When ever you see this in media

When ever you see this in media…
(“This” meaning - when one of the main, supporting or fan favorite characters suddenly reveals to have a sexual orientation that contradicts the romantic angle that most fans would expect.)

Know that it’s almost always the writer using the medium to cope for their failings at landing romantic or sexual partners of their own desire. Instead of facing their personal failings, they use their creative position to vicariously live out a narrative where “it’s okay that they didn’t get the girl/boy because they just swing the other way”.

They don’t want a romance angle to conclude in the more reasonably expected way, because it will contrast and reminds them of their own shortcomings. It’s also too painful for them to conclude a romantic ark where the relationship fails because of an incompatibility of character or value in the sexual/romantic marketplace.

So when you notice this in your media, if you can, let the writer know that you can see through their bullshit and it’s embarrassing.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Every time i see this i feel grossed out, this feels like a fetish of the writers, i personally don't see the appeal on two chicks kissing and stuff, for me it's gross, no, it's gross.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Go leave homosexual

      • 4 weeks ago

        Stay /misc/

        Go shoot-up a school

        Stop grooming children, you troony

        • 4 weeks ago

          Forced meme

    • 4 weeks ago

      Stay /misc/

    • 4 weeks ago

      Go shoot-up a school

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Why is every poster on Cinemaphile master of psychology that sees into the minds of the writers?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cartoons attracts the highest IQs, you wouldn't get it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      as cavemen humans evolved that 1 man would preside over a harem of females, like most primates. This is evidenced by our sexual dimorphism, which is pronounced in primates where harems are natural such as gorillas and nonexistent where total promiscuity is natural, such as gibbons. This is also the reason why in ancient history it would be common for men to have concubines or take multiple wives. "Lesbian" behaviours are often observed between members of a male's harem in nature, between when they both get impregnated by the male. Think of it like an advanced form of friendship between two wives sharing a husband.
      It's just a genetic holdover from before the agricultural era made it more convenient for 1 male and 1 female to pair-bond for life. Males like lesbians kissing because he wants to frick both, and sees their pair-bond as his harem being stable. Females are trying to enjoy the pair-bond separate from the sharing a male part. Like eating the fries but not the burger.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Having a clan where most people share a father doesn't seem very sustainable for the growth of a tribe. Especially in a species whose offspring gets genetically worse with each generation of incest.

        • 4 weeks ago

          NTA but you gotta remember in both the harem age and the monogamous age, humans had a lot of kids because child mortality rate was sky high, and as soon as they came of age it was time for them to work on the fields, the mine, learn to be a blacksmith, etc. Reaching adulthood was a goal. This was still a thing up until the very early 20th century before the world wars. Medical progress made it possible to survive childhood safely.

        • 4 weeks ago

          > The strongest guy picks the hottest girls
          > The gene pool will be garbage because incest
          Doesn't happen in farms. Quite the opposite.
          Sure, if the strong guy happened to had a recessive gene, then some of the offspring will have it too if one of the girls also had it. But that obviously happens with complete strangers too, and these other people weren't the strongest guy.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The problem here is your base premise is wrong. Humans have very mild sexual dimorphism compared to most species, and all evidence suggests that pre agricultural human society falls more into the bonobo/gibbon style hyper promiscuous style.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Also, eating fries without burgers is great and often better for your health than otherwise.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >"Lesbian" behaviours are often observed between members of a male's harem in nature, between when they both get impregnated by the male. Think of it like an advanced form of friendship between two wives sharing a husband.
        not true

      • 4 weeks ago

        >"Lesbian" behaviours are often observed between members of a male's harem in nature, between when they both get
        Stop right here. Everything went downhill from here. Everything you said prior was indeed true, but you fail to realize that all throughout history, we have observed many relationships between females that are independent of a male. This usually occurs when a society is extremely rich and lavish-- one example is ancient Egypt. We have evidence, literal sculptures of girls kissing, spread throughout various burial sites. These were dated to a period when the country was flourishing.

        Lesbians, or more specifically, homosexual relationships between females (which do not have a man involved), are a sign of social freedom and stability within the populous. This is because there is no real need to have multiple wives or reproduce at an obnoxious rate. We usually see that immediately after times of war more heterosexual relationships start to manifest themselves (men coming home from war, getting laid), and after a few years, most of the prior comforts diminish, resulting in degenerate relationships (e.g purely sexual relationships, friends with benefits type shit).

