What's the horniest film or television piece of media you know that isn't porn?

What's the horniest film or television piece of media you know that isn't porn?
I have a girl coming over, and whenever we're together she gives off all the signs she's into me (extended eye contact, laughing at my dumb jokes, any excuse to touch me), but she's super repressed.
I need a film/tv show that'll definately put her in the mood.
Thanking you in advance, Anon!

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  1. 7 months ago

    For all the posts screeching at incels to "go outside", "touch grass", and to "have sex", the one time someone is so close to sealing the deal, it's fricking crickets from the peanut gallery

    • 7 months ago

      I wish I could help anon. Where are the non virgins of Cinemaphile? Help this anon out!

    • 7 months ago

      yeah cuz thats all ironic moron and you fell for it lmao

  2. 7 months ago

    Watch BLACKED

  3. 7 months ago

    Why do you want a movie that will "put her in the mood"? Are you planning on using a movie everytime you have sex? Literally pick anything, it doesn't matter.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah OP is an idiot, just put on some crap in the background, kiss this girl if shes so into you, and use your tongue in her mouth to “put her in the mood”.

    • 7 months ago

      Of course not. I'm hoping to use it as an ice-breaker. Something to talk about. I don't want to force her into anything she's not comfortable with. Maybe I've worded my post wrong, but i've found you have to word your post "aggresively" to get noticed.

      • 7 months ago

        I know you might get a different idea from browsing here but the content of what's on the screen shouldn't have any bearing on your social life.
        There is no magic flick that will get her wet/in the mood. Either she wants to frick you or she doesn't. You're just supposed to watch the movie close together and not 2m apart.

        • 7 months ago

          "watch the movie colse together", so maybe something like a light horror? something with cheap jumpscares?

          • 7 months ago

            No, I say that as a guy, who was put in multiple girls' bed with a laptop and a series, and watched the series like a Cinemaphile autist instead of making a move, don't expect the movie to have an impact on this, real life is not a movie.

      • 7 months ago

        >ice breaker
        >something to talk about
        >look at the muff on that one

  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    Non ironically nothing will kill the mood more than putting on some horny film made for shut-in incels to jerk themselves to. It will 100% turn her off from you, I would only consider watching such a thing if I was already in a relationship with a girl and we both wanted to watch it "as a joke"

  6. 7 months ago

    Okay, so horny movies are a definate no.
    Horror movies are a maybe if i don't get into the plot
    The only one that's sticking out is the Anon with the Grease reference.
    Maybe a happy, fun, romantic musical?

    • 7 months ago

      You could literally watch the grubhub commercial on a loop and it wouldn't matter.

      • 7 months ago

        "grubhub commercial on a loop", I would kill her and then myself.

    • 7 months ago

      You could ask her what her for some recommendations as well. I wouldn't choose a movie that you are actually interested in watching because there is a chance both of you get invested in the movie.
      Something light but good always works. A wes anderson flick would probably go well (Fantastic Mr. Fox, grand budapest)
      It's a meme to choose a horror flick to snuggle up with the girl, but I would be careful of choosing something too gory - it's tough making your move when some guy's head is being cut off.

      Your focus should really be about everything but the movie. Is your movie viewing setup conducive to snuggling? Do your blankets smell nice? Will people be walking in and out of the room (e.g. roommates)?

      • 7 months ago

        I hadn't even thought of setting, I thought my couch would be fine. I have blankets but they were used as bed coverings. I'll get them washed and get some of that nice smelling mist spray stuff you get from bedding stores. I've always just walked straight past that stuff before.

        • 7 months ago

          Just washing them should be fine. They take a long time to dry so dont do it last minute.

          It wouldn't hurt to get some popcorn bags or maybe a bottle of wine depending on the mood

          • 7 months ago

            Wine might be a bit much. But I'll get a bottle on standby. Not having anything to drink to the "do you have anything to drink?" question might be a mood killer.
            This whole endeavor is basically limited dating experience, movie tropes, and anonymous answers that dont sound completely moronic afterall.

            • 7 months ago

              I have had this experience a number of times so here is how it usually goes for me:
              You welcome her at the door, ask for her coat if she is wearing an extra layer, ask if she wants a water or anything (general host behavior)
              You continue to chit chat as you walk her over to where you will watch the movie, ask her how the drive was, how was her week, how she thinks the movie will be, etc.
              As you are talking you can set up the movie (searching on roku or plugging your laptop in or whatever) this gives you guys more time to chat before jumping into a movie and also gives her time to get comfortable.
              Once the movie is primed, you give the last check to see if she is all settled in (do you want any popcorn? I think I have a bottle of wine tucked away somewhere...)
              The biggest point in the night is going to be right before the movie starts. You dim the lights and if she is sitting on the couch already sit right next to her with your arm behind her. It doesn't hurt to see if she is cool with it ("Is this good?" "Do you want to lean against me?"). If she hasn't sat down yet, sit in the middle of the couch and drape a blanket across yourself and ask her if she wants to the share the blanket. Her body language and response is going to tell you how she wants the night to go.
              If she responds well then you guys will probably be snuggling when the movie starts. I would play it cool for at least the beginning of the film so both of you relax and get used to the feeling of your bodies touching. Then at some point bring your arm closer around her or start gently rubbing your thumb against her arm or hand - nothing creepy or over the top it should be comforting. From there you can start to be a little more physical or just at some point in the movie, during a lull, you whisper "hey", she looks up at you, you put your finger under her chin and kiss her.
              Just like a movie, it's best if it's a slow burn.

              • 7 months ago

                "during a lull, you whisper "hey", she looks up at you, you put your finger under her chin and kiss her", this seems kind of stupid but the rest of the advice seems solid.

                This thread is hilarious, I hope the girl appreciates how much trouble and preparation you are going through, conferring with your fellow fa/tv/irgins

                Well, your hope for appreciation is welcomed, but "fa/tv/irgin"? Come on, I'm trying my best here!

  7. 7 months ago


  8. 7 months ago

    Maybe ask her what she'd like to watch? It might not be something you like, but it's about her.

  9. 7 months ago

    The only answer.

  10. 7 months ago

    The Lover (1992)

  11. 7 months ago

    This thread is hilarious, I hope the girl appreciates how much trouble and preparation you are going through, conferring with your fellow fa/tv/irgins

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