Where did the I hate my wife trope come from in sitcoms?

I feel like its such a common trope in sitcoms. There is always a crotchety middle aged or older male character who hates his wife and treats her like shit. Who actually finds this funny?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    The Honeymooners

    • 1 month ago

      ralph didnt hate his wife, she was always the voice of reason. how many times did he tell her she was the greatest

      • 1 month ago

        you're the fat dumb husband they were making fun of. you thiink you are helping your wife and protecting her in the long run but everyone looks at you with disdain for being a mindless barbarian that doesnt understand subtle liberal/modern values.

        • 1 month ago

          >You're a mindless barbarian if you don't let your wife frick other men, true liberal values!
          That's not what you said, but it's what you meant.

    • 1 month ago

      Ralph obviously loved Alice very much he just had a short temper and would get angry with her

    • 1 month ago

      From morons misunderstanding the Honeymooners, you mean. Ralph and Alice were both roughnecks that didn't take shit from anybody. They struggled and got on each other's nerves due to money issues, but Ralph at the end of the day always loved Alice and vice versa. Kinda the same thing with I Love Lucy, at least in the early seasons when Lucy and Desi were still in love.

  2. 1 month ago

    >Where did the “I hate my wife” trope come from
    Real life.

    • 1 month ago


  3. 1 month ago

    Common trope when divorce was still kinda taboo.

  4. 1 month ago

    Divorce used to be something you just didn't do unless your husband was beating you to death or something, so people used to stay together even though they couldn't fricking stand eachother anymore. It was supposed to be a relatable situation. Nowadays, if you don't love eachother anymore you just seperate, so the trope isn't relatable anymore and it just baffles people.

    • 1 month ago

      Before divorce was acceptable and mainstream, people tended to get married young, often out of desire for legitimate sexual intercourse. They would then grow older, fall out of love, but be stuck with each other. So hating your spouse, seeing them as a drag and marriage as a trap, became a trope.

      the soi take

      Jews wanted to drive a wedge in the family unit

      propaganda designed specifically to weaken the American family unit because monkey see monkey do

      the chud take

      • 1 month ago

        the 'plays both sides, i am superior' goy take.

      • 1 month ago

        genital mutilation reduces the ability to pair bond
        thanks, israelites

    • 1 month ago

      This is true. My father beat my mother to death and she divorced him. She's very happy now.

    • 1 month ago

      Then why exactly is the trope always associated with the divorce-happiest generation?

      • 1 month ago

        Evidence or kys.

    • 1 month ago

      This. Once no fault divorce became a thing a shitton of boomers divorced.

  5. 1 month ago

    Jews wanted to drive a wedge in the family unit

    • 1 month ago

      that's moronic, marriage is one of the biggest money-makers for israelites, they want to ENCOURAGE marriage because it makes people spend way too much money on something that doesn't even fricking matter at all, unless you are in some sort of religion that also CONVENIENTLY enforces it and takes money from it
      >renting our church for a ceremony THAT WE MAKE YOU DO? well that will be $8000 for the day 🙂

  6. 1 month ago

    Only an incel who’s never been in a relationship could ever find women bearable

    As soon as they have their claws in you, the b***hing never stops

    • 1 month ago

      All you have to do is work an office job to see how horrible women are

      • 1 month ago

        Unironically. If men didn’t have their brains fogged by the smell of pussy, we’d have hunted them to extinction. They’re like narcissistic eternal bipolar 12 year olds. Even the smart ones.

    • 1 month ago

      I’ve had a gf for the past 3ish years and this is 100% correct. Yet I can’t bring myself to just drop her ass. I don’t know why, might be a psychological thing

      • 1 month ago

        Just do it, dude. I was in the same position for four years because she paid a lot of the bills, cooked and cleaned but I was still miserable. It's been almost half a year now since I dumped her and my life has improved dramatically. The only thing that sucks is that I have to clean the kitchen myself again.

      • 1 month ago

        for me i couldnt afford shit without my gf, she makes more money than me, so with both of us paying for a one bedroom apartment we save waaay more money than I would if it was just me, thats why you need a woman, that and i look forward to having kids

        • 1 month ago

          Bringing children into a loveless relationship for monetary gain
          Degenerate behaviour

          • 1 month ago

            never said it was loveless, part of love is relying on someone, you wouldnt understand unless you had it

        • 1 month ago

          >in relationship
          >isn't the breadwinner
          >wants children
          Oh, so you're the wife? :^]

          • 1 month ago

            nta but that reminds me of the time I finally got a really good paying full time job and was finally going to take breadwinner responsibilities off my gf only for her to land a promotion and end up earning more than me by a couple thousand

        • 1 month ago

          You are a fricking moron. You are what? 21? She will increasingly raise her material demands on you as you age, masking it with words 'We need' and it will never fricking stop. By the time you are thirty you will have to overyake her in your earnings, otherwise you are in for a miserable ride.
          Bear in mind I don't mention this as something wrong, that is simply how it works, it's instincts and genetics. Just how it is. I work around 230 hours per month, all my colleagues, all well over 50 years of age work 12 hours, two of my younger colleagues work 350 hours and 300.
          You think we do it out of love for the craft?

          • 1 month ago

            >You think we do it out of love for the craft?
            Don't you do it to get away from the wife?

            • 1 month ago

              Unironically, yes. After years this is also what it turned into. I have more personal amenities at work than I have at home.

    • 1 month ago

      So being an incel is good now? Otherwise this seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

      • 1 month ago

        On the contrary, anon is saying only an celibate would buy the propaganda about women being pleasant out of ignorance.

      • 1 month ago

        no one ever said life was supposed to be cool, we're meant to be stoning elephants from trees

    • 1 month ago

      Insufferable people are pumped together by process of elimination
      Incels end up with girl boss Disney adult nags, high value men retain high value women.

    • 1 month ago

      This. I love my partner with all my heart but after 7 years it's only made me MORE sexist. Being around a woman 24/7 really makes you understand their thought processes and how they function and they're literally all nuts.

    • 1 month ago

      It's time we admit women are worthless. Men make better companions. Only a man can understand what goes through your mind. What's a woman going to say when you tell her your greatest aspirations and fears? "Ok. Let's watch Netflix." And since we're being honest, I don't even find women attractive. Men have much hotter physiques. You don't have to be gay to acknowledge that.

      • 1 month ago

        Nah homie, you gay.

    • 1 month ago

      I hate women but I'm sexually attracted to them

    • 1 month ago

      You found a bad woman.

  7. 1 month ago

    Married boomers warning future generations, now apologize

  8. 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago

    If you ever get married you're gonna hate your wife when she turns into a fat nagging frigid b***h too.

  10. 1 month ago


    anyone that has been with a woman for any length of time hates them.

    • 1 month ago

      Jews wanted to drive a wedge in the family unit

      Divorce used to be something you just didn't do unless your husband was beating you to death or something, so people used to stay together even though they couldn't fricking stand eachother anymore. It was supposed to be a relatable situation. Nowadays, if you don't love eachother anymore you just seperate, so the trope isn't relatable anymore and it just baffles people.

      >Hate my wife trope bad
      Thays why Modern family good
      Ariel Winter is the true queen of Cinemaphile

      • 1 month ago

        >breast reduction
        Queen status have been removed. New recipient is tbd.

