Who killed Star Wars?

Who killed Star Wars?

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  1. 5 months ago

    The manbabies who hold the prequels too dear in their hearts. Unjustly attacking the sequels and its stars. Boyega and racism. Daisy and sexism etc. Chuds ruin everything.

    • 5 months ago

      stfu you homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        I would have liked to see it.

    • 5 months ago

      have a nice day please

    • 5 months ago

      7/10 b8

    • 5 months ago

      >Boyega and racism
      The one thing you got right. John Boyega is a hateful anti White homosexual. He should be sent to africa. He spews false nonsense, is a black people supremacist, and hates the White people who gave him the nice country he exploits.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      There was mostly optimism in the lead-up to The Farce Awakens. Yes, even around these parts, the worst critique was ridicule of the black boy jumpscare in the trailer. Fans were ready to welcome a new era of Star Wars. It is entirely their(Disney, KK, JJ) fault for producing such abysmally shallow half-assed garbage (that would later piss on the remains with its treatment of Luke, reviving the emperor, etc).

      • 5 months ago

        The only thing that gave me any hope from TFA was the baton stormtrooper
        And the stormtroopers who walk away from Kylo sperging out

    • 5 months ago

      Filoni > Kathleen > JJ > Rian in that order.

    • 5 months ago

      >buy out what is arguably the most popular franchise of all time
      >make almost nothing but utter shit
      >gaslight everyone into thinking the “toxic” fans killed star wars

    • 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    lucas by selling it

  3. 5 months ago

    the fans did
    >you barely put any effort into product
    >product made profit
    >continue doing the bare minimum
    same rule applies to everything, as long as there is profit to be had nobody gives a frick about the quality because morons like you will still watch it and eat that shit up
    i literally know a star wars gay from work who watched the ray movie (i know nothing about star wars so i won't even bother googling what SW that is) multiple times in cinema because he wants to analyze it and see if he really hates it, which he does despite the fact that he fricking killed me with boredom after telling me all the flaws after his first time and how much he hates what they did to the series

  4. 5 months ago

    Lucas for selling it to a soulless corporation. What the frick did he think was going to happen?

    • 5 months ago

      He was thinking every time he did any goddamn thing everybody shidded on him so he sold it for an ungodly sum of money so he can enjoy his mall chinese food in peace. And he was right to do it. I wish him nothing but the best in life

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          lurk moar

        • 5 months ago

          American moment.

      • 5 months ago

        If he had not directed the shit prequels himself and actually used more than two weeks to write them no one wouldve complained. He's a massive moron

        • 5 months ago

          He didn't want to direct the prequels himself, but the couple of directors he approached to helm the trilogy didn't want to either so he said frick it and did it himself.
          writing the script 2 weeks before shooting starts is completely moronic though, i'll give you that.

          • 5 months ago

            Shouldve found someone else then. Fallback to Kershner if nothing else
            btw watching the behind the scenes shit from TPM is the funniest shit ever. In parts it's like watching The Office or something

            • 5 months ago

              >Shouldve found someone else then. Fallback to Kershner if nothing else
              i don't disagree but i'm pretty sure they were up against the clock and basically george just got defaulted to the position. its been a minute since ive read up on the prequel bts though so i could be completely off course.
              that BTS is fricking fantastic though, it's a glimpse into the pure insanity that went on around those movies and more imporantly george.

              it also does a great job at highlighting just how much shit george went through during writing those movies that should have otherwise been handled by someone else - like him meticulously inspecting sculptures of alien heads, or being questioned on what color yodas blood is, which i think people don't talk about enough.

          • 5 months ago

            To be fair he always wanted to do the main CG things from phantom menace.
            And the rest at its core was already conceptualized decades before with his drafts and sources of inspiration, he just had to vaguely recall those and make shit along, filler details.

    • 5 months ago

      George fell for the "If Disney is such good stewards to Walt's legacy, which I consider myself to be a successor of, they'll take good care of my legacy" meme that Jim Henson and his kids fell for.

    • 5 months ago

      >Christmas Morning
      >make great big bkfst for family & GF
      >mom comes in and turns off Simpsons marathon
      >puts ABC on
      >watch Smashing Pumpkins sing 90's era boomer Christmas music at Magic Kingdom
      >Billy Corgan looks like a gay music teacher from Delaware
      >add more Bailey's & Jameson to coffee while adding Kahlua
      >silently munch on bacon & french toast in sadness

    • 5 months ago

      He was thinking why he would ever make any more movies when everyone hated them and told him what a bad person he was.

    • 5 months ago

      Before he sold he said that SW is over.
      But then right before he sold he made some interviews and told people that he wanted to make 7-9 but alas he can't anymore.
      I think he was truly over then baited people for no reason.

    • 5 months ago

      why is one hand red and the other white?

  5. 5 months ago

    Bob Iger

    • 5 months ago

      wait until you read about Lucas' "plans" for the sequels lmao

      • 5 months ago

        yeah it sounded kino, what about it?

  6. 5 months ago

    rian by not playing ball with jj

    in whats in the box theory all the secrets are delivered at the very end

  7. 5 months ago

    It was a group effort

  8. 5 months ago

    It was a group effort.

  9. 5 months ago

    Lucas, Shlomo, and the mouse, in that order.

  10. 5 months ago

    Same people that keep killing Western Civilization.

  11. 5 months ago

    I'm still amazed that they didn't write three movies with a cohesive story first and foremost. It brings me relief to know these people in power are just normal stupid people. Whenever you think there's a mastermind puppeteer behind the scenes conjuring up some evil plan, just remember how many times they say the quiet part out loud.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm still amazed that they didn't write three movies with a cohesive story first and foremost.
      that's JJ Abram's MO

    • 5 months ago

      This blows my mind. In my wildest nightmare I wouldn’t have imagined a billion dollar company would frick this up so hard.