        TL;DR - Lesbians are symbols of a flourishing society

        • 4 weeks ago

          I love how you say floushing society in one sentence and degenarate relationships in other ones.

          NO ONE here on Cinemaphile will EVER admit it, but this place is fricking CRAWLING with biphobic bigots and we are maybe a thousand or two thousand fricking years from ever, ever admitting that that is that VAST. MAJORITY. of homosexual sapiens.

          In the very, very unlikely off chance that some sort of digital archive ever servives far in the future. I am not talking to them. I am talking to YOU.

          Many of us always knew this, we were all just afraid of what people around us would say. We all knew humans tended to be bisexual, we all just pretended not to. The others just believed the had to say otherwise. I’m really sorry.

          I dunno dude you sound a lot like those "heteronormative" people just replacing heterosexuality with bisexuality

          • 4 weeks ago

            > I love how you say floushing society in one sentence and degenarate relationships in other ones.
            It’s my talent! Anyways, I was trying to get at the fact a flourishing society introduces a lot of new societal “norms”, and not all of them are great.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I mean yeah, you don't even need to look into sexual relationships to look into this sort of phenomenon. My favourite being roman republic.
              After the punic war rome became ricg. Maybe too rich. Started getting inspired by hellenistic literature. But societal norms and society itself started rotting, many many of the well known actors just broke the rules that were the norm since the late 4th century. Everything went to shit. Even reforms most of the time caused chaos and by 1st century bc like 3 civil wars happened with very little breathing room for the population to recover.
              It's just funny how a society can start rotting from excessive wealth.

          • 4 weeks ago

            To be honest with you I’m really going with a ton of scientific studies that go with some level of bisexuality for the whole homosexual sapiens species being the norm.

            Do I think that’s inherently “moral”? I don’t even believe they’re related. I don’t think that the Spartans, for example, were properly fascist by definition, but I DO think that they were absolutely proto-fascist. And I think that their sexual and romantic male-in-on-male and even, in a very different way, very likely “citizen” female-on-female romantic and sexual relationships to oppress and exploit what I would consider to be pure and absolutely evil slavery probably served them well for a certain period of time before I think it probably fricked them over even the the point of destroying them.

            This weird idea of sexuality is just fricking weird. It could serve this slavering brutal fascism if you want, or be against it, if you want. But yeah, I think for both genders, bein potentially into both genders is probably pretty standard for this species, just like it is for bonobo apes. And also that that isn’t linked either way with “good” or “evil” at all, especially in an age of pure genetic engineering like this one. The society that even gives a shit about “gender” will be crushed, for good or ill, beneath the heels of these which do not.

            Eventually gender to reproduce won’t even be relevant. The technology that abandons those ideas will probably annihilate the societies that can’t or don’t and we will move past the gender, organic ideas.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >TL;DR - Lesbians are symbols of a flourishing society
          So, we’re still prospering then?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Read the rest of his post.

            Korra clearly had more chemistry with Asami than the two dude

            How can you have chemistry with non character?

          • 4 weeks ago

            What do you think comes after "flourishing"?

          • 4 weeks ago

            we're decaying

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Has there ever been a cartoon lesbian who didn’t have their feelings reciprocated by their crush?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not explicitly but that's how I read her

    • 4 weeks ago

      No but I seen it happen twice in webcomics.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I fricking hate this, why can't gays take a no

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cassandra (Tangled)
      Reggie (Forever 12)
      Zoe (Amazing Ladybug)