        • 1 month ago

          AI is the future, Mon Ami

    • 1 month ago

      You can like women, or you can UNDERSTAND women. But you can’t have both. I love my girlfriend for what she is, like a pet with fewer redeeming qualities, but I don’t fricking like her and I never will.

      • 1 month ago

        i like my gf she's my pal we have fun and laugh together all the time

        • 1 month ago

          This guy doesn't understand women, what a dope

          • 1 month ago

            she also let's me creampie her like 8 times a day

        • 1 month ago

          she also let's me creampie her like 8 times a day

          Long have you been together

          • 1 month ago

            3 moths to be honest, very well could just be the honey moon period. she's very sweet to me though, she cooks for me, let's me sleep in even when she goes to work and also didn't give a frick that i quit my job. she is cute af too

            • 1 month ago

              Does anyone here actually like their girl? Besides this gay

              • 1 month ago

                aren't you supposed to like your girl? like why be with them if you don't?

              • 1 month ago

                I've been with mine for almost 7 years and I couldn't imagine life without her

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah man, been with my wife for 11 years and married for 6, she's my best pal. Love hanging out with that motherfricker

                We've got really similar interests and she's got even more fricked up fetishes than me

            • 1 month ago

              You are in the honeymoon period, wait until a year plus and report back

            • 1 month ago

              enjoy the honeymoon

              • 1 month ago

                thanks anon i am so far

            • 1 month ago

              i like my gf she's my pal we have fun and laugh together all the time

              i have this except for ive been with my gf 10 years, it helps that we both think everyone else in the world is below us and that theres no one we could find better than each other

              • 1 month ago

                awesome, i have had bad luck in love but trying to be more intentional. i hope i can make this a long term relationship.

                >3 months
                That's fricking nothing lmao.
                Try ten years like me. I still don't agree with the other guy, but I acknowledge that you have to treat women like children for anything to work longer-term.

                fair i know i'm in the early stages and things will eventually get less fun but i also was dating several girls at the beginning of the year but didn't settle for any of them until i met this one then i locked her down as soon as i could without seeming overeager because i like her as a person, she's feminine and sweet, pretty and amazing in bed. aren't you supposed to screen like this? i dated a couple other girls that were good looking but they were annoying and i knew it wouldn't be a fun relationship so i dropped them even though it was free pussy

            • 1 month ago

              >3 months
              That's fricking nothing lmao.
              Try ten years like me. I still don't agree with the other guy, but I acknowledge that you have to treat women like children for anything to work longer-term.

            • 1 month ago

              >3 months

          • 1 month ago

            I like how this is a sarcastic Yoda statement

            3 moths to be honest, very well could just be the honey moon period. she's very sweet to me though, she cooks for me, let's me sleep in even when she goes to work and also didn't give a frick that i quit my job. she is cute af too

            And it flew right over anon's head

        • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          Yeah what is this thread do people actually choose to be with people they despise this is so depressing

    • 1 month ago

      Not just woman, be around any person for a long time and you start to get annoyed by them

  11. 1 month ago

    propaganda designed specifically to weaken the American family unit because monkey see monkey do

    • 1 month ago

      That and the writers were in shitty marriages and were just venting through their work.

      • 1 month ago

        hmm i wonder who the writers were

  12. 1 month ago

    Marriage is just an objectively bad deal for a man. Men realize this and grow to resent the person who tricked them into it.

  13. 1 month ago

    boomers unironically literally actually hated their wife and kids

    • 1 month ago

      growing up in the peak age of america, and human civillization in history, on top of other factors, made a pandemic of narcissist demons hell bent on destroying all natural resources and beauty in the world

    • 1 month ago

      This is the actual reason
      Because they were entitled pricks who spoiled an age of prosperity.

      • 1 month ago

        Wrong as usual, that would be zoomers.

        • 1 month ago

          Whilst I refuse to believe that webm isn't Le fake, you do realise this happens because parents baby their children and smother them in distraction devices, and never want them to do chores, right?
          I'm not sure if Gen X and even Y parents are any better than Boomers in that regard. Money goes up but IQ goes down and handymen are making a killing.

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          If true its just shitty parenting, my mum was big in gardening, home grown veg and cooking and I had to help her out with it as soon as I was old enough. Now I'm in my 30s and I meet people my own age who can't do shit I was doing when I was 5.
          She had my 6 year old niece in a net suit the other day helping her with beekeeping.

        • 1 month ago

          When I went to college it took me 8 months to figure out how to use the can opener, I used to just beat the cans until they split open but that got kinda messy

  14. 1 month ago

    it's not a trope, having a wife just genuinely sucks ass

  15. 1 month ago

    Before divorce was acceptable and mainstream, people tended to get married young, often out of desire for legitimate sexual intercourse. They would then grow older, fall out of love, but be stuck with each other. So hating your spouse, seeing them as a drag and marriage as a trap, became a trope.

  16. 1 month ago

    Would this actually work?

    • 1 month ago

      Chris Watts kicking himself in prison right now

    • 1 month ago


  17. 1 month ago

    american women

  18. 1 month ago

    It's gonna be fun when zoomers start marrying and realize they're not escaping from this with communication, comprehension and couples therapy as they were led to believe.

    • 1 month ago

      Lol, say what you want about zoom zoom but they're the first informed generation thanks to the internet. Doesn't mean they're gonna do anything smart with it, but it certainly mean they'll have an easier time avoiding shit that demolished the previous generation.
      Man of the past just didn't know what the frick was going on and just followed disney movies and the status quo.
      Now because of an actual detailed look at statistics and a direct window into other men's life, all the young guys that I know are either avoiding women like the plague (if they're not hot enough or interested in the hassle) or doing no string attached commitment free sex with no intention of sticking around for the daily "would you still love me if I fricked 15 other dudes on our bed" conversation.

      • 1 month ago

        I see a lot of zoomers marrying on tiktok, and their marriages, not just the ceremony but the whole relationship, are always cottagecore vintage yadda yadda, they pretty much larp as a couple. I don't know what's gonna happen, but despite what feminists say, it's women who pressure men into marriage, and a lot of times it's a dealbreaker for them not doing it. Marriage still a social pressure and a fantasy/dream for a lot of people, I don't see it truly going away.

        • 1 month ago

          Undergrads at the school I went to get married all the time. I constantly here the girls at the bar showing off their rings and shit.

          Anecdotes, all statistics point to the opposite. Yes, people still get married but that number is literally half of what it was in the 90s.
          Granted, the remaining people getting married are getting divorced less.
          Still, it's foolish to think we're not gonna be dealing with a dangerous amount crazy post wall bitter roasties and peter pan incel in the upcoming decades.

      • 1 month ago

        Undergrads at the school I went to get married all the time. I constantly here the girls at the bar showing off their rings and shit.

    • 1 month ago

      Couples therapy is a scam turned into a million dollar industry by feminists and effeminate men. The entire purpose is to force a man into an emasculated dynamic.

      Do you know what women do when they feel like they’re losing control over someone? Before they get all crazy and desperate and masculine in the final stages?

      They corner the individual (or put them in a group chat in more modern times), set the group against them, and browbeat them into submission. Women don’t talk for the same reasons men do. Women talk to gather intelligence they can use against people later. That’s why they become so frustrated yet excited when a man is aloof with them. The most powerful man is one that woman has ZERO dirt on and cannot predict. Why do you think every paranormal “romance” ever has the plot point of “she can’t read the Chad’s mind lol”?

