Who was in the wrong here? >tfw I would handle it the same way as him

Who was in the wrong here?
>tfw I would handle it the same way as him

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      What the frick is with that persons voice? He ends every sentence with an upward inflection or adds 'ah' to words. Show becomes "Show-wah"

      • 1 month ago

        its the youtube voice much like the movie trailer voice IN A WORLD

      • 1 month ago

        Once you pointed it out it was everywhere, infuriating

      • 1 month ago

        Everyone involved in that gay podcast was in the wrong. Shaq big leagued him, he's either too stupid to realize George was star struck/an introvert/not the podcast host who's job it is to keep the guest talking, or most likely he knew but just wanted to eviscerate him on camera for social media likes. George was in the wrong for even accepting the job in the first place; as he said he met Logan at a gym, he's a literal nobody that was friends with someone famous, he should have realized that he was being offered a job as a host of that podcast due to nepotism, not because anyone cares what he has to say. Also he needs to leave that Christcuckery at the door, nobody cares about that gay shit in