What's the reason it didn't become an instant like all of the other early Pixar movies?

What's the reason it didn't become an instant like all of the other early Pixar movies?

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  1. 12 months ago

    An instant hit*

  2. 12 months ago

    Enough with Asian Hate

  3. 12 months ago

    Antz came out and was much better.

    • 12 months ago

      >Least memorable protagonists imagineable, at least Antz had Sylvester Stalone
      >Circus bugs only take up 1/3 of the film when they should've been the main characters
      >Ant society has no redeeming qualities, most stuck up, arrogant c**ts around. Flik is a fricking moron for bailing them out and not letting the grasshoppers genocide them
      >No charisma, which Toy Story, Monster's Inc. etc. have in abundance

      Do I even need to go on? Even Redditors domn't pretend to care about this schlockfest

      >Woody Allen, Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Walken, Gene Hackman, Danny Glover, etc
      >vocabulary like : damn, who/what the hell is that?, tight-ass, crap, anus, b***hin', suicide, erotic fantasies, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc
      >songs like High Hopes, I Can See Clearly Now and Guantamanera
      >Pepsi, Mountain Dew, B&G and Reebok cameos
      >references to Pulp Fiction, 2001 ("the monolith") and Star Wars ("you're a little short for a war hero")
      >one ant says "it's the workers who control the means of production"
      Antz is better

      Why are autists drawn to Antz?

  4. 12 months ago

    >No sequels
    >2D animation still going strong

    • 12 months ago

      Sequels have nothing to do about it. Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, and the Incredibles were incredibly iconic before any sequels and any sequels those would have wouldn't come until more than a decade later. Yet A Bug's Life was already being left behind compared to the ones I just mentioned.

    • 12 months ago

      Id like to see a sequel someday. Would be cool with modern graphics and there is storytelling potential.

      • 12 months ago

        Only if it's set in real time after the first movie, many, many bug generations later, and the events of the first movie have become legend.

  5. 12 months ago

    This movie contains so much 'accidentally' proletarian and anti-elite narratives that the USA government has been trying to memoryhole it for years

  6. 12 months ago

    Bugs are icky.

    • 12 months ago

      Probably this tbh. Only so much girls can handle.

  7. 12 months ago

    >Least memorable protagonists imagineable, at least Antz had Sylvester Stalone
    >Circus bugs only take up 1/3 of the film when they should've been the main characters
    >Ant society has no redeeming qualities, most stuck up, arrogant c**ts around. Flik is a fricking moron for bailing them out and not letting the grasshoppers genocide them
    >No charisma, which Toy Story, Monster's Inc. etc. have in abundance

    Do I even need to go on? Even Redditors domn't pretend to care about this schlockfest

  8. 12 months ago

    >Woody Allen, Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Walken, Gene Hackman, Danny Glover, etc
    >vocabulary like : damn, who/what the hell is that?, tight-ass, crap, anus, b***hin', suicide, erotic fantasies, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc
    >songs like High Hopes, I Can See Clearly Now and Guantamanera
    >Pepsi, Mountain Dew, B&G and Reebok cameos
    >references to Pulp Fiction, 2001 ("the monolith") and Star Wars ("you're a little short for a war hero")
    >one ant says "it's the workers who control the means of production"
    Antz is better

    • 12 months ago

      It's just an okay movie at best. I enjoy it mostly due to nostalgia and the fact it has some cool moments, like the scene at the grasshopper base with the seeds. But it isn't an offensively bad movie, it's just not remarkable. Comparing it to Cars 2 or The Good Dinosaur and that's clear. You'll see people actively shitting on those films but no one ever really bothers shitting on Bugs Life but they'll admit it's one of the lower tier Pixar films.

      Pop culture references and product placements does not a good movie make. Although even though I prefered Bug's Life as a kid I have grown to appreciate Antz more as I've gotten older. I don't know if I'd call it better than Bug's Life though, I think what's good and bad about both of them balance out to around the same level of quality, give or take depending on your personal tastes.

      • 12 months ago

        >pop culture references
        Oh come on. Antz has almost none. Dreamworks wasn't in that territory yet.

        • 12 months ago

          Assuming you're the one I replied to you just yourself said
          >references to Pulp Fiction, 2001 ("the monolith") and Star Wars ("you're a little short for a war hero")

  9. 12 months ago

    Antz is more interesting simply because it was made by the same division that later made the first Shrek. It isn't as amazing, yet by watching Antz, you sorta get an idea of how a film like Shrek came to be.

    • 12 months ago

      They're too different types of movies bro

  10. 12 months ago

    Story wasn't as good. Wasn't bad but Woody's mildly more complex arc of being a jealous butthole to realizing there are things more important than him is more intresting than Flik's arc of "Nerd saves the day and get's the girl". The best part of the film was Hopper and he ain't exactly ever coming back for merch material.

  11. 12 months ago

    >I had a very anxious childhood. You know, my mother never had time for me. When you’re the middle child in a family of 5 million, you don’t get any attention. I mean, how is it possible? And I’ve always had these abandonment issues which plague me. My father was basically a drone, like I’ve said. And, you know, the guy flew away when I was just a larva
    Antz gives us some background information about the protagonist (Z). Bug's Life doesn't do the same with Flik.

  12. 12 months ago

    Bug's Life is one of my favorites by Pixar. I love how it's cynical but optimistic. I love Hopper's scenes. Not sorry.

  13. 12 months ago

    go woke, go broke

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