      “Communication” means “Give me ammunition against you. Show me your playing hand.”.

    • 1 month ago

      Its another Cinemaphile projects millennial cuck behaviour onto zoomers episode

      Zoomers are the most racist, sexist generation in a loooong time. We hate women and are not afraid to say it.

      • 1 month ago

        Zoomers are the most progressive in recent years, the conservative LARP is tiring knowing the majority of them are gay or bi

      • 1 month ago

        Sure thing just like my generation was the edgiest ever and gen X before that and boomers before that get real it's all the same shit it's all been done before

        >Why are you even in a relationship if it makes you so miserable?
        nta but I stayed with my girlfriend for half a decade because she paid bills, cooked and cleaned. I started hating her even more during the last year of our relationship and it boiled over on Christmas and I dumped her

        A lot of what people are describing itt just sounds like reliance or depending on someone like this guy literally describes relying on his partner as a definition of love :

        never said it was loveless, part of love is relying on someone, you wouldnt understand unless you had it

        a real relationship rests on more than what you directly get out of it and if it can be reduced to pragmatic ends and means that's just sad

  19. 1 month ago

    I hate my girlfriend so much it's unreal. I've stopped having sex with her for the last 5 months and I'm probably just going to break up with her lol

  20. 1 month ago

    Where do you think it came from, you stupid c**t?


  21. 1 month ago

    If humans weren't meant to be married then what is the natural state of things? Are we really just designed to be a pump n dump species?

    • 1 month ago

      >what is the natural state of things
      One alpha chad fricking 10 women in his harem.

    • 1 month ago

      The natural state is worse
      Some of the uncontacted tribes still practice it, in the Amazon, corners of Africa, little islands
      Basically women live communally in villages and shit out babies, men orbit the villages and sometimes frick women, although it's often in loose harems where a more dominant male has multiple women
      Every generation 80% of the men die through violence or misadventure

      It was such a shit setup that the minute some autist in Mesopotamia invented agriculture and monogamy 10,000 years ago, the ideas were so logistically superior that they genocided that shit off the face of the earth

      • 1 month ago

        >It was such a shit setup that the minute some autist in Mesopotamia invented agriculture and monogamy 10,000 years ago, the ideas were so logistically superior that they genocided that shit off the face of the earth
        socially enforced monogamy is unironically the greatest invention in the history of mankind and the cornerstone of civilization.

    • 1 month ago

      I think there's a natural rise and fall to marriages from approx. one generation to the next.
      When nobody's getting married, the only marriages are those who are really in love, really suited to it andeach other, and they make marriage look good. So more people get married.
      When everybody's getting married, a lot of those marriages are done frivously, by people who don't really love each other and aren't really suited, etc. So now marriage looks bad.
      There are other factors too, of course.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't think it's either or because there's always those couples who are genuinely a love match and, like, live to 90 and die within two weeks of each other. Sadly it's not like that for many.

    • 1 month ago

      The problem in not marriage in itself, but how it works currently. You're pretty much rewarded for fricking it, and it's very biased for women. And despite what feminists say, it's women who push men into it. I don't know a single men who cares about it.

    • 1 month ago

      its the aspect of being forced to be next to someone for 24 hours a day, every day of your life, until you die.

      its the choking, non-ending presence of her in fricking everything.

      people don't realize how suffocating it is, especially after 10+ years, when the sex dries up, her looks start to fade, and you are just left saddled to a highly emotional, impractical, child, who grows increasingly bitter and self-conscious. much of this could be alleviated if space was more accepted and encouraged in marriage, for instance, being 'normal' to be allowed to occasionally sleep in different rooms in order to attain even a miniscule moment of alone-time, or even live in different places. space and individuality are an important aspect in keeping romance alive, in an analogous way that pulling out is just as important in thrusting in sex. understandably, though, women seem to despise the aspect of encouraging their husbands independence, this as it threatens their security -- they are afraid the husband will realize they don't need her, and leave.

      there are certainly some who are exceptions, and have wonderful marriages their whole life. but, in my view, most husbands know their lives would be better off without their wife. they remain because of the promise they made. in my view, the deal of marriage is you get a woman at the absolute prime of her life, 18-20s into early 30s, whatever, and get her absolute best years, while hundreds of other guys would die to have her. in return for the 10~ prime years where everyone wants her, you agree to take the years when other men don't, her 40s onwards. you also agree not to abandon her because of her sacrifices made in child-birth, which are significant.
      however, what a raw deal for those who marry someone, getting neither the woman's prime, nor her contribution of child-birth, those who marry a woman in her early 30s who wants no children, they get minimal rewards, instead taking on largely the years of burden.

      • 1 month ago

        you have never put your penis inside of a womans body

        • 1 month ago

          may i infer that you have put your penis in a woman?

          if so, having properly soaked up veganal juices through your dickhole, and into your brain, please share the enlightenment you have reached

      • 1 month ago

        I don’t 100% agree with all that shit but women do hate when you have hobbies. I used to frisbee golf to get out of the house and my ex hated it because she wanted to hang out with me all fricking day. Then when I invited her to come play she b***hed and moaned the entire time and didn’t remotely try to enjoy being out together.

        Now I’m married and my wife is amazing but she still every once awhile makes little passive aggressive comments when I want to play a video game or paint minis after we’ve put our son to bed instead of sitting there watching TV and doing nothing for two hours. I got her into building Lego sets so that shuts her up but frick if they aren’t expensive just to get some nights peace

        • 1 month ago

          >play a video game or paint minis
          listen no offense anon but the problem isn't that you do things on your own, its what you do. your 'amazing' wife is resentful that you aren't outside splitting firewood with a maul or stripping down a truck engine or playing jazz guitar. no matter how much of a NYURD GURRRL you think she is, what she really wants is a typical macho man with macho interests.

      • 1 month ago

        >when the sex dries up
        She's cheating.

      • 1 month ago

        >women seem to despise the aspect of encouraging their husbands independence, this as it threatens their security -- they are afraid the husband will realize they don't need her, and leave.
        Because then they'd have to be on their best behavior or else the guy would dip. They don't want to work for it.

    • 1 month ago

      Polygyny (one man several wives) with women occasionally cheating. The problem is that the natural state of things isn't conducive to civilization. It also differs a bit between races with Europeans (particularly Northern Europeans) practicing far great monogamy with less cheating relative to other groups. At least that used to be true historically.

    • 1 month ago

      the natural state of thing features rape and murder.
      the word cuck comes from Cuckoo Birds. their reproductive strategy is infamous. So is praying Mantis reproduction

      • 1 month ago

        This is true. Women like dark triad behavior because men like me are supposed to rape or kidnap or socially pressure women then bully them into catching feels
        Instead we spend all day seething online about the fricking government

    • 1 month ago

      Monogamy and marriage is the norm for humans. Any other suggestion is someone's cope.
      >But look at these tribes!!
      Most other ones practice monogamy.
      >But look at genetics!!!
      Male lineages are under greater selection because men are under much less protection than women, not because stone-age chad had a harem of ten women. also, mitochondria mutate more slowly than y-chromosomes

    • 1 month ago

      Dying quicker. Bang out 5 kids and have her die in childbirth

    • 1 month ago

      >the natural state of things
      note: natural does not mean 'nice' or even 'good'. nature is vicious, and indifferent to the individual

      humans are adapted to live in small-ish (20-100 max) bands of semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers, which is pretty much a very large extended family, and who are likely in sometimes-friends-sometimes-enemies mode with other bands in the same area. The bands are probably polygamous, but it depends on the exact circumstances at that point in time (polygamy is indicative of a high level of male mortality, so fierce competition) and switches to (serial) monogamy when (if) the situation stabilizes.

