When's the sequel Disney?

When's the sequel Disney?

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  1. 11 months ago

    It's weird, some of the same actors in Red Tails were in the HBO version 20 years earlier playing different characters.

    The HBO version is a lot better except in one key area, and that's production values. The special effects in Red Tails for the dogfights are as good as anything you'd expect from something produced by George Lucas, while the HBO version regrettably uses actual black and white nosecam footage from WW2 dogfights and it is pretty immersion breaking, almost like you're watching a workprint with placeholder footage. Everything else about it was better though.

  2. 11 months ago

    Red Tails seemed to be trying for a really old school classic Hollywood simple tone, but it didn't really get there IMO.

  3. 11 months ago

    it was really brave of George to make the first movie with an all black cast

    • 11 months ago

      his wife is black

  4. 11 months ago

    He should have pulled up

  5. 11 months ago

    >straight to video B movie actor guy
    >le 1x1=2 guy

  6. 11 months ago

    So much potential to have a band of brothas style movie on the tuskegees. If you’ve ever had the good fortune of meeting on of them they are incredible speakers with that old school fighter pilot attitude (I’ve met 4 of them in my life)

    Instead Lucas made some cgi shitfest that looked like a 2000era Lucas arts flight sim with dialog and plot as bad as a cheesy video game. Really insulting to the real people and true story

    • 11 months ago

      The problem is even if you wanted to use practical effects for the planes you can’t, there’s not enough surviving flyable mustangs.

      • 11 months ago

        True, but the CGI was terrible. You can fly old prop planes repainted or touched up with CG to make them look somewhat believable. Red tails looked like it was made by the phantom menace production team.

        • 11 months ago

          Dude what, the CGI was the best part. It looked really good.

          So much potential to have a band of brothas style movie on the tuskegees. If you’ve ever had the good fortune of meeting on of them they are incredible speakers with that old school fighter pilot attitude (I’ve met 4 of them in my life)

          Instead Lucas made some cgi shitfest that looked like a 2000era Lucas arts flight sim with dialog and plot as bad as a cheesy video game. Really insulting to the real people and true story

          >Instead Lucas made
          Lucas didn't direct this.

  7. 11 months ago

    This scene seems kinda dumb and its all I remember

  8. 11 months ago

    >enter room years ago as friend is watching it
    >see me262 firing 30mm cannons at black pilot hitting him like a dozen times
    >instead of black pilot becoming a red mist and the p51 becoming a Gruyère cheese he looks like he has been hit by nerf foam bullets and continues flying and take down two other german planes

    Didn't watch beyond that but I assume that movie is humongous shit

    • 11 months ago

      262s did go down pretty easily because by 45 the Germans had few pilots left that could actually fly let alone a new jet fighter. They also had severe problems with reliability and maintence so even in the air they had a bug chance of underperforming or just breaking down. Once the secret was out for the new German fighter seasoned pilot in a mustang could outfly/out turn and trap the 262s with squad tactics and overcome the significant advantages it had.
      Those 30mm cannons were no joke though, a single well placed shot would wreck an aircraft

      • 11 months ago

        I don't care how paper mache the me262 were, if you get hit by a dozen lead golf ball sized bullets at the speed of sound you don't survive, period. I don't care how much melanin you have

        • 11 months ago

          Those cannons could rip, I think the mosquito had a 57mm that could take out small ships. The me262 had at least 4 if I can recall correctly.

          • 11 months ago

            These are the rounds
            Turns out if you have enough melanin these barely tickle when you get hit by them

            • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
  9. 11 months ago

    Terrence is busy creating new hydrogen technologies in Uganda

  10. 11 months ago

    I've never heard about this movie except of being mentioned in RLM videos.
    Why was it bad?

  11. 11 months ago

    Next time baby

  12. 11 months ago
  13. 11 months ago

    They can get a sequel when they figure out 30 millimeter isn't the same as .30 caliber and that people can't tank explosive mine shells.

    • 11 months ago

      You can if you're black

  14. 11 months ago

    We wuz bullet proof an doin spins n' sheit in tha air, whitey!

  15. 11 months ago

    What up, tho?
    It's yo' boy Big Snoop D-O-double-G, and I'm here supportin' the motion picture Red Tail. Be sure to go out and see it and spread the word, tell all yo' friends about it. Facebook. Twitter. Just spread the word. Let it be known it's a real, actual motion picture based on facts. Dig that.

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