Which was the last cartoon you watched before you decided every other cartoon after is shit and the ones you grew up with were best?

Which was the last cartoon you watched before you decided every other cartoon after is shit and the ones you grew up with were best?
Was the show good or bad?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Why do people Who hate cartoons post on Cinemaphile?

    • 5 months ago

      >why do people who hate post on Cinemaphile
      Now answer the fricking question.
      Amphibia was the last one for me and it ended kinda meh.

    • 5 months ago

      Apathy and passion are the true opposites. It is difficult to hate without something to love. Why should a man who has never felt a summer's gentle evening upon his skin despise the mosquito's bite?
      The same is true of cartoons and comics. If you really enjoy the good stuff, it makes the bad stuff worse.

      Personally I think there can always be good new comics/toons, you just have to look for them. My problem is that all the good stuff has to be dug around for or imported. If there was better distribution of foreign media in Canada I would be watching FAR more cartoons.

      • 5 months ago

        >If you really enjoy the good stuff, it makes the bad stuff worse.

        More like people can’t handle the fact that the more you consume fiction as you grow older the more it becomes apparent that most things aren’t just OMG BEST THING EVER. And rather than accept this fact and realise the reason you thought everything was so amazing when you started was because you had little experience to compare it to and more than likely were immediately exposed to the top of the shelf material. And then there is of course the realities of how decades of neoliberal capitalism limiting what type of things are even allowed to be made these days.

        • 5 months ago

          >neoliberal capitalism limiting what type of things are even allowed to be made these days
          moron, do you think animation is free?
          You can't drop a million dollars into animation without expecting return; It's not greed, it's responsibility.
          I'm not defending media corporations run by idiotic suits who have no idea how to make shows and movies, but it's not like there is some conspiracy keeping people from make certain stuff. It's just the prohibitive nature of the medium.

          • 5 months ago

            Unless you're European in which case spending tax money on animation for the sake of it is A-Okay.

            • 5 months ago

              NTA, but I don't like the idea of spending tax money on cartoons. Unless they're infomercials or something. Feels wrong to take money from the citizens and dedicate even a dollar from it to something that doesn't directly enrich the lives of the citizens.

              • 5 months ago

                >supporting art and culture independently of profit motives and commodification
                >somehow this isn't enriching
                Utilitarianism to a fault has ruined policy on public works in the US and Canada.

              • 5 months ago

                >supporting art and culture independently of profit motives and commodification
                I guess I'd feel better about this were if the world wasn't on fire. If we had perfect services and well maintained roads, then we could throw money at art regardless of the outcome, but we don't. Ideally, I'd like it if artists had some sort of fund created by artists for art, and the government used our money to help us directly.

              • 5 months ago

                A shame the utilities are trash despite this.

                Most of those problems exist because of contracting to the private sector instead of doing things in house. The US Army Corps of Engineers prevented the wandering of the Mississippi river away from Louisiana and has built some of America's least know and best built infrastructure. If America spent less on surplus firepower and directed more of their military spending to the A.C.E. America could be built a hell of a lot better. As a Canadian I can't tell you how many times the Canadian Forces have bailed us out in extreme weather.
                I also did a brief stint as a co-op student for the Halifax Regional Municipality Department of Transportation and Public Works back in 2016. Every pothole had to be put through the full project tender pipeline. Fixing how services are rendered is more important than the dollar amount and vertical integration can go a long way to fixing inefficiencies.

              • 5 months ago

                A shame the utilities are trash despite this.

              • 5 months ago

                Culture enriches people’s lives directly. Publicly funded content does that especially for those who have less money and have to rely on public access material instead of paid content.

          • 5 months ago

            Nobody is saying there is a conspiracy, dumbass. The point is that corporate suits want guaranteed returns and that automatically means less artistic freedom, less chance of original material being produced, large push to just do more reboot/sequel shit, etc. And because of mergers and media consolidation there’s less and less venues to produce anything as well as less any type of real competition and drive to experiment because handful of companies already own and control everything.

  2. 5 months ago

    I don't think this question can apply for many people. As far as i can remember was put in situations where i had to choose to rewatch an Aladin the animated series episode or an Arthur episode i never managed to see from start ro finish. Being bored as heck.

    This while waiting for spongebob or Timón and Pumba.

  3. 5 months ago

    I still like some stuff coming out
    But if you want an answer, I watched a summary on the first episode of The Owl House years ago and it was the point I realised it wasn't doing it for me anymore

  4. 5 months ago

    I haven't hit that point yet

  5. 5 months ago

    For me it was either Regular Show or Gumball, whichever ended last. Everything after those two just makes my eyes glaze over, at least as far as kid's shows go.

  6. 5 months ago

    Molly McGee gave me hope.

  7. 5 months ago

    dude, I'm in my 40s, and there are still great shows coming out. Hilda season 3 just dropped, and It was great.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm in my 40s
      I find that I care less about the opinions of older people when it comes to cartoons, especially cartoons aimed at children.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm 35 or 34, and I still enjoy cartoons, it's just that I hate FOX, and half of what Nick is spewing. Some things are good, some aren't. Same as it always was.

  8. 5 months ago

    I fricking love werther's originals

  9. 5 months ago

    funny enough i still have faith in the animation industry so I haven't reach this level yet

  10. 5 months ago

    Gravity Falls followed by Amphibia are the only cartoons I liked mostly start to finish in the last decade. I gave Star Vs Evil a chance but it fell apart by the midway point so I can't count it. I think I'm pretty much done with cartoons, not out of displeasure, but mostly sheer apathy.

  11. 5 months ago

    Pantheon. I figured from that point I was better off reading books and playing vidya instead

  12. 5 months ago

    Technically, it was Ed Edd n Eddy. I had watched Adventure time after that, and though I enjoyed it in the beginning, I now think it's an awful show that has done measurable harm to cartoons.

    I liked Regular Show too, but that's an exception.

  13. 5 months ago

    Ballmasterz 9001

    After that godawful TV movie I stopped caring. Every new show is cheap and stupid. Rick and Morty died when the creator left and the main plotline was resolved. I'm done.

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