What's the biggest Mandela effect in television & film?

What's the biggest Mandela effect in television & film?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Interview with the vampire

    • 2 years ago

      Interview with THE vampire is the book name.
      Interview with A Vampire is the movie title.

      • 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    In my timeline op killed himself for being a fricking moron.

  3. 2 years ago

    In my timeline The Matrix was directed by the Wachowski BROTHERS. In this hell world timeline apparently it was the Wachowski sisters???
    Some proof survived the merge though. This is a picture of the brothers who made The Matrix

  4. 2 years ago

    Apollo 13
    we have
    we've had
    we have

  5. 2 years ago

    is this true trekgays?

    • 2 years ago

      this can be explained as an aspect ratio thing

      • 2 years ago

        how tho, the crystal would be more visible in 4:3 than 16:9

        • 2 years ago

          And thus less visible in 16:9

          • 2 years ago

            most star trek fans saw it in 4:3, the remaster is a recent thing zoomie

          • 2 years ago

            most star trek fans saw it in 4:3, the remaster is a recent thing zoomie

            also no, the 16:9 remaster doesn't crop anything height wise, so the theory makes absolutely no sense at all

    • 2 years ago

      Well, i watched the series for the first time a couple of months ago(presumably after the "dimensional shift" occured) and i remember nothing about this.

  6. 2 years ago

    Do you remember when Ed McMahon showed up with big checks for winners of Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes? Supposedly that never happened.
    Golden Girls disagrees

    As does Roseanne

  7. 2 years ago

    I was watching Simpsons reruns with my honey when I noticed that "Chuck's Suck and Frick" was now named "Sneed's Seed and Feed".

  8. 2 years ago

    every single on of these seems easily explainable EXCEPT the fruit of the loom logo cornucopia, that one is genuinely baffling

    • 2 years ago

      The thing is, why would stuff like "Houston we have a problem"
      "Froot Loops"
      be in Mandela Effects to begin with if they didn't flip back?
      Because all three are exactly like everyone remembers them NOW, so if they never were switched to "we've had" "flin" and "fruit", they wouldn't have been discussed to begin with, as the names already made perfect sense

      Basically it's like if Dolly had always had braces, it wouldn't have been a ME to begin with, so nobody except a few dozen people tops would have brought it up, instead if you loook at archives or just yandex it, there's hundreds and hundreds of discussions about how they flip flopped back from... something that shouldn't be a memory to begin with

      In other words, the bizarre and out of place thing is that basically NOBODY in those discussions remembers the wrong spelling "fruit" "had" "flin" as an actual childhood/past memory they ONLY remember it in the context of the Mandela Effect phenomenon itself, and mostly due to seeing it listed or arguing about it with skeptics

      How could you gain entire fake memories about arguing with someone about how "flin" doesn't make sense because they are in the stone age and it's a pun etc.
      Why would ANYONE ever defend the "flin" spelling or ever think it was ever legitimate, if it wasn't "real" at some point in our past?

      Again, it would be if people out of nowhere came here and started telling us Dolly never had braces, if in our reality she always had them, nobody would be that stupid, as the entire point of the joke/character is to have them

      • 2 years ago

        Mandela Effects lists***

      • 2 years ago

        People simply can't accept that their memory is shit.

        • 2 years ago

          that's the explanation for about 75% of non obvious trollpost mandela crap.
          the cornucopia from fruit of the loom, tho...

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, it’s shit memories. Nothing more.

            • 2 years ago

              that doesn't explain all of it. the cornucopia is one part, that shit is vividly in my memory because i remember asking my parents what the basket on the label on my underwear was and that's how i learned about cornucopias as a decor item. i had no exposure to cornucopias as a decor item until then but i did have exposure to bowl/plate of fruit still lifes and if there was no cornucopia then i would have just thought the label was fruit like in a picture.
              second part being the berenstein thing. i was a raunchy filthy minded kid and i also had all the berenstein bear books. i 100% would at least have been running around talking about "Stain bears"
              i do agree that shit like so and so being dead and finding out they weren't / vice versa is bad memory, and so is a lot of stuff people bring up or try to force, but those two things and a few others are hard to explain. sure, you can say "bad memory lol" but then you're having to say "bad memory + totally false memories + inexplicable personality changes"

