Where my server anons at? Can we talk about how much the old people sunday church crowd sucks?

Where my server anons at? Can we talk about how much the old people sunday church crowd sucks?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    Every single one of these people looks like a douchebag.

  2. 3 months ago

    I hate waitresses but tip 15% because it's socially normal. Obviously I'm a sex haver

  3. 3 months ago

    They aren’t as bad as the milennial suburbanites I had to deal with who let their children ZOG out on the electric israelite (iPad) at family dinner. And then the former-roastie moms would talk to us wait staff like dogs. All of them vote blue of course because they can sit from their ivory castle and tell others to love Black folk, homosexuals, and trannies. Despite treating everyone “below” them like slaves.

  4. 3 months ago

    can you service workers come out and tell the morons that you guys actually love tipping culture? these idiots think it's a practice mandated by the employer when, in reality, you fricking drug addicts love it.

    • 3 months ago

      >israeli claws typed this
      Any service worker will tell you how much it sucks because many states have a minimum wage for servers at 2$/hr. Try paying rent when the dead months come you stupid homosexual.

      • 3 months ago

        >any service worker will tell you
        found the guy that accepts all the shitty hours. good service workers LOVE working for tips while shitty ones hate it. if you're not getting put on good time slots and/or not getting good tips from your tables then read the room and find another job.

        >wah wah the min wage is lower than other jobs
        you know the wage when you accept the position, why would it become everyone else's problem after the fact?

        >Try paying rent when the dead months come you stupid homosexual.
        i can understand why the only jobs you are offered are fricking wagie service jobs. you're supposed to SAVE money when your job/wages have high variance. this would be akin to a subsistence farmer b***hing about a lack of food in the winter, having sold off his entire harvest. literal 80iq behavior.

      • 3 months ago

        "lower minimum wage" is such a massive false flag. your employer is legally obligated to pay you up to at least the federal minimum wage if the tips your receive do not equal out to it. you will never actually make less than minimum (unless your employer is breaking the law and withholding wages).

    • 3 months ago

      I do, I make $40 an hour to drink at work. I'd recommend it to you but incels need not apply.

    • 3 months ago

      i think that percentage tipping is fricking moronic. theres no reason that a server deserves more money for a customer ordering steak and lobster than somebody ordering a burger (or like pancakes at a diner or something). its the exact same amount of work. that being said, i gladly take advantage of the system and work at a steakhouse, making $200+ for 4-5 hours of "work".

      • 3 months ago

        You won't be as happy with the system when you're working lunches on a Tuesday making $50 for the same 4-5 hours.

        • 3 months ago

          >thing will be bad when it's bad
          excellent point

        • 3 months ago

          why would i work lunches? why would i work ONLY lunch on a shitty weekday? why would they overstaff so i only get 2 tables for the whole lunch, instead of actually filling my section? coworker did a double this past friday and made like $530.

          even on a slow day like certain holidays and events, so what? i make plenty on other days. am i going to piss and shit my pants because i made under 100 once in a while? lmao, what a fricking joke.

  5. 3 months ago

    Still better than African Americans.

  6. 3 months ago

    I love tipping when the server is good, rarely had bad servers but then again im not picky

  7. 3 months ago

    ITT: people who REALLY need to get a new job ASAP, like goddamn why tf are you still working as waiters, literally any job is better, even selling ass on Craigslist is preferable

  8. 3 months ago

    After church ladies were my second hated customer type back when I waited tables. Blacks were, by far, the worst and it wasn't even close. Even the black waiters didn't want to wait on the black customers. We called them Canadians and every last one of us hated serving them. Also I once got a blowjob in the walk in freezer from one of the fat chicks I worked with.

    • 3 months ago

      Unironically this, blacks would demand service every minute. If you have other customers waiting that will actually tip, consider that tip gone because you will spend your entire hour at the black table.
      >”shiiieet!!! We need mo ranch”
      >”ion like dis, take dat back!”
      They’re rude, sadistic, and shitty customers.

    • 3 months ago

      Interesting. I have a family member and they call blacks Canadians where he works as well (not a restaurant.
      Also, Waiting is a based movie and supports going for just-turned-18s and forcing your woman to give you hand jobs in the theater. Ryan Reynolds's shtick is played out now, but when this came out it wasn't.

  9. 3 months ago

    I love quiet one tops who tip a shitload for no reason! I hate black people!

    • 3 months ago

      Literally the best. They take up a table when youre in the weeds and are super low maintenance

    • 3 months ago

      theres this lady that comes in and gets JUST a bloomin onion, which is like $10. she camps for a while, grading papers and doing lesson research, but she always tips 10-20, depending on what she has on her at the time (and the server). since we know she camps, we know to give the server a table out of section if necessary, and they dont lose out on time. its great.

      theres an old guy that comes in for the cheap wednesday special, so tip is only $5, but again, its so easy. and once you get talking with them, they can be great. dude likes to talk about old tv shows like red skelton, and loves classic jokes. love the guy.

      • 3 months ago

        There was this fat guy where I worked who would come in, order a green tea(like two bucks at most), and tip 10 bucks. He was apparently a writer or something since he always had a stack of papers with him, but super quiet and super nice

  10. 3 months ago

    Line cook here. Why do servers always lie when they frick up and say the kitchen forgot their ticket or something?

    • 3 months ago

      managing customer expectations. it literally has ZERO consequence on you as a cook. however, if they absolve themselves of blame, the customer is more likely to still tip them accordingly for not being at fault and being sweet about it. it puts the server on the customer's side of the problem in an "us vs them" sort of situation.

      • 3 months ago

        That’s gay. This is why we make fun of you guys all the time.

  11. 3 months ago

    Yeah old people and russians, they are fricking awful.

  12. 3 months ago

    I was never a server but I used to work in a restaurant and I love this movie.

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