What's your pitch?

What's your pitch?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago
  2. 9 months ago

    magneto get ipad

  3. 9 months ago

    Don't make an X-Men movie so X-gays feel even more victimised.

    • 9 months ago

      This. No movies, no cartoons, not even any comics. Just sit on the rights until the entire fanbase dies of old age.

  4. 9 months ago

    90 minutes of Scott fricking Jean Grey

    • 9 months ago

      Post credit scene #1 reveals it was all in his head as he's in the adjacent room jacking off to the sounds of Wolverine fricking Jean

  5. 9 months ago

    Wolverine gets Ipad

  6. 9 months ago

    Do a story set in the past of the MCU (say Kang fricked up the timeline and now the mutants always existed in the MCU) in which the original X-Men lineup (Beast, Jean Grey, Angel, Cyclops, Iceman) face off against Mr. Sinister.

    And do an Uncanny Avengers movie set in the MCU present where after years of mutant discrimination, a bunch of X-Men (like Wolverine) and Avengers (like Captain America) start the Avengers Unity Division to show the world that mutants and humans can work together. The villain is Red Skull, whose come back from the wherever the frick he was in Infinity War.

  7. 9 months ago

    The Testament of Scott Summers

    Movie 1: The First Class
    >The formation of the X-Men. In the MCU, Scott has been the protector of mutants and Xavier's lone solider working from the shadows. There's an accident caused by a kid with an omega level mutation which ends up creating mass panic over mutants. Xavier realizes he needs to form a superhero team to show that world that they don't have to fear mutants. The rest of the movie is about a young and dejected Scott learning to be vulnerable and open himself up to be in a family.

    Movie 2: Giant Size
    >Since movie 1 was about Scott learning to be in a family. Movie 2 explores the possibility of having to say goodbye. The First Class have grown up now and not all of them want to stick around. To make things worse Xavier, in preparation for the first class leaving. Introduces Scott to his B team consisting of the giant size members. This ends with Scott learning to be able to say goodbye but with Jean sticking by his side as his anchor as Scott leads the new X-Men

    Movie 3: Kill off Jean movie
    >You know the drill. This one leaves Scott in a darker place then ever before.

    Movie 4: Hellfire Club
    >Start really testing Scott and his morals. Introduce Emma as a bad influence on him.

    Movie 5: Messiah Complex/Schism/AvX
    >This might hard to do within one movie but it's here we see Scott pushed to his absolute limits. Which all leads to the fall out of the X-Men and a civil war amongst them. (In between X1 and this there would've been spin offs to help flesh out the world even more so this would be the first big "everyone is here" movie). This ends with Logan now in charge of the school and Scott now a war criminal protecting mutant kind from the shadows once again.

    Movie 6: Krakoa
    >The redemption of Scott and the final steps in his journey in making a better world for mutant kind.

    Hire me Feige

    • 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    You mean they STILL haven't even started development on their X-Men stuff? What's fricking taking them so long? They should have been taking pitches the moment the Fox buyout went through.

    • 9 months ago

      Apparently Feige wanted to do a proper sendoff to the FoxVerse (which will be between DP3 and Secret Wars) before intoducing the MCU X-Men, which ended up backfiring due to the strikes delaying the whole Multiverse saga by almost 3 years

      • 9 months ago

        I believe they will make an original story and the mutants will have different costumes and personalities from the comics, it will be much worse than the Fox films, it must be Feige's worst work alongside Fantastic Four

  9. 9 months ago

    Ultimate X-Men basically
    Mutants are an increasingly emerging unintended consequence of genetic tampering from past attempts at creating super soldiers. Between the snap the return and the giant rising from the sea enough latent mutants have experienced a certain amount of stress to trigger their dormant "X" gene that it's now noticeable on a global scale. Unlike before where there were just a few people in certain specific situations that ever developed their mutant abilities over the last few decades. Like a few people are old mutants, maybe a couple dozen emerged during the first Avengers movie maybe a few dozen more in and around the Ultron event. But Thanos and Tiamat triggered things on like a global level and now across the world hundreds or thousands of mutants are emerging.

    In this period of change and confusion Professor Xavier opens a school/halfway house for mutants to be kept from endangering themselves or anyone around them. But also during this period other mutant organizations emerge, some selfish or looking to take advantage of their powers, some run by governments. Xavier chooses to take some of his better students and use them as an example (propaganda piece) to show the greater world how helpful mutants can be.

    The movie would be mutants cleaning up problems caused by other mutants. But it would also be about like social media, biased news coverage and how both of those are manipulated to control public opinion.

  10. 9 months ago

    Archangel, Nightcrawler and Beast team up to save Spider-man from whatever dimension Mary-Jane was sent to.
    Nightcrawler can teleport there with Archangel's Apocalypse tech frickery.