      This is how we've been rolling for the past 200,000 years or so. A few millennia of agriculture (and less than a few centuries of urbanization) aren't going to change that so quickly.

      • 1 month ago

        nature also have partners for life, it's not all rape all the time, either

      • 1 month ago

        There will be as many sexual and social arrangements between future humans as have emerged between any different mammals... Mosh widely dispersed species... We are the creature which will fill the mega fauna niches

    • 1 month ago

      >natural sate of things
      >pump n dump
      No, the father sticks around to raise and feed the children. But there is no biological need to stay chained to an old harpy. Men stay fertile for way longer than women do.
      Marriage only exists in order to protect old women from being abandoned. It's a social invention that became a necessity when we stopped hanging out in small tribes.

    • 1 month ago

      The natural state also involves beating her when she is being irrational.

    • 1 month ago

      Women were gangbanged all the time by multiple dudes and there were no paternity tests back in the day so children were just raised communally by the whole tribe. Monogamy is not natural for humans in that state, but it’s necessary imo in our current state of civilization.

  22. 1 month ago

    War used to be used for depopulation but this endangered our owners in World War 2 so since then it has been done via propaganda. This is just one part of it.

    • 1 month ago

      Can this trend be reversed?

      • 1 month ago

        What happened in 1980?

        • 1 month ago

          the baby boomer hippies/beatniks grew up and became patrick bateman, gordon gekko yuppies and went into full-overdrive of fricking shit up for everyone

  23. 1 month ago

    ~~*Punch and Judy*~~

  24. 1 month ago

    definitely comes from the honeymooners. they’re the “simpsons did it” of sitcoms

  25. 1 month ago

    It's a "timmy has never been in a relationship for longer than 3 months" thread.

    • 1 month ago

      It's a Chang has never been touched by a woman episode

  26. 1 month ago

    It was real from the beginning of time to the year 2000.

  27. 1 month ago

    me, parents still together btw and my dad constantly busts balls

  28. 1 month ago

    Reminder that marriage is a total sham.

    After 17 years of marriage my wife cheated on me. It was back in november and I had my dak prescott jersey on because it was gameday, I went into the grocery store down the street and saw her in the ice cream aisle with some 6’7 ripped black guy (she didn’t know I also needed to go to the store). I literally still havent recovered from it

    probably will get cirrhosis and die

    • 1 month ago

      sorry chang

    • 1 month ago

      kek what the frick is this from?

      • 1 month ago

        answer pls

        You people are so fricking miserable you seriously think the rest of the world and everyone else thinks this way
        You are in miserable relationships because you get what you put out to the world and you don't warrant anything better. You can cultivate real relationships with people in a sincere way and experience love but you choose to be lazy and retreat into bitterness spirals in your head. It isn't helpful to you in any way.

        How do you account for people who have friendships and relationships that are happy and rewarding? Good relationships aren't in the majority and neither are good people but that's precisely because of people choosing the bitterness pill like you lot and pulling down the walls over a small patch of bad feeling that you have cultivated as your life. Seriously I mean this post completely in earnest. It's easy to do what you are doing now, it's hard but so fulfilling to work towards something better.

        Bunch of sad saps honestly and you winder why you only attract the lowest caliber of women give me a fricking break

        hey can you answer my question. thanks.

      • 1 month ago

        Flight (2012)

    • 1 month ago

      Cool story but you're probably a yellow incel

  29. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Fat women are so fricking gross. WHAT THE FRICK!

    • 1 month ago

      Fat girls are so fricking gross. I don't know what causes a virgin to set aside their standards and frick a hambeast like this,

      • 1 month ago

        Every hole's a goal

        • 1 month ago

          >Every hole's a goal

          • 1 month ago
            • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                that dude looks like Frog from The Wire

              • 1 month ago

                She's got like 10 years to spend that before she drops dead from heart failure

              • 1 month ago

                IRS says hello

              • 1 month ago

                Why are beta males so desperate to frick hideous b***hes like shit?

              • 1 month ago

                What lack of pussy does to a mf

              • 1 month ago

                I went through a 7 year streak of not having sex and it never crossed my mind to frick a fat girl.

            • 1 month ago

              As stated many times before he's just securing his insulin

            • 1 month ago

              I bet this is one of those situations where she was really hot when they got married lmao

        • 1 month ago

          I'd rather jack off than frick fat girls.

        • 1 month ago

          how do you get past the stench?

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        >normal gay
        >humping a woman while squatting
        sirs do not redeem we have indians in this thread

      • 1 month ago

        I do both of these

        • 1 month ago

          me too i just like the image not sure why i posted it tbh

      • 1 month ago

        The average normalgay aint having sex either matey. This ain't the 90s.

        • 1 month ago

          Lmao the funniest part is most of you believe this shit

      • 1 month ago

        Both of these images are literally me though
        I sometimes feel as though the strangest of all is to be both part normie, part reject. A sex haver who is lonely.

        • 1 month ago

          same tbqh

          • 1 month ago

            I literally have a girlfriend and close friends but I’m a fricking weirdo and feel alienated from pretty much everyone I know. Partially due to some shit that happened in the past with myself but still, it’s weird. It’s like I have the mindset of a borderline incel and a fricking loser but my life is seemingly normal or even successful.

        • 1 month ago

          same tbqh

          I literally have a girlfriend and close friends but I’m a fricking weirdo and feel alienated from pretty much everyone I know. Partially due to some shit that happened in the past with myself but still, it’s weird. It’s like I have the mindset of a borderline incel and a fricking loser but my life is seemingly normal or even successful.

          They will never understand us so it’s better to keep the mask on and try to blend in

      • 1 month ago

        Both of these images are literally me though
        I sometimes feel as though the strangest of all is to be both part normie, part reject. A sex haver who is lonely.

        same tbqh

        I literally have a girlfriend and close friends but I’m a fricking weirdo and feel alienated from pretty much everyone I know. Partially due to some shit that happened in the past with myself but still, it’s weird. It’s like I have the mindset of a borderline incel and a fricking loser but my life is seemingly normal or even successful.

        It's because you're living fake lives. You just do whatever you think will make you fit in. So you hangout with normalgay fricks that you have nothing incommon with, where you'll just stand in a circle talking about gossip and other such things that interest the low IQ mind, and you say nothing and can't help but think, "Is this it?"

        I find happiness in building things and indulging in hobbies/interests I like. And I'm working on doing a better job of just being myself and trying to find people who are like me, that will bring me happiness. I've managed to pull it off a few times... But I lost part of myself in trying to be like the normalgays, so they see me the way I see them.

        There's nothing to gain in trying to fit in. There's a lot to lose in that you end up as an abomination that's a mix of the two, and so you never belong to either group.

        • 1 month ago

          Based post. It’s hard to see someone strip away parts of who they are to try and fit in. My friend is like this but he’s getting more active in his autistic hobbies and joining clubs and shit for them. Never seen him so happy.

