Which season can I start watching from to get the overarching story?

Which season can I start watching from to get the overarching story? The first couple seasons are great, and I’ve been having a good time but I skipped forward to like season 6 or something when it starts getting serious and was wondering if I could skip some of the earlier seasons to get to the kino

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  1. 3 months ago

    If you are a male that watches this show past season 6 you should just remove your own testicles.
    It goes from shounen to trooncore.

    • 3 months ago

      That doesn’t help

  2. 3 months ago

    Why the frick are you watching cartoons for autistic manchildren?

    • 3 months ago

      Cuz I want to

      • 3 months ago

        Watch regular show instead

        • 3 months ago

          I'll watch Gumball

  3. 3 months ago

    Bumping for answer

    • 3 months ago


      I’ve seen bits and pieces and it’s made me laugh and gumball’s mom’s a baddie

  4. 3 months ago

    Just watch the show in order you zoomer gay

    • 3 months ago

      There’s like a hundred episodes in the first 3 seasons

      • 3 months ago

        Then don't watch it.

      • 3 months ago

        >I want to watch show
        >But I don't want to WATCH SHOW
        then don't fricking watch it anon

  5. 3 months ago

    One of the worst cartoons from nu-CN and was the beginning of the end for the network.
    >Theme song sounds like it was sung by an autistic kid
    >Lol so randum humour
    >Horrible animation
    >Crappy artstyle with those nightmare inducing jellybean mouths which set the trend for several more crappy cartoons
    >Didn't know if it wanted to be episodic or have a proper story arc

    • 3 months ago

      >forgetting the greatest sin of AT
      The creator of AT hired his staff off of tumblr and brought in his buddies from calarts. They had no experience working on cartoon shows and were essentially fanfic writers who wanted their favorite ship to be canon or had a bone to pick with some characters from the show. Ward, the creator, was a pansy and instead of keeping them in check, just let them do whatever they wanted so he could seen as the ‘fun’ boss. The reason the show went to shit around season 5 was because Ward left and the tumblr dipshits just did whatever they wanted.
      Ward’s practice of hiring from tumblr would have his hires and friends do the same and soon the industry was turned into a tumblr ghetto of emotionally stunted millennial manchildren who make cartoons for other manchildren instead of actual children. Thanks Ward.

      • 3 months ago

        Never knew all this. But this shitty cartoon was the beginning of the end for CN

      • 3 months ago

        I want to thank modern cart(r)oons for making me realize that going to animation school and dropping tens of thousands just to rub elbows with mouthbreathers and mimic the same soulless corprate beanmouth art style is a fruitless endeavor. Instead I chose to draw as a hobby and I've never enjoyed it more.

      • 3 months ago

        To play devil's advocate, tumblr pre 2011 was a very joyful and fun place. It was where all the early y2k yaoi fangirls and hot emo teens and art girls collected.
        But a radical feminist group who I forget the name of, came and basically radicalized and destroyed an entire generation of girls. At no other point did suffragettes or feminist protests ever reach a cultural zeitgeist with women like it did on tumblr. Tumblr at its peak was 100 million users around the world.
        Within a short time frame it became brainrot central, like an alt /misc/ for girls to become unhinged frickin weirdos. And ward grew up where the danger haired girls were sexy fun party people who want to frick and watch horror movies and be fun. Suddenly they were accusing every man of raping them, saying all men were bastards, writing everything as gay and generally being fricking crazy.

        This is off the cuff knowledge. There's a seriously interesting blog post about the origins of what happened to tumblr. It's fricking sad. It's a secret watershed moment that changed everything.

        • 3 months ago

          >It was where all the early y2k yaoi fangirls and hot emo teens and art girls collected.
          >Suddenly they were accusing every man of raping them, saying all men were bastards, writing everything as gay and generally being fricking crazy.
          Natural evolution, they just needed someone to show them how.
          Ticking time bomb

          • 3 months ago

            Nah, rainbow haired b***hes since the 90s were always fun bawds. It was an unnatural paradigm shift.

  6. 3 months ago

    You guys suck

  7. 3 months ago

    go to >>>Cinemaphile ck homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      Actually helpful response, thanks fren

  8. 3 months ago


    I’ve seen bits and pieces and it’s made me laugh and gumball’s mom’s a baddie

  9. 3 months ago


    All the Shows are for literal children, but at least Gumball is good.

  10. 3 months ago

    Season 1 sucks. After that it's a fun show about adventuring until like season 7 where they go too deep into lore.

  11. 3 months ago

    Skip everything below a 7.5.

    • 3 months ago

      Cool starting the end of season 4

      >Wants to skip the early seasons
      >cares about "plot" and fricking "lore" in adventure time
      You're what made the show turn to shit, I hope you know that.

