>What would you have had Zootopia be written like?

>What would you have had Zootopia be written like?
When will good writing come back?
I haven't seen good writing in live action artistic movies in a while, LET ALONE in cartoons where nobody gave a frick if the writing and ideas are good.

Look I just want some South Park equivalent but in a mature TMNT Mirage 2edgy4me parody kinda way, okay?
I want Max Payne with cute bunnies, is that too much to ask for?

I want Legacy of Pain/Kain with cutesy characters, again... is that too much to ask for?

Nowadays we can't even get Max Payne & Legacy of Kain tier writing in fully funded artistic movies. I haven't seen a Silence of the Lambs book or movie since 2007. It's like 2008's economic crisis simply killed everything.

>What would you have had Zootopia be written like?
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  1. 3 months ago

    Judy gets a sister either a grey twin sister or a blonde one. The perspective focuses on Judy to make you root for her, see her flaws, see how she's easy to coerce but able to toughen up, then the blonde one comes along, something like a third party like in Tangled with Rapunzel, Cass and Eugene. Judy's twin sister momentarily is represented as a supporting deuteragonist. You can't tell who's the deuteragonist; Nick or Judy's sister? eventually Judy's sister wins... and not in a meta "Meh she got shafted to secondary character status" oh no. We have subtle themes and messages and shit throughout about how Judy & Judy have this Elsa/Anna thing going on where they're meant to be together and complement each other in a much more natural way than just a bf/gf, it's more of a hybrid yingyang way. Then we focus on Judy's twin sister from her perspective, like a Yami/Yugi but less extreme. The twin's can take traits from each other; the blonde one can have moments of weakness that impresses the viewer and the grey one can have moments of toughness that impresses the viewer. If only one is competent and only one plays the straightman then it gets dull.
    This contrast plays well, but the RNG is what keeps you guessing and interested.

    We go further into the farmer/cop dynamic with the streetwise fox thrown inbetween to spice things up.
    We touch upon multiple themes and nuances and evolve on them;
    GreyJudy being the cutesy innocent one that exudes a different sex appeal. The blonde one exuding it differently, being the more badass of the bunch and plays something more like a mommabear. The audience being surprised when the blondie has moments of weakness and GreyJudy surprising the audience with making up for the blondie's weaker moments and vice versa.
    Of course you have to write it in such a way that you're IN on the circlejerk, nobody likes a circlejerk, every is either neutral or disgusted when they're not IN on it, when it's not something they can use for themselves.

    • 3 months ago

      wow....I hate that

      • 3 months ago

        What do you hate about it?

    • 3 months ago

      God, this whole thing is so hard to read, you need to work on your English, or use a better translator, bro.
      >sex appeal
      We get it, you're a horny furry. Besides, having a twin plot like that would work better in a sequel or a TV series, not in a big-ass movie with an already underdeveloped world.

      Anyway, I dunno, Zootopia's biggest problem in the writing was the hamfisted racism angle; the location was fine and the adventures were okay, but half the plot revolving around Judy going up to a podium and blurting out the equivalent of "well, blacks can't help committing crimes, they're black" and the other half of the plot being "well, there's this tiny lamb woman who's on screen for about 3 minutes, she's the villain and wants to genocide a third of the population simply because her boss is 10x her size and because she works a job she doesn't like, or something, but we barely know because she's hardly even in the fricking movie".
      Hard to suggest alternate plots without completely starting from scratch, other than the obvious "drop the heavy-handed racism plot and lose the half-hour waste of time where Judy gets depressed" or "give the damn sheep another line or two so she's relevant."

