Which cinematic portrayal of The Hulk is the best?

Which cinematic portrayal of The Hulk is the best?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Still a huge fan of the Ang Lee Hulk with how well it conveyed character psychology and kept that at the forefront of the story. The Norton one was solid though as an action film, though on rewatches the Abomination fight scenes go on too long (the campus fight is enjoyable though)

    • 3 weeks ago

      Norton was a fail cast and I think Ruffalo ended up also being a fail cast. I don't even know who could reasonably play the Hulk and Bruce Bannerbut it ain't those two

      • 3 weeks ago

        I think Bana was the best of the three so far. He brought the right amount of intellect and frailty a Bruce should have before shedding himself and becoming the id of ids.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Bana is best
          Norton being a farthuffing moron thought Marvel would let him make some jekyl and hyde character study tragedy of their fricking iron man spinoff.
          Ruffalo somehow got hulk nuetered for the sake of more ruffalo screentime.
          Bana was just Banner and Hulk was a CGI monstrosity as we all wanted

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Norton wanted a comic-accurate loner who's constantly fighting himself
            >"That wuhs stew-pid!"
            You tasteless homosexual, there's a reason Incredible Hulk's the shit

            • 3 weeks ago

              >norton wanted comic accuracy
              thats not at all what he wanted. He wanted overlydramatic slop, and it was shot down a thousand times. Norton doesnt give a frick about comics, he wanted yet another egoproject

      • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      The long fight scenes are part of the charm

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Ang Lee Hulk, while visually shit, was the only Hulk that seemed to have the impossible strength and rage that I think of when I think of Hulk. How he got bigger and stronger when he was attacked and further angered made it feel like he could kick Superman's ass or something. Somehow the other Hulks seem like pussies compared to him.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ang Lee by far, like says, it's the only one that gets The Hulk's anger across, like the scene where he bursts out of containment and looks simultaneously like a giant rage-monster and a frightened toddler. They also got The Hulk jumping ridiculous distances right, that looked great in theatres.
      Norton wasn't a great casting choice, but him running around in the favelas speaking fluent portugrease was such a bizarrely stupid choice for the story, it was very hard to suspend disbelief, even for a movie about a man who turns into a giant monster when angry because he stood too close to a nuke. Why they didn't just set it in LA/ the remote American West I'll never know.

      • 3 weeks ago

        this. Hulk gets buttfricked too frequently in all of his outtings, which is ridiculous given what Norton wanted to do. The idea should always be meek scientist turned unstoppable killing machine but here we are every couple minutes with Hulk getting buttfricked by like, a missile, or a magic antihulk device, completely trivializing the utility of big strong green guy

      • 3 weeks ago

        The guy was on the run from the government, how was he going to hide in LA?

        • 3 weeks ago

          In plain sight, like a lot of criminals do.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    I liked Norton's Bruce. He would've been a great addition to the Avenger's line up and might've had some actual chemistry with Black Widow. As for the Hulks, it's a tough call. I liked Norton's Hulk best but he's not really that impressive compared to what we saw in the other versions.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Ang Lee but Pic Related is a Honorable Mention.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    The CGI was very good. People hate the 2003 film for no reason. I like it even more after being spammed with the quip filled cheap rushed repetitive and soulless marvel films.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Some shots were great and some were shit. And the color green was off.

    • 3 weeks ago

      The while comic book editing was too corny, even back then. Lee's Hulk is the best potrayal of pure rage and I dont fricking get why the others left the bigger-as-he-gets-angrier ability

      • 3 weeks ago

        >I dont fricking get why the others left the bigger-as-he-gets-angrier ability
        Because that isn't an ability of his. He's supposed to get smarter the angrier he gets.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >He's supposed to get smarter the angrier he gets.
          Not even close. Professor Hulk is kne of the weakest Hulks.

          • 3 weeks ago

            That's not the same, you moron. Anything he can't just smash he simply figures out the weakness of and exploits. It's how every fight in the comics goes.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Anything he can't just smash he simply figures out the weakness of and exploits. It's how every fight in the comics goes.
              Not even close, you moronic mongoloid.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >hulk encounters an enemy
                >smashing them doesn't work
                >notices power source/achilles heel
                >exploits/smashes that and then smashes enemy
                >jumps away
                Any given solo fight with the hulk goes like this, if it isn't wanking some new character off.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Not even close. Hulk was always pure power.

                You got filtered by capeshit source material and don't even know it. No wonder Marvel films can keep their fan base. I r smrrart hulk is most powerful hulk when you break down the power levels of enemies he defeats VS dumb smash only hulk


              • 3 weeks ago

                >Hulk was always pure power
                Nope. He has Banner's brain no matter how simple they make him talk, and it shows in any hulk comic made in the silver age.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Idk why they're even disagreeing with you, this storytelling format is still the character's bread and butter to this day.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You got filtered by capeshit source material and don't even know it. No wonder Marvel films can keep their fan base. I r smrrart hulk is most powerful hulk when you break down the power levels of enemies he defeats VS dumb smash only hulk

              • 3 weeks ago

                Someone should edit that scene side-by-side with nuHulk getting overwhelmed by She-Hulk clapping her hands at him

  6. 3 weeks ago

    >downey jr fresh out of jail and favreau begging the studio to use him to make an iron man movie
    >Tim Roth being a villain in a Hulk movie
    >Kenneth Branagh making a Thor movie with Antony Hopkins as Odin
    2008-2011 marvel films were interesting as hell. shame they were all a bit meh

    • 3 weeks ago

      Thor is still easily my favorite MCU movie and I don't see anything coming to dethrone it. These days I would have preferred if it did more with the fantasy realms to set itself apart from all the other superhero movies but when it came out it was still different enough to feel unique (at least coming at it as someone who hasn't read a single Thor comic).
      I saw the second one in the theater and I liked it at the time but I cannot remember a single thing about it today except the fakeout ending with Loki that they wasted on the garbage third movie.