    • 5 months ago

      That's why I don't worship Elong Munsk. Just because you're rich it doesn't mean you're intelligent.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Be JJ
    >Get hired to just make a generic Star Wars movie to get the franchise off to a good start
    >Make movie
    >Drop a bunch of open plot threads that can be followed up upon
    >Next guy goes out of his way to say "no lol" to every plot thread you created and pissed everyone off because there is no story to follow up upon
    >Franchise crashes and burns trying to undo his shit

    Rian is the fault here. This is the equivalent of a random Marvel director being allowed to kill off all the Avengers in a random movie while Avengers 5 is slated to release.

    • 5 months ago

      The Force Awaken was a dull shit film with no world building and stupid rule breaking shit like hyperdrive and stuff that ruined the star wars universe forever.

      • 5 months ago

        reylo is not real. never was.

      • 5 months ago

        TFA wasn't meant to be anything other than a dull film. Disney just needed a film to sell toys and establish a setting for their Galaxy's Edge parks. I'd be surprised if JJ was allowed to do anything but allude to more things in the sequel.

        • 5 months ago

          The Disney execs in charge of the property that rushed out the series without any real plan or even a guideline for what the trilogy would be about or what the main story arc would be. The same Disney execes that didn't think it was worth their time or a good idea to have one person acting as the creative lead / director across all 3 movies.

          It wasn't JJs fault, it wasn't Rian Johnsons fault. It wasn't any of the actors fault, or the scriptwriters fault. It was 100% on the execes that rushed the entire thing out just to start making their money back as soon as humanly possible. Any other response is woefully ignorant and a child pointing fingers.

          these but i also really hate how immature and unprofessional rian johnson is
          also glass onion and its sequel are dogshit
          and so is brick
          and the brothers bloom
          the only good thing he ever did was breaking bad and the visuals of looper

          • 5 months ago

            Nothing I saw regarding his role in the star wars movies was he immature or unprofessional other than his "your snoke theory sucks" thing.
            and personally i give him credit for having the balls to kill off what was set up as the main villain of the trilogy, even if that ended up being a disasterously stupid decision.

            • 5 months ago

              i doubt it was “balls” it was probably an agreed upon boardroom decision because they couldn’t figure out where to go with snoke

              • 5 months ago

                according to rian he had near creative control of the movie as long as he hit a certain amount of destinations / planets so they could use them for future content, and that killing snoke was completely his idea.
                whether or not thats actually true i doubt we'll ever actually know though.

            • 5 months ago

              >your snoke theory sucks
              >muh dick
              Yeah, totally not immature. The guy is a fricking manchild that jumps on kiddie trampoline inflatables. Frick him and his embarrassing dumpster fire. He shit all over Luke Skywalker and had him die from what? Using too much Force? To do absolutely nothing?
              Ruin killed star wars.
              Oh, and weren’t we all supposed to be changing our minds about tlj by now? What the frick happened to that? It’s still the biggest pile of dogshit in the franchise, then and now.

        • 5 months ago

          Except Galaxy's Edge Planet isn't in any of the Sequel Films. All the Sequels did was give it a time period.

          • 5 months ago

            Have you been to Galaxy's Edge? The whole premise of the park is Resistance vs First Order. The way TFA was set up finally clicked for me when I was waiting to go on Rise of the Resistance and I was showed pre recorded videos of John Boyega and Daisy Ridley in-character telling me to get excited.

            • 5 months ago

              That's why I said time period. Batuu is an entirely theme park exclusive planet never seen in any movie that compensates by covering itself in props, vehicles and droids from the entire franchise.

              • 5 months ago

                I have. It's devoid of droids or alien life. Mando is there as fanservice, but otherwise it's mainly Kylo, Rey, First Order Troopers, and some diversity hire fanfiction character with cosplay-tier costuming.
                The fact that there are no OG or Prequel characters (besides Chewie) is fricking insane to me.

                if they were smart they would have made it modular
                so one day you go and there's an xwing and luke and r2 are there to talk to guests
                the next day it's the gay version of the xwing and it's park rey
                and the next day it's whatever the frick moronic not xwing the clones had and anakin and obi are there bantering

              • 5 months ago

                They Rey actress at one of the parks when I went was a b***h. I tried to get her attention for a picture and she ignored me. Yeah I get I'm a 30 something year old man but cmon, be glad I wanted a pic with the shitty character you're playing.

                Yes I'm mad.

              • 5 months ago

                Stay mad.

            • 5 months ago

              I have. It's devoid of droids or alien life. Mando is there as fanservice, but otherwise it's mainly Kylo, Rey, First Order Troopers, and some diversity hire fanfiction character with cosplay-tier costuming.
              The fact that there are no OG or Prequel characters (besides Chewie) is fricking insane to me.

              • 5 months ago

                Is this pic from the florida one? I wonder if I saw the same exact chick or if this character is always black

              • 5 months ago

                I think it's the same at both parks. The character is black. And the reaction from guests is always the same when she's lurking around, hiding from stormtroopers.

              • 5 months ago

                She's from some Disney EU books nobody reads and is essentially a left over from when they were going to have rooftop stunt shows that likely would have made her more interesting then her just randomly skulking around the outpost looking for recruits.

              • 5 months ago

                I think it's the same at both parks. The character is black. And the reaction from guests is always the same when she's lurking around, hiding from stormtroopers.

                >park has DIVERSE EU characters from repurposed rooftop stuntshow
                >no Vader, Obi-Wan, Leia, Luke, Han, Anakin, Padme, Mace Windu...
                I'm convinced that Disney execs are legitimately moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                It gets even sadder. At Disney World you can actually see Vader on the opposite side of the park. He's just hidden inside an empty museum and secluded in a room that you have to wait in line to even go into.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, forgot about that. It's fun.

                Kennedy tricked WDI and the park management that an OT-based land would only attract an aging demographic of Boomers and Xers and that the Sequel Trilogy was the future that everybody would embrace.
                Disney went for it because frankly, there's a recency bias when it comes to what IPs to cram into the parks these days.

                Out of touch morons. Just to maximize their odds of appealing to multiple generations, they should have had at least one "story-neutral" area where they could have characters and merchandise from anytime in the series.

