When we watched the new LotR show last year, my mother pointed out that the actor they got for Elrond was, in her words, "a dog" and I agree...

When we watched the new LotR show last year, my mother pointed out that the actor they got for Elrond was, in her words, "a dog" and I agree but I pointed out that Hugo Weaving isn't exactly a looker himself, but she said that he was really handsome when he was younger, which surprised me. I was reminded of it recently because we watched the Matrix movies together, but I noticed she didn't have much of a reaction to Hugo Weaving in those, so I brought it up again. Turns out she got extremely confused somehow and the handsome actor she was thinking of was Richard Armitage. She really liked him in an old TV series called "North & South", apparently. When she looked up a picture of Hugo Weaving she seemed visibly disgusted. I just thought that was funny so I figured I'd share it with Cinemaphile.

To be clear, I do think Hugo Weaving is a pretty good actor, just not a particularly attractive one.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Of course he's attractive, are you moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      he's better looking than the average person but he's not good looking for an actor

  2. 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    Your mum is a c**t

  4. 7 months ago

    Post Richard Armitage

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        casting wise, the hobbit movies were fricking great. shame the studio execs got greedy and made 3 long movies out of one, relatively small book.

  5. 7 months ago

    Your mom sounds like a b***h. I bet she's an ugly fat piece of shit herself. Judgy prostitute.

  6. 7 months ago

    define attractive

  7. 7 months ago

    >I do think Hugo Weaving is a pretty good actor
    Literally I'M ACTING the actor

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, actors are supposed to act. Great job, detective.

    • 7 months ago

      Hugo was chewing the scenery all throughout the Matrix films, and that's why everyone loves him in that role. He's having fun. It would have been so easy to play Agent Smith boring and straight.

    • 7 months ago

      Knowing how to properly chew the scenery is what elevates good actors to great ones

    • 7 months ago

      He was indeed a hottie when young, it's only his hairline that lets him down.

      He did an Aussie film called the interview early in his career and it's kino, you can't judge an actor on their performances in fantasy and sci-fi because these are infantile genres. They're supposed to be garish and the acting has to be on-the-nose and over-the-top, so that the children/teenagers who are the target audience can understand it.
      Do you also moan at the Matrix because leather trenchcoats and sunglasses are only cool if you're juvenile?

      • 7 months ago


        When we watched the new LotR show last year, my mother pointed out that the actor they got for Elrond was, in her words, "a dog" and I agree but I pointed out that Hugo Weaving isn't exactly a looker himself, but she said that he was really handsome when he was younger, which surprised me. I was reminded of it recently because we watched the Matrix movies together, but I noticed she didn't have much of a reaction to Hugo Weaving in those, so I brought it up again. Turns out she got extremely confused somehow and the handsome actor she was thinking of was Richard Armitage. She really liked him in an old TV series called "North & South", apparently. When she looked up a picture of Hugo Weaving she seemed visibly disgusted. I just thought that was funny so I figured I'd share it with Cinemaphile.

        To be clear, I do think Hugo Weaving is a pretty good actor, just not a particularly attractive one.

        OP post your face so we can get a better idea of why you think hes ugly

  8. 7 months ago

    The fact that your mother knows enough about Lord of the Rings to have confused 2 actors in it from other things is enough out of you.
    >"Oh look at me! I'm Anon! My mom is fricking sweet and cool!"
    Look at Mr. Awesome mom over here! Wow! Good job winning at childhood! I bet she loves you in the way only a woman can possibly know she's loved.
    Just kidding, Anon. That's sweet. All boomers should die, except our moms.

    • 7 months ago

      This but unironically.

      >Mom was (and remains) a waste of human life who abandoned her kids when I was still a toddler
      >Dad remarried a BPD psychopath who made no secret of the fact that she hated my sister and I, and my dad just sort of let it happen, because she must have given some next-level head or something
      >Now, I’m an emotionally-detached adult who doesn’t really know how to express affection, and just gets uncomfortable and awkward when receiving it

      Now, when I see someone with a healthy relationship with their parents, it just makes me wish that my own would burn in Hell.

      • 7 months ago

        My fricking cousin has 2 daughters with this guy, he splits and has a kid with some other b***h.
        The stories I hear about this woman via my 2 kid relatives are insane.
        Like she keeps them in their bedrooms for a whole Saturday and their dad brings them food they have to eat in there whilst the dad, new woman and new son eat dinner in the living room as a big happy family.

        It's so fricking weird, I have no idea what goes on in the dad's head that he gets manipulated into emotionally abusing his own children.

        I'm sorry this isn't Elrond related. Weaving is really cool, I think he's based that he said he's done with "those kinds of movies" whilst telepathically mouthing the words "Black person movies"

  9. 7 months ago

    They should have stuck with who they originally cast as Elrond

    • 7 months ago

      he deserves better then to be in that shit

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah he should get himself a respectable role like some cringe joke character in some late stage MCUslop

        • 7 months ago

          still a lot better then that shit, and now thats in gunns good books he will get more high paying roles and like any good actor do one high paying blockbuster crap and one good movie alternating

          • 7 months ago

            >like any good actor do one high paying blockbuster crap and one good movie alternating
            How is this any different? Many of the actors are making indie movies between ROP seasons. Just like your MCUslop, the actors may have to shoot one every couple of years but the amount of time shooting Vs spent in post means they can easily star in multiple movies a year aswell

            • 7 months ago

              >my mcuslop
              don't put that shit on me, and working on a tv show takes a lot more time then making a movie, also their is reputation everyone knows MCU is trash, bot Rope is touting itself as actually good, its embarrassing as all frick to be associated with it

              • 7 months ago

                But if both are trash then what is the difference? lol
                Everybody in the movie industry knows actors (mostly British actors) take these big fandom roles mainly for the paychecks and secure employment. They are not taken seriously and have never impacted the 'reputation' of any actor that has a career outside of them
                As an actor they get judged for their movie work, not whatever silly shit they larp as for Disney/Warners/etc
                Always been like that.