              • 2 years ago

                if tomorrow the cornucopia is back on the logo this absolute moron will insist it's always been there and you have shit memory

              • 2 years ago

                the cornucopia shit has been discussed so much that enough people stayed up late arguing about it that it affected their day in some small way and this over time added up to the point where the cornucopia/no cornucopia timelines are actually somewhat diverged to the point where there's no more crossover
                notice that shit like berenstein doesn't flipflop

              • 2 years ago

                but that is assuming it's a basic one reality scenario that slightly shifts with the majority of people having bad memory or coping
                But idk about that, for instance for me the logo had no cornucopia, I know this fairly certainly because I remember in the 90s having a white tshirt and its logo, but more importantly I had a crush in middle school that used to wear froot of the loom tshirts, as they were popular back then, and i remember stuff like telling her her hair would look nice in a ponytail and her the next day showing up with one, in a froot of the loom white tshirt, and have no recollection whatsoever of a cornucopia, even tho I aknowledge that IT MAKES ABSOLUTE SENSE for one to be there, and always have been there

              • 2 years ago

                >I know this fairly certainly because I remember in the 90s having a white tshirt and its logo, but more importantly I had a crush in middle school that used to wear froot of the loom tshirts, as they were popular back then, and i remember stuff like telling her her hair would look nice in a ponytail and her the next day showing up with one, in a froot of the loom white tshirt
                Well here is where mandela effect falls apart. You remember it correctly, because you have a strong connection to it. All the people with the "mandela effect" don't. It was named after some people remembering Mandela dying in prison in the 90s, but my guess would be that not a single one of those people lived in South Africa.

              • 2 years ago

                but that is assuming it's a basic one reality scenario that slightly shifts with the majority of people having bad memory or coping
                But idk about that, for instance for me the logo had no cornucopia, I know this fairly certainly because I remember in the 90s having a white tshirt and its logo, but more importantly I had a crush in middle school that used to wear froot of the loom tshirts, as they were popular back then, and i remember stuff like telling her her hair would look nice in a ponytail and her the next day showing up with one, in a froot of the loom white tshirt, and have no recollection whatsoever of a cornucopia, even tho I aknowledge that IT MAKES ABSOLUTE SENSE for one to be there, and always have been there

                both of you explain

                that doesn't explain all of it. the cornucopia is one part, that shit is vividly in my memory because i remember asking my parents what the basket on the label on my underwear was and that's how i learned about cornucopias as a decor item. i had no exposure to cornucopias as a decor item until then but i did have exposure to bowl/plate of fruit still lifes and if there was no cornucopia then i would have just thought the label was fruit like in a picture.
                second part being the berenstein thing. i was a raunchy filthy minded kid and i also had all the berenstein bear books. i 100% would at least have been running around talking about "Stain bears"
                i do agree that shit like so and so being dead and finding out they weren't / vice versa is bad memory, and so is a lot of stuff people bring up or try to force, but those two things and a few others are hard to explain. sure, you can say "bad memory lol" but then you're having to say "bad memory + totally false memories + inexplicable personality changes"


              • 2 years ago

                No, there's lots of people with a much closer connection to it, like the guys that learned about the meaning of cornucopia from the logo, some people remember their teacher using the logo in school to explain it and stuff like that
                there is also the "residue" of the album cover with the cornucopia in it

                the whole faulty memory shtick just doesn't work, there is stuff like this still online

                with homies witnessing the flip flop and making videos about it

                Same as the people obsessed with the JFK assassination conspiracy, that spent years analyzing the Zapruder footage only to seeing it change and so on and so forth

                did you see the crystal or not?

                i don't have to explain anything as we might be simply be from different "dimensions" or whatever

                Look if you guys want to believe that you're from an alternate universe where the only thing that's different is the logo of an underwear

              • 2 years ago

                it doesn't have to be alternate universes, and even if it had to be, you can't simply disregard all elements pointing to a phenomenon being real, or the phenomenon itself being impossible because you deem the potential explanation too absurd