    • 1 month ago

      This was me when I met my gf, but I actually fell in love with her. I go to the gym regularly a she started coming with me, she went from a hamplanet to a decent t size thicc chick. True love exists anons you just have to fight for it

      • 1 month ago

        Just be careful she doesn't leave you now that she's going to get more attention. Fat b***hes that have become thin tend to grow the most insufferable personalities of them all.

    • 1 month ago

      This is literally me but I’m not married I just frick random fatties

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >Every hole's a goal

      Rather die a virgin than be seen fricking a fat girl

    • 1 month ago

      The millennial experience

    • 1 month ago

      it do be like that

    • 1 month ago

      I was about to frick a fat grill (fat for yuro standard, so it's a regular girl for burgers) once, but when I realized what I was going to do I just faked a stomach ache and left. At the moment I felt like shit, but now years after I realize I did the right thing. No man should ever go as low as fricking a fat girl, if he doesn't want to.

  30. 1 month ago

    jews. starting with the honeymooners.

    • 1 month ago

      Ralph didn't hate Alice dip shit..did anyone of you even watch the honeymooners

  31. 1 month ago

    Men being married.
    t. a husband

  32. 1 month ago

    It's called bantz. Women love getting roasted

  33. 1 month ago

    It was part of MK Ultra to drive a wedge between not just men and women but the average white christian american family so the NWO globalization could begin.

  34. 1 month ago

    >There is always a crotchety middle aged or older male character who hates his wife and treats her like shit
    what sitcoms are you watching? nearly every single sitcom that stretches back to the 1950s is always using the "hot wife who serves as the voice of reason/dumb overconfident husband" trope, I don't know of a single sitcom that uses the trope you mentioned.

    • 1 month ago

      >I don't know of a single sitcom that uses the trope you mentioned.
      Married with Children, now kys zoomer FRICK

  35. 1 month ago

    >had a gf that was 120lbs and had a higher sex drive than I did
    >couldn't stand living with her so I broke up with her half a year ago
    >she ended up cheating on her new boyfriend with me and I blocked her afterwards and then sent proof to the guy
    >he actually forgave her

    • 1 month ago

      sounds like you are the one who messed up, but I cannot tell how.

      • 1 month ago

        Woman moment.

    • 1 month ago

      >he forgave her
      What causes men to be like this?

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          to the point they'll be with someone who cheated on them?

        • 1 month ago

          Nah, lots of guys forgive unforgivable shit from women. It's normal.

      • 1 month ago

        Low self-esteem.

    • 1 month ago

      How can someone stay with another person after finding out they were cheated on? It's bizarre...

  36. 1 month ago

    Literally any relationship goes to shit after about something like 5 or 7 years. After that period, people will generally stay together for the kids, out of some kind of duty, because they're dependent on the other person or afraid of being single. Married people are in that situation, so the "take my wife please" trope was pandering to them.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm sorry your dad abandoned your mom and ran off with another man, anon, but that's between you and your therapist.

  37. 1 month ago

    >troony baiters on 4chinz always told me I’d stop hating women like a heckin chud if I got a gf
    >got one
    >hate women more than ever
    I feel lied to.

  38. 1 month ago

    Good god, they think spacing fixes their wall of texts no one reads, social cripples.

  39. 1 month ago

    They dont really hate their wives, its just a misdirected vent for sexual frustration. I’ve been married for 8 years and love my wife but the fact I cant frick random girls anymore honestly puts me in a deep depression on some days. Life sucks and you’ll never get what you really want. Learn to bear it.

    • 1 month ago

      you can, just as long as she doesn't find out

  40. 1 month ago

    Have you ever been around a woman?

  41. 1 month ago

    When I read through some of the comments ITT, it becomes obvious how many of you have fricked up mommy issues. Some of you are like the inverse of women who have fricked up relationships with their fathers, and you don't even realize it.

    • 1 month ago

      Elaborate. I’ve actually never been clear on what ‘mommy issues’ in men are and how they manifest so am curious

      • 1 month ago

        It means you have a poor relationship with your mother, leading to a lifetime of poor relationships or resentment towards women in general. If you have a decent mother and a good relationship with her, then chances are you won't have a blanket hatred of all women, since you will have been raised by a good representation of a positive female role model in your life. I recognize that there are a lot of worthless, awful b***hes out there, but I also know that women aren't inherently awful either, because my mother is a truly decent human being. Some of the people in this thread are no different than the femcels who rage against all men because they had emotionally distant or abusive fathers, which developed into a mistrust and hatred of all men. The biggest difference is that women with daddy issues tend to become prostitutes, seeking the male affection they never had, while men with mommy issues become incels, unable to relate to women in any meaningful way.

        • 1 month ago

          I adore my mother and have a great relationship with her but I also think her relationship with my father has really given me a negative view of her and women in general. I still frick(ed) b***hes and have a beloved girlfriend though so idk. You’re definitely onto something. I think inceldom has more to do with alienation than anything else, how you view women actually has very little bearing on whether you get b***hes (see: woman-loving “nice guys” who get no b***hes and mysoginistic “chads” who do)

    • 1 month ago

      Based posters explaining how monogamous cultures rose above others at an unparalleled rate

      Elaborate. I’ve actually never been clear on what ‘mommy issues’ in men are and how they manifest so am curious

      It means you have a poor relationship with your mother, leading to a lifetime of poor relationships or resentment towards women in general. If you have a decent mother and a good relationship with her, then chances are you won't have a blanket hatred of all women, since you will have been raised by a good representation of a positive female role model in your life. I recognize that there are a lot of worthless, awful b***hes out there, but I also know that women aren't inherently awful either, because my mother is a truly decent human being. Some of the people in this thread are no different than the femcels who rage against all men because they had emotionally distant or abusive fathers, which developed into a mistrust and hatred of all men. The biggest difference is that women with daddy issues tend to become prostitutes, seeking the male affection they never had, while men with mommy issues become incels, unable to relate to women in any meaningful way.

      Men with mommy issues: mom did everything for the son while not properly encouraging them to become independent or providing a strong punishment when they misbehave. Extremely common with perpetually single mothers. Lack of strong father figure will further their failure to become independent, they don’t witness how a man is supposed to treat a woman the right way, along with no “oh frick I’m actually in trouble” moments because women rarely abandon their sons (so she’s reluctant to properly scold their son when they act out of line). Probably didn’t explain the women punishing son thing well, but I hope that makes some sort of sense.

      The result is a manchild who places unrealistic expectations on women. They expect their partner to be like their mother. Not attentive to their needs.

      For the attractive male, this creates a cycle of attracting women who let themselves be stepped on constantly. For the unattractive male, they usually become the stereotypical incel.

      99% of 4chin posters are like this btw.

      • 1 month ago

        my mom was SUPER strict with me and my dad was a piece of shit but at least he was there. however my mom mellowed out around the time i was graduating high school. i've always loved my mom but i got in trouble constantly growing up, way more so than my friends

  42. 1 month ago

    It was inadvertently created when an usher told Henny Youngman he will "Take his wife"

  43. 1 month ago

    >an entire generation keeps saying how marriage is bad, how kids are awful and being married is the worst thing ever
    >then they wonder why their kids don't get married
    Why are boomers so moronic?

  44. 1 month ago

    Reality. Men hate women. Your holes are the reason your gender hasn't been exterminated by now.

    • 1 month ago

      Women hate women too. That's no secret.
      I've known two women who were actually cool. One killed herself and the other trooped out.