              • 7 months ago

                yes but at least everyone accepts that mcu is schlock, so actors doing promo interviews and the like can just say
                >oh it was a lot of fun, really got along well with xyz
                where as the cast of Rope have to actually try and seriously talk about and defend that shit

              • 7 months ago

                >actually try and seriously talk about and defend that shit
                Like Adam Driver with Star Wars?

              • 7 months ago

                exactly, it was his first major role and everyone agreed he was a pretty good actor even with the shit he had to work with, everyone whos on rope is now stained by that and will be unmarketable for ages now cause normies will see them and just associate them with that awful tv show no-one watch

              • 7 months ago

                How will people associate them with a TV show nobody watched? Lol
                You are making no sense

                >stained by that and will be unmarketable for ages
                This rarely ever happens. Think Pattinson and Stewart after Twilight, where is their 'reputation' now after being multiple movies that were constantly shat on by every corner of the internet?
                The thing that does kill your career is if you had little experience coming into that thing and were banking on it for future success. So you have nothing but a divisive show/movie to put in your CV for future work (see the main GOT cast)

              • 7 months ago

                because its been heavily marketed of course, their faces were plastered everyone when it was coming out, we were bombarded by ads and posters, billboards etc. so everyone now sees a poster or trailer for a movie tv show, sees the rats face and immediately loses interest, this happens all the time, some actor is something so shit thats all people can associate them with and their career dies, like say hayden

              • 7 months ago

                also it took nearly 10 years for them to get out from under that shadow, its only recently patterson started to be taken seriously, he had to do a bunch of indie low budjet films to show that he had more range then that awful character same with stewart, thats why I said
                >for ages
                not forever but the longer any of them continue with it the harder it will be for them to get work after

                I think you are coming into this convo with a pretty limited understanding what you are talking about
                Also Clark is the worst example from ROP to pick considering how much acclaim she has already got for her movie work. Careers have been made from far less
                I think she's got five or six roles lined up between S2 and S3 filming. Obviously getting offers left, right and centre

              • 7 months ago

                I have never said clark, I have referred to the cast funny that you would single out her, but yes her face associated with this production will cripple her anywhere but in the UK, which I guess is why british actors don't mind as you said earlier, playing shlock, they just go home and laugh with their british friends about stupid american writing, so sure she would be fine but only in the uk, additionally anything made in the uk that hopes for a more international audience will weigh that against hiring her

              • 7 months ago

                Seems she's going to be in an Australian movie too but yes British actors working in British movies, while periodically appearing in American slop, is pretty normal.

              • 7 months ago

                of course but to conclude my point, Poulter has a good chance at being cast in all manner of major US productions now, where as Clark is now stuck with this shit show and what she can get from the UK and us in aus

              • 7 months ago

                also it took nearly 10 years for them to get out from under that shadow, its only recently patterson started to be taken seriously, he had to do a bunch of indie low budjet films to show that he had more range then that awful character same with stewart, thats why I said
                >for ages
                not forever but the longer any of them continue with it the harder it will be for them to get work after

      • 7 months ago

        In case you didn't know, he's in the MCU now.

        • 7 months ago

          exactly how stupid are you? I've been discussing this with another anon for almost an hour now

  10. 7 months ago

    Post a pic of your mom

  11. 7 months ago

    What a great fricking story. I'm so glad I used my remaining hungover braincells to first read and then attempt to comprehend this shit.
    This is some American shit.

    • 7 months ago

      You came here by choice. It's your own fault.

      • 7 months ago

        I and OP are both at fault and should fricking kill ourselves in relatively painful manners.

  12. 7 months ago

    Dog means unattractive in American? Wtf in Straya it means you're a traitor, worst thing you can call someone is a "dog". Hugo Weaving is not a dog I am sure he very trustworthy

    And Hugo Weaving is hot btw your mum is wrong

    Armitage is an ugly poofter

    • 7 months ago

      thats why when snoop dogg moved to aus he changed his name to snoop lion when he figured out we were all laughing at him, when he got kicked out he changed it back

  13. 7 months ago

    They needed a young actor of nubile appearance since Elves are Twinks according to Tolkien

  14. 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    My mom is an idiot too Op thanks for sharing

  16. 7 months ago

    What an absolutely riveting post.

  17. 7 months ago

    the lack of Weaving is the reason why I refused to watch the 4th Matrix

  18. 7 months ago

    Without a doubt your mom's a fat saggy alcoholic hag

  19. 7 months ago

    notice how all women are fricking moronic

  20. 7 months ago

    Hugo weaving is one of the most kino actors of the early 2000s, I love Smith

  21. 7 months ago

    He isn't much in terms of attractiveness, but he knows how to "hold himself", to have a certain dominating aura. That's why he fit well for Agent Elrond.

    Nu-Elrond is some soiboi looking gay with a really mug. He doesn't command respect or awe in any way.

  22. 7 months ago

    who cares. the dudes awesome

  23. 7 months ago

    Ask her what she think of Hugh Jackman in Le Prestige.

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