Who is the strongest Disney protagonist?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Hailey will be most powerful after she kisses Scott

    • 11 months ago

      >has her achievements buried by the government and grows up to become a janny clone
      >had her achievement stolen by Scratch in a show that had the nerve to make a preachy episode about men stealing credit for the founding of America by wammin
      >doesn't really achieve anything other than killing some dude who just wanted rez his bro and to stop alien monsters from invading Earth
      >Manlet falls
      >twins get a vatnik hat and a pig, Pacifica is forced to give up her home, Stan is forced to sell the Mystery Shack
      >is a revered figure her with list in the Smithsonian who developed a way to "stop climate change" (or in non-Commiefornian speak, developed a way to control the weather and the sun's luminosity)
      yeah I'm thinking she won already.

  2. 11 months ago

    Hercules maybe?

    • 11 months ago

      who wins between Herc and Maui

  3. 11 months ago

    Anne is a literal multidimensional Goddess. Who could even touch her?

    • 11 months ago

      >Anne is a literal multidimensional Goddess
      Godmino literally told her it's her choice, the show doesn't go that far to show us whether or not she took on his offer

    • 11 months ago

      I love this cat's logic, you used the death note I left with the frogs to blow up a moon? You are worthy of ultimate power.

      who wins between Herc and Maui

      I think Hercules is more powerful, even as a clumpsy kid he was basically destructible.

      • 11 months ago

        >even as a clumpsy kid he was basically destructible
        Aren’t we all?

    • 11 months ago

      Lets see Godmino can't revive the death, the best he can do is copy the person before dying.

      Meanwhile Hercules can walk to Hades itself save a person's life after they died and punch Hades himself in the way out.

      So I say its Herc>Anne>Sora



      • 11 months ago

        Godomino is a Demiurge. She only showcased abilities capable of manipulating the physical world, warping space but not time, and held no dominion over souls.
        Meanwhile Amphibian witches were able to revive the dead through their devotion to Frog

      • 11 months ago

        Godmino totally can just resurrect the dead it just chooses do to so in most contrived and psychologically fricked up way possible. Being a total troll and an utter butthole like every god worth it's weight

      • 11 months ago


        Sora canonically beat Hercules who wasnt holding back in KH1 alone. Then he clowned on all three titans as a warmup in KH3 while treating Hades as a joke villain.

        Sora is top tier but if we are excluding vidya it will depend how you are measuring em and it likely comes down to Star Butterfly, Hercules, and Anne

        >Likely the highest physical protag feat from grabbing a tornado and chucking all three titans deep into space. Also degree of potential invulnerability when he awakens god power

        >Definitely the fastest with lasers moving in slow motion when she focuses and really strong as she was capable of kicking a large robot into the stratosphere with only a fraction of gem power. Flying and a degree of TK helps with utility but she can still get thrashed around through buildings and stuff. Hard to tell with all gems as even though it just took out a moon sized thing the power itself might have been more potent. I am leaving out god cat stuff since she didnt hit that yet technically

        >Highest utility with all sorts of magical stiff she can do including time frickery (although that go nerfed supposedly). The book also wanks the frick out of the potential potency of her spells like the one princess turning off gravity and another spell being capable of destroying a planet etc. Trade off though is she might not be as durable as the other two and can get blitzed. Not to say she isnt a bit tanky since she fights monsters thst can lift small cars, but nothing like getting pitched through a skyscraper thst Anne tanked

  4. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      He’s not even the strongest character in his own team

      • 11 months ago

        I guess if we went my protagonist then Roxas would be stronger

    • 11 months ago

      Oh I see someone else already posted him. But my post stands. If your power can break copyrights through crossover dimensional tier type of attacks then that is the maximum power.

  5. 11 months ago

    >Amphibia has Multiversal god entities
    Godmino and Anne solo the entire Disney verse.

    • 11 months ago

      >Amphibia has Multiversal god entities
      >has to rely on three teenagers to kill a moon that's basically a retirement home
      Man that show's writing is dogshit

      • 11 months ago

        What? Godmino didn't need to rely on anyone. He has been waiting for eons for a replacement to take over his job so that he can finally retire. There is absolutely zero, and I mean zero, reason for Godmino to try and destroy the moon. If he destroys the moon, then he won't be able to find a replacement, which entirely defeats the purpose of him sending the fricking box into Amphibia or Earth to test who among them has a good heart in the first place. After reading your post, I really have to take a step back because of how stupid your logic is. You clearly didn't even watch Amphibia.

