What would have made a good buzz lightyear movie? Just based it on the spinoff cartoon?

What would have made a good buzz lightyear movie? Just based it on the spinoff cartoon?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yeah. I actually think that would've sold like hotcakes. Would it have been Pixar quality? No. But as long as it's a decent overall, cartoony space adventure, I think it would've spawned actual toy lines and been very popular like Cars is to Pixar.

  2. 2 years ago

    That probably would have helped, for me. Even though I never watched that show, I always thought of it as the thing the Buzz toy was supposed to be for. I know you could always look at this movie as if it were an in-universe remake film version of that show, but for some reason, that didn't do it for me.

    Woody's roundup would be more interesting to me, anyway.

  3. 2 years ago

    Overtly comedic action-packed adventure. Doesn’t need to be the tv cartoon, but it needed to be less serious and have more appeal to kids, basically be tonally closer to Toy Story

  4. 2 years ago

    Lightyear was great, pretty sure you attention-spanless zoomers just didn't see it because they all told each other their streamer overlords said not to

    • 2 years ago

      t. Angus

  5. 2 years ago

    >everyone here acting like they can give advice to a billion dollar company
    Fact of the matter is nothing would have helped. Buzz Lightyear is not that big of a name. They gambled. They lost.

    • 2 years ago

      >Buzz Lightyear is not that big of a name.
      Absolute state of cope.

  6. 2 years ago

    the writers clearly wanted to do Inception for kids using CGI animation. But they needed an IP to suck on in order to get the funds so they painfully and awkwardly jammed Toy Story(TM) into it, forcing a square peg into a round hole. Then they're surprised it didn't do well when all the numbers and metrics told these fricking morons that gatekeep storytelling in the most asinine way possible and they go back to the drawing board hoping the next utterly moronic idea will 'magically' make them money ignoring the far away voice whispering: "just greenlight good stories". Because these people lost their humanity and only think in metrics better suited for high frequency trading or insurance.

    • 2 years ago

      >that pic
      how the frick??? Why would you stab anything being held by your hand with that kinda force? All you have to do is lightly tap it then twist

  7. 2 years ago

    -Drop the hyper realistic textures so the characters don't all look so grotesque

    -Lean into the more retro-futurism/Tomorrow Land aesthetic the original Buzz is clearly inspired by

    -If you have to make Buzz a time traveler, have him travel once from the gritty space colony era and into the hyper advanced era, and don't be embarrassed by obvious comparisons to Buck Rogers

    -Let Zurg be evil. There's nothing wrong with a straight up villain. Even the Toy Story movies knew that tragic backstory doesn't equate to absolution from misdeeds

    -Don't be concerned with making it "fit" into Toy Story canon

    -Don't be embarrassed about making it for kids. Stop trying to fashion your scripts to the tastes of Millennials who shouldn't be defining themselves by childhood media at their age anyway

    -Ditch the stupid cartoon cat, replace it with a funny droid instead

    • 2 years ago

      >-Don't be embarrassed about making it for kids. Stop trying to fashion your scripts to the tastes of Millennials who shouldn't be defining themselves by childhood media at their age anyway

      Pretty much this, at some point Disney started catering to Disney adults instead of kids (pretty much when Iger took over) and you see new shit from other studios like the Bad Guys actually catering to kids and being well received.

      Hell, Sonic 2 threads the line between being a Sonic autist wet dream and a movie that appeals to kids but it did it succesfully, they knew to have kids be their target audience.

  8. 2 years ago

    Imo if he's not a toy might as well make a movie about an original space marine or whatever he is.

  9. 2 years ago

    >buzz fricks up and feels responsible for stranding everyone in strange planet
    >use smaller ship to travel nearby planets in search for minerals or whatever
    >after a while when he returns, he discovers zurg invaded his people
    >puts on his suit and single-handedly deals with zurg army
    >zurg impressed by buzz he offers him to join him in exhange to free his people, a peaceful offering but buzz refuses as he knows zurg uses his power for bad things
    >buzz foesn't defest zurg but leaves him no choice but to escape for next time he will return
    >buzz is given the role of star command, leads a team to travel through the universe to stop zurg's invasion
    >to infinity and beyond!

  10. 2 years ago

    Write, direct & film it like a sci-fi action movie that would actually have come out in 1995.

  11. 2 years ago

    Turning Red crossover

  12. 2 years ago

    Literally just remake the animated Star Command pilot as a big budget movie

  13. 2 years ago

    Just make a few changes to what we got. Get rid of the fricking convict and lanky guy. Focus on Buzz having to teach the black girl what it means to be a good space ranger. Fix the dogshit pacing. More secondary characters with a supporting role. Fill in the plotholes. Bam. You get a slightly better product.

  14. 2 years ago

    Should have been live action but make it look like an older sci-fi film (instead of tons of cgi)

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