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you mean a scenario where their crush is straight but they still decide to shoot their shot, then no, because one: that's not typical of the gay experience and two: these stories are meant to depict a world where sexuality isn't an issue and gay characters don't need to be afraid of having their heart broken. If instead you mean a character and their crush are sexually compatible but the feelings aren't mutual, I'm sure there's a webtoon or comic about it or something. There's definitely gay stories that explore gay relationships not working out, but I would wager a lot of them aren't told with the idea that "but you don't understand, this is how the REAL WORLD is" in mind.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >If you mean a scenario where their crush is straight but they still decide to shoot their shot
        That literally happens in Ladybug.
        Marientte tells Zoe she's flattered to be crushed on but she's not gay.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Tbh I assumed anon was asking about a main character being bi/lesbian and being rejected but alright I slightly amend my reply to that it's not common.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    When romance was in kids cartoons, it was often just cutesy things that only really existed for simple jokes or VERY simple moments of "heart". Panini and Chowder, Beast Boy and Terra/Raven, Phineas and Isabella, Robin and Starfire, Doug and Patti, Timmy and Tootie or Trixie. They often expressed love like simple childhood crushes because they were shows for kids and their feelings on love are not very complex. Either they're just happy or they're just kind of mimicking adults. Think about Roxanne and Max in "A Goofy Movie"; our protagonist's whole motivation is based around his crush and yet it is NOT a romance movie. They have a couple of cutesy scenes together, but that's it. It's really just motivation for Max and to create stakes and conflict.

    But now we have these romances that drag out with serious deveopment over the course of seasons and are treated as very older teen to young adult relationships. What fricking kid is going to be invested in that? How many kids were excited to see a love triangle involving Star and Marco drag out for four fricking seasons? "Oh, but these cartoons aren't for kids!", yeah, I know. But they are limited by a studio that aims to make content for kids so now they're trying to make a love story for older audiences but they still have to appease to their kid network overlords. As a result, you end up with these super shitty romances that just drags down the show all together.

    Straight, gay, bisexual, doesn't fricking matter. They all tend to suck.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think it's very well established by now that for millennial show runners, their show is their primary therapy tool.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Almost as if romance was always enforced shit, the only difference now is that instead of being idealized disney princess shit for loser women, loser millennials failure at life decided use them to vent their shitty relationships experiences.

      I think it's very well established by now that for millennial show runners, their show is their primary therapy tool.

      Correct, and it looks like things aren't gonna get any better in the future, have you seen the stats for relationships in zoomers?
      +72% of men are single, 33% are virgins, both rising asI write, zoomers aren't dating or getting into relationships at all and few Chads that do bother just pump and dump and avoid marriage like the plague due to divorce rape and alimony being common knowledge by now, and let's not mention more extreme cases like South Korea where men and women hate each other.
      The whole western world is in a dating crisis that's gonna get worse over time

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes, I've heard.
        Everyone always talks about economy, war, politics and global warming as the harbingers of end-times, but it seems to me like the birthrate collapse might be the great filter that actually takes down modern society.

        • 4 weeks ago

          the funny thing is that birthrates are falling even faster than predicted across the globe, including 3rd world countries and it's all thanks to a combination of modern society treating everyone like cogs and feminism giving women higher education and jobs that they never deserved.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't mind that women get education. But the problem I think is that men are being taught to be simps, and women to hate men. So men idolize women even if they don't deserve it, and women shit on men for no reason, and so men get butthurt and quit the game.
            I was born in the 90s, and everybody knew the unspoken rule of you can't hit a girl. In my high school there was a group of girls that liked to get aggressive with the usual fat nerd group. One day, one of the nerds slapped the girl back after she had been hitting him a while.
            I laughed and thought that, well deserved. But dude, like 4 guys suddenly pounced on the nerd. Early simps, and it's curious because nobody was dating or trying to date these aggressive girls. We had St. Valentine events where girls got anonymous roses, and these never got any, so it wasn't a boyfriend defending girlfriend situation. It was just that the nerd broke the unspoken rule.

    • 4 weeks ago

      To my knowledge, Total Drama sorta started this and admittedly, with admirable intentions (initially). They made it a rule that most the couples wouldn't stay together if they were brought back while showing a select few that worked because the showrunner felt it was important to not give kids false ideas about romance and the idea that their teen love would be their only one. The problem came in the form of how they kept having to contrive the breakups as a result

      • 4 weeks ago

        >felt it was important to not give kids false ideas about romance.