      • 1 month ago

        Reality. Men hate women. Your holes are the reason your gender hasn't been exterminated by now.

        >troony baiters on 4chinz always told me I’d stop hating women like a heckin chud if I got a gf
        >got one
        >hate women more than ever
        I feel lied to.

        Men being married.
        t. a husband

        Reminder that marriage is a total sham.

        After 17 years of marriage my wife cheated on me. It was back in november and I had my dak prescott jersey on because it was gameday, I went into the grocery store down the street and saw her in the ice cream aisle with some 6’7 ripped black guy (she didn’t know I also needed to go to the store). I literally still havent recovered from it

        probably will get cirrhosis and die

        Not just woman, be around any person for a long time and you start to get annoyed by them

        You people are so fricking miserable you seriously think the rest of the world and everyone else thinks this way
        You are in miserable relationships because you get what you put out to the world and you don't warrant anything better. You can cultivate real relationships with people in a sincere way and experience love but you choose to be lazy and retreat into bitterness spirals in your head. It isn't helpful to you in any way.

        How do you account for people who have friendships and relationships that are happy and rewarding? Good relationships aren't in the majority and neither are good people but that's precisely because of people choosing the bitterness pill like you lot and pulling down the walls over a small patch of bad feeling that you have cultivated as your life. Seriously I mean this post completely in earnest. It's easy to do what you are doing now, it's hard but so fulfilling to work towards something better.

        Bunch of sad saps honestly and you winder why you only attract the lowest caliber of women give me a fricking break

        • 1 month ago

          This. I love my wife with all my heart and couldn't imagine my life without her.
          Why are you even in a relationship if it makes you so miserable?

          • 1 month ago

            >Why are you even in a relationship if it makes you so miserable?
            nta but I stayed with my girlfriend for half a decade because she paid bills, cooked and cleaned. I started hating her even more during the last year of our relationship and it boiled over on Christmas and I dumped her

  45. 1 month ago

    >Ctrl+f pokemon creatures
    >0 results
    you dips

  46. 1 month ago

    because it's funny? and you can mock the husband for being and oaf and make fun of the wife at the same time, etc, you can rile up either or when they go see a stand-up show.

    humor, laughs, everything didn't used to be so damn sensitive

  47. 1 month ago

    >Who actually finds this funny?
    Certainly not redditors.

  48. 1 month ago

    >Where did the “I hate my wife” trope come from in sitcoms?
    Real life. Boomers can relate, hence it's funny.
    In sitcoms it just seems eerie because the wives are usually actually attractive, loyal and loving.

  49. 1 month ago

    Obviously a liberal psyop to denigrate the institution of marriage.

    >monogamous longterm relationships are... the bad

  50. 1 month ago

    Wow you Cinemaphile posters sure know a lot about chicks

    • 1 month ago

      When you live with women you tend to gain experiences on how they behave

  51. 1 month ago

    >Every man's face after being married for over a year

    • 1 month ago

      >troony baiters on 4chinz always told me I’d stop hating women like a heckin chud if I got a gf
      >got one
      >hate women more than ever
      I feel lied to.

      You are in the honeymoon period, wait until a year plus and report back

      Men being married.
      t. a husband

      So you all products of unhappy marriages or what? I don't see how you could have this worldview if you had a loving mom and dad relationship. Like I know you aren't right because I can just look at people in my family and I know they are happy together, primarily my mother and father. This whole thread just makes me glad for that like if I came from a loveless household of silent misery I would have grown into this deformed mindset

      • 1 month ago

        How ignorant are you? Have you seen the divorce rate and amount of children born to single moms since the 90s? It's a good 3/5 chance every post itt is from a broken home or single mom.

        • 1 month ago

          I guess it's just hard to relate
          No one in my extended family has had divorce or unhappy marriages I just never grew up seeing that sort of thing. Only from hearing about the family dynamics of my friends etc. But in retrospect even then like in high school I just assumed they were exaggerating and that their home lives were probably really comparable to my 'normal' one in more ways than they let on. And I still feel that way to a degree
          Idk it just doesnt seem that hard to have a good relationship. Most people must be stupid buttholes

          • 1 month ago

            >Most people must be stupid buttholes
            Well done, anon. I think you've found the root to all of humanity's troubles.

          • 1 month ago

            most of the men in my family were, idk, pretty cucked and under their wife's thumb, it was nothing like these boomer comics so i can't relate

  52. 1 month ago

    Boomers didn't marry their childhood sweetheart or that nice girl from Church (they probably stopped going to church as a young adult), they married some roastie ex-hippie chick after "playing the field" and spending the 60s and 70s at clubs, discos, festivals, etc. Boomer Men are secretly disappointed and ashamed of their wives because they aren't the traditional feminine princess they were promised by the TV that raised them, but a partied out bawd that spent more time worrying about her career than her children. Boomer Men settled for whatever they could get, and their only outlet is passive aggressively degrading their prostitute wife in middle/old age. Its a massive cope for the fact they were bamboozled like every generation since the """greatest""" generation.

    • 1 month ago

      Boomers would knock up their high school sweethearts by age 20 and by the time they are in their late 40s and the kids are over 18 they will be bored of and hate each other but won't break up.

      make up your mind, schizo

  53. 1 month ago

    chuds keep blaming the matriarchy for fat/ugly women being picky but the blame lies squarely on men for not keeping their libido in check

    • 1 month ago

      Less than 10% of men ruining everything and women being fine with it has been the single most mind boggling thing of my lifetime. And I've seen some stupid shit.

  54. 1 month ago


  55. 1 month ago

    Boomers would knock up their high school sweethearts by age 20 and by the time they are in their late 40s and the kids are over 18 they will be bored of and hate each other but won't break up.

  56. 1 month ago

    Been unhappy for years, and will probably be for years to come if things don't change. But 2 yrs marriage and 2 kids I don't know how to change without significantly damaging it all

  57. 1 month ago

    because it's funny, you morons. comedic marital dysfunction has been a thing since ancient greece

  58. 1 month ago

    Being an incel makes you hate women superficially. Being with women will make you hate them on a fundamental leve.

  59. 1 month ago

    women are difficult to deal with.
    the test of being a man (a real one who wants to raise a family and make sure they survive when he is gone) is learning how to project what a woman needs.
    you can be selfish and demand they pamper you, but the kind of woman who will do that will be damaged and their nurturing instinct will be projected onto you, which is just wrong. this is why marriages fail. this is why relationships dont last. this is why people care more about bulldogs than their own families.
    its meant to be hard, but you're supposed to keep it together for your family.
    im not even being ironic when i say that if she cheats, its because you failed in your role of choosing a woman first, and keeping her sane second.

    • 1 month ago

      >im not even being ironic when i say that if she cheats, its because you failed in your role of choosing a woman first, and keeping her sane second.
      You do realise that in nature, animals cheat all the time, because marriage isn't an evolutionary trait and the closest to it in nature is when the male dies after mating, which itself isn't a trait unique to species where the female mates once and never again?
      You haven't failed. Women are, by design, unfaithful, and contraception rewards that behaviour so well that some women never have children no matter how many wiener carousels they go on.

      • 1 month ago

        i don't disagree with you.
        i have no interest in a long-term relationship because im aware enough to know what it takes to make it work.
        the problem is that everyone on here has convinced themselves that women are c**ts because they cant get or keep one long term.
        all im doing is saying why. if you dont want to make that sacrifice, just frick the dumb ones and keep doing whatever you want.
        if you the fulfillment of a family and long-term shit, then get to shelve your own wants and needs in order to provide for the family.

