Whatever happened to Poppy O'Possum?

Whatever happened to Poppy O'Possum?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Author lost interested and killed the comic.

    • 12 months ago

      That's an understatement. He didn't just stop making it, he salted the Earth by making a bullet-point list of every twist and turn he'd planned out, making sure he can never return to it if interest returns.
      He has some talent. It's outweighed by batshittery and self-harming spite, unfortunately.

      • 12 months ago

        As is his right

        • 12 months ago

          It's absolutely his right. If a world class athlete wants to saw off their own foot, they have the right.
          I'm still going to wince, shake my head, and mourn the loss.

      • 12 months ago

        >bullet-point list of every twist and turn he'd planned out
        Is this supposed to be a bad thing? It just seems to me like basic closure for what could've happened. If he's never going back to it then it's good he just says what he planned.

        • 12 months ago

          Part of it was the tone. It was done in a "frick you people for caring" way that did not speak well to his mental health. You can come clean and say "I don't think I'm ever going to be able to finish this, sorry, but here's what I have planned." The way he did it, he was explicitly salting the Earth for his future self to make it abundantly clear he won't finish it, out of some weird spite.
          "Let me tell you what I had planned, since you're curious" vs "Let me spoil everything so this can never be a comic again."

          • 12 months ago

            >Part of it was the tone.
            NTA but dunno man, it seemed like his usual tone. Morbi almost always gave me the vibe of being a salty angry b***h when he spoke online. From when he talked about how he found trolls fun, to when he complained that living in an expensive area was, in fact, expensive and when he got mad people called his "totally adult but short" drawings a shota.

  2. 12 months ago


    yet, artists like Ashley Cope have lost all feeling on the left side of their bodies and STILL manage a MWF update schedule

    • 12 months ago

      That's Paranatural you dweeb.

      • 12 months ago

        It's emblematic of the kind of author issues

      • 12 months ago

        >all webcomic artists

  3. 12 months ago

    Author went cucko and now lives on Twitter crying about political stuff

    • 12 months ago

      The creator became more left wing and more of a homosexual. He also realized working on a comic for years until done is TOO HARD, so he gave up and just draws softcore porn for himself.

      >tfw witnessing this happening to Kaboozey in real time
      Why is it always the Cinemaphile artists?

      • 12 months ago

        >Why is it always the Cinemaphile artists?
        Because Cinemaphile artists have the perfect mixture of ego, laziness, and insanity that makes them pick up doing a decent idea and then never fricking finish it after they realize actual story telling takes actual work instead of just being famous for their unrealized mediocre ideas.
        The artgays not of america have a mixture of recognizing effort, knowing the general state of their illustrated media instead of just their own specific circles, and more passion for creating than desire for easy life that they can at least finish a story out if they get the chance.

      • 12 months ago

        >why is it always Cinemaphile artists
        And now you're just trying to start shit.

  4. 12 months ago

    artist decided he didn't want to draw anymore so he tried to make Poppy into a novel, then he quit all together. He later joined up with the CHAZ and cried on twitter when his shit was stolen.

    • 12 months ago

      >He later joined up with the CHAZ and cried on twitter when his shit was stolen.
      What a huge fricking idiot

  5. 12 months ago

    Apparently the artist no longer had the drive to do a webcomic and IIRC tried to make it text based with some illustrations. Later decided to do furry porn commissions and completely abandoned the comic. Not sure what they're doing these days.

    • 12 months ago

      Being a massive fricking hypocrite drawing sexy selkie selkies

  6. 12 months ago

    Morbi lost interest and quite frankly I was losing interest since he decided to just go all-in on his godawful lesbian milf fetish. He decided that drawing midget/shota porn was more interesting than trying to make a decent webcomic so after limping along by posting his shitty prose writing for a couple updates he just axed it entirely and decided to just dump all the remaining lore and general plot on his tumblr. To this day he's lost in the twittersphere, drawing some boring 4 panel gag comic about a midget fairy kinda flirting with a fat seal.
    Honestly the sign of the downturn was when he stopped showing up to Cinemaphile.