              • 5 months ago

                The merch is actually decently varied with how they organized the shops. Like yeah, you got your designated Sequel faction shops and Batuu souvenirs, but the shops for droids, creatures, and in-universe toys are pretty era neutral and Dok Ondar's basically has everything else.

              • 5 months ago

                Kennedy tricked WDI and the park management that an OT-based land would only attract an aging demographic of Boomers and Xers and that the Sequel Trilogy was the future that everybody would embrace.
                Disney went for it because frankly, there's a recency bias when it comes to what IPs to cram into the parks these days.

              • 5 months ago

                the idea they keep pushing is
                >older white males already like [brand] and will like it no matter what, so we can change literally everything about it and attract a new audience and keep the old one!
                the contradiction, of course, is that the "new audience" has already decided they don't like [brand], because the new audience doesn't exist in a magical vacuum where [brand] never existed until a woman/Black person was in it.

              • 5 months ago

                Would be cool if you could see force ghosts walking around.

    • 5 months ago

      This but unironically.
      I've gotten to the point where I assume that anyone who puts TFA on the same level of shit as TLJ is either a troll or just trying to prove how contrarian they can be

      • 5 months ago

        TFA is the worst one you liquid brain monkey

    • 5 months ago

      >>Next guy goes out of his way to say "no lol" to every plot thread you created and pissed everyone off because there is no story to follow up upon
      This is what I don't like about Rian. The guy clearly read all the fan theories and went out of his way to prove them all wrong instead of writing an actual story. Writers who try to one-up their audience when they number in the millions and have countless theories are just as terrible as the people who cater to them. Rian wanted to subvert every theory fans had but nothing came out of it because he was too busy pre-occupied on just that.

      It's honestly something I expect from some mediocre literature college student who feels the need to be "unique" that they get over the fact that a lot of their creative ideas have been done before and cannot accept that reality. And now they just want to subvert and deconstruct common story idea because that's the only thing they have against their readers.

      • 5 months ago

        >Writers who try to one-up their audience when they number in the millions and have countless theories are just as terrible as the people who cater to them
        They completely ruined Westworld because of this shit, some random reddit post guessed some big end of season 2 twist and they ended up completely rewriting the back half of the season to make that twist no longer happen.
        its just absolute insanity.

        • 5 months ago

          westworld was doomed from the start when they took a six episode miniseries (young william's time in the park) and bloated it into a season with four more seasons planned.

    • 5 months ago

      >Immediately establish in the opening crawl Luke is the last Jedi, which means the last 30 years since the Empire fell have been a complete failure.

      He ruined the franchise in a single paragraph.

      • 5 months ago

        To expand - every single product set between the OT and the Sequels HAVE to make it so that every Jedi either dies, goes away, disappears, or resigns from being one. The same with any Dark Side character.

        Essentially, you made it so that the biggest unique feature - the Force - has to be eternally cut back and stunted.

        • 5 months ago

          >HAVE to make it so that every Jedi either dies, goes away, disappears, or resigns from being one. The same with any Dark Side character.
          AGAIN, lol. what a moronic convention. they really fricked themselves from the start.

          • 5 months ago

            And now, whenever a Force User appears anywhere, whether a series, game, or comic, you ALWAYS have in the back of the head - "how will they get rid of him?"

        • 5 months ago

          Feels like writing Superman

    • 5 months ago

      Stop defending JJ you fricking money grabbing merchant and do your research. I don't like Rian as much as the next person but JJ is at fault here. Both films were written the same time because JJ kept making changes the last minute and he WAS producing TLJ, so he should have told Rian what to do but as we know JJ fricked off and his name was taken off. JJ didn't plan ANYTHING out and left it for the next person to figure out when it was his job. Any respectable storyteller and filmmaker wouldn't do that.

      • 5 months ago

        No wonder they tried to aggressively go after Max Landis, he had an (inexplicable) following at the time and was a high-profile person shitting on The Force Awakens with a controversial past

    • 5 months ago

      JJ had no right to ruin star wars, Anon. He just remade a New Hope and people act like that was the right thing to do? Phantom Menace was at least an entirely new thing with stuff people had never seen before.

      • 5 months ago

        >entirely new thing
        It was Return of the Jedi with a different coat of paint.

        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Mystery Box meet Subvert your expectations

    • 5 months ago

      And then he made a movie worse than both force awakens and last jedi. kek

  13. 5 months ago

    It was a ritual killing, everyone involved is at fault.

  14. 5 months ago


  15. 5 months ago

    A bearded white man with Irish blood

  16. 5 months ago

    The Disney execs in charge of the property that rushed out the series without any real plan or even a guideline for what the trilogy would be about or what the main story arc would be. The same Disney execes that didn't think it was worth their time or a good idea to have one person acting as the creative lead / director across all 3 movies.

    It wasn't JJs fault, it wasn't Rian Johnsons fault. It wasn't any of the actors fault, or the scriptwriters fault. It was 100% on the execes that rushed the entire thing out just to start making their money back as soon as humanly possible. Any other response is woefully ignorant and a child pointing fingers.

    • 5 months ago

      The trilogy was stillborn the moment they proceeded with israeliteisraelite without an outline of the story. The prequels had great sidestories for shows, games, comics, etc because of the gaps inbetween the films. By having the movies take place essentially right after one another, there was no chance for Disney to fully milk the storyline.

    • 5 months ago

      if Rian or JJ were more like james cameron they could have convinced the executives of a vision for the trilogy.

      • 5 months ago

        >they could have convinced the executives of a vision for the trilogy.
        they weren't given the chance, and disney execs specifically didnt want the same person helming more than 1 of the movies in the trilogy, citing creative reasons (likely just a pay thing, lets be real).

        • 5 months ago

          make a chance.
          >and disney execs specifically didnt want the same person helming more than 1
          JJ did 2..

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, becasue Colin Trevorrow was originally supposed to direct part 9 but backed out, Disney then could not find anyone to direct it after the reception of TLJ and eventually went back to JJ.

