>What's your power? >I can fly. >I can read minds. >I OPEN PORTALS TO HELL!

>What's your power?
>I can fly.
>I can read minds.
Mutants are too much sometimes.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    The entire premise of the Xmen falls apart from page 1. Some mutants can fly or shoot lasers. Some mutants are horibke frog monsters or made of goo. However, the pretty ones are the only ones b***hing about acceptance and prejudice.

    • 12 months ago

      The freaks b***h too, but they're kept out of view since it would be bad optics for the mutant movement

    • 12 months ago

      imagine being told you're a bigot for not feeling Safe about the classmate sitting next to you.who just so happens to be a living talking walking nuclear bomb with anger issues.

    • 12 months ago

      Reboot X-Men or do an Elseworld type story where they all look like freaks.

      • 12 months ago

        There's no reason to reboot anything. The franchise worked fine for years. I swear it's like every time something gets out of hand morons are just quick to immediately jump on the REBOOT button.

        • 12 months ago

          A reboot worked for Doom Patrol.

          Then they will just be Doom Patrol.

      • 12 months ago

        Then they will just be Doom Patrol.

    • 12 months ago

      There is a literal page from the most recent x-men where a girl was normal, got turned into a freak, and asks the x-men to use their island power to turn her back to normal.

      The normal mutants then try to gaslight the girl saying only the non-mutants think she's ugly and she shouldn't go back to normal or have sex like everyone else.

      She later betrays the X-Men and get her regular form back.

      • 12 months ago

        Could you post the image?

      • 12 months ago

        >She later betrays the X-Men and get her regular form back.
        Lmao no she doesn't, they literally help her to get back to a form that she likes
        Also it wasn't the X-Men, it was the New Mutants

    • 12 months ago

      They need to make a storyline where the ugly muties are mad at the sexy mutants because its the sexy mutants that are always the ones that are causing people to hate mutants due to all the shit and property damage they always cause.

      • 12 months ago

        I'd just like to see more of the regular Joe Mutant call out the X-men on their "WE'RE A SEPARATE AND NEW RACE" bullshit. Because they didn't hold a vote or anything. Magneto and then the X-men just decided that shit for themselves. Maybe the entirety of the mutant population would be on board if they were allowed to discuss it but after a point it just sort of seems like the X-folk are more interested in securing the crown of their own gay little kingdom.

    • 12 months ago

      The premises of the xmen fell apart since it exists in a shared world with other mutated superheroes that are loved by the public. Xmen should've started and stayed as its own universe

      • 12 months ago

        This. How the frick does the general populace distinguish Luke Cage from some random mugga?

        • 12 months ago

          They basically don't. In Alias and Pulse, for example, it's a recurring thing that people mistake Jessica Jones for a mutant and react badly whenever they realize she has powers. It even gets her kicked out of a hospital while she's in labour.

      • 12 months ago

        The X-men need other heroes like the Avengers or the Fantastic Four. If they didn't have them then Genosha/Krakoa would happen much earlier, the humans would be genocided, and mutants would be forced to look inwards and deal with what bastards they are without an external enemy to distract them.

    • 12 months ago

      They need to make a storyline where the ugly muties are mad at the sexy mutants because its the sexy mutants that are always the ones that are causing people to hate mutants due to all the shit and property damage they always cause.

      it's lightskin homies vs darkskin homies all over again

    • 12 months ago

      I prefer those that are monster on the outside, rather than inside.

  2. 12 months ago

    I’ve never felt that mutants were a good metaphor for minority/gay rights
    The whole thing about racism/homophobia is that we’re all humans and those differences are skin deep, but with mutants, there is a VERY fundamental difference between them and humans
    A kid could wake up one day and suddenly have the ability to shoot lasers out of their eyes or grow razor sharp claws or control the weather, and I think people being afraid of them is pretty justified

    • 12 months ago

      >I’ve never felt that mutants were a good metaphor for minority/gay rights
      Well it used to be a lot more secondary than it's become. You'd get the hate and the fear but generally it was mostly just an excuse to have powers and give the good guys motivation to not be buttholes.

