When, and more importantly why, did Gunnerkrigg Court become BAD and BORING?

When, and more importantly why, did Gunnerkrigg Court become BAD and BORING?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It wasn't always bad and boring? I thought you guys posted it all the time because you just want to hate on it like Questionable Content.

    • 2 years ago

      There was a time when it was great. The worldbuilding and characters were top notch. About 4 years ago, it lost something. I think it's a classic case of "artists stop producing good art when their lives get too good" since it roughly coincided with Tom Siddell getting married. The characters lost all their edges; apart from their role in the literal plot, they're practically interchangable and have lost all personality. The weird atmosphere is gone. The plots of each chapter are less clever, more driven by page upon page of characters talking than anything else. I'm still reading it only out of a sense of dedication of already having read it 3 times a week for the last decade.

      • 2 years ago

        It's never been bad. Boring and uninspired at times, yes, but not bad.


        • 2 years ago

          Bad is relative. "Mediocre" is fantastic in some series, but disastrous for others

      • 2 years ago

        The atmosphere's definitely changed a shitload. Everything really does feel happy-go-lucky now, which is almost bizarre in contrast to the earlier comics. It made sense for them to feel that way too because it was a mysterious setting where the MC was literally a depressed as frick teenager.

        Annie's not an interesting character anymore, she briefly became one again with the whole twins thing but now that that's resolved she feels really flat. Almost none of the characters feel especially interesting now honestly.
        Little payoff and in some cases almost anti-payoff. The Norns chapter almost killed the comic for a lot of people.
        Like other anons have said, the art peaked and has kind of gradually degraded since then. It's not bad at all and still above the vast majority of webcomics, but compared to its peak it's clearly not where it was. There were some actually stunning pages years ago and I feel like I haven't been wowed by the art in a long time now.
        Everything feels weirdly light and happy, whereas before everything felt dire and dreary. Say what you want about the old 2000s goth-esque aesthetic but the comic wore it on its fricking sleeve and it worked in its favor. Since, you know, the underlying theme of Annie's character is that she was a depressed kid who went through an extremely traumatic event literally guiding her own mother into the afterlife as she forgot who Annie was.
        Quite frankly the entire comic had a moody air that felt pretty unique and appealing, that was expressed on every level from the characterization to the art itself. And it was pulled off really well, nothing felt amateur. Recently the comic's just felt bizarrely amateurish coming from someone who at one point was pretty undeniably near the top of the game so far as webcomics went.

        I still don't think it's bad, but it's definitely meandering right now. Even the two Annies arc wasn't exciting, it just gave Annie a little more depth for its duration before it got hastily written out. I'd like to think this is just a low point but I dunno, I'll keep reading it, I've been reading it for so long I still remember when it had a seriously major presence on this board, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend like it hasn't had issues. It has a lot of them right now, sadly.

        mentions the "goth-esque aesthetic" and yeah, that would be the sort of thing that would both appeal to a teenager in Annie's position and also help to emphasize the sort of mystery and dread that the characters all seemed to feel.

        Lately it just feels like "Ha ha! Mystery has been solved and it was sooooo whacky! Lol!" I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean, that brooding atmosphere just doesn't exist now and the characters feel simple.

    • 2 years ago

      GKC is like the inverse of QC. GKC was always liked here to some degree and Ginnershit Fail was the result of a meme lord who turned out to like the comic himself. The comic grew on its own merits and at one point was popular enough here to warrant multiple threads when a major event was going on, often at the same time. There was a lot of praise towards the art and characters in particular.

      QC was reviled here up to and including the "you're beautiful" panel, and then it gained enough momentum from that that the waifugay crowd started to slowly hijack the threads mocking the piss out of it. Now the threads are stuffed with unironic waifugays who look past the shit art and characters because they want to frick someone. And I'm not gonna claim that GKC threads didn't/don't have a waifugay element, but there was always some genuine appeal to the comic beyond that, and I'm gonna be bold and say that even at its worst GKC has never looked as bad as QC even at its best.

      • 2 years ago

        This, I thought those threads would just be people shitting on the comic but when I went to one it was all shipping shit.