              • 2 years ago

                deeming the phenomenon itself impossible a priori***

              • 2 years ago

                No, there's lots of people with a much closer connection to it, like the guys that learned about the meaning of cornucopia from the logo, some people remember their teacher using the logo in school to explain it and stuff like that
                there is also the "residue" of the album cover with the cornucopia in it

                the whole faulty memory shtick just doesn't work, there is stuff like this still online

                with homies witnessing the flip flop and making videos about it

                Same as the people obsessed with the JFK assassination conspiracy, that spent years analyzing the Zapruder footage only to seeing it change and so on and so forth

                Well, i watched the series for the first time a couple of months ago(presumably after the "dimensional shift" occured) and i remember nothing about this.

                did you see the crystal or not?

                both of you explain [...]

                i don't have to explain anything as we might be simply be from different "dimensions" or whatever

              • 2 years ago

                But, it won't though. It never has been there and it never will be there.

              • 2 years ago

                >that shit is vividly in my memory because i remember asking my parents what the basket on the label on my underwear was and that's how i learned about cornucopias as a decor item
                If only you knew how fragile memory was
                tl;dr participants asked every day if they were ever lost at a park every day for weeks, eventually they start thinking they were and even fill out details of those made-up memories themselves

              • 2 years ago

                read the actual experiment not the misleading oversimplification from that article
                And this is with people actively trying to gaslight you about a memory from where you were just 5 years old

              • 2 years ago

                So 25% of people who keep reading the bullshit cornucopia thing will have false memories about it. That's thousands of people
                Thanks for conceding

              • 2 years ago

                this is how it went:
                >be me
                >read "fruit of the loom doesn't have a cornucopia"
                >go look it up
                >no cornucopia
                >i know what it is, this is one of my formative memories especially because it's how i even learned what that word WAS
                >i looked at that label every time i put on underwear and some shirts
                i read no stories or priming information during this. the only outside information i took in was "fruit of the loom doesn't have a cornucopia" and a google search for "fruit of the loom logo"
                so, apparently a bunch of people gaslit and brainwashed me AND ALSO COVERED UP THEIR EVERY TRACE

              • 2 years ago

                many such cases

              • 2 years ago

                >this is one of my formative memories
                Exactly, this is one of those early memories that are incredibly easy for you to imagine details on. Thanks for conceding

              • 2 years ago

                >so, apparently a bunch of people gaslit and brainwashed me AND ALSO COVERED UP THEIR EVERY TRACE

              • 2 years ago

                You're very bad at this.
                25% (with undisclosed "some" uncertain among them were NOT ABLE to guess which story about their 5yo childhood among 4 was false, which is entirely reasonable

                It does NOT translate to 25% of people just randomly making up memories, essentially altering their own previous memory, because they see a post online about an alleged logo being different

                Nobody except a handful of schizos would do that

                And you're not debunking anything anyways, excpet some people misremembering things, which we already said was the overwhelming majority of alleged Mandela Effects

                The thing is, why would stuff like "Houston we have a problem"
                "Froot Loops"
                be in Mandela Effects to begin with if they didn't flip back?
                Because all three are exactly like everyone remembers them NOW, so if they never were switched to "we've had" "flin" and "fruit", they wouldn't have been discussed to begin with, as the names already made perfect sense

                Basically it's like if Dolly had always had braces, it wouldn't have been a ME to begin with, so nobody except a few dozen people tops would have brought it up, instead if you loook at archives or just yandex it, there's hundreds and hundreds of discussions about how they flip flopped back from... something that shouldn't be a memory to begin with

                In other words, the bizarre and out of place thing is that basically NOBODY in those discussions remembers the wrong spelling "fruit" "had" "flin" as an actual childhood/past memory they ONLY remember it in the context of the Mandela Effect phenomenon itself, and mostly due to seeing it listed or arguing about it with skeptics

                How could you gain entire fake memories about arguing with someone about how "flin" doesn't make sense because they are in the stone age and it's a pun etc.
                Why would ANYONE ever defend the "flin" spelling or ever think it was ever legitimate, if it wasn't "real" at some point in our past?

