what went wrong with pearl?

what went wrong with pearl?

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  1. 8 months ago

    her entire character went wrong, they wrote all these characters and had absolutely no fricking idea what to do with them.

    • 8 months ago

      her entire characters is she being a happy slave

  2. 8 months ago

    Well it turned out she only became a freedom fighter so she could ironically act like a slave to someone who literally owned her.

    It'd be like if a black man was freed by his plantation owner and then joined up with the confederacy.... oh shit I guess it does make sense.

  3. 8 months ago

    The reveal that she was a slave all along singlehandedly ruined her character. Her final orer wasn't even rescinded, she just worked around it.

  4. 8 months ago

    Making Rose PD both retroactively ruined her and Rose as characters, it was genuinely one of the most baffling moves they did with the show. I know they did it for le ebin tweest but if your ebin tweest fricks with two of the most important characters in the whole show that bad maybe don't fricking do it.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like most of Steven Universe's writing choices can be summed up with "We didn't think of how it would negatively impact the setting"

      • 8 months ago

        Steven Universe barely has a 'setting', the worldbuilding is both garbage and paper-thin

        • 8 months ago

          The worldbuilding was great in season 1 and then they dumped practically every aspect of what they were building after that. Gem ruins and artifacts? Just forgotten entirely.

          • 8 months ago

            It doesn't even make any sense that they would leave relics and temples. Earth was a military factory, not a population center.

            • 8 months ago

              It doesn't even make sense why they'd need a massive military in the first place when the gem rebellion was stated to be the first war the empire ever fought.

              • 8 months ago

                Well, it makes sense when you take in account how stratified and rigid gem society is. Even of you don't have to do your role, you have a role to fulfill, so even if there are no enemies, Rubies, Amethysts and Jaspers still have to be the standing army, enemy or not.

            • 8 months ago

              Not at all. It was a world set for colonization. Even in our world, countries that were meant to just extract resources from wound up getting the random library/church/official government building. The gems stayed on earth for centuries, so it made sense that the gems that would stay around would want some of the ammenities from homeworld in their new colony in some way or another.

    • 8 months ago

      It feels like something that was decided very early on, most likely before the show started, but in the process of making the show the characters were fleshed out in ways that made the twist work against them.
      I feel like a lot of the show's problems can be described that way.

  5. 8 months ago

    There's nothing wrong with having a BBW fetish that Pearl ostensibly possesses. [soipler] I say ostensibly because I haven't watched the show; just judging based off of Cinemaphile's commentary[/spoiler]
    There is nothing wrong with using her only son as an instrument to relive the dynamic she hold with rose quartz erewhile.

    The is just like the rest of us fangirling over someone else (or fanboying but fanboying is more object oriented and not person oriented like fangirling)

    • 8 months ago

      Rose isn't actually fat, that was a tumblr thing that fanartists got into after they misinterpreted her being pregnant as fat. She has an absolutely massive rack but a flat stomach.

  6. 8 months ago

    She fell in love with the only straight gem in the whole show.

  7. 8 months ago

    >what went wrong with pearl?
    She's not Peridot

    • 8 months ago

      >These scars are mine, not because of what was done to me but because of what I chose to do.
      Nothing went wrong, the fans are just morons. She was liberated and chose to follow the one who liberated her. Pink was also in the right and somehow managed to see what her sisters failed to see even after untold millions of years of planet-scale rape and murder.

      They are so fricking similar the only reason you even bring it up is because of your penis.

      • 8 months ago

        What they did with Pink is really weird, it's like they decided the fans were right at the end and made her into an outright bad person with that Spinel thing when before that she was careless at worst. Fans howling at her when she tried her hardest to avoid conflict and it was outright stated the Diamonds wouldn't listen to her before she launched a rebellion to literally save the Earth from total destruction was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. The show made it clear that her actions had negative consequences yes, but they were from something she was trying to avoid the whole time, without which the whole planet would be dead and the Diamonds never would have learned to stop doing that shit in the long-run.

        • 8 months ago

          I think the writers just weren't ready to get so nuanced with a character like Pink/Rose. There are several stories, both in fiction and real life, about people that were deeply conflicted and contrarian towards how they dealt with people and their life decisions. They could have told and showed more of Rose slowly learning about her mistakes as Pink, but still refusing to face her decisions she made before turning into Rose. Hell, just give her more clearly conflicted moments where she's deeply sorry and regretful that Steven will be the one to deal with her mistakes, but she simply can't face her own problems by herself, trying her best to just be a decent person. Just too much implications instead of just showing her conflicts.