    • 12 months ago

      >I’ve never felt that mutants were a good metaphor for minority/gay rights
      It's fricked the more you think about it, for all the points you and the other anons mentioned
      Imagine if prominent minority/gay rights figureheads went around telling them they're going to replace you

      • 12 months ago

        Weren't a lot of them doing just that after the tiki torch thing?

    • 12 months ago

      This, is a stupid allegory. You can argue there’s no reason to be afraid of black or gay people. But it’s impossible to not be afraid of a magento motherfricker

      • 12 months ago

        >But it’s impossible to not be afraid of a magento motherfricker
        Not when we have weapons like these!

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            Better not test it on other things, It would only depress me.

      • 12 months ago

        >You can argue there’s no reason to be afraid of black or gay people
        I wish

    • 12 months ago

      I think you never read any x-men comics you maybe watched a movie/ the movies.

      X-men is about a lot more than the mutant integration.

      Also the whole point is that there are evil mutants, but not all of them are evil by far therefore generalisation is bad. Some mutants save humanity from things only they can. Therefore killing all mutants on earth would be bad for humans. For example if they killed every mutant baby before they grew up earth would be fricked.

      If they killed all kryptonians in the dc universe then they would kill both superman and general zod.

      >Argue about how proper mutant registration would be good easing mutant-human tension and compare it to other non-western superhero media that handled it well like My Hero Academia and Tiger and Bunny.

      >Get slippery slope answers about how it always leads to shit like Sentinels and stuffs and Holocaust comparisons when it's in reality it's due to comics status quo and irl politics demonizing proper use of the law.

      Frick off with bad copy mangas.

      • 12 months ago

        >Some mutants save humanity from things only they can. Therefore killing all mutants on earth would be bad for humans
        The Marvel universe is full of non-mutant supers, surely they would pick up the slack?

        • 12 months ago

          The whole shared universe thing can kinda ruin every superhero story both in marvel and dc. Of course you could make Thor fight every villain since in some iterations he is crazy strong, but that would be kinda lazy.

          Maybe there are some enemies which only the mutants can stop like Apocalypse, Mr Sinister, Legion.

      • 12 months ago

        Those mangas are way better than your shitty capeshit

        • 12 months ago

          No weeb

    • 12 months ago

      Originally X-Men writers were way more reasonable about the bigotry angle in that instead of shit like "mutant pride" or whatever hamfisted allegory X-Men comics want to use nowadays, humans being afraid of mutants was portrayed as completely understandable and the goal of the X-Men was to prove that humans had nothing to fear from mutants and that peaceful coexistence was possible as opposed to buttholes like Magneto who figured that mutants were superior and therefore humans SHOULD fear them and tremble. Sure humans that wanted to exterminate all mutants were also portrayed as bad but it wasn't as though X-Men comics pretended like that fear was unjustified.

      Then at some point X-Men writers decided to REALLY go all in on the prejudice allegory and it became so that any and all fear of mutants was suddenly considered bigotry and humans were obliged to accept these walking super-weapons as they were and ignore all the world-ending crises happening every other week because of them. Funnily enough this is also around the time when writers started trying to make Magneto into a quasi-good-guy and massively toned down or outright whitewashed his Mutant Hitler rhetoric so that now he was just some dude who viewed conflict between humans and mutants as inevitable because of human bigotry or something, instead of a dude who actively believed in mutant supremacy and that they should dominate the world.

      • 12 months ago

        And then they went even further by having all the X-men basically agree with Magneto that they are 100% a separate species who are genetically superior and destined to inherit the world because humanity has a literal sad suicide gene that will drive them to instinctively commit sudoku once mutant population levels hit above a specific threshold, but instead of killing people they're going to be NICE about it instead by protecting the normal humans around so they can passively continue breeding and popping out the necessary number of mutants until nature decides it's time for the normies to quietly step aside and backflip into the oceans so homosexual superior may reign supreme over the other mutates and fish people of the world.

        Fricking Grant Morrison, I swear...

  3. 12 months ago

    How would guys fix the X-Men? Would you change how mutants work in order to fit the metaphor properly or just do away with it completely?

