When Dr. Scratchansniff said that Heloise Nerz left Warner Bros.

When Dr. Scratchansniff said that Heloise Nerz left Warner Bros. to join Doctors Without Borders, and her only cameo appearance in the Hulu soft reboot was a photograph, how reliable is Dr. Scratchansniff?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Go on, Op. Yell us what you want to hear. You already have it plotted out in your head.

    • 9 months ago

      >Go on, Op.
      In that case, what really happened to Heloise Nerz in-universe? The reboot is implied to be a continuation of the original 1993 series (which had its 99th and final episode ended with a "Goodbye, Nurse!" credits stinger). That, and Heloise Nerz is best known for being sexually trolled by The Warner Brothers (but not The Warner Sister Dot).

      • 9 months ago

        Tom Ruegger and the rest of the original Animaniacs team don't consider the reboot to be canon, so whatever you want. I'm inclined to agree with them since none of the people who made the show and characters what they were had any say, and also because half-assed twitter comments from some guy aside, the answer to "Where are they now?" for ALL of the Animaniacs reboot characters is "Dead" thanks to the meteor strike ending (as far as what is actually put in the show is concerned). But again, I don't consider the reboot canon.

        Honestly I fricking hate this decision. The whole joke of her character is that despite her looking like a dumb bimbo she's actually insanely competent and an over achiever. Doctors Without Borders is a downgrade, honestly if they wanted to do something with her character they should have made her become CEO of a massive farma company or just make her the president of the united states.

        Actually, I liked the Doctors Without Borders thing for that reason. In the show and comics, Heloise's later characterization was a supergenius and a superspy. I like the idea that she eventually got an M.D., too.

        But Tom Ruegger said that if he had been involved, he would have made Heloise the new WB CEO. I liked Nora, but I like that idea even better.

        Also, their reasoning for not including Hello Nurse in the reboot always sounded like bullshit to me. They nuked 90% of the cast straight off. Dot crumpeling up pictures of Hello Nurse and Minerva Mink and angrily chucking them in the garbage was really shitty. How feminist to delete/shit on nearly ALL of the show's female characters.

        • 9 months ago

          >Tom Ruegger and the rest of the original Animaniacs team don't consider the reboot to be canon, so whatever you want. I'm inclined to agree with them since none of the people who made the show and characters what they were had any say, and also because half-assed twitter comments from some guy aside, the answer to "Where are they now?" for ALL of the Animaniacs reboot characters is "Dead" thanks to the meteor strike ending (as far as what is actually put in the show is concerned). But again, I don't consider the reboot canon.

        • 9 months ago

          >he would have made Heloise the new WB CEO
          You mean the really obvious, sensical thing to do? Goddamn I hate the reboot. Just imagine the Warners making their way to the CEO office, looking for Thaddeus Plotz to fill them in on what they've missed and seeing Hello Nurse in the chair instead.
          >Dot: "Uhh, does Plotzy know you're sitting in his chair?"
          >Wakko: "Who cares?!"
          >Yakko and Wakko: "HELLOOOOOOOOO NUR--"
          >The two of them run towards and leap up at Hello Nurse, ready to leap into her arms and kiss her like always. Just as they're about to reach her though, she pepper sprays them, causing them to drop like rocks. She looks down at them and smirks.
          >CEO Nurse: "That's no way to treat the new head of Warner Bros. Studios, boys."
          >Yakko (pained): "My love for you still burns... Just not in the same way I remember..."
          And then Dot can have some comment like "You got promoted? Good for you! You go, girl" or whatever. I dunno, this probably needs some tweaking in order to make it *just* right, but it still sounds better and more in character for everyone involved than at least 95% of the reboot.

  2. 9 months ago

    It's been 30 years, she'd probably be in her late 50s by now. She probably got married to some rich guy like all reasonably attractive women.

  3. 9 months ago

    Zero original characters outside 5 were in this reboot so who the hell cares?

  4. 9 months ago

    Honestly I fricking hate this decision. The whole joke of her character is that despite her looking like a dumb bimbo she's actually insanely competent and an over achiever. Doctors Without Borders is a downgrade, honestly if they wanted to do something with her character they should have made her become CEO of a massive farma company or just make her the president of the united states.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Promoting Doctors Without Borders probably benefits some WB shareholders.

    • 9 months ago

      Shame the original cartoon never touched upon her being smart and was just there for Yakko and Wacko to jump in her arms and scream her name.

      • 9 months ago

        There's literally a song all about it moron.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, a song no one remembers. Everyone fricking remembers Macadamia, and Yakko's country song and the President song, no one fricking remembers Hello Nurse's song.

          • 9 months ago

            >Yeah, a song no one remembers. Everyone fricking remembers Macadamia, and Yakko's country song and the President song, no one fricking remembers Hello Nurse's song.

            It shows up multiple times. If you want to selectively forget it that's fine but it was a running gag tied to her character.

    • 9 months ago

      Too bad some brainlets took joke was taken too seriously, if they even got the joke.