      • 5 months ago

        They had no vision. They're hacks and, in Rian's case-passive-aggressive, Yes-Men

    • 5 months ago

      >rushed out the series without any real plan or even a guideline for what the trilogy would be about or what the main story arc would be
      I still cannot believe that this happened. How can a group of people be so negligent about something so huge?

      • 5 months ago

        morons who've failed upwards with no artistic ability or interest being convinced they'll make money regardless

  17. 5 months ago

    JJ killed it. Rian pissed on it's corpse. JJ returned to parade the rotting piss soaked corpse around for one last time.

  18. 5 months ago


  19. 5 months ago

    george lucas

  20. 5 months ago

    Besides Lucas selling it to Satan? I don't blame him for it.
    The answer is JJ. Rian is screwball but he could've done something more interesting if he had the whole trilogy. JJ is an npc that plays it safe and is a fricking moron that should be fired.

  21. 5 months ago

    Prequels. It would have lasted forever but now showing your kids the original trilogy and the other good one which is too good to be named, is child abuse, it would make them more susceptible the rest of the pozz movies that came after it.

    Gluesniff wanted some newer fame so he could frick younger girls, ewoks even. So he sacrificed the sancitity of a perfect ending.

    It's completely fricked. Everything after is a parody of it.

  22. 5 months ago

    >tfw he sees the pile of putrid shit he's being handed and nopes the frick out of directing the third movie

  23. 5 months ago

    George Lucas
    First he put a bullet in the body of SW with the prequels and then he dug a grave you can't climb out of when he sold it to Disney

  24. 5 months ago

    george lucas started stabbing it to death with the special editions, EU stuff kept it alive, but george lucas kept stabbing with the prequels, then when he sold it, the EU was killed, so it bled out. TFA was basically a wake. TLJ was just someone shooting the headstone.

    • 5 months ago

      TLJ was someone repeatedly poking the corpse to show us it is dead.
      RoS went full Weekend at Bernie's

      • 5 months ago

        TLJ was a little more violent than just poking.

  25. 5 months ago

    we all know who *really* did it

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, this wienersucker and his videos made it popular to hate star wars. Anyone that needs their opinions given to them can frick right off.

      • 5 months ago

        you know most people don't think about youtubers, right?

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, this wienersucker and his videos made it popular to hate star wars. Anyone that needs their opinions given to them can frick right off.

          we all know who *really* did it

          all RLM did was put into words and back it up with video "proof" what a lot of people already thought but couldn't fully articulate.
          This idea that the prequels weren't actually hated until the RLM reviews came out is absolute insanity.

          • 5 months ago

            its just zoomers not being aware of the internet and what was happening on it until the iphone came out

    • 5 months ago

      >we all know who *really* did it

      yeah, by getting Disney to hire Abrams

  26. 5 months ago

    Me, by not watching it.

  27. 5 months ago

    White slavers

    • 5 months ago

      *laughs it off awkwardly*

  28. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Frick off commie if it was capitalism they’d just give the audience exactly what they wanted to sell more merchandise and tickets you fat dyed hair obnoxious moronic fricking homosexual seriously have a nice day, you felt good writing your shitty one word reply didn’t you, you smug fricking moron. You’re so mindraped by your victim complex you probably can’t go a single day without mentioning America Capitalism or trump can you? I mean it, have a nice day. Put your parents out of their misery and end your failed genetic line.

      • 5 months ago

        He's right though.

        • 5 months ago

          No he isn’t, Frick off commie if it was capitalism they’d just give the audience exactly what they wanted to sell more merchandise and tickets you fat dyed hair obnoxious moronic fricking homosexual seriously have a nice day, you felt good writing your shitty meme reply didn’t you, you smug fricking moron. You’re so mindraped by your victim complex you probably can’t go a single day without mentioning America Capitalism or trump can you? I mean it, have a nice day. Put your parents out of their misery and end your failed genetic line.

          • 5 months ago

            capitalism demands constant growth, constant expansion of the audience, which isn't possible.

  29. 5 months ago

    Unironically, Star Wars ‘fans’

  30. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      They simply will not ever stop until they spoil the entire earth.

      • 5 months ago


  31. 5 months ago

    Real answer is George Lucas. But Rian was the hero that gave the mercy shot.

  32. 5 months ago

    I think the real nail in the coffin or the centre of the issue or whatever you want to call it is that it’s not even cohesive.
    Yeah the prequels aren’t amazing (although I have and always will argue that phantom menace is the epitome of a Star Wars movie even tho the prequels and Revenge are better films) BUT they have a red thread that works through the three movies, now look at the sequels. JJ abrams sets things up by remaking a new hope, then Rian says “nah that’s boring” and takes all the set ups and throws them out the door to do his own thing (but copies Empire in the worst way possible) then abrams gets back in, throws Rians setups out the door to do his own thing again with a rushed ending that makes no sense at all (and invalidates the original 6.)

    It’s just fricking moronic from a story perspective, just the narrative, like forget what actually happens and just consider the consistency of the three films and it’s just really fricking confusing. That alone makes it one of the worst trilogies I’ve ever watched and that’s without even considering the plot or continuity errors when taking the original 6 into account

    Ps this new captcha system is seriously making me consider dropping Cinemaphile forever after 15 years of shitposting

    • 5 months ago

      >phantom menace is the epitome of a Star Wars movie
      half the movie is about incredibly boring space politics and supply blockades, and a quarter of it is following around a 6 yar old child get into wacky hijinks.
      how in the frick is that "the epitome of a star wars movie"

      • 5 months ago

        You wouldn’t get it. The only movie that comes close to it is a new hope but that was just the setup

        • 5 months ago

          >what do you mean
          >>you just wouldn't get it bro im not going to waste my time explaining it to you
          oh ok so youre just a troll got it.

      • 5 months ago

        prequel autists get off on the amount of different stuff in the prequels. The fact theres no depth to any of it doesn't concern them, as they don't really comprehend depth.

        • 5 months ago

          Or they value breadth of experience as well as depth.

          • 5 months ago

            There is no depth to the prequels. Underneath the "breadth" is simply "sheev is super smart and everyone else is dumb."