      • 1 month ago

        There are multiple animal species that will mate for life though.

        • 1 month ago

          Most of these arent true. Theyll have extra pair copulation. People just trying to romanticize nature

          • 1 month ago

            A lot of birds are monogamous. Mammals are mostly stupid prostitutes.

            • 1 month ago

              True but studies also found out that even in monogamous species around 20% or more of baby chicks were fathered by someone else.

        • 1 month ago

          >yfw you realize there are female dik-diks

  60. 1 month ago

    Maybe media literacy isn't a meme after all. You guys seem to be confused by tropes going back to the Bronze Age.

  61. 1 month ago

    > No respect, I tells ya..

  62. 1 month ago

    From reality

  63. 1 month ago

    Most people end up hating their spouses over time. It was cathartic for boomers who hated their own wives, I suppose.

  64. 1 month ago

    jews attempting to weaken the family

    • 1 month ago

      Like that israelite Homer depicting Hera as a nagging wife.

  65. 1 month ago

    People used to actually settle down with whoever they knocked up, which leads to a life of misery but for the sake of the children you’d go through it, nowadays people only give a shit about themselves

  66. 1 month ago

    A wise man once said something like "women marry men hoping they will change, but they won't. Men marry women hoping they won't change, but they will."

    • 1 month ago

      Aka they will get fat and the sex will dry up

      • 1 month ago


        glad i can relate to [...] and the families are chill, cant think of anyone close to the family who has been divorced.

        compare monogamous cultures to "natural" ones [...] it creates a state of constant competition that correlates with high mortality.

        I think you see this happening in the West. Men are all raging and malding over women, even the successful ones, pre-occupying their mind with competitive mating tactics instead of seeking stable monogamy. I think this creates a constant state of insecurity which distracts from the intellectual growth and emotional stability that's required to advance families from one generation to the next without fricking up existing infrastructure. And no shit, women participating in such a culture are going to feel constantly insecure as well.

        Interestingly enough, everyone understands and seeks the benefits of monogamy despite all this. Makes sense why men are pissed about modern women, and why women don't fully commit to anything. Your subconscious is constantly screaming at you that there's no stability here.

        The only solution is to encourage (realistically, "enforce") a culture of monogamy.

        my samegay radar is off the charts here

  67. 1 month ago

    My fiancee annoys me every day. Been gradually emotionally distancing myself from her. I think her parents can tell what's up, but she seems clueless. Her parents made a comment about trying to get her to change her habits. I didn't say anything in response. The vibe I get is "we want you guys to stay together and are trying to help but we understand if you end up leaving". Honestly I will miss them more than her, they're nice people and we've always gotten along.

  68. 1 month ago


  69. 1 month ago

    from boomers being a generation of narcissistic abusers

    • 1 month ago

      Shitlennial crybaby.

  70. 1 month ago

    I went Mother’s Day card shopping the other day, and full on half the cards were “words words words men are shit lol.” You don’t see this stuff with Father’s Day cards.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah misandry has been outright normalized over the past 60 years, we don't even think twice about it. Whenever a man hates on a woman though it's a curious, controversial thing. I'm always floored by how freely groups of women hate on their men together casually, my friends and I almost never speak ill of our partners when together.

    • 1 month ago

      And to think 10 years ago only the most terminally online tumblrina whales could come up with shit like that.

    • 1 month ago

      Women believe being a man is easy

  71. 1 month ago

    Is that the trope you see? I think dumb/silly dad who constantly gets hated on by his wiser, fed up wife is the more common one.

    In real life yes, boomers engage in active spouse-hate. It's mostly because women are incredibly overbearing and you aren't allowed to smack sense into them anymore.

  72. 1 month ago

    It’s just like me and Cinemaphile

  73. 1 month ago

    I've disliked the few women I've been with but always pretended not to. I love my mom but she is also really annoying. It's hard to explain, it's something new every single day

  74. 1 month ago

    Shows always sugarcoat what women can be like, as such it seems excessive, but isn't actually.

  75. 1 month ago

    While I'm not too fond of female people, you guys here seem to view them by the lowest common denominator possible, which is kinda dangerous. Why? Because the moment you go to real life and meet an even slightly human woman you will put her in a pedestal. And the reason I feel like I said about them is that doesn't matter how smart, interesting or chill a woman is, they'll still behave like woman and you'll still need to treat them like one, and not just another person as they claim you should. Otherwise you will either frick your relationship or be in a fricked relationship. I fell for that bait and wish I didn't. And that's probably where the trope comes from: people think it's about marrying the wrong person, but even if you didn't, after they honeymoon period, you will inevitably find out you're dealing with a woman, and no, she's not as different as you thought she was.

  76. 1 month ago

    From reality. Men tend to age like wine, while women age like milk. As men age they typically accumulate more wealth, which makes them attractive mates compared to younger less experienced males who are still in their "college party andor living in moms basement" phase. Womens attractiveness to men has nothing to do with their achievements or their money, its all about their youth and beauty-- And while plenty of women age gracefully and some even age into milfs, MOST women's looks go right down the shitter after their 20's, and both men and women have a tendency to "let themselves go" a bit once they're in committed relationships and out of the dating marketplace.

    • 1 month ago

      honestly it's really fricked up how humans only value each other for superficial things (money and looks)

      • 1 month ago

        They aren't superficial at all. A strong buff dude can use those muscles to build a house and hunt for food to provide for his woman. A guy with money can do the same thing-- money allows me to put a roof over their heads, food on their plate, and if the guy has "excess" money, it can improve the quality of the house and food, and provide additional comforts. A women's looks aren't superficial, they're a useful indicator of the quality of her genes and ability to carry and birth children. Younger women have fewer complications during pregnancy and birth than older women. Age aside, a young women with who has fricked up eyes and needs coke bottle glasses, fricked up teeth, or other visible health problems signals to potential male mates that making a baby with that particular woman could result in unhealthy offspring (or offspring what will struggle to mate and continue passing down genes). None of this is superficial stuff, it all has real ramifications in the real world.

      • 1 month ago

        They aren't superficial at all. A strong buff dude can use those muscles to build a house and hunt for food to provide for his woman. A guy with money can do the same thing-- money allows me to put a roof over their heads, food on their plate, and if the guy has "excess" money, it can improve the quality of the house and food, and provide additional comforts. A women's looks aren't superficial, they're a useful indicator of the quality of her genes and ability to carry and birth children. Younger women have fewer complications during pregnancy and birth than older women. Age aside, a young women with who has fricked up eyes and needs coke bottle glasses, fricked up teeth, or other visible health problems signals to potential male mates that making a baby with that particular woman could result in unhealthy offspring (or offspring what will struggle to mate and continue passing down genes). None of this is superficial stuff, it all has real ramifications in the real world.

        an important distinction to make is that as society changed, it made female dating preferences obsolete, but not male ones.
        it is still the case that procreating with a young, conventionally attractive female is optimal for a man. ofc, modern medicine has certainly made it more possible for older and/or less healthy women to procreate, but its still very much suboptimal.
        in contrast, the female preference for large, violent, alpha thugs is entirely suboptimal in the modern world. the most successful men in modern societies are the intelligent ones, not the thugs. thugs generally end up in prison or doing menial labour.

