Wheelchair Gwen

Alright everybody. Let’s once again contemplate that alternate timeline where Gerry Conway was convinced to spare Gwen last minute, resulting in her losing the use of her legs

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  1. 12 months ago

    Oracle Gwen?

    • 12 months ago

      >the only person who knows Peter’s true identity
      >uses her dad’s old police gear and access to the radio to help Peter navigate the city
      >chair contains hidden web shooter defense system

      • 12 months ago

        Barbara only had the resources and know-how to become Oracle because she trained under Bruce. Gwen couldn't get any of that done.

        • 12 months ago

          Gwen lives in a universe where a newspaper man can hire a random mad scientist to build a humanoid robot to hunt down superheroes for just 5,000$. Random hobos build rayguns by looting through dumpsters.

          Wheelchair Gwen would be 'teleoperates a robot shaped like her from the comfort of her home' Gwen

          • 12 months ago

            Wheelchair Gwen would also probably be wearing a penguin onesie under a blanket in her chair, playing the robot like a video game while Mary Jane gives horrible advice from over her shoulder

          • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      We already have Madam Old Broad and nothing beats her. Best girl.

  2. 12 months ago

    I like it

  3. 12 months ago

    There was really nothing important about Gwen Stacy beyond the fact Peter Parker had a thing for her. I doubt there'd be anything special about her after becoming a paraplegic.

    • 12 months ago

      This, we'd lose one of the most iconic Spider-Man stories and gain nothing in return

    • 12 months ago

      A spider has eight legs, Spider-Man has a girlfriend with no (working) legs, it's kino

      • 12 months ago

        What if her chair has 8 wheels?

  4. 12 months ago

    Would Peter take care of her or what?
    Would they even still be a thing?
    What consequences would there be?

    • 12 months ago


      Alright everybody. Let’s once again contemplate that alternate timeline where Gerry Conway was convinced to spare Gwen last minute, resulting in her losing the use of her legs

      I feel like this would lock Peter into marrying Gwen down the line, not MJ
      Even before that, Peter guilt trips himself into telling her he's Spidey, he has to take care of her and it adds to his woes

      • 12 months ago

        >Emotionally, Peter has kind of checked out and cares more about MJ, but feels obligated to stay with Gwen because it's all his fault
        >He unmasks in front of Gwen and she hates him for it and for keeping secrets from him all that time
        >Either Norman survives, and tries to take advantage of the situation by using the Goblin Formula to cure Gwen, or Harry tries it

  5. 12 months ago

    Love it

  6. 12 months ago

    You know what would get her back on her feet? Goblin Formula.

    • 12 months ago

      Venom actually

    • 12 months ago

      Venom actually

      Both work. Either Gwen stews in bitterness until the symbiote finds her, or Harry offers her a deal with the devil.

      • 12 months ago

        You'd have to wait over 15 years between her injury and the comics getting to a point where she could conceivably become Venom. It's only really a viable idea in some kind of fanfic timeline where you can speed up the arrival of symbiotes. If you want Gwen to go bad, it's best to find a way to get there without having to wait all those years for Venom to show up.

        • 12 months ago

          >You'd have to wait over 15 years between her injury and the comics getting to a point where she could conceivably become Venom

          Sliding time scale bullshit it's 2 maybe 3 years. It happens after he proposes to MJ, she dumps him, he start dating Black cat and drops out of university, then BOOM Secret Wars. The thing that takes the most time is the point from when Peter and MJ start dating to the point where he ask her to marry him, which if we are being honest could be 6 month.

          • 12 months ago

            Going by the real world time lapse would mean that Gwen wouldn't be a prominent cast member for years, which would only heighten the shock of her return as a villain.

            Because Gwen died in the 1970s irl and the comics try to be current year
            Goth stuff comes in too late even if one factors in the sliding timescale

            Goth dates back to the late 70s, so you're only looking at a gap of 6 real world years.