            • 5 months ago

              Untrue. AOTC gets shit on but look at everything that happens in that fricking movie, it starts on a cyberpunk nightclub planet and ends on a bug gladiator planet.

              • 5 months ago

                >look at the sequence of events!
                that isn't depth.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm talking about breadth and it's why the prequels are excellent kids movies.

              • 5 months ago

                >look at the sequence of events!
                that isn't depth.

                he's literally saying that the movies are good because lucas brought the story to a bunch of new locations but he seems to not realize they only that that specifically so they could sell more toys.
                peak consoomer.

              • 5 months ago

                I'll take toyetic locations over the "THIS ISN'T TATOOINE THIS IS ORIGINAL DESERT PLANET #27" shit Disney keeps doing.

              • 5 months ago

                >ill take this pile of shit over the other pile of shit.
                you still never actually explained what you meant by tpm was the epitome of a star wars movie btw.

              • 5 months ago

                Because he didn't want to say "because it had the most merchandisable stuff in it"

              • 5 months ago

                I'll take toyetic locations over the "THIS ISN'T TATOOINE THIS IS ORIGINAL DESERT PLANET #27" shit Disney keeps doing.

                Regardless, I'm so glad Universal Studios is mogging Disney on this. They're about to get fricked with Universal opens Epic Universe next year with a THIRD Harry Potter land.

              • 5 months ago

                I know.

                prequel autists get off on the amount of different stuff in the prequels. The fact theres no depth to any of it doesn't concern them, as they don't really comprehend depth.

                is (me)

    • 5 months ago


  33. 5 months ago

    Kennedy, Abrams, and Johnson all did, but Johnson dealt the killing blow. The series could have survived the unoriginality of TFA but it couldn't survive the awfulness of TLJ.

  34. 5 months ago


  35. 5 months ago
  36. 5 months ago

    Rian doesn't understand anything about Star Wars at all. Abrams is at least aware of the pulp serial adventure style that inspired George and probably gave Hero With a Thousand Faces a quick read. SW is a fantastic world you can tell any sort of story in, but I don't think there are any living directors or producers who can make a good 'genre but in space' movie without the albatross of jerking off the series own iconography.

    • 5 months ago

      What JJ reads doesn't matter, he just writes mystery boxes and remakes films while marketing them as "not a remake".

      • 5 months ago

        In this case, it does, because Hero With a Thousand Faces is foundational to Star Wars (and most adventure stories like it) more than anything else. George held a dinner for the author in his honor at Skywalker ranch among other things.

        • 5 months ago

          >ywn have dinner with George at Skywalker Ranch
          life is suffering.

  37. 5 months ago

    this is all the realization of womens built up hatred towards star wars over the years, they could never understand why guys liked star wars so much and spent so much time thinking about it, so they learned to hate it, what we're seeing out of star wars now is exactly how women have seen star wars all this time and it's payback to all of us, almost saying "see! see how stupid you were for caring about this"

  38. 5 months ago

    diversity hires and corporate policies

  39. 5 months ago

    Step aside western garbage, a real space opera/scifi coming through.

  40. 5 months ago

    Star wars itself

  41. 5 months ago

    People getting butthurt that their expectations got subverted. I can't tell you how many people started throwing full popcorn vessels at the screen when the rebel guy said "it's salt". One guy ripped his shirt off while yelling "ITS NOT SALT ITS SNOW LIKE ON HOTH YOU CANT DO THIS!" and punched the usher who tried to get him to calm down. Everyone started chanting "SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!" and stormed out of the theater. I was carried along with the current and never got to see the ending, but I'm guessing Rian nailed it.

    • 5 months ago

      it'd be less weird if that happened than it is that you wrote that out

  42. 5 months ago

    Whoever hired these two clowns

  43. 5 months ago

    Mike Stoklasa

    • 5 months ago

      >Oh no no no no no no no

    • 5 months ago

      Mike was such a coward when it came to taking responsibility. He should have come out and said, "Yes, I killed Star Wars. I'm so sorry George, it was never you, it was me."

    • 5 months ago

      > random youtubers aren't allowed to make jokes anymore

      • 5 months ago

        >it's just satire, bro
        >it's not actual movie critique
        Ah, the CinemaSins defense lol

    • 5 months ago

      this was when every nerd was sucking JJ dick because he made star trek nonsense. The reason i hate his star trek movies are the reason his star wars suck.

  44. 5 months ago

    I would say Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy probably hold the majority of the blame. JJ and Rian were terrible choices to direct the new Star Wars films, but they should never have been handed the reigns in the first place.

    Allowing Rian to do what he did with Luke Skywalker was an absolutely insane move. A smarter Executive Producer would've told him no fricking way.

    • 5 months ago

      What exactly did Rian do wrong with Luke?

      • 5 months ago

        Disney for demanding a new Star Wars trilogy without a plan, JJ for making A New Hope/Return of the Jedi "BUT BIGGER," Rain for subverting our expectations of a good Star Wars movie, most everyone shares blame.
        Unrelated, if there are any EUgays, are there any species that are just space Italians? I need to know for a story i'm working on.

        Turning him from a man that is willing to risk his life to redeem his father, who had commited numerous atrocities, into a man willing to kill his own nephew because he had a bad dream and running away to let the galaxy burn down around him.

  45. 5 months ago

    It was the butler.

  46. 5 months ago

    I feel like it was dying naturally but killing Snoke put it into an early(er) grave. I remember people actually giving a shit about him and making up theories.

  47. 5 months ago

    (You) did

  48. 5 months ago

    Main failures
    >releasing on December 2015 for the sweet sweet Harry Potter/Hunger Games money instead of 1.5 years extra preproduction and releasing in May 2017 on the 40th anniversary of Star Wars
    >JJ Abrams tacking Luke onto the end of TFA, making it nearly impossible to do a timeskip between movies
    >Rey not joning Kylo/Kylo not joning Rey means part 3 has to be the same shit over again

    • 5 months ago

      >>JJ Abrams tacking Luke onto the end of TFA, making it nearly impossible to do a timeskip between movies
      That little moment of fanservice completely ruined Disney's chances for writing (junior) tie-in novels, comics, spin-offs, and video game plots. lmao
      Think about how much EU content existed just before/between TPM and AotC.