        • 1 month ago

          Hardly, a noodle armed beta male is a prime target for mugging or burgling or other violent crime in the city, or some drunk moron looking for a fight outside of it.

          While the idea of making lots of money seems pointless to you, it's the difference between worrying about how bills are going to be paid and staycations vs shopping for a new car and a nice trip to a tropical island in February.

          • 1 month ago

            >Hardly, a noodle armed beta male is a prime target for mugging or burgling or other violent crime in the city
            unless you live in ((certain areas)) populated by ((certain people)), this is not a practical concern.

            >While the idea of making lots of money seems pointless to you
            my whole point was that the intelligent nerds are much more likely to make lots of money and thus be capable of supporting a family

            • 1 month ago

              Women are still interested in large strong men. The nerds are there for betabucks, most adult women have a shared experience of going after bad boys and then settling for a "good man" after they have "matured".

              • 1 month ago

                yes, dumbass, that's my point.
                people still have mating preferences straight out of prehistory, which makes sense since evolution works over enormous timescales, much larger than the few thousand years it took us to develop modern civilization
                the difference is that while male mating preferences are still optimal, female ones are entirely suboptimal.

        • 1 month ago

          >in contrast, the female preference for large, violent, alpha thugs is entirely suboptimal in the modern world. the most successful men in modern societies are the intelligent ones, not the thugs. thugs generally end up in prison or doing menial labour.

          The most aggressive men get killed off in wars which is why Germany today is totally beta and cuckolded--all the alphas died in the world wars and only the Milhouse types remain in the genetic pool.

  77. 1 month ago

    >tfw married with kids
    >tfw love them and we have a good time together
    >mfw 90% of people are miserable because they're bottom shelf b***hes who attract other bottom shelf b***hes and they torture each other until they die alone

    • 1 month ago


      glad i can relate to

      I guess it's just hard to relate
      No one in my extended family has had divorce or unhappy marriages I just never grew up seeing that sort of thing. Only from hearing about the family dynamics of my friends etc. But in retrospect even then like in high school I just assumed they were exaggerating and that their home lives were probably really comparable to my 'normal' one in more ways than they let on. And I still feel that way to a degree
      Idk it just doesnt seem that hard to have a good relationship. Most people must be stupid buttholes

      and the families are chill, cant think of anyone close to the family who has been divorced.

      compare monogamous cultures to "natural" ones

      The natural state is worse
      Some of the uncontacted tribes still practice it, in the Amazon, corners of Africa, little islands
      Basically women live communally in villages and shit out babies, men orbit the villages and sometimes frick women, although it's often in loose harems where a more dominant male has multiple women
      Every generation 80% of the men die through violence or misadventure

      It was such a shit setup that the minute some autist in Mesopotamia invented agriculture and monogamy 10,000 years ago, the ideas were so logistically superior that they genocided that shit off the face of the earth

      it creates a state of constant competition that correlates with high mortality.

      I think you see this happening in the West. Men are all raging and malding over women, even the successful ones, pre-occupying their mind with competitive mating tactics instead of seeking stable monogamy. I think this creates a constant state of insecurity which distracts from the intellectual growth and emotional stability that's required to advance families from one generation to the next without fricking up existing infrastructure. And no shit, women participating in such a culture are going to feel constantly insecure as well.

      Interestingly enough, everyone understands and seeks the benefits of monogamy despite all this. Makes sense why men are pissed about modern women, and why women don't fully commit to anything. Your subconscious is constantly screaming at you that there's no stability here.

      The only solution is to encourage (realistically, "enforce") a culture of monogamy.

  78. 1 month ago

    If you don't hate all women at this point I don't know what to tell you

  79. 1 month ago

    I just have an affair on my wife so I don't have to hate her. Back then people didn't have affairs as they didn't have internet or dating apps.

    Nowadays everyone has 3 people.

    >His wife (house girl)
    >His mistress (Outside girl)
    >His pleasures (hookups)

    My wife is there for the kids. The mistress is there to impress others with her looks. The hookups are there to satisfy my nastiest fantasies.

    These are all different types of women with different qualities. My wife is motherly and homely and shares my conservative values.

    My mistress is outgoing "pixie" type and shares my interests and holiday destination preferences.

    The hookups are there purely for fetish reasons or because I want to frick specific bodytypes.

    • 1 month ago

      >my conservative values
      >is a degenerate cheater

    • 1 month ago

      really weird larp. you dont have any women and are probably a mexican

  80. 1 month ago

    >Never get with the chick who's been passed around in your social circle.
    >Never entertain a long-distance relationship because she is most definitely cheating.
    >Don't let yourself get friend-zoned IE don't be her fricking friend. If she's not into you like that, give up on her completely.
    >If your girl got drunk at a party and got frisky with some other dude, dump her. Even if it was just a kiss, no forgiveness.
    >If your girl gets frisky with another chick, dump her. That's still cheating.
    >If your girl isn't giving you any for several days in a row, dump her. She's either getting fricked somewhere else or she's playing games.
    >You can't fix her. Never be Captain Save-a-Ho.

    • 1 month ago

      >Captain Save-a-Ho.
      Never heard that one before.

      • 1 month ago
  81. 1 month ago

    it is interesting to me, the people that are madly in love with their wife after 10+ years together.

    i have to imagine, what exactly is it that makes them enjoy being with the same person for that long.

    especially when neither person is particularly attractive, or interesting, or funny.

  82. 1 month ago

    One of my buds commented that he believes that boomer wives were the first women to be a apart of the “womens liberation” movement.
    So basically they’re the same type of women zoomer incels shit on today but 40 years older. The only difference is that the cultural inertia of marriage and cohabitation was still in effect so these women weren’t mondo prostitutes but we’re just as unbearable as the modern female

  83. 1 month ago


    Only shitskins hit women. Go have a nice day Black person

  84. 1 month ago

    It's from the old borscht belt and music hall comedians.
    Most sitcoms back in the day were based on old stage act subject matter, because they already knew what was successful and popular on stage, they then translated it first to radio, then TV, especially when they could get away with being a bit more spicy.

    You could argue it goes back even to Punch and Judy. The harridan/battle axe wife thing is pretty old, there even used to be a trope where the wife would beat the husband with a frying pan in the head like it was nothing. Even Punch and Judy was about a marriage where they abused each other.

  85. 1 month ago


    What are you on about? I'm not American so I married a virgin. They're very real here.

  86. 1 month ago


    >How will you feel when your kids have leftover dna from her past lovers?
    that...is not how genetics work, anon

  87. 1 month ago

    It all boils down to alcohol and drugs. The more you and/or your S/O uses those the worse your marriage will be. Most couples who lived to 90 and die in a week of each other were probably teetotalers.

  88. 1 month ago


    I’ve slept around with other women before too so it’d be hypocritical to judge her. Sounds like your situation might be different.

  89. 1 month ago


    >live close enough as children/teens that you can mature and become independent together
    One guy had this but she cheated on him anyway. They were married too. Dude moved on, got married again and had kids. Dude's sister contacts him and tells him the first girl has cancer and it's terminal. First girl wants to spend the last of her time on Earth with him as a pretend-husband.

  90. 1 month ago

    Can you imagine how much better and easier relationships were you were allowed to just give your woman a smack if she was being a moronic uppity hysterical c**t?

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