    • 12 months ago

      I would just do what they did for years. More focus on super heroes, space shit, monsters, some soap opera shit and occasionally a sentinel shows up or something.

    • 12 months ago

      I'd just have them be an extreme minority and try to limit the power scale shit. Like, only 1 in a freaking 100/1000 can be some Hulk/Thor tier steroid freak. And try and nerf their powers to a point where it's not instant death to just have one of them touch you or stare at you.

      Idk, I Just feel like a public freakout at random poeple with city leveling powers is totally justified. It's ridiculous to try and claim 6'4 guys are equal to 5'2 guys.

    • 12 months ago

      Get rid of the freaky disabled ones so that they can better hide amongst normies. John with the beak and feathers is always going to be discriminated against but Billy who can fry an egg in his palm won’t be till he tells someone and even then he may not.

    • 12 months ago

      Drop the metaphor almost entirely and reduce the mutant population back to 1970s/1980s levels without anyone in-story b***hing about it at all, they just act like there's always been that few of them. There is no "mutant community" and no "mutant culture" just a few costumed factions of heroes and villains. Only villains, both mutant villains and human villains will ever talk like mutants are a separate race to humans, and at least a ten year ban on even using human villains, focus on mutant villains being villains. Magneto, Blob, Toad, Vanisher, Mystique, Sabretooth, Emma, Frenzy, etc are all villains and will not be treated as heroes nor as having a point. The mutant heroes actually get along with human superheroes and authorities, don't act like they're above the law and don't have to explain themselves, and don't constantly side with mutant villains over humans.

      Also basically blacklist everyone who's worked on the books in the last 25 years unless they had an earlier run before that.

    • 12 months ago

      mutants are borerline godtier now and ruling over humans (literally have the power to resurrect who they see fit) and no one’s stepping up to stop them.
      a complete reboot and toning down their powers is needed after the krakoa shitfest

  4. 12 months ago

    >Argue about how proper mutant registration would be good easing mutant-human tension and compare it to other non-western superhero media that handled it well like My Hero Academia and Tiger and Bunny.

    >Get slippery slope answers about how it always leads to shit like Sentinels and stuffs and Holocaust comparisons when it's in reality it's due to comics status quo and irl politics demonizing proper use of the law.

    • 12 months ago

      >handled it well like My Hero Academia
      Shut up.

      • 12 months ago

        Despite being Shonenshit, it's depiction of a society properly regulating and integrating it's superpowered individuals but still has heavy flaws is more nuanced than whatever Marvel does where humanity just goes full-own Nazi whenever the topic mutant-human relations is done.

        • 12 months ago

          It's because the beings in Marvel go up to 11.

        • 12 months ago

          It's also a completely different context you moron. EVERYONE has a power there. In Marvel, most people still don't.

          • 12 months ago

            There's also tiger and bunny. And most powers on BnHA are meaningless, to the point heavy restrictions of quirks use are implemented (and there are factions against this)

            • 12 months ago

              No one in Tiger and Bunny is a freak mutant till the powers are active and even then most don’t turn into nightmare fuel. Also most powers seen are useless as frick unless they are in main character status.

          • 12 months ago

            >EVERYONE has a power there.
            Being able to summon glaciers at will and having a cat head are not equal powers anon

          • 12 months ago

            even when everyone has a power, in the Marvel universes, they ends up going full nazi shit.

            • 12 months ago

              Marvel civilians are the worst people on the planet, they don't deserve to be saved.

              • 12 months ago

                Marvel civilians were never that bad originally. They used to thank Spider-Man and heroes. X-Men were called freaks because they are different, but the people used to see the error fo their ways.

                Honestly, I blame the edginess of the late-80s through the 90s and later-00s for how Civilians turned out and comics needing to be mature/edgy/have constant downer shit.I'm glad we're over this phase even if it took a decade.

              • 12 months ago

                Even the 90s weren't so bad race wise. You had some phallanx jerks but a huge chunk of it was spent dealing with that whole legacy virus business.

  5. 12 months ago

    Why would a mutation allow you to open magical portals?