    • 5 months ago

      >JJ Abrams tacking Luke onto the end of TFA, making it nearly impossible to do a timeskip between movies
      Bullshit. Any half competent writer could've started ep8 3 years later with the reveal that Rey's been training with Luke that entire time.
      Rian was just autistic in his need to subvert the end of TFA by having TLJ open with Luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder. That's literally the only reason there's no timeskip.

      • 5 months ago

        >Heh, frickin' gottem
        I can imagine that smarmy fricker saying that after every little thing he did in TLJ

      • 5 months ago

        then they're both stupid

      • 5 months ago

        >they could reveal that Rey's been training with Luke that entire time.
        Yeah just:
        >cut out Luke reacting to Han's death
        >never explain Luke's look at the end of TFA
        >They're on a half mile wide island with very little to make training worthwhile (why Rey leaves after less than a week after doing almost no training and getting her understanding of the force through a montage of stock footage)
        The Force Awakens should have ended when Rey entered hyperspace to go see Luke. Then there could be a timeskip with no limitations.

      • 5 months ago

        Reminder the moron JJ had Rey going to the island with BB8 to sell toys and Rian had to beg JJ to rewrite it so she takes R2D2 to see Luke.

      • 5 months ago

        TLJ went out of its way to be disrespectful to pretty much every character except Rose, Leia and Holdo.

      • 5 months ago

        When will you brainlets understand that the film never gave Rey and Luke a proper introduction in the first place? You can't just have a timeskip and then jump back with flashbacks because Star Wars never used flashbacks, at least until Disney. It's just lazy storytelling. And no, Anakin's visions of the future don't count. And I don't even believe Rian is purely at fault there, I wouldn't be surprised that Disney purposefully created that ending just to tease people and get them talking about it for two years just to watch the sequel hence why Luke didn't talk.

        • 5 months ago

          >...h...he's going to come over and take it, right? Do...do I keep holding it?

      • 5 months ago

        >with Luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder
        That was a reference to return of the jedi. Also having luke being a nomad on some island instead being with his friends and family was always dogshit.

  49. 5 months ago

    she hired these bozos
    she approved their lazy approach to scripts and plot

  50. 5 months ago

    Americans rush around Star Wars like manna from heaven. God, these are extremely mediocre space fantasy films. Cinema for preschoolers. I don’t understand why such a cult arose from this shit?

    A Star Wars fan is a marker of a complete moron. With no exceptions.

    • 5 months ago

      That's what midwits actually believe

  51. 5 months ago

    >Bob Iger for wanting a Star Wars movie released every year
    >Kathleen Kennedy for making consistently and increasingly bad decisions, part of which was prompted by Bob Iger
    >JJ Abrams for speedrunning and mystery box shit
    >Rian Johnson for focusing on subversion and not thinking about a story in the middle of a trilogy
    >JJ Abrams for somehow doing a worse Episode 9 idea than Colin Trevorrow's
    >Sequel Trilogy drones that still don't realize they've somehow become worse than Prequel fans, MCU fans, and Snyder fans

  52. 5 months ago

    Star Wars was already film-slop with the prequels that George Lucas made. I'm not saying I hate the prequels, nor do I hate the sequels. It's just clear that Star Wars was never anything more than a good sci-fi trilogy. If it came out today people would laugh at the special effects and miniatures. In retrospect though people act like it's the shit they can't stop taking a big wiff of.

    • 5 months ago

      >If it came out today people would laugh at the special effects and miniatures.

      Ok criticslopper

    • 5 months ago

      >it's slop. therefore, Disney not bad
      Then it's even more laughable they couldn't make more money off of it

      >>JJ Abrams tacking Luke onto the end of TFA, making it nearly impossible to do a timeskip between movies
      That little moment of fanservice completely ruined Disney's chances for writing (junior) tie-in novels, comics, spin-offs, and video game plots. lmao
      Think about how much EU content existed just before/between TPM and AotC.

  53. 5 months ago

    >Who killed Star Wars?
    Who's in charge at Lucasfilm?
    >Captcha: GAYHD

  54. 5 months ago

    For me, it's broom youngling

  55. 5 months ago

    Lucas when he sold it to Disney.

  56. 5 months ago

    Reminder all nu wars is homosexual shit

  57. 5 months ago


    The entire original plot of the films had to be changed to cater to their audience.

    Boyega was originally supposed to be the new "Luke", according to him and from what I can glean, JJ wanted this as well. He was pitched Finn as an updated Kyle Katarn (yes JJ is that much of a SW fan).

    Well, then the focus groups came back from China and Finn tested poorly due to overall xenophobia from China. They like their black men playing in the NBA, not being heroes. Surprisingly, Ridley and Isaac DID test well, so their roles got expanded. Poe was supposed to die early on and Rey was supposed to be saved by Finn.

    So, what happened?

    Finn got relegated to comic relief under the promise that he would have a more badass arc in the 2nd film- which storyboards indicated until Johnson got his paws on the project. Poe's entire plot literally changed hence why they couldn't do anything with him, they never planned for him to be anything more than a throwaway character. It's also why his survival makes zero sense considering how fricked he should have been. The idea was to "kill" him without actually showing anymore on-screen death (PG ratings).

    Rey was supposed to be important but not nearly as important as she later developed.

    Keep in mind, they were already filming when they began doing focus groups for TFA, so they had no idea Chinese audiences would react the way they did and you can see why it feels like there's two different movies in TFA that are poorly stitched together.

    Disney has been trying to get SW to work in Asia (i.e. China) for years but Chinese audiences (i.e. the CCP) hate SW due to the obvious comparisons to their own fascist government. They also wrote the book on cultural destruction (literally) so for them, being able to "break" SW (and other classic American media) is one of those soft-power moves.

    • 5 months ago

      cool fanfiction mr reddit spacer
      but what about Kanjiklub?

      • 5 months ago

        >Finn (FN-2187) as an updated Kyle Katarn
        but what about his arc as TR8R?