  2. 2 years ago

    I started reading the comic when I was in high school. I'm 27 now, and I only dropped it earlier this year.
    I honestly forget what got me into the series to begin with. Was I just an impressionable teenager with no standards, or was there actually something to the weird mix of sci-fi and mythology? I don't think I can provide an answer to that anymore.
    But after a while I only kept up with it out of habit. I stopped paying attention or caring about anything that happened in the story. It was pure sunk cost. My patience held out for a surprisingly long time, but even that wore thin to the point of breaking. I got tired of waiting for payoffs, and got even more tired of said payoffs being lackluster and disappointing. Especially when they were also trying to be self-aware/meta.
    A bunch of characters waxing philosophical about humanity and morality might've impressed a younger version of myself, but I just don't care anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      >I got tired of waiting for payoffs, and got even more tired of said payoffs being lackluster and disappointing.
      This is probaly the biggest thing. For a while in the begining it was acceptable there were no big payoffs because it was fine if it was slow-paced, but it had to do something eventually and it just never did.

    • 2 years ago

      Exactly the case for me.

  3. 2 years ago

    The Jeanne hook long held over the characters' heads finally got pulled and it kidna sucked.

  4. 2 years ago

    Shouldn't have killed off the Annies.

  5. 2 years ago

    This webcomic has been going on for 17 years and should just end already.

  6. 2 years ago

    Gunnershit Fail

  7. 2 years ago

    Continues to have an update schedule that worked 20 years ago but in a world of manga scans and webtoon shit is now seen as interminably slow. It's a slow series in general, the art plateaued like ten years ago and never got better and the plot just strings along with mysteries and new mysteries until you don't care anymore. Basically it's a relic.

  8. 2 years ago

    Annie lost all her personality traits
    Artstyle got generic
    No more mystery
    Annie got overpowered and is no longer sad

    • 2 years ago

      This; Annie apparently finishing her character arc is what killed it for me. Now instead of being awkward and having a shory temper and having actual flaws, she's just sort of... nice.

      • 2 years ago

        There should be a name for when a writer makes every personality trait of a character a flaw, specially when all those flaws are abandoned through character development making the character end up without any personality.

  9. 2 years ago

    I remember hearing something about Tom saving somebody from a train a couple years ago, but I can't find anything. Did I fall for a ruse cruise? Was it all my imagination?

    • 2 years ago

      >saving somebody from a train
      A guy fell onto the tracks in the NY subway and he jumped down and helped him out. His wife tweeted about it but good luck finding it with their braindead search

    • 2 years ago

      >saving somebody from a train
      A guy fell onto the tracks in the NY subway and he jumped down and helped him out. His wife tweeted about it but good luck finding it with their braindead search

      found it, seems many old tweets were deleted

      >Gunnerkrigg Court
      Wtf does that even mean?

      Some say, it's the Crag where an artillery person sat and watched.

  10. 2 years ago

    Annie's not an interesting character anymore, she briefly became one again with the whole twins thing but now that that's resolved she feels really flat. Almost none of the characters feel especially interesting now honestly.
    Little payoff and in some cases almost anti-payoff. The Norns chapter almost killed the comic for a lot of people.
    Like other anons have said, the art peaked and has kind of gradually degraded since then. It's not bad at all and still above the vast majority of webcomics, but compared to its peak it's clearly not where it was. There were some actually stunning pages years ago and I feel like I haven't been wowed by the art in a long time now.
    Everything feels weirdly light and happy, whereas before everything felt dire and dreary. Say what you want about the old 2000s goth-esque aesthetic but the comic wore it on its fricking sleeve and it worked in its favor. Since, you know, the underlying theme of Annie's character is that she was a depressed kid who went through an extremely traumatic event literally guiding her own mother into the afterlife as she forgot who Annie was.
    Quite frankly the entire comic had a moody air that felt pretty unique and appealing, that was expressed on every level from the characterization to the art itself. And it was pulled off really well, nothing felt amateur. Recently the comic's just felt bizarrely amateurish coming from someone who at one point was pretty undeniably near the top of the game so far as webcomics went.

    I still don't think it's bad, but it's definitely meandering right now. Even the two Annies arc wasn't exciting, it just gave Annie a little more depth for its duration before it got hastily written out. I'd like to think this is just a low point but I dunno, I'll keep reading it, I've been reading it for so long I still remember when it had a seriously major presence on this board, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend like it hasn't had issues. It has a lot of them right now, sadly.

  11. 2 years ago

    Remember how Paz was putting a wedge between Annie and her only friend by her mere presence and then nothing happened?

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    For me it was around the two Annies bit. There came a point where I realized that I was more looking forward to imma's art than the actual comic so I dropped it.

  14. 2 years ago

    Remember, bad and boring for us means working as intended for the Court

  15. 2 years ago

    When Tom stopped using thick lines.

  16. 2 years ago






  17. 2 years ago

    >Gunnerkrigg Court
    Wtf does that even mean?

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody knows. Some have theorized that one of the founders was a german named Gunnar Krigg or something like that

  18. 2 years ago

    I would read it if it was porn.

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