                Again, it would be if people out of nowhere came here and started telling us Dolly never had braces, if in our reality she always had them, nobody would be that stupid, as the entire point of the joke/character is to have them

                No, there's lots of people with a much closer connection to it, like the guys that learned about the meaning of cornucopia from the logo, some people remember their teacher using the logo in school to explain it and stuff like that
                there is also the "residue" of the album cover with the cornucopia in it

                the whole faulty memory shtick just doesn't work, there is stuff like this still online

                with homies witnessing the flip flop and making videos about it

                Same as the people obsessed with the JFK assassination conspiracy, that spent years analyzing the Zapruder footage only to seeing it change and so on and so forth

                did you see the crystal or not?

                i don't have to explain anything as we might be simply be from different "dimensions" or whatever

                Keep going and you'll soon claim that the average person is just essentially a schizo who dreams up whole events on the daily, and that's totally normal

              • 2 years ago

                Cool story

                You already conceded

                Now go back

                See how stupid this way of posting looks by the way?

              • 2 years ago

                you barged in a conversation discussing the majority of mandela effects being people misremembering, posted a random link that essentially says the same we were saying, then claimed victory over some imaginary argument

                I'm just highlighting how stupid and barely literate you are.

              • 2 years ago

                No need to become this mad

                I know you lost but you'll get over it

                It's time for you to go back

              • 2 years ago

                okay now we just have to find out who asked me, every day, for weeks, if i ever had a childhood experience learning what cornucopias were because of my tighty whities

          • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          did you even read what I posted moron
          It's one thing to misremember something from your childhood, another to misremember stuff from very recent times that went on for months, and that it couldn't have possibly have existed in our "current reality"

      • 2 years ago

        People are moronic on this one.
        The whole fricking premise is they live in the stone age. FLINT is a fricking STONE.
        They are the Flintstones, and everyone I've ever heard pronounces both t's. Who the frick says Flinstone lol

        • 2 years ago

          nobody, that is the point
          it made no sense before the alleged "flip flop" because it's just that obvious that it should be flinT, so there would be no discussion and it wouldn't have become a Mandela Effect to begin with

        • 2 years ago

          Flinstones morons need gassing.
          Reminds me of some guy on Plebbit saying he distinctly remembers that Dale in KOTH knew his wife was cheating on him with John Redcorn and remembers the episode, but can't find it and thinks it's a MF. I link him to the Cinemaphile post and he realises he confused a fricking Cinemaphile post with a real memory. Lot of tards out there.

          • 2 years ago

            if it flips again, then you're gonna be called the moron for thinking it was flinTstones just because it's set in the stone age

      • 2 years ago

        People think it's Flin because they don't pronounce the T in the song, nor in casual conversations. Moreover being kids and living at a time before Google debates would have occured. Simple memory problems, it's never some truly outlandish shit like Fred Flintstone was black and his name was Daquan.

        • 2 years ago

          nobody thinks it's flin though, before the "flip flop" the skeptics were the only ones basically saying it HAS TO BE flin because it was just how it actually was and said the people calling it flinTstones were moronic because they were tricked by their memory, just like you are saying right now, t hat the flinT people were misremembering due to the cartoon being about the stone age

    • 2 years ago

      isn't it interesting that these things are never something that could cause a branching timeline in history (the shit involving where continents are on the globe is just people having bad memories / not really paying attention / varying map projections- and tbh if you learn about how human memory and perception works, you will understand that a lot of shit we aren't focusing on hard is basically operating on autopilot and a cached glancing memory can just be a malformed idea) but instead are the ONLY kind of difference between highly similar timelines that could be noted while keeping those timelines otherwise identical?
      berenstain/berenstein comes down to a guy anglicizing german names at ellis island, what choice he makes and what name ends up on the books won't have ANY effect on human history (until that is everyone starts noticing it and talking about it but the actual course of events/choices effect will still be minimal) yet could create a timeline split that is otherwise so similar that it might as well be occupying the same space.

      tl;dr this is why when you had that near death experience and died in one timeline and your consciousness merged over to the next closest timeline, you ended up in a berenstain/no cornucopia timeline- as you never even existed in the hitler won timeline.

      the shit with continents is a brain write-caching issue though because the distance of travel will affect the course of human events, which cities grow faster, etc.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you a hollywood writer? Because your explanation reads like a terrible movie script.