  7. 12 months ago

    can she still feel her clit

    • 12 months ago

      I think the nerves for that area are relatively deep in the spinal cord.

    • 12 months ago

      Dick has fricked Oracle Barbara, so yes Gwen likely still can

      • 12 months ago

        Thread said she can’t move her legs not her hips

  8. 12 months ago

    To build on this, what if Gwen became Goth after the accident akin to her Ultimate counterpart. From popular girl to moody damaged girl?

  9. 12 months ago

    This is just her leaving the hospital after bottom surgery

  10. 12 months ago

    I liked those Gwenom threads from last year.
    They were fun.
    >Gwen wakes up after the Goblin battle, only to realize she can't feel anything below her neck
    >Peter unmasks in front of her
    >Gwen goes apeshit, blaming him for breaking her neck
    >Peter tries to make amends with Gwen, visiting her for weeks and trying to reassure her he will be at her side no matter what happens
    >Gwen eventually drives him away, calling him a monster and saying her dad would be alive and she'd still be healthy if they had never met
    >Peter leaves, heartbroken
    >Stops being Spider-Man for sometime out of guilt, and while this happens, Mary Jane shows up and sticks to him
    >They become a couple and their relationship goes as expected
    >Meanwhile, Gwen and Jameson drive a smearing campaign against Spider-Man, although Gwen never mentions she knows his identity
    >She still has some feelings for Peter, so she never goes to the extent of exposing him because she knows that would get him killed
    >Time goes by, Secret War happens, the marriage happens, lots of things happen and Pete gets rid of the black suit
    >The symbiote jumps from host to host, making its' way to Gwen Stacy
    >It knows about Gwen and Peter, and It knows that if there's a way to hurt him, that's using Gwen's own scorn as a vehicle to get a stronger host
    >They bond, and Gwen's already spite-consumed mind is driven to complete hatred of Peter Parker
    >And she sets her sights on hurting him at all possible levels
    >Several women in Peter's life get attacked by a mysterious aggressor
    >The Black Cat, Silver Sable, etc., they all get sent to the hospital by some unseen attacker
    >Then Peter realizes MJ is next
    >And shit goes off rails when they fight and Venom reveals Gwen's grinning face

    • 12 months ago

      >This goes for some weeks, with Gwenom messing with Peter in the most assholish ways while also keeping him on edge, because she might attack MJ at any moment
      >Peter faces the dilemma of having to hurt his first love to protect his wife
      >He considers several ideas: Asking the FF to keep MJ safe in a saferoom at the Baxter building, asking the Avengers for help to contain Gwenom, etc
      >He comes with a plan
      >Next time they fight, he manages to separate them by luring Gwenom into a music store and blasting the symbiote with heavy metal at full volume from all the loudspeakers and assorted sound devices
      >Gwen's body flops to the ground like a bag of potatoes, while Peter locks the symbiote inside a container given to him by Mr. Fantastic
      >Gwen breaks down, crying and screaming because she's a cripple again
      >Peter goes away feeling awful, leaving Gwen to the police
      >Gwen is sent to Ravencroft, while Peter gives the container to the FF so they can properly get rid of it or something

      • 12 months ago

        >fast forward, Gwen gets a visitor one day:
        >Alistair Smythe

    • 12 months ago

      >This goes for some weeks, with Gwenom messing with Peter in the most assholish ways while also keeping him on edge, because she might attack MJ at any moment
      >Peter faces the dilemma of having to hurt his first love to protect his wife
      >He considers several ideas: Asking the FF to keep MJ safe in a saferoom at the Baxter building, asking the Avengers for help to contain Gwenom, etc
      >He comes with a plan
      >Next time they fight, he manages to separate them by luring Gwenom into a music store and blasting the symbiote with heavy metal at full volume from all the loudspeakers and assorted sound devices
      >Gwen's body flops to the ground like a bag of potatoes, while Peter locks the symbiote inside a container given to him by Mr. Fantastic
      >Gwen breaks down, crying and screaming because she's a cripple again
      >Peter goes away feeling awful, leaving Gwen to the police
      >Gwen is sent to Ravencroft, while Peter gives the container to the FF so they can properly get rid of it or something

      Okay, but what about her symbiote wiener?