        Being realistic cause most relationships in your teens and 20’s don’t last

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes that is what the post you replied to said as well.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Being realistic
          And the ones in your 30s and 40s are mostly for status.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Who dumped you, anon?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Know that it’s almost always the writer using the medium to cope for their failings at landing romantic or sexual partners of their own desire.
    i do this too, all my stories involve grossly overweight men hooking up with cold unfeeling machines arbitrarily labeled as female

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >that contradicts the romantic angle that most fans would expect.
    You mean demanded or desired. And 100% of the time a person having any attachment to that is mad someone else's fetish got played out instead of their fetish. Like someone else got a toy they wanted and should've been THEIRS, which is absolutely pathetic.

    Just photoshop your own picture kissing the character already like the cringelord you are.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dude why the FRICK would you repost that?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It’s this. With A:tLA it was crazy b***hes flipping their shit at Aang and Katara getting together because Katara and Zuko didn’t get together and making shitty fan comics where Mai was an evil dictator who Katara had to kill so their ship could happen. Then with Bubbeline and Star vs. some people flipped the frick out that Finn and Marco didn’t get onscreen harem orgies in kids’ cartoon shows even though they DID get girls (Huntress Wizard and Star) just not some shipper self inserted waifus.

      Whatever the justifications and supposed “political” or “moral” bullshit it is ALWAYS bullshit that dresses up the same goddamn dumbass shipping complaints. For example, fujos who are thwarted butch about “gay rights” just as much as thwarted self inserters “denied” their waifus b***h about “traditional values” but you know what? Both are just pissed off because what they yank their crank to (metaphorically in some cases) wasn’t catered to and all of this “politics” and other shit is fricking bullshit they just make up.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I was always baffled on why people self-inserted into Marco. There's a million other characters you could self insert as, why the lame motherfricker?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I was deep in the fandom back then. My understanding is that any fat Hispanic reacted like "holy shit the first Mexican main character. He's literally me."

          • 4 weeks ago

            El Tigre and Mucha Lucha existed years before Star Vs though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's also why Bi characters don't get true representation in media other than performative homosexuality. A character that appears gay or lesbian at first but then later goes for a heterosexual relationship is going to be seen as "Gay erasure" or some homophobic bigoted gesture on the writer's part. It's just because they want their character to be the playable character that ends up with the one they'd like to frick.

        • 4 weeks ago

          NO ONE here on Cinemaphile will EVER admit it, but this place is fricking CRAWLING with biphobic bigots and we are maybe a thousand or two thousand fricking years from ever, ever admitting that that is that VAST. MAJORITY. of homosexual sapiens.

          In the very, very unlikely off chance that some sort of digital archive ever servives far in the future. I am not talking to them. I am talking to YOU.

          Many of us always knew this, we were all just afraid of what people around us would say. We all knew humans tended to be bisexual, we all just pretended not to. The others just believed the had to say otherwise. I’m really sorry.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >let the writer know that you can see through their bullshit
    Wow, you saw my bullshit, congratulations. Now suffer as I write even more bullshit while you do absolutely nothing about it.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Korra clearly had more chemistry with Asami than the two dude

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >Straight white dude writes a gay guy(s):

    >He's funny, personable, and likeable. He's an actual memorable character. He's more than just his sexuality.


    >White or brown girl of some special flavor of "queer" or "not straight" writes a lesbian:

    >It was a straight character. but "I think everyone can agree so-and-so is gay now, right? I feel so-and-so is definitely gay! Teeheelololol"

    >Cringe, forced romance with no-personality, the-diversity-special, gay girl, or other straight girl who is no suddenly gay "cause we said so".

    >Characters are unlikeable, or went from likeable and memorable to unlikeable shit during the forced gay process.

    >From there on in, the girl(s) only value is as fapbait, ragebait, or shipbait for annoying queers.

    >Even the gays, who this shit is supposed to appeal to, are either annoyed because of how it sucks, or how their sexuality is being used as a political tool for "diversity points"

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >suddenly reveals to have a sexual orientation that contradicts the romantic angle that most fans would expect
    what does this even mean

    • 4 weeks ago

      It might not be the most elegantly worded line, but if you haven't noticed the prominence of a trope where a romantic side ark in the story is disrupted by revealing that the other character is gay with little to no buildup, you must be just blind. At best they start flipping the sexual orientation a season prior, but it's almost always a "reveal" that YouTubers make reaction videos over.

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