    • 12 months ago

      That's the stupid thing
      "mutations" vary from giving you a fish head to making you superman to making you a Keter Class SCP to making you a god of reality
      It just makes no sense as a premise, there needs to be a limit on what mutant powers can be

    • 12 months ago

      This isn't what Illyana's powers are. She opens interdimensional portals that tunnel through space and time. There's no magical element to her portals, it's purely a psionic mutant-y type effect. That's her natural, inherent mutant powerset. Nothing to do with hell, nothing to do with magic.

      However, she was kidnapped by a demon lord, trained in sorcery, and eventually became the dictator of a hell plane.

      That's the stupid thing
      "mutations" vary from giving you a fish head to making you superman to making you a Keter Class SCP to making you a god of reality
      It just makes no sense as a premise, there needs to be a limit on what mutant powers can be

      >It just makes no sense as a premise, there needs to be a limit on what mutant powers can be
      No, it needs to be more gonzo and weird. All the best example of psychic/posthuman powers in fiction have some kind of mysterious, semi-mystical element to them that makes them seem truly weird and kind of unearthly.

    • 12 months ago

      That's the stupid thing
      "mutations" vary from giving you a fish head to making you superman to making you a Keter Class SCP to making you a god of reality
      It just makes no sense as a premise, there needs to be a limit on what mutant powers can be

      >it's a Cinemaphile doesn't read comics episode

      • 12 months ago

        Explain how i'm wrong then

  6. 12 months ago

    >coworker is a mutant
    >he has a ticking sound everytime anybody goes near him
    >whenever he feels agitated the ticking gets faster
    >nobody can say anything because mutants from Krakoa will literally buttfrick the entire nation if word gets out that he gets laid off for being a mutant
    >I am now out of a job because he blew the place up after the office bawd rejected him

  7. 12 months ago

    The only reason this b***h is even X-Men is because of the design. There’s nothing about her that screams mutant.

    • 12 months ago

      Sex sells.

  8. 12 months ago

    All mutants should have some sort of physical deformity

    • 12 months ago

      >check out this poor mutants
      >this guy's deformity is that he has a 6-pack despite never working out
      >and that girl over there? she's stuck looking like a 20-something for the rest of her life

    • 12 months ago

      Noticeably distended and bloated belly for Jubilee?

  9. 12 months ago

    Magik's a telepoter. The portal to hell stuff is due to her learning magic/forced to learn it by a demon.

  10. 12 months ago
  11. 12 months ago

    Well, Cinemaphile? What's your power?

    • 12 months ago

      I won't make much of a superhero, but still incredibly beneficial

    • 12 months ago

      If I can still live my life like a normal human, I won the superpower lottery. Otherwise I become something else entirely, a boring plot-device that appears in underwhelming crossovers to show how dire the situation is.

    • 12 months ago

      How oddly specific.

    • 12 months ago

      >The user can make anything, everything, anyone or everyone useless. For example: they can make all laws ineffective, all powers useless, or make the world useless which cause everything to be destroyed within it etc. The user can make actually anything into nothing.

      I would start calling myself, "Dead Zone". Since my powers are basically "auto-fail", I have a good idea on how to use it. I would become a vigilante crime-fighter for-hire, helping to catch villains for payment from crime fighters or the authorities or going to places normal people couldn't go for payment to solve issues.

    • 12 months ago

      Does it have to be ancient forest, or any sufficiently wild forest? The only real primordial woods are in the Balkans, north Canada, Africa or south America, alot of them are second growth, even the ones before the white man came had some native American management, aside from a few at the tops of mountains in the north east most of the north easts woods grew in after the industrial revolution.

      If I can still live my life like a normal human, I won the superpower lottery. Otherwise I become something else entirely, a boring plot-device that appears in underwhelming crossovers to show how dire the situation is.


    • 12 months ago

      Wow so I'm just the fricking Demiurge.
      Literally infinite creative power, but only to create universes that are miserable.

    • 12 months ago

      Nanomachines, son

    • 12 months ago


      So I need to start a ghost hunting business first for this to be useful, great.

    • 12 months ago

      I hit jackpot

    • 12 months ago

      brb trail dashing to a my end

    • 12 months ago

      Okay then.

