • 1 month ago

      I love how they have to slap this on literally every movie because people are too stupid to realize older stuff doesn't conform to their new hypersensitive bullshit.

    • 1 month ago

      What are the outdated cultural depictions in Aliens? Competent, capable woman who understands the consequences of her and others' actions?

      • 1 month ago

        The jokes that the marines are telling each other in the beginning are probably too edgy for today's puritan censors. "she thought it said illegal alien and signed up" "it don't matter when it's Acturian", etc.

    • 1 month ago

      >The following program contains coarse language, nudity & sexuality. Viewer discretion is advised.
      Are you implying they literally time traveled and planted leftist woke sentiment onto television? You obviously are underage and incredibly woke

      • 1 month ago

        You're not fooling anyone here.

    • 1 month ago

      Where is that from? I have cable (spectrum) and Hulu and max and none have that safe space bullshit on the info for me. The westerns from the 50s put 'outdated cultural depiction' on the Injuns Bad episodes, but it pops up for 2 sec along with 'rated G'.

    • 1 month ago

      >Old movie has outdated language

  29. 1 month ago

    the quality wasn't as bad as your pic

  30. 1 month ago

    Pretty shit. I only had like 77 channels and most of them just played infomercials after 1am. Daytime TV was usually pretty grim too so even if you stayed home from school you had to put a VHS movie on or hope your parents wouldn't notice you playing videogames.

  31. 1 month ago


    I got warned by a janny for trust fund posting in a family guy thread. I don't think they're down with jig c

  32. 1 month ago

    Better programming

    Worse delivery

  33. 1 month ago

    TGIF Friday night. One Saturday Morning Saturday. Pretty damn comfy ngl.

  34. 1 month ago

    There was a lot of MC content and Baskinposting. I'm glad both are making a comeback.

  35. 1 month ago

    >Puts tun foil or a coat hanger in the back of the set
    >It just works

  36. 1 month ago


    Not really

    Those blocks ran on fox from 1999 onwards

  37. 1 month ago

    It was a time when you counted how many sleeps until the next episode.

  38. 1 month ago

    >watch PBS in the morning for comfy kid shows
    >turn to Jerry Springer later for trashy tv because parents don't understand english

  39. 1 month ago

    Tv networks need to be a thing about the past. Legacy media has not improved and instead has fixated on giving the public mediocre programming. They only exist because of tech illiteracy and low income; the minute vice prompts and simple user interface is available they will be done. Also, if you didn't have a vcr or blank tapes you couldn't record a facorite scene and just had to rely on your memory palace.

  40. 1 month ago


    Just ignore this homosexual. Don't suggest things happen or you'll pull a 30 day ban. You will scare him for three of those weeks though. Hopefully someday the janitors will up and do something though. Everyone is sick of it.

    Desperation is a stinky cologne.

  41. 1 month ago

    Lossy, grainy footage will always be superior to HD slop.

    • 1 month ago

      WRONG! Antenna reception was a bane of anyone wanting to watch tv. People really do forget how things were.

      • 1 month ago

        I remember that fondly. Was grateful for what I could pull in on uhf on my little 13" bedroom sega TV after bedtime. You enjoy things more with fewer options.

        The good old days were good. That's my perspective.

        • 1 month ago

          Its a positive perpective but I remember entire weekends and summers of infomercials. The olympics were the worst time since everything got replaced for airing different events.

        • 1 month ago

          When you could sometimes get stations from far away during thunderstorms was the ultimate comfy.

  42. 1 month ago


    >he doesn't know the spammer spends hours on end talking to himself even back when the poster counter was around

  43. 1 month ago

    I miss Jerrold

  44. 1 month ago

    When emulators and flash carts became a thing I distinctly remember realizing less was more. All of my consoles are modded, I have unlimited access to any PC game, movie, tv show, and any piece of media instantly. But I can't think of much else to do besides watch livestreams.

    • 1 month ago

      That sounds like you were overwhelmed and burned out. It doesn't mean having unlimited choice is bad. If you ever bought media that you didn't like, you just had to watch it or play it since you didn't have a choice.

      • 1 month ago

        Unlimited choice isn't inherently bad. As a kid if I ended up with a bad game I just wouldn't play it and simply do something else that seemed equally enthralling at the time while feeling shitty that I bought or rented something I didn't enjoy. I think the problem is the limited selection of new good content we're getting.