  11. 9 months ago

    A major plot point in the series is everybody makes fun of them for being called the X-Men, when many of them are women, and the x is just a lame relic of a bygone era, also Xavier is wheelchair bound because of a skateboarding accident in 1997

  12. 9 months ago

    >This Ain't The New Mutants XXX
    Poor actors with big breasts and dicks frick each other for 1 hour 44 minutes

  13. 9 months ago

    Me an' Rogue having hot sweaty xecks for 72 minutes
    working title : Sugah Overdose

    • 9 months ago

      Damn didn't know Remy Lebeau posted here

  14. 9 months ago

    Swoop in and scream that Angel should have a bazooka and sword and not any Archangel bs, Warrengays time to shine

  15. 9 months ago

    "Project X" was an experiment done by a secret faction of the US military during the Blip, using a combination of super-soldier serum and Skrull DNA in an attempt to give humans superpowers. Initially thought a failure, the De-Blip awoke their dormant powers which, along with the initial chaos of the De-Blip, allowed them to flee their handlers and blend into the general populace. They all have super-soldier powersets, along with some generic flavour, like Storm will have electric punches or Cyclops with have laser eye punches or Magneto will have magnetic punches. The plot is that the evil bad man wants to round all of them up and brainwash them into being super-soldiers again, when the X-Men just want to be left alone and dindu nuffin wrong. The X-Men will eventually take over a small Middle Eastern country, with the country's native inhabitants being a bunch of evil wrong terrorists for wanting to keep their homes and not letting the X-Men turn it into their own special country. The final battle will be Magneto wanting to control the X-Men with Wolverine stopping him. Their fight will be in a CGI greenscreen dimension and Wolverine will win with the power of friendship.

  16. 9 months ago

    beast get ipad

    • 9 months ago

      morph gets an ipad

      charles xavier get ipad

      SHUT UP

      • 9 months ago

        Anon gets an ipad

  17. 9 months ago

    morph gets an ipad

  18. 9 months ago

    charles xavier get ipad

  19. 9 months ago

    >Except for Wolverine, all the X-Men are kidnapped by the Hellfire Club
    >Wolverine leads a group of young mutants to save them then he gets ipad

  20. 9 months ago

    Hot Claws.

  21. 9 months ago

    Wolverine is a double agent, Cyclops is the naive mutant who is radicalized, Rogue is like the Anna Paquin version, Jean is just bad with her powers until she learns to tap into the phoenix force, Storm is one of the antagonists, Professor X's paternal behavior ends up killing him and Magneto is the final boss but he's not israeli he was just lying the whole time

  22. 9 months ago

    Marvel should’ve introduced Mutants the SECOND they got the rights.

    Whats the point of just STARTING them in now? There’s so much shit they have to get through that this’ll be after Secret Wars at LEAST.

    • 9 months ago

      It wouldn't have mattered. It'd still be hokey. Introducing mutants in an established Marvel U will never not be dumb as hell. Unless Xavier's been gaslighting the entire world for years, it wouldn't work.

  23. 9 months ago

    All the genuine pitches in this thread suck ass kek

  24. 9 months ago

    >during the 60s a young xavier, with the help of his friend erik, decided to mindrape all of humanity as a last resort for preserving mutantking
    >the following decades both mutants went around the world kidnapp-err taking in those who manifested mutant powers
    >around the 2000s, both friends came into a disagreement that lead to the formation of 2 teams: the x men and the brotherhood of mutants
    >the brotherhood believed in mutant supremacy and wanted homosapiens to relearn about their existence
    >unfortunately for them they took action after the battle of new york
    >as result, they were easily overshadowed by a much bigger threat than them:loki
    >giving up wasn't an option, and they tried again and again
    >by civil war they understood that it was near futile to continue their quest
    >this was further solidified when everyone but magneto dissappeared during the snap
    >filled with impotent rage, magneto understood that in the grand scheme of things he was just a mere pebble
    >it was at that moment that a strange red fellow appeared in front of him
    >whispering sound to his ears,he encouraged him to look around new york for some one who shouldn't have been born
    >during infinite war, a group of scientists ,lead by world renowned scientist reed richards, conducted an expedition in outer space
    >unbeknownst to them, a powerful wave of cosmic energy engulfed the space ship
    >one by one, everyone disappeared from the strange phenomenon
    >at last, it was turn for the last 4 reed and his wife sue storm, her brother johny storm, and ben grimm
    >but as the dustening began, a light appeared from sue's belly
    >unconscious for couple hours, reed woke up in their apartment in new york city
    >as he wondered through the place, he realized his new found powers
    >it was not the only surprise, his wife had unexpectedly givinf birth to a healthy baby boy