    • 12 months ago

      Pretty good if you ask me 🙂

    • 12 months ago


      I won't make much of a superhero, but still incredibly beneficial

      If I can still live my life like a normal human, I won the superpower lottery. Otherwise I become something else entirely, a boring plot-device that appears in underwhelming crossovers to show how dire the situation is.

      Does it have to be ancient forest, or any sufficiently wild forest? The only real primordial woods are in the Balkans, north Canada, Africa or south America, alot of them are second growth, even the ones before the white man came had some native American management, aside from a few at the tops of mountains in the north east most of the north easts woods grew in after the industrial revolution.

      Nanomachines, son

      Me and the hippie mafia on the way to destroy the pharmacology industry

    • 12 months ago

      I see Claymore cited at the bottom as an example, so I'll just run with that. Immortal shapeshifter that will probably go insane and eat people a few times on the struggle to master my inherent demonic power.

    • 12 months ago

      Become a programmer and create whatever I want. At worst cheese the system with all the video games I've beaten with OP drops & loot.

      • 12 months ago

        Amazing how there are two healers, three tree people, and five demons, but you're the first guy to have a power that will actually get you paid. Well, maybe

        How oddly specific.

        can sell his sand. That's pretty valuable too.

      • 12 months ago

        That is absurdly overpowered dude.
        It doesn't even have to be your stuff.
        You can turn anything that's digital into reality.
        That means every fictional universe is at your fingertips.

    • 12 months ago

      Got a broken stereo?

  12. 12 months ago

    I’m pretty sure her power is just teleportation portals and she learned how to use them to get to and from Limbo

  13. 12 months ago

    I don't get why you think Magik has the strangest powers. She makes dimensional portals that is her power. Later she also learned to use magic like scarlet witch. Magic exists in the marvel universe so it is logical that people can learn it.

    You can of course go ahead and hate all of x-men comics, because their powers are ridicolous, but that is why it is fun. By this logic you could hate all superheroes though.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I don't know why they feel the need to go so out there sometimes. It makes sense when mutant powers are biological in nature since they're well, mutations, and you can do all kinds of crazy stuff just on that permise, but if your powers don't fall into that category are you really a mutant?

      It's less that their powers are ridiculous and more that at that point they're wizards, not mutants. At least for me. It's precisely because there are other superheroes who don't have the x-gene that making people with magic powers mutants feels forced.

      • 12 months ago

        I think it's cool that they are both wizards and mutants, but okay I get it.

  14. 12 months ago

    being a metaphor for minority rights and even being evolved/mutated humans weren't meant to be such important plot points of the x-men
    it was just an excuse to make a bunch of superheroes with little need for an explanation

  15. 12 months ago



    Originally mutants weren't that powerful, and the OG5 could be taken down by one Thor or Spider-Man.

    • 12 months ago

      Power creep is a massive issue with a lot of media in general I think. It's like every other weekend there's some massive world ending catastrophe even in who should be more street level heroes. I just miss when badguys robbed banks and science expos.

    • 12 months ago

      Power creep is a massive issue with a lot of media in general I think. It's like every other weekend there's some massive world ending catastrophe even in who should be more street level heroes. I just miss when badguys robbed banks and science expos.

      Powercreep can be managed if you have set guidelines or general rules for your power system. The problem with comics is that they are a continuing medium and writers are encouraged to always raise the stakes as not to repeat plotlines and to make the villains threatening / writers always try to leave their own unique marks in runs instead of just doing their job/making the story be fun and continue its true nature.

      So you always end up with stupid planet busting frickers in X-Men when the line-up used to be alright. I can shoot fireworks, I got super fast healing/unbreakable metal bones, I can teleport anywhere, I can run fast, etc.

      • 12 months ago

        They just need to know when to relax and pull back. Everyone is in such a rush to get their own Dark Phoenix or some such out there

  16. 12 months ago

    All of these pretty girls have won or done ok in the powers lottery

  17. 12 months ago

    she's not a mutant

    she's a demon from Limbo that took on the form of the original long-dead Illyana

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