        I'm going to take a nap.
        Witness my digits and rejoice.

    • 5 months ago

      >Finn (FN-2187) as an updated Kyle Katarn
      but what about his arc as TR8R?

    • 5 months ago

      if this were true the cute chinese bomber at the start of the last jedi would have stay alive.

      chinaman like their girls cute just like we have seen them in The Wandering earth

  58. 5 months ago

    The Story Group. Starwars became something made by committee and it shows.

  59. 5 months ago

    >Somehow, Palpatine came back
    walked out of the theater, took a fat shit on the toilet seat, pissed over the toilet paper, washed my hands, and demanded a refund

  60. 5 months ago

    Abrams set up a lackluster series with the only possibility for the plot to be a rehashing of the original and then handed it off to a literal moron person for some reason so I suppose both of them.

  61. 5 months ago

    The fans

  62. 5 months ago

    This furry shitalian.

    • 5 months ago

      the actual answer hiding in plain sight

    • 5 months ago

      Why does he want to be Robert Rodriguez so bad?

    • 5 months ago

      bob iger and kathleen kennedy

      the hat is megacringe
      is he balding or something

  63. 5 months ago

    Everything becomes a vehicle for the "agenda"

  64. 5 months ago


  65. 5 months ago

    SAY IT

    • 5 months ago

      Empire Strikes Back was the best movie because you weren't directing it

  66. 5 months ago


  67. 5 months ago

    Bob Iger and his tribes greed thinking Star Wars will simply print them money.
    Kathleen Kennedy for her self-inserted characters, her pushing of feminist and anti-male agendas, her spite for the franchises success that she had nothing to do with, her hubris in thinking she can and has done no wrong despite countless cancelled projects and trying to make another movie with Rey, both her and Iger's blatant lying to George to coax him into selling the franchise and blatant and flagrant disregard for the stories he set aside for them to adapt that they tossed into the garbage, and not stepping aside to let someone competent to run the franchise instead of trying to force it into being something for girls.
    Mike Stokalska for being a fat alcoholic moron with his equally stupid buddies making it okay to tarnish Star Wars and his Trekky ass not dying fast enough from cirrhosis of the liver.
    israelite israelite Abrams for making a paint-by-numbers rehash of A New Hope with none of the soul and sincerity but now with dutch angles and lens flaring, casting the most ooga of ooga booga Black folks in the lead role and desperately trying to set-up making a pretty white girl get blacked onscreen in a Star Wars movie instead of giving a new story and simply putting the lead characters together on screen one last time.
    Rian Johnson for being a petulant round-headed manbaby incapable of heading such a project without letting his contempt and malice for Star Wars leak through and openly shitting on fans who openly shit on his terrible movie and having been given free reign to do whatever he wanted, he made a Star Wars movie nobody wanted to see.
    Disney itself for smearing that sanitized watered down Disney shitstreak smear all over it removing any semblance of edge and sex appeal that made the franchise great by making even any semblance of romance verboten, cancelling LucasArts and all its upcoming projects, ruining Battlefront to the point the government rewrote US law.

    • 5 months ago

      >desperately trying to set-up making a pretty white girl get blacked
      Jesus I completely forgot about this, when I think of sequel romance I can only imagine the chink kissing Boyega and him desperately trying not to vomit in her mouth, and driver cucking boyega in the last film

      • 5 months ago

        Were Fin and Rei originally a couple?

        • 5 months ago

          I think the israelite intended for it to happen, hints of it exist in ep9, where Finn tries to confess to Rey before sinking in that gray sand spot
          If there is one good thing Johnson did was shut down Abrams' fetish

  68. 5 months ago

    For me it's the fact that mark hamill couldn't do anything to save the character that gave him a career.The boomer literally told Ryan Jonshon that he disagreed with him because of the shit he had prepared for Luke.On the other hand, it's fun to see how the actor who played Han Solo got the first directors of the character's solo movie fired and managed to bring Ron Howard on board.A complete unknown had more weight in Lucasfilm than the actor who plays the flagship character of the entire franchise.


    • 5 months ago

      imagine walking by that princess like that instead of force locking her down and pounding her ass

    • 5 months ago

      Hamill's a class act, this video proves it.
      inb4 someone tells me he's a israelite pedo

      • 5 months ago

        Just separate act from actor and art from creator.

  69. 5 months ago

    Friendly reminder that everyone who says "fans" is a mouse shill.

  70. 5 months ago


  71. 5 months ago

    I honestly think that the Rise of Skywalker could have salvaged something, could have been 'good'.
    But it was the worst of the three, which is some feat. Boggles the mind. It was as if they knew they'd fricked up and just released a final film anyway cos they promised a trilogy.

    • 5 months ago

      As movies they're dogshit but they fricking managed to make the money, it boggled the mind.

  72. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      You're not out of jail yet, Arnie. Now where did you get that damn watch?

  73. 5 months ago

    I liked Looper. I can't believe Rian Johnson defecated in bed with Star War in such an obscene way;Not only that, but he has also gained kk's trust enough to have his own shitty trilogy.

    • 5 months ago

      rian forget he was writing a story for manchildren. He should've just redone empire like JJ was pushing for.

  74. 5 months ago

    The fact that people liked the force awakens proves star wars fans deserve the shit they get.

    • 5 months ago

      I didn't know Kevin Smith was in it. Why didn't Kevin and his obese butt appear on screen?

    • 5 months ago

      This. I still don't understand how it wasn't Immediately ridiculed as soon as it became apparent that the plot was the exact same as the original trilogy.

    • 5 months ago

      TFA had a solid start, amazing audio work which sucked me in there but as soon as the low IQ shit started it lost me and that battle didn't feel immersive.

      A solid 20-30 minutes I think.

      • 5 months ago

        They made kylo ren intimating and then into a joke in very same scene. Movie was all over the place. It felt like a copy of his star trek movies. Endless talking, qupis, space jargon, endless references.The movie never shuts up.