  45. 1 month ago

    Why are these threads always filled with zoomies lapring like they experienced anything before the year 2000? What causes them to do it?

    • 1 month ago

      Are the "zoomies" in the room with you right now?

  46. 1 month ago

    I miss by cable descrambler so much. It was fricking kino having every PPV for free. So many fight parties in the early 2000s.

  47. 1 month ago

    I miss when Q13 Fox would air The Simpsons from 5PM-7PM on weekdays.

  48. 1 month ago

    For some reason I could watch tv all day and the same episodes over and over and never get bored back then

    • 1 month ago

      You lacked self-consciousness.

      • 1 month ago

        Developing agency and escaping indoctrination of being a dullard is vital.

  49. 1 month ago

    >get fries from McD fried in tallow instead of sneedoils
    >watch Michael Jordan play in a Bulls game
    >go home and watch a new episode of golden age Simpsons that you have never seen before
    >followed by X-Files
    >go to sleep knowing the dollar is strong

    • 1 month ago

      Yep I always remember x files after the simpsons it was so nice having shows to look forward to

    • 1 month ago

      Take me back

  50. 1 month ago

    30 years later I still feel tube tv had a much more natural image than modern flat screens.

  51. 1 month ago

    The Simpsons season 8 was the best so was 7

  52. 1 month ago

    In my shit third world country? Terrible
    >4 channels
    >of which 2 were government owned
    >good luck getting the other two if you're living in the countryside
    >tv starts at 8am and ends around 11pm
    >most of the programme were local slops and low quality foreign contents from australia, egypt, turkey, etc
    >barely good Hollywood movies were only shown a decade after it stopped being relevant
    >government propaganda that were otherwise known as "news" played every couple hours
    >cartoon were only shown for 1 hour on weekend evenings
    >for some fricking reason all the channels have the same exact slots for airing cartoon so if your older brother liked one cartoon but you don't, then tough luck you either suck it up or go to neighbor's house and hoped they're watching your favorite cartoon

    My brother liked X-men (because booby rogue and jean grey) but I was more of a Superman TAS guy and we literally had to fight for the remote since both of them aired at the same time

    • 1 month ago

      May I ask what country?

  53. 1 month ago

    >mom takes the remote and puts on boring soap operas

  54. 1 month ago

    I watched scarface on my brother's new gigga homie tv 4000 and a lot of scenes are ruined because of how detailed it is. When he visits his Mom's house it always looked like an actual street but on a huge 4k tv the house looks like a budget Broadway set.

    • 1 month ago

      suspension of disbelief.

    • 1 month ago

      Would it be accurate to say then that watching old classics in a movie theater diminishes the experience? Those 4k transfers are the closest you'll get to it

  55. 1 month ago

    Seemed like i could actually understand what was coming out of the speakers, instead of constantly fighting with the volume

    • 1 month ago

      Subtitles are better option

      • 1 month ago

        Watch enough subbed anime for that
        Don't feel like i should have to read subs in a language i actually understand

  56. 1 month ago

    Mostly watching the TV Guide Channel scroll by.

    • 1 month ago

      I remember they had a movie/show analysis at the top sometimes and he said one time that no one had a better 3 some scene than wild things.

  57. 1 month ago

    Comfy. Sometimes there were shows (like the simpsons) that you scheduled your life around.

    I had a VCR I could program it to tune to the channel and start recording at a specific time and turn off at a time (could only do it once so you would reprogram it after it taped) and that was a big game changer. Could tape Nitro after being told to go to bed.

  58. 1 month ago

    >in the "analog" era?
    I know you typed this for the lulz, but I just want to remind everyone how much I hate zoomers.
    That will be all. Peace.

  59. 1 month ago

    Did you have to have the tv on to tape stuff way back when or was it all handled on the VCR end?

    • 1 month ago

      You didn't need to have the TV on. The VCR was using its own signal. You could also watch something while recording another channel.

  60. 1 month ago

    My earliest memories were
    >I cannot live another day without air conditioning
    >dutch camera angles everywhere
    >whimsical, melodic commercials that only had white people
    >cable TV edits of Hollywood films and the creative ways they censored them
    zoomers will never experience the SOVL

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