  7. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      Wheres the rest?

      • 3 weeks ago
        • 3 weeks ago

          You motherfricker

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Why no matter what Bruce Banner is wearing prior to transforming into Hulk does Hulk suddenly have size 15x purple spandex shorts on? It's such a stupid oversight for the character of Hulk over the decades.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Who cares its a comic book character. It doesn't need to be realistic or really make sense.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >le purple shorts stupid
        >but iron man gets a pass and can nanomachine a mark 20 suit that takes up as much space as a small stack of papers
        frick off

        Yes, but other physical laws of nature are observed and not broken in that universe. So his pants turning into 15x purple basketball shorts doesn't make any sense. It's fricking stupid.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Stan Lee answered this question in an interview with Eric Spitznagel of Vanity Fair (March, 2011).

          VF: "If it weren’t for the Comics Code, would the Hulk’s pants have ripped off like his shirt"?

          Stan Lee: "I guess it probably would have. So occasionally the Code did some good things".

          VF: "Did you ever try to make sense of the Hulk’s magical purple pants? Why did they always conveniently remain intact while the rest of his clothes were ripped to shreds"?

          Stan Lee: "I just figured that Bruce Banner had probably been a friend of Reed Richards [Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four], and Reed had given him some elastic trousers. There’s an explanation for everything, but you may not be technically advanced enough to follow me on all of this"
          There elastic pants. Satisfied?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Stan Lee is a serial liar who did not create or write Hulk, that's why he never had a cameo in the most famous Marvel TV show.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >le purple shorts stupid
      >but iron man gets a pass and can nanomachine a mark 20 suit that takes up as much space as a small stack of papers
      frick off

    • 3 weeks ago

      Banner wears stretchy underwear at all times under his normal clothes just in case he Hulks out

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Cast him

  10. 3 weeks ago

    >Logan is announced
    >cumming my pants at the thought of gritty wolverine killing a bunch of inbred hulks
    >its just Johnny Cash's Hurt set to mixed race kid propaganda

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Hulk 2008. Avengers Hulk is great too but they ruined and assassinated the fricker afterward for 0 reason so 2008 wins

  12. 3 weeks ago

    It's unironically Ruffalo in the first Avengers movie. He actually did a good job of playing a Bruce Banner who's just constantly exhausted and depressed that he has to contain a monster inside all the time. There's this one moment I really like when he transforms in the Helicarrier, just before he loses himself in uncontrollable rage, for a split second he looks at Natasha with this sad/scared expression like he knows he's about to hurt people but he can't stop it. It's a moment that shows good understanding of the character's struggle but gets overlooked because of how quippy the movie as a whole is.
    In Age of Ultron he's still pretty good although it's repetitive how he's just made to lose control by a villain again. After this the character quickly degrades into comic relief and Ruffalo absolutely stops trying.

    • 3 weeks ago

      nah Ruffalo sucked and his character was heinously written.
      >Thats the secret cap, Im always angry
      >says the moron who just lost his fricking shit for touching the magic pokey
      >in the same film where hes being strengthmatched by everyone around him.
      If your only gimmick is how fricking stupid strong you are, maybe dont make everyone else 90% as strong as you

      • 3 weeks ago

        You just learned why the hulk doesn't work in teams. Can't have him upstage all the other heroes, or it just becomes boring. Same with superman and the justice league.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Reading Immortal Hulk and the newest Incredible Hulk's run, I have to say Bana. He really did seem neurotic as Banner. Shame Marvel doesn't take risks with the hulk.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    They don't ever get Hulk and Bruce right together in the same movie

  15. 3 weeks ago

    >we will never get an adaptation of Planet Hulk to World War Hulk to Fall of the Hulks
    I hate nuMarvel.

    • 3 weeks ago

      KINO run. I don't know why Marvel simply doesn't copy the way the manga is translated to anime and have certain runs adapted to cartoons.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Appearance-wise I would say Hulk in OP but for behavior and overall vibe i'd say Ang Lee Hulk

  17. 3 weeks ago

    Would it be possible to make a Hulk movie where the Hulk is both the hero and the villain? I don't mean like Jekyll & Hyde where Banner is "good" and Hulk is "bad", but have the Hulk serve both roles?

    • 3 weeks ago

      The Hulk being his own worst enemy is the best way to handle the character, in my opinion. He should be as scary as he is pitiful.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    I miss the hulk being popular bros. There's a whole generation of kids now who aren't made familiar with the character's stories or iconic arcs, hell most people probably don't even realize he has a rogues gallery of villains to begin with. We could've had an actual running storyline with MCU Hulk if Disney and Universal had been willing to play ball with each other.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    Lee Hulk comes the closest to reaching the character's horror roots.

  20. 3 weeks ago


    AnG Lee gave the pointer about Bruce's past life and he still remember it despite he was just a baby back then and took a little trick to awakening the dark part of his memory.

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