  11. 12 months ago

    Gwen has to move to a special needs college, and Peter transfers along with her

    Miles Warren clones a Gwen for himself without anyone knowing until later

  12. 12 months ago

    I don't know, it feels wrong to make the crippled girl who got crippled by association with the hero one of his villains
    Like they didn't do it with Barbara, and Jason straight up died instead and aged to adulthood first

    • 12 months ago

      It's just a way to keep MJ as endgame despite Gwen being alive.

      • 12 months ago

        MJ is the hotter, more interesting and better love interest and a living Gwen will always be saddled with that, but it still kinda feels like victim blaming to make her life worse

        Maybe she forgives Peter and moves on herself, moving far away, but then how will Peter self-flagellate over this if she's out of the picture, he'd feel like he owes her everything

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe Gwen and Peter just settle for being platonic? Villainy is going off the deep end.

        >Emotionally, Peter has kind of checked out and cares more about MJ, but feels obligated to stay with Gwen because it's all his fault
        >He unmasks in front of Gwen and she hates him for it and for keeping secrets from him all that time
        >Either Norman survives, and tries to take advantage of the situation by using the Goblin Formula to cure Gwen, or Harry tries it

        Didn't Peter only seriously fall for MJ after/because Gwen died?

        • 12 months ago

          >Didn't Peter only seriously fall for MJ after/because Gwen died?
          This time, we have a period during Gwen's coma and recovery where Peter and MJ are spending a lot more time around each other, and getting crippled gave Gwen a real attitude problem.

        • 12 months ago

          >Didn't Peter only seriously fall for MJ after/because Gwen died?

          In universe,Yes. But in the real world it happened because everyone from the writes to the fans liked MJ way more and Marvel wanted Gwen written out. So in a world where the writers don't kill Gwen off, Peter probably gets dumped and MJ secretly knowing Peter's secret identity is there for him and their relationship plays out more or less the same.

  13. 12 months ago

    Imagine shacking up with this and having to clean her ass daily because you're there and it just makes life so much easier now that she has you.

    • 12 months ago

      Peter is the ultimate guilt-burdened martyr so he'd do it

    • 12 months ago

      Peter has to bathe her everyday

  14. 12 months ago

    She snapped her neck, not her spine.

  15. 12 months ago

    Norman's crippled girlfriend is looking very cute.

  16. 12 months ago

    Dead, Alive or crippled she was always gonna get written out of the story. Maybe she gets brought back somewhere down the line like Liz Allen or Replaces one of the lesser love interests like Debra Whitman. She'd probably end up with Flash Thompson or Harry and would blame Spider-man for everything just to make Peter's Life more tragic.

  17. 12 months ago

    So not a fan of Goth Gwen then? Huh, thought that would gain more traction

    • 12 months ago

      How would that work if she gets crippled in the 1970s irl

      • 12 months ago

        Why does it have to be in the 70s?

        • 12 months ago

          Because Gwen died in the 1970s irl and the comics try to be current year
          Goth stuff comes in too late even if one factors in the sliding timescale

          • 12 months ago

            But why can't we just factor in the sliding timescale?

            • 12 months ago

              Well it wouldn't factor in the stories immediately, like only in the late 80s to early 90s

          • 12 months ago

            It could end up at the result of a retcon, where a later writer tries to say she was always goth

  18. 12 months ago

    >Peter and Gwen still dating
    >Gwen feels bad that she can't properly have sex with him due to being cripples
    >She gets MJ to have sex with him in her place
    >Gwen sitting in the corner with a sad smile on her face watching Peter and MJ bone

  19. 12 months ago

    Thought that was James Sunderland.

    • 12 months ago


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