        • 5 months ago

          Yes that becomes a problem across the movie but during those first 30 minutes I could tolerate all of that. It even felt immersive. I repeat myself when the guy quips in front of threatening Kylo it's believable, he's brave - the audio mastering of that is 10/10 to be fair, check it out, use virtualization of surround if you have headphones, it's rare to hear something as good as that.
          Or when they escape the first order base, almost every sound is well placed and immersive, but then suddenly the movie snaps out of focus.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah the movies have good production. Shame about the writing. The blood on finns mask was a cool iconic look. Not sure how they fricked things so bad since the opening seems like it wont be shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >The fact that people liked the force awakens proves star wars fans deserve the shit they get.
      2 of my cousins forced me to go see TFA with them one the first week and the other 3 weeks after release. the 1st time I watched something felt off once the super death star blew up 10 planets. the 2nd time I watched it I fell asleep at some point and woke up to leia and han meeting.

      I knew that the entire trilogy from Disney was going to be dog shit really early on never watched TFA or any of the other films again frick disney and frick that hack jj

  75. 5 months ago

    The one on the left proved he's a bit moronic, especially when he talked about the midi-chlorian thing, totally clueless and filtered.
    The one on the right is just a nepotistic implant, a bit moronic but he just wanted to to his own schizo stupid shit, didn't care about SW.

  76. 5 months ago
  77. 5 months ago

    >George: I have this idea.
    >His employees: You fricking moron, pass.
    >Wise George: Spielberg told me to do this (lie).
    >His employees: Pure genius, will do it boss!

  78. 5 months ago

    the homosexual on the right

  79. 5 months ago

    The script sucked. I can write a better script in one sitting. Watch:

    >Ben Skywalker is the son of Luke Skywalker who is forced to go evil as a way to get Snoke's trust and kill him (Star Wars: Dark Empire)
    >Rey was created due to a force experiment with the mideclorians
    >Leia is a Jedi
    >we get a new Jedi order on Yavin IV and the Jedi are the armed forces of the republic
    >Snoke is part of some secretive cult of dark Jedi who are bent on rebuilding the Sith, pre-Baneite rule of two, using whatever text and holocrons they can find.
    >Rey and Ben [s]end up together in the end[/s]

  80. 5 months ago

    Out of those two? Rian did. TLJ killed any possible momentum the new trilogy had by "subverting your expectations" and killing literally every plotline set up by the first movie. Not praising TFA and certainly not RoS but Rian Johnson is a massive moron who can't even spell his name right.

    • 5 months ago

      >Rian Johnson
      Outside of breaking bad, what was Rian Johnson known for doing prior to TLJ?

      • 5 months ago

        All I can think of is Looper

  81. 5 months ago

    Everybody did their part, but in the end it was Rian Johnson and Kaitlyn Kennedy
    israelite israelite started weak, but it at lest wasnt a train wreck, introduced a new cast and movie was a success.
    Rian then took a shit on Episode 8, completely destroying all the JJ mystery boxes since Rian hated the series and wanted to spite its fans.

    Then israelite israelite was brought in middle of the production of episode 9 after previous director was fired and initially had just a year to make the movie with no script, they had to push back the release date by half a year to give him to to actually shoot the movie. By that point it was too last to do shit and he was in a race to deliver anything at all with a tight deadline.
    If Kaitlyn wasnt a moron she would have given him time to actually make a script before shooting starts, but the shooting took place without a finalized script with movie being slapped together in editing.

    • 5 months ago

      The argument that Rian did more damage than JJ makes no sense. JJ left him with worthless source material. He undid the whole plot of the original trilogy, then made a remake of the first film and then made Luke a hermit. What direction could the series go in to make it interesting? Rian did an exceptionally terrible job but he was given a terrible plot to work with.

      • 5 months ago

        JJ didnt write the original script, and it wasnt his decision to ignore the old expanded universe. The decision to sideline the original cast was made by Arndt and Kennedy.
        JJ had 6 weeks to rewrite the script after Michael Arndt failed to deliver a final one in a year.
        Rian could not frick shit up and fallow through with the ideas he was given, instead he wanted to do his own thing.
        israelite israelite was the one put in a bad position for the third movie, movie starts shooting in early january and he gets hired in middle of september, no finished script, no nothing, he had 4 months to do pre production, rewrite the script and prepare for the shooting. Alsomst all the shitty plot points can be atributed to Colin Trevorrow, the script JJ was gives is pretty simillar to final movie, only JJ cut out most side character and Fins romance storyline.

        Lets get real, nobody is writing a good movie in 6 weeks, first movie was fricked no matter who would be put in charge. But Rian has no excuse for that he did.

        • 5 months ago

          >nobody is writing a good movie in 6 weeks
          you can on speed and if you love Star Wars

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, if its your only job. He was the director responsible for a lot of shit, you can bet your ass he didnt expect Kennedy to fire his writer and tell him he has a month in a half to do his job instead of the 18 months the writer wanted.
            I hate his mystery box writing style, but the initial script he was given already locked him into a hard direction set by Kennedy.

            • 5 months ago

              if you're such a JJ apologist, then go tonguepunch his mystery box.

  82. 5 months ago

    JJ killed it, Rian raped it.

    • 5 months ago

      Kennedy is who makes the corpse keep dancing.

  83. 5 months ago

    It was Rian because he wanted to do everything different. Hell it's even referenced in Scream 5.

  84. 5 months ago

    Imma be real with you anon: Rian's ideas may have been bad but they were at least kind of interesting and different. Rise of Skywalker is the most cookie cutter shit imaginable and it makes it even worse than TLJ.

  85. 5 months ago

    rian still has a career, so small hats blame lens flare man.

  86. 5 months ago

    Anybody blaming George or the fans are homosexuals and shills from Disney. They will never take responsibility or accountability to what they've done, what they're doing, and what they are going to do because they have execs to answer to and an image to uphold. It wasn't the prequels, it wasn't the fans, it wasn't George; it was all of them and their ilk and adherents and plain and simply do not know what they are talking about.

  87. 5 months ago

    The non-existent story group.

  88. 5 months ago

    Let's be honest it was ruined by cocaine

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