  25. 9 months ago

    Medium stakes Gambit solo that's a globetrotting pseudo Indiana Jones story like a lot of his other runs. Stealing shit and exploring areas is fun

  26. 9 months ago

    Main Character is a complete OC, gonna go with Technarch because i think he looks cool and expressive as Warlock, the "random quirky XD" audience would love him seeing how well Spiderverse and Deadpool did and would allow themselves to self-insert
    Cyclops is a dumb and gay twink who stands still and does nothing but because he is forced into action he will develop from a nerdy moralkek into a miguel o'hara-esque moralgay that takes over the team leader position
    Jean is kinda like his sister-childhood friend figure and their platonic sexual tension is what softens him from going full egomaniac, she also has an imaginary friend called the Phoenix that resembles her Id and forces her to be passive, kind of like the devil on shoulder thing
    Wolverine is an oldgay mentor, he's the bad cop who punts kids around like fricking footballs but it's okay he just had it rough and tries to express himself in a conservative way
    Storm speaks in a very esoteric manner and acts as a spokeswoman apologist for any collateral damage mutants cause, she's the nice teacher while Logan is the cranky tough one
    Xavier is just a big ass hologram of a bald guy's head who gives instructions and trivia, we never see his true form and he has very questionable principles
    Rouge is the Technarch OC's southern tomboy "monster freak" love interest who discovered him in one of the X-Men's missions, they frick around with each other the most
    Iceman is seething that this Technarch newbie is cucking him so he usually acts as his foil and rags a lot on him
    Established Villain is Magneto and the brotherhood who hunts down Mr. Sinister for betraying his mutant kind and elaborating with william striker and his pro-sentinel program and blah blah blah they are fascinated with the Technarch
    (Main Party keeps insisting it can all be solved peacefully btw)
    Btw i only know about X-Men from brief memories of trivia descriptions and article summaries

    • 9 months ago

      Oh also colossus is the wholesome chungus guy that accompanies magik who is this activist goth b***h who acts nice to the Technarch as to keep her social status as the underdog and not be like that top alpha prostitute Emma Frost

  27. 9 months ago


  28. 9 months ago

    it ends with charles blocking the memory of mutants from everybody

  29. 9 months ago

    Xavier is a psychokinetic but not a telepath. Jean Grey is called Phoenix from the start and her mutation lets her fly and use fire powers. She is also not a telepath. The Phoenix Force does not exist, telepath mutants do not exist. Because frick telepaths in fiction, they are always written terribly and the worst part of any media, and doubly so for Jean because being Phoenix is the only interesting thing anyone ever remembers about her.

  30. 9 months ago

    Just reboot the MCU and start with the mutants there. That way, they'd have always been around without a convoluted explanation IE comic book bullshit. No one wants an Avengers with all these nobodies picking up from the original guys.

  31. 9 months ago

    The 90's cartoon but live action.

  32. 9 months ago

    It's the 90's cartoon just with better action scenes. No race swapping, no shitsmearing casting, nobody being turned into an lgbtpedofile, in fact no mention of the letters child molesters at all. Frick it and set it in the 90's too.

    • 9 months ago

      >and set it in the 90's too.

  33. 9 months ago

    I have an idea for a five-part X-Men film series that combines Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men with the Dark Phoenix Saga. If you anons like my first idea, I'll try to type up more.
    When the existence of mutants is exposed to the world, SWORD kickstarts the Sentinel Program (the technology for which will be provided by an alien known as Ord on the behalf of his homeworld, Breakworld). To prevent a mutant massacre, Professor X founds the X-Men, which consists of Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, and Beast. Throughout the movie, they attempt to sabotage the Sentinel Program while also learning how to work together, and how to accept themselves in a world that hates and fears them. The climax will be set in a space station in Earth's orbit, where the Sentinels are manufactured. After the artificial intelligence piloting the Sentinels (Master Mold) goes rogue and attempts to wipe out all life on Earth, the X-Men end the Sentinel threat by destroying the facility. Our heroes are then forced to crash land back on Earth, a process that seemingly kills Marvel Girl -- until she's suddenly reborn as the Phoenix. The movie ends with the Sentinel Program getting scrapped, and Jean Grey being comatose.

    The movie will have also two scenes in its credits. The mid-credits scene will reveal that Wolverine is actually a double agent working for the mutant terrorist Magneto, ala the Ultimate X-Men line of comics. The post-credit scene will reveal the enigmatic Ord's motivation for wanting mutantkind extinct: a prophecy states that a mutant (Phoenix) will destroy his home planet, Breakworld.

  34. 9 months ago

    Three hours of non-stop orgy in the Xavier Mansion ending with Sabretooth breaking through the wall Kool Aid Man style and fricking Jubilee and X-23 while Logan watches.

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