        • 8 months ago

          Literally just repeats the same arc about her love and feelings about Rose that were shattered due to her leaving her behind with so much baggage, and then the actual verbal mindfrickery that was done to her that pretty much paints Pink as either painfully malicious, or painfully moronic. And her feelings for Rose and breaking apart over it repeats almost every single time, and the only justification for it is the fact she's a gigantic plot device to drop the twist on us inorganically.
          Pearl is such a fricking dimwit for not having tried it before either.
          They seriously shouldn't have done a twist that everyone predicted from Season 1, everyone and their dog knew what it was after awhile because of how widespread the idea was.
          They needed to course correct.

          Fricking agreed, the path to making her truly grey and nuanced was just to show her true feelings more, that she really regretted her actions, knowing they were flawed and just caused a suicidal genocide on her own kind because of how she played the other Diamonds.
          Hell, you could still keep the Spinel part of her character too, show her early stage carelessness to not even consider bringing such an ally with her into the oncoming war, have TWO followers that'd gladly stick with her religiously, but instead she just straight up forgot Spinel even existed.

          Instead though, they pretty much had to also cut off Rose's story too and how she even really properly got anywhere like she did in the story and just cements that she was awful with Spinel, and then just have Steven trauma dumps that "UHM MY LIFE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SHIT THANKS TO GEMS AND OUR ADVENTURES!!! FRICK YOU MOM!!!" When sure, he was hurt by how his life turned out and did have problems, but dude was NOT heading towards how Future handles it when the original series or god forbid even the movie ends.

          Everything about how the show handled Rose, Pink, Pearl, and indirectly Steven screams unfinished, or in Pearl's case, wasted.

      • 8 months ago

        >. She was liberated and chose to follow the one who liberated her.
        ...who was the same person who already owned her

  8. 8 months ago

    Pearl and Edred should start a simp club together

  9. 8 months ago

    the entire show went to shit

  10. 8 months ago

    She was far too obssessed with her shitty not-lover when she should have settled down and started a family with a nice human man.

    • 8 months ago

      But anon, that will kill her. I don't want Pearl to cease to exist just for the sake of a baby.

      • 8 months ago

        The showrunners stated that gems can have children without giving up their gems or physical forms. Rose was just a selfish c**t that decided to parasitically live through Steven without having to deal with any of the consequences of her decisions.

        • 8 months ago

          That was stupid, the writers going out of their way to shit on Rose by making her Pink, and somehow shitting on her more than the actual petty genocidal dictators that her siblings were.

        • 8 months ago

          Not at all, they made it clear that passing along the gem was not necessary and Rose chose to do it because she wanted to be something new. Pearl could just have a normal human child just fine.

          Proof? when did the showrunners say this?

          • 8 months ago

            It's rather the lack of information to say the gems that are perfectly mimicking the female anatomy would ALL just be unable to give proper birth and have to oddly give up their gem to do anything.
            Hell, rose's case always seemed like an insane outlier too, the gems have proven they perfectly mimic how the human body works, if anything is odd, it's always been how Rose made Steven, but of course the show never elaborated on it in time before it had to wrap things up too fast.

            • 8 months ago

              >It's rather the lack of information to say the gems that are perfectly mimicking the female anatomy would ALL just be unable to give proper birth and have to oddly give up their gem to do anything.
              There's a difference between changing their light construct's shape, and actually having DNA to make such a process possible. Each Gem's gem is their actual body; the characters we see are just constructs of hard light, as I believe Pearl explains in one episode. They can imitate the look and shape of something, but I doubt they can actually create things like blood or genetic material out of thin air, which is what they'd need to do, because again, the nature of how they form bodies means they don't actually have those things. It's also why some of them are able to "shapeshift;" they're just changing what the their light construct takes shape as.

              • 8 months ago

                Pretty sure early seasons Amethyst is the core proof that gems can generate the other functions a human body needs, or alternative ways of achieving the same thing, her comments like how 'Mush passes through her' when she eats, or having apparently gone to the bathroom in the ocean before seriously suggests the gems could in theory achieve the normal birthing process and not the process Rose did to bridge the gap between humans and gems (essentially Factory Resetting though mixed in with Greg's DNA to make a unique being)

      • 8 months ago

        Not at all, they made it clear that passing along the gem was not necessary and Rose chose to do it because she wanted to be something new. Pearl could just have a normal human child just fine.

    • 8 months ago


  11. 8 months ago

    Reminder that a gem could only get pregnant if they wanted to in the first place, and until that point they could just shapeshift a functional vag that you could bust your nuts into with absolutely no consequence.

  12. 8 months ago

    It may be entirely possible that rather than passing DNA to a child the way a normal human woman would, it may be that Gems instead are capable of functioning as some sort of artificial womb. Rather than the child being a result of the DNA of both parents, it's instead a clone of the male parent, and the only thing the child can 'inherent' from the Gem mother is her gem, should she choose to give her form away. I always sorta thought of Steven as being a clone of Greg, but with Rose's gem inside of him.

  13. 8 months ago


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