    • 9 months ago

      Hello nurse should have been the nee ceo

      • 9 months ago

        Ruegger said he would have made her the new CEO if they'd let him be involved with it.

  5. 9 months ago

    >sexy ladies not allowed

  6. 9 months ago

    >The new show got rid of all the characters who weren't funny.
    >stuck with the 5-6 characters that where
    >somehow it became less funny.
    Unless Cinemaphile is gonna argue the reboot should have kept Katie Kaboom and Mindy.

    • 9 months ago

      Animaniacs works as a show because it's a variety show. The show works because because it has an ensemble cast who allowed for a diverse amount of shorts that can be made. Sure I might not like some of the segments, Hippos are annoying and Mindy and Buttons makes me genuinely angry, but without them the show wouldn't work. The show not just being the Warner and Pinky and the Brain made it so the audience didn't get burned out on them and their shows feel better over all.

      • 9 months ago


        >The new show got rid of all the characters who weren't funny.
        >stuck with the 5-6 characters that where
        >somehow it became less funny.
        Unless Cinemaphile is gonna argue the reboot should have kept Katie Kaboom and Mindy.

        However you feel about her personally, the fact that they got rid of Slappy Squirrel despite her being by far one of the show's most popular characters kills this argument.

        Also yes:

        1. Like the other poster said, Animaniacs is a sketch variety show. You can't do one of those with only 2 sketches.

        2. The reboot mostly didn't get the Warners and P&tB right, either. I think it's because these writers didn't grow up with all the influences this show was based on like the original writers did. There were exceptions, but it often felt like they couldn't do the looney humor of the og. You could see that in the Spumco style gross-out shots that wouldn't have happened in the original and the cynical current day references that were much more frequent in the reboot and more like Family Guy. The reboot already feels more dated than the original.

      • 9 months ago

        Also, Animaniacs was a relic of a pre-worldwideweb, pre-southpark. South Park was better able to adapt to the times than Animaniacs could have ever dreamed of. Then, along came Zoomers, who grew up on a vacuum of tubes, developed a meme culture that was even more in the now than South Park could ever dream of. South Park and Hulumaniacs gave up on even trying to compete with shitposters and decided to be themselves, iToddlers BTFO'd. Besides, what's wrong with making peace with the loss of childhood innocence?

        • 9 months ago

          It was a different landscape, though. Animaniacs was made to be like making new Looney Tunes shorts but with new WB characters (hence the name is like another way of phrasing "looney toons," change from "Tunes" noted). It aired at a time when old Looney Tunes shorts were aired somewhere on TV 24/7 and kids often watched them a lot.

          Like the references for Looney Tunes were decades out of date, a lot of references in Animaniacs were decades out of date. They'd be riffing on a Marx Brothers bit or a really old movie. The idea was that it could be funny anyway even if the audience had absolutely no idea what they were referring to. If you did, it was more of an Easter Egg.

          A lot of kids found it entertaining and others hated it. But the reboot feels different.

        • 9 months ago

          Animaniacs holds up better then any episode of South Park is the thing

  7. 9 months ago

    >You liked Hello Nurse
    >You must think women are dumb

    • 9 months ago

      A song in the original Animaniacs gave Hello Nurse's IQ as 192. And I do remember that song.

      • 9 months ago

        she was always portrayed as above the light sexual harassment, that it couldn't even bother her because she was, quite simply, superior, it was part of the joke

      • 9 months ago

        Did she have a song? I do not remember.

        • 9 months ago

          There's a song about her yes. It's already been posted in the thread.

      • 9 months ago

        >Hello Nurse's IQ as 192
        I'm sorry, but IQ tests have been shown to have no true value and should not be used to measure a person's intelligence.

        • 9 months ago

          She also has several PHDs and other honorary degrees, is fluent in multiple languages, is an accomplished musician and thespian, was the ambassador to china and was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics.

        • 9 months ago

          >2 digit IQ copepost

      • 9 months ago

        >Be Heloise Nerz
        >Be of unknown age
        >Has an IQ of 192
        >Has high intellectual capacity (hyper brain)
        >Possesses overexcitabilities in various domains that may predispose them to certain psychological disorders as well as physiological conditions involving elevated sensory, and altered immune and inflammatory responses (hyper body).
        Heloise Nerz is a brainlet how?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think that's the point they're making I think the point is Russians are backwards people who probably would misintepret the joke in that way

  8. 9 months ago

    Explain this

    • 9 months ago

      >Dot is mad she isn't "cute" anymore

      That reboot was cursed.

  9. 9 months ago

    What's the deeper meaning behind this, Cinemaphile?

    • 9 months ago

      I honestly don't remember Katie Kaboom. How many segments did she have?

      • 9 months ago

        She had like 7 segments, over triple that of Minerva Mink.

        • 9 months ago

          Also faced off against notCalvin and triumphed in the comics.

  10. 9 months ago

    Wait, did Heloise Nerz cheat on her IQ test?

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