        >Godmino having good feats
        Also the Duckverse absolutely wrecks Amphibia. There's so much bullshit in it.

        Base form Anne still solo Duckverse tho

        • 11 months ago

          >Base form Anne
          Jobbed against a bug

    • 11 months ago

      >Godmino having good feats
      Also the Duckverse absolutely wrecks Amphibia. There's so much bullshit in it.

      • 11 months ago

        >Also the Duckverse absolutely wrecks Amphibia
        Got any examples? I've only read a few Barks stories.

    • 11 months ago

      >Amphibia has Multiversal god entities
      Wait, how do we know the cat is not lying, do we see him actually doing any of that stuff?
      He revived Anne once though teleportation logic, and has at least the power to blow up a moon that is bellow multiversal, that is at most the SS Enterprise fused with the deathstar.

      • 11 months ago

        Unless you can prove otherwise, Godmino is a multiversal god.

        • 11 months ago

          Godmino has to prove he is one though, also like that anon said, Anne was given a choice to accept or not so her full calamity form is the limit of her powers

          • 11 months ago

            You're basically creating your own headcanon despite it's been established in the show that Godmino is a guardian who watches over the multiverse. Canon > your fan cope

            • 11 months ago

              I still see no rebuttal to either claim

              • 11 months ago

                It's literally in the show.

  6. 11 months ago

    >two of the strongest characters of their respective shows and Maggie team up

    what kind of interdimensional, brown-girl-hating fiend would be considered such a huge threat that those 3 would have to pull out all the stops to take it on?

  7. 11 months ago

    >canonically have probability altering good luck
    nobody is hurting them

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      They can also create pocket dimensions and travel in time. These boys could become time lords if they get bored enough. Wait a minute Buford was right they passed the point of summer days. They already did become timelords.

  8. 11 months ago

    Stitch is a galaxy buster so like him.

  9. 11 months ago

    Star Butterfly.
    She committed a full genocide. Top THAT.

    • 11 months ago

      The guardian has been enabling several civilizations trough millennia to commit genocide over magic stones cause it's tired and want a replacement

      • 11 months ago

        The guardian isn't a protagonist. It's a supporting character, and barely a supporting character at that.

        • 11 months ago

          He's a deus ex because the writers wrote themselves to a corner

          • 11 months ago

            Okay? Yes, he is. Thread is about who is the most powerful protagonist.

            It's the one that committed genocide then got away with it.

  10. 11 months ago

    Mary Poppins

  11. 11 months ago

    Guardian scene was kino and a billion times better than cheap copies like the one in toh

    • 11 months ago

      >"Anne died. I cloned her... oh, btw I'm god? I got mentioned as a joke waaaaay back, so don't worry if you don't remember. Anyway I want you to be god too. Not interested? Well maybe later. Bye clone! This scene was important!"

      The important thing is it wasn't anywhere NEAR the worst ending of a Disney show. It can sit at the "yeah, that was okay" table with Gravity Falls and The Owl House.

  12. 11 months ago

    Seriously? Sora from Kingdom Hearts. He literally has a weapon that is cross dimensional powerful. And what makes the keyblade Sora uses so powerful is it's capability for causing destruction in terms of crossover tier. So its power goes beyond something like say a power that can only affect say the Marvel the universe exclusively like the gauntlet. If your power can break copyrights then it's truly the most powerful weapon in fiction.

    Those c**ts in your image wouldn't even be super bosses for Sora to defeat. They would just be grunts he can easily kill off. And Since Sora is a wild card he also has a power to cheat the Grim Reaper as well so death itself isn't that much of an obstacle for Sora.

  13. 11 months ago

    That thing where Herc turns the titans into star constellations seems pretty absurd if you consider the actual logistics.

  14. 11 months ago

    And before you say he doesn't count, the creator has admitted he is the real main character of the show.

  15. 11 months ago

    What color will her inevitable super form be? Im banking on red.

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