    • 12 months ago

      >drawing some boring 4 panel gag comic about a midget fairy kinda flirting with a fat seal.
      he gave up on that after 8 comics

      • 12 months ago

        At least we got some tiddies out of it before he stopped.

      • 12 months ago

        Can that fat frick actually focus on fricking anything?

  7. 12 months ago

    Morbi gave up
    Too much lore for too little writing skills
    He spoiled how the comic ended anyway, so not much was lost

    • 12 months ago

      How does it end?

      • 12 months ago

        not with a bang but a whimper.

  8. 12 months ago

    Artist was losing interest, new format he tried was terrible, the rest of the story was too crazy for the level of interest he had and to add insult to injury threads here got filtered to the level of moronness that cares more about him complaining about which side of the toast to butter than the actual comic.

  9. 12 months ago

    The creator became more left wing and more of a homosexual. He also realized working on a comic for years until done is TOO HARD, so he gave up and just draws softcore porn for himself.

  10. 12 months ago

    Furhomosexual drama like usual

  11. 12 months ago

    So its dead, but up to a point I really enjoyed it. did it leave any legacy? was/is there anything else like early poppy?

    • 12 months ago

      Creator was a weeb and consoomed a lot of animu and mango. I am sure there are mangos very much like Poppy.

      • 12 months ago

        >parental figure making his way through hell trying to raise a child
        Lone Wolf and Cub
        >but I want the superpowers
        Pick any shonen anime from the past 40 years

        • 12 months ago

          Well actually it's shounen.

  12. 12 months ago

    Was really annoying when the troony jannies would move all the poppy threads to /trash/ or just delete it them on sight for being "furry". Same with Ratbird comic.

    But things like VG cats and Bittersweet Candybowl are fine?

    • 12 months ago

      For some reason BCB has been getting a pass recently and I personally was able to dump a bunch of relatively SFW Jack comics with no issues. I’m 99% sure the husband of the BCB author has contacts within the administration team because the BCB threads are policed to hell and back. And then i found out that Cinemaphile has a copyright blocking system for some fricking reason when I tried to post certain things made by the BCB people that they don’t like being spread around.

      • 12 months ago

        >certain things made by the BCB people that they don’t like being spread around

        lmao. Such as?

        • 12 months ago

          Taeshi’s lewder drawings of old, and their bonus comics.

          >BCB has been getting a pass recently
          It has ALWAYS been allowed on Cinemaphile because the husband can somehow bribe the mods.

          It didn’t have anywhere near the regular presence on the board as it does now. BCB only really became a staple general in the past 3 years. Which is weird because they advertised on Cinemaphile much earlier than that and nobody gave a shit.

      • 12 months ago

        >BCB has been getting a pass recently
        It has ALWAYS been allowed on Cinemaphile because the husband can somehow bribe the mods.

  13. 12 months ago

    What ever happened to Sledgehammer?

  14. 12 months ago

    >Artist turns webcomic into book because making a full blown webcomic is too much work
    >Artist decides to just drop book entirely and just drop a quick summary of what his plans was cause it's too much work
    >Decides to draw porn instead cause that's easier
    >Barley draws porn and refuses to make sequel to his most popular porn comic/OC cause it's too hard
    The frick does Morbi even do anymore?

    • 12 months ago

      Draws porn for people at cut throat prices while complaining about living in or near the Seattle area after people told him not to.

  15. 12 months ago

    I'm Poppy the Possum Man! (2x)
    I'm slow to the finnish!
    The author killed me!
    I'm Poppy the Possum Man!

    • 12 months ago

      >I'm Poppy the Possum Man! (2x)
      >My author diminished
      >I'll never get finished
      >I'm poppy the Possum Man!

  16. 12 months ago

    But seriously what's the ending he planned out?

    • 12 months ago


      Here's an archive of a bunch of spoilers that Morbi posted

  17. 12 months ago

    Furry fandom goes on


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