      Ideas, not that it matters in some random-ass Cinemaphile thread:
      A. Highlight the concept of Judy being small and fluffy, so the movie's plot is entirely her being underappreciated and picked on, only to save the day in the end from something easy like a criminal organization or some generic villain, working alongside Nick, yadda yadda
      B. Judy goes to Zootopia expecting a utopia, but finds it's basically Seattle and decides to try cleaning it up by becoming the mayor; the movie highlights the "big tough lion vs tiny cute bunny" angle as a "never give up" kind of story.
      C. Humans vs animals instead of predator vs prey. Could still be lightly racism-themed.
      D. Judy accidentally gets turned into a blueberry and they have to cure her before she pops.

      • 3 months ago

        >the location was fine and the adventures were okay
        Nah they were great. Stop underrating the movie.

        • 3 months ago

          It was fine, it was just a big scrambled mess; one second they're about to get literally eaten by a weasel, the next they're at the DMV, then on a rip-roaring adventure, then they talk for a while to a Godfather parody, now a nudist camp, Judy's in a training montage for a while in one scene and is later depressed and goes home, and they also deal with a scammer making "pawpsicles", or a different scammer selling knockoff DVDs, or a sloth obsessed with going fast, or going to a performance starring not-Shakira, or town hall like four times, etc.
          It was another issue with the movie in that they never really stay in one spot for longer than 10 minutes, which affected the overall adventure quite a bit. Makes for a great baseline for a future franchise though.

          • 3 months ago

            >they're about to get literally eaten by a weasel, the next they're at the DMV
            You didn't even watch the fricking movie. The exciting stuff all happened after the DMV

          • 3 months ago

            You just scrambled the events of the movie to make your shitty point

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    >What would you have had Zootopia be written like?
    ESL or bot?

    • 3 months ago

      You right there stop what you're doing and rewrite that paragraph. Come on, do it. Do it if you're such an English linguist you ESL/immigrant or redneck. It's often the immigrants that yell ESL the most due to projection.

      • 3 months ago

        You don't flex your amazing english skills, you simplify the language as much as you can. Flexing your amazing grammar and writing too much just shows everyone what kind of mental illness you have.
        >how would YOU write Zootopia

        • 3 months ago

          Spoken like a true American and proceeded like a true American to reply for an Anon that isn't (You). I asked him, not you.
          And if that way of writing is too complex for him then I don't know what to say beyond read a book. Simplifying for even the smoothest of smoothbrains to understand is only done for technical lingo which no normal person would ever come across.

  4. 3 months ago

    Utilize the fact they're bunnies/rodents and bunnies love to stick together and cuddle, but do it in an approachable understandable way, not in a pathetic Steven Universe way where they can't stop crying 24/7 over something the audience can't understand/feel for.
    Do that us vs them dynamic in an approachable way. Do it like almost a mother/daughter relationship, when one is feeling down the other cheers them up, but convincingly, not that Hollywood crap of "shut the frick up and stop crying" - "okay".
    There's so many themes found throughout life and refound in books which never get tapped properly, let alone explored from a proper perspective through an interesting execution that tugs at your heartstrings beyond; happy & sad. You need to make your audience feel much more complex emotions such as pride, xenophobia, depression, anxiety+confusion, anticipation/hype, euphoria, PROPER reassurance/relaxation, the list goes on.

  5. 3 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    >what happened to writing schools or writers' guilds?
    The israelite won, pure and simple. These are the effects of trusting a private bank.

  7. 3 months ago

    I want two hours of Judy and Nick being cute and going on dates. Then they get married!

  8. 3 months ago

    The original idea was perfect but too dark for Disney
    The shock collars when people went feral would have been great to see but considering how it had racial undertones they couldn't even risk it being too adult for kids because then everyone will say black people are animals who need to be controlled (true) then say it was not age appropriate
    This is bullshit though since Disney now has a rated R movie and new generations don't give a crap about it and are focused on tiktoks so why not make movies fit the adult sector a bit more

  9. 3 months ago

    >When will good writing come back?
    >Proceeds to rant about wanting about an edgy "mature" South Park style parody with lots of sex appeal.
    It's rare I see people contradict themselves this quickly.

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