      And to answer your question, it's the opposite, you watch all the way this season 5 and then you stop. Penn ward left by then and it was taken over by an anti white chink who hated the white male protagonist and decided to focus on everything but Finn, and whenever the cameras were on Finn he'd be getting humiliated or shitted on. All the other writers were rainbow haired dykes who turned literally every female character into lesbians.

      The lore is meaningless and contrived. The show was about fun adventures and dog days of summer. It isn't an allegory for your fricking homosexual millenial cuck depression. I Fricking hate you nihilist shits.

      I haven’t even watched the show until this week you upset homosexual

      • 3 months ago

        You're cancer

        >implying AT wasn't for kids
        Gumball had better jokes and fourth wall breaks. Streets ahead of whatever the frick AT's humour was supposed to be
        why did they suddenly make bubblegum a dyke? I hate nu-CN shit so much

        Because leftists can't create, only destroy. They couldn't make their own successful shoe, especially not one about a white blonde biy kissing girls and going on adventures. They wanted to make fat browns crying about micro aggressions. So they took AT and made it gay for themselves.

        I have a niece and nephew and even they said that past season 7 its too weird. Because millenial dipshits thinking they're deep with their philosophy and genders studies degree makes them smart.

        • 3 months ago

          Imagine thinking any creative is right wing topkek go watch your Rightoid basketball movie with crossdressers

          • 3 months ago

            Imagine being defensive over the leftist brainrot that has practically ruined cinema and writing for the past 15 years.
            Anyone with radical politics trying to show an agenda into media needs to be hanged.

      • 3 months ago

        People like you are what made the show shit. But go ahead. Enjoy your gay psyop you little moron.

  12. 3 months ago

    >Wants to skip the early seasons
    >cares about "plot" and fricking "lore" in adventure time
    You're what made the show turn to shit, I hope you know that.

    And to answer your question, it's the opposite, you watch all the way this season 5 and then you stop. Penn ward left by then and it was taken over by an anti white chink who hated the white male protagonist and decided to focus on everything but Finn, and whenever the cameras were on Finn he'd be getting humiliated or shitted on. All the other writers were rainbow haired dykes who turned literally every female character into lesbians.

    The lore is meaningless and contrived. The show was about fun adventures and dog days of summer. It isn't an allegory for your fricking homosexual millenial cuck depression. I Fricking hate you nihilist shits.

  13. 3 months ago


    >implying AT wasn't for kids
    Gumball had better jokes and fourth wall breaks. Streets ahead of whatever the frick AT's humour was supposed to be

    >Wants to skip the early seasons
    >cares about "plot" and fricking "lore" in adventure time
    You're what made the show turn to shit, I hope you know that.

    And to answer your question, it's the opposite, you watch all the way this season 5 and then you stop. Penn ward left by then and it was taken over by an anti white chink who hated the white male protagonist and decided to focus on everything but Finn, and whenever the cameras were on Finn he'd be getting humiliated or shitted on. All the other writers were rainbow haired dykes who turned literally every female character into lesbians.

    The lore is meaningless and contrived. The show was about fun adventures and dog days of summer. It isn't an allegory for your fricking homosexual millenial cuck depression. I Fricking hate you nihilist shits.

    why did they suddenly make bubblegum a dyke? I hate nu-CN shit so much

    • 3 months ago

      >why did they suddenly make bubblegum a dyke
      because the show was run by lesbians with art degrees at that point. it's all self insertion

  14. 3 months ago

    >Which season can I start watching from to get the overarching story?
    End of season 2.

  15. 3 months ago

    Gumball is so much better.

  16. 3 months ago

    If you're genuinely curious just stop till season 5 when they stopped the lich in alt dimension, the rest is literally cuckventure time arcs. Watch gumball instead.

  17. 3 months ago

    The Fiona and Cake show was better.

    • 3 months ago


  18. 3 months ago

    Adventure Time is great. Sadly the last 1/4 of the series falls apart when woke morons destroy it with social commentary which it was never about, and throw Finn under a bus.

    • 3 months ago

      >Adventure Time is great
      It was always pure unadulterated garbage

  19. 3 months ago

    the actual answer is that the "plot" happens in small bites scattered over many episodes starting from season 1, at first its just world building hints, later those hints become a big deal with episodes dedicated to them. if you don't enjoy watching this show for its own sake, don't bother trying to go straight to the 'important' parts because you're just gonna be disappointed and you'll miss stuff by skipping episodes that are 99% inconsequential but have 5 seconds at the end that become major plot points, like the one where they spend 20 minutes lost in a maze with some dumb living hotdog soldiers and at the end a character that becomes important several seasons down the line is introduced

  20. 3 months ago

    Watch regular show. It's kino

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