Where can Star Wars go from this point forward?

Where can Star Wars go from this point forward?

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  1. 12 months ago

    It can't. Just like the prequels, we need like 5 years off from the constant mouse dick being shoved down everyone's throat. Just let it chill for a while, let us wash out the taste of terrible movies/books/games/shows and let us remember what we even liked about this children's space adventure series. All the mouse does is remind me of every part I hate about Star Wars, to the point where I bailed a little around Episode 8 and still see this shit over saturated to the point I kinda hate it now.

    Just stop for a while. It's really that easy.

    • 12 months ago

      you probably should have stopped like 20 years ago. Listen to yourself
      >We need to take a break for a little so i can obsess over the part of the franchise i liked, then someone can make something else i can obsess over, i need star wars, i love it
      Just stop, as in just stop with the coomsuming


      Where can Star Wars go from this point forward?

      Sir, your twilek isn't scantily clad enough. Too many clothes on Twileks and Togruta females is a chargeable offense in this man's Empire.

      are you going to post more porn or what?

      • 12 months ago

        ? I did bail. That's why I said I bailed around Episode 8. Did you even read the post before going 'CONSOOMER'

        Also, you directly followed by asking for Star Wars porn lol. CONSOOM! Figure your shit out coomer.

        • 12 months ago

          whatever just wait 5 more years, maybe you can polish your star wars lego sets during that time. homosexual

        • 11 months ago

          >based thread post based star wars pics
          >not even 20 minutes in some karen invader already sperging the omer meme to shame Cinemaphile culture thats around before she was born
          hate how morality in midia wont stop astroturfing this hell hole
          board is for men only, tit or GTFO

      • 11 months ago

        >stop with the coomsuming
        >post moar heckin' pornerino now

  2. 12 months ago

    muh dik

  3. 12 months ago

    Rated R Star Wars, full nude Asshoka

  4. 12 months ago

    Stop making mainline movies, stop letting the current crew make TV shows, just let Star Wars continue through spin off books, games, comics.

  5. 12 months ago

    Sir, your twilek isn't scantily clad enough. Too many clothes on Twileks and Togruta females is a chargeable offense in this man's Empire.

    • 11 months ago


      you probably should have stopped like 20 years ago. Listen to yourself
      >We need to take a break for a little so i can obsess over the part of the franchise i liked, then someone can make something else i can obsess over, i need star wars, i love it
      Just stop, as in just stop with the coomsuming
      are you going to post more porn or what?

      its completely fair to people to want more content as long as they dont hop on disney wiener the second they do something less bad, tho ledditors will do the latter

      ? I did bail. That's why I said I bailed around Episode 8. Did you even read the post before going 'CONSOOMER'

      Also, you directly followed by asking for Star Wars porn lol. CONSOOM! Figure your shit out coomer.

      >confunding the consumer buzzword with the oomer buzzword only cause they have "oo"
      >even tho the first just means mass buying shit and second was shilled by ncose femcels to gaslight genzs that seing naked women is bad and evil and to make them harass real men and sex worse than tumblreenas do
      Nobody with actual testicles would cry at twilek pics on a chink board thread or if you actually likes nerd shit as any of it sprior to '12 is full of hot women and violence wich triggers the type of puritan homosexual whos pysoping that buzzword
      almost made a post agreing with your previous one but now I see youre either a ncose shill trying to shame manly things like we get their daily threads or some leddit gay who didnt get called gay at school and doesnt get youre a pussy
      Also being castrated enough to seethe at porn and sexy nerd shit mean no way you grew with star wars, it takes either a gen z gay raised by social media or a closeted pussy homosexual whod avoid star wars cause its problematic or satanic to fall for that grift, and you are no man, stick to leddit and leave

  6. 12 months ago

    Show some Twi'lek tiddies

  7. 12 months ago

    The trash.

    It's like trying to make a dead horse run.

  8. 12 months ago

    >Where can Star Wars go from this point forward?
    Down the toilet after a bit more running in circles.

  9. 11 months ago
  10. 11 months ago

    The series starts with Rey going on a mission to take down a cell of Imperial remnant forces on behalf of the New Republic, but after fighting her way into their stronghold, the leaders lay down their arms, kneel to her, and call her Empress. She freaks out and slaughters them all in a frenzy of violence, but no sooner has the fighting ended than Palpatine's ghost appears to her and tells her that she proven herself to be his heir after all. From then on, Rey is never without Palpy's presence, and thought she tries to hide from her destiny at first, she quickly begins to be influenced by the unseen spirit of her grandfather who is always whispering to her. She becomes increasingly violent and paranoid as she tries to hide what is happening to her, ultimately having to flee into hiding after murdering Finn in a misunderstanding.

    Anyway, by the end of the first movie, Rey has thoroughly fallen to the dark side and gone off to join the Imperial cultists who worship her. Where it goes from there is someone else's problem.

    • 11 months ago

      >Where it goes from there is someone else's problem.
      Hi there, JJ Abrams.

  11. 11 months ago

    The first season of Visions would suggest the only path forward that shows any promise for the franchise is anime anthologies. The second season reinforces that theory.

    • 11 months ago

      But the second season of Visions was ass. It had only one or two decent episodes.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah that was the point, the second season wasn't anime.

  12. 11 months ago
  13. 11 months ago

    Star Wars needs to go back to how it was in the era between AotC and RotS.

    • 11 months ago

      >2003 Grievous is a genius tactician and efficient jedi killer

      >RotS and CGI Clone Wars Grievous is a buffoon who gets wrecked by Gungans

      So uncivilized

  14. 11 months ago

    Frick, why don't they just start producing fanfics of the franchise. Have one where Darth Vader's mind goes back in time and merges with child Anakin Skywalker's. Have a little kid eradicate the Huts and take over the crime syndicate in Hut space. Play both sides of the Clone Wars and tip off Plagueis about Palpatine's betrayal just to frick up his plans.

    • 11 months ago

      >Frick, why don't they just start producing fanfics of the franchise.
      But they already do, they're just Kennedy's and Filoni's fanfics.

      • 11 months ago

        Ew, those are the fanfics just below OP SI Naruto Gamer Harem High School DxD Crossover fanfics

  15. 11 months ago

    Stop pushing for more sequel era stuff, accept Rey was a failure.
    They should focus more on their whole High Republic era, it actually seemed more interesting and has more potential than the mess of a galaxy the sequels left it as.

  16. 11 months ago

    As long as Disney has it it can only go down so don't expect to see sexy Twi'leks soon.

  17. 11 months ago

    >Where can Star Wars go from this point forward?
    orange trainer 2.
    we need a sequel to this.

  18. 11 months ago

    You'd unironically need to soft reboot at this point to dodge all the garbage but there's no enthusiasm or nostalgia left. It's over

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