        • 2 years ago

          this is established quantum immortality theory.
          i wish i were a hollywood writer because then i could write a scene where the female lead (badass, beats up grown men twice her size, probably mulatto) explains this to you using some method similar to the Thor Blood and Thunder pen through a piece of paper example of wormholes

          • 2 years ago

            >this is established quantum immortality theory.
            there's no such theory, it's a thought experiment.

            • 2 years ago

              okay, fine.

      • 2 years ago

        >his is why when you had that near death experience and died in one timeline
        how do you know about this?

        • 2 years ago

          because this is a common unifying element
          i suspect our consciousness is distributed or entangled within the close bundle of nearly identical universes and during some 'deaths' we merge over to the timeline where things just went slightly different
          anyway that's how we ended up in the berenstein verse

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean?

      • 2 years ago

        He's moronic, is what he means

  9. 2 years ago

    I thought Louie Anderson died back in the early 2000s and was shocked to find out he was still alive, but I just checked again and he died last year

    • 2 years ago

      this is the one that always gets me. everyone I knew thought he was dead then he showed up on that insane reality show that taught celebrities how to jump off a high dive (I'm not joking).

  10. 2 years ago

    Jurassic Park used to have a scene where Sattler and Grant are flying on an airplane (it just showed the airplane taking off or landing) before the helicopter scene in Costa Rica.

    • 2 years ago

      Might have been the theatrical release. I also remember a scene where sattler grabs a leaf from the side of the road during the car ride

  11. 2 years ago

    The scene with ET in the creek. That wasnt in the movie when I was a kid.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember that scene traumatizing the frick outta my 5 year old ass in the late 80s

    • 2 years ago

      That's the only scene I remember. It could be that you just went to the toilet or something during that short scene.

  12. 2 years ago

    he never said "take my strong hand" https://youtu.be/RceBflV1aV8

    • 2 years ago

      oh man I used to have the username FirestoneTires playing AvP and Army Men II online on Mplayer

    • 2 years ago

      Earlier in the movie he picks up Cindy's bag and says "I better use my strong hand", so this makes a little sense. But I do distantly remember "take my strong hand" being the line everyone were saying after seeing the movie

      • 2 years ago

        people always quote movie lines wrong

  13. 2 years ago

    imagine how frustrating this shit must be for CERN expending insane amounts of resources and time just to have the faintest photon wiggle ofa n interaction with alternate realities but the only thing they can do is just barely interact (in the same way that fruit interacts with the bottling process of lacroix) with the next closest universe which just overlays ours like a transparency with the tiniest of differences and it's exactly the fricking same except dolly had braces

    • 2 years ago

      >Noticed any decay in those mesons?
      >Nah the detectors aren't picking up any muons, but we did pick up that Scooby Doo's nephew catchphrase was "scrappy happy"
      >I thought it was "puppy power"?

  14. 2 years ago

    Why would parallel universes only affect minor pop culture trivia? It makes no sense.

    • 2 years ago

      My theory is that all universes exist on one plane and what we view is just the average outcome of every universe.

    • 2 years ago

      because anything else would gradually diverge the timeline. those timelines could certainly exist, but we never interact with them.
      imagine a rope. it's all little fibers. (this is not string theory) all next to each other, all making one big rope.
      now imagine how that rope holds an infinity of those fibers, and how a billion of those fibers could be superimposed over each the space where you'd expect there to be one, holographically. and the further they diverge, the farther away in the bundle of fibers that one fiber is.
      the berenstein/berenstain strands and those that sprung from them were superimposed over each other but probably gradually drifted a bit. the hitler won strand and its offspring is all the way over on the other side of the rope.

  15. 2 years ago

    One that has always bothered me is I distinctly remember a few episode intros of Malcolm in the Middle on Sky1 (15+ years ago) having the 'Stuck in the middle with you' song as the intro and have never heard it since. I distinctly remember my dad even asking me in the car if I remembered where the song was from when it was playing on the radio. I know the song played in one of the episodes but I always remembered it being the intro to the show before the 'you're not the boss of me now' became the intro. Guess it's one of those mandela effect things for just me idk. Thanks for reading my blog post

    • 2 years ago

      Thay was an advert.

  16. 2 years ago

    Not sure if this counts but does anyone else remember Ken or Ken dolls having brunette or at most dark blonde hair?

    • 2 years ago

      I am so glad no one bothered to reply to your shit post

  17. 2 years ago

    Probably misremembering that girl with this one

    • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    That popular 80s cartoon:

    • 2 years ago

      Hero was used in UK as they didn’t want to use the word Ninja. It also edited out Mikey’s nunchucks.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank god I wasn't born in a gay ass country.

        • 2 years ago

          > Thank god I wasn't born in a gay ass country

          - American

  19. 2 years ago

    Never watched this so I never experienced this "effect", but it would have been much more kino if she did have braces. Why didn't they do that?

  20. 2 years ago

    I remember Donald Rumsfeld stepping down as secretary of defence when people found out he was gay. He said "I'm a gay male" on TV.

  21. 2 years ago

    People say it makes no sense for her to have no braces. But it actually wouldn't make sense if she had them. Drax filled his space station with genetically perfect humans. Why would she need braces if she were perfect?

    • 2 years ago

      Because dental condition isn't based on genetics?

  22. 2 years ago

    I am 100% convinced that I switched dimensions sometime in the past 6 years.
    I vividly remember a TV show that no one else remembers, I've called networks, I've checked out microfilms, I've poured over old TV guides. The show has never existed and yet I remember watching whole seasons of it. I am slowly losing my mind. "My" family worries. I have to find a way to switch back.

    • 2 years ago

      Tell us about it

    • 2 years ago

      the only tv show difference i can remember is that chimera monster in the first season of Fringe, i remember it treeing Peter, kind of undulating around the other trees, and being a different physical configuration

  23. 2 years ago

    The fact that there is no
    >Imagine if you will
    at the start of any episode of The Twilight Zone ever is fricking inconceivable to me, its truly rocked me.
    the name change too..

    • 2 years ago

      Simpsons taught me it was "presented for your consideration"... was that wrong too?

      • 2 years ago

        >"presented for your consideration"
        that was the spoof of "imagine if you will"

  24. 2 years ago

    Are the 50 million South Africans exempt from this moronation or in a place of spacial stability or what? For you guys he was brief news, for us Mandela was our president for years.
    Only way to square this is glowie psyop on suggestability and groupthink online. That stupid dress a few years ago was a trial run for this.

    • 2 years ago

      in all likelihood the few south africans that would have experienced the ME, not saying it's an actual ME mind you, would have woken up the next day, saw Mandela on tv, and just throught they misremembered the previous day

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think you understand how big of a deal he was down here. That's impossible.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think you know how the ME works, if it affected the entire world at the same time then everybody would be aware of it and it wouldnt be a subject of debate

  25. 2 years ago

    Mr T never once said "I pity the fool" in The A Team.
    The Dick Dastardly theme wasn't "catch the pigeon, catch the pigeon", but "stop the pigeon".
    King Kong vs Godzilla never had multiple endings. Kong always won.
    Sally Field didn't say "You like me, you really like me" when accepting an Oscar.
    There is no movie called Shazam starring Sinbad as a genie.
    And the most obvious answer: Luke, I am your father. But the reasoning for that is pretty clear.

    • 2 years ago

      >There is no movie called Shazam starring Sinbad as a genie.

      • 2 years ago

        this is the first one of these that actually got me

      • 2 years ago

        this is the first one of these that actually got me

        It's Kazaam starting Shaq

    • 2 years ago

      >Luke, I am your father. But the reasoning for that is pretty clear.
      The "Play it again, Sam" line is very similar in that regard. Most of these insert to whom the line is addressed. Bogart actually said "you played it for her, you can play it for me".
      Tarzan never says "me Tarzan, you Jane"
      Here's an interesting one, the line "we have ways of making you talk" is actually "Well, Gentleman? we have ways of making *men* talk"

    • 2 years ago

      More people have seen the "I pity the fool" parodies than the A Team itself

  26. 2 years ago
  27. 2 years ago

    There is no feed shop called Sneed's Feed and Seed, it was always Chuck's Feed and Seed.

  28. 2 years ago

    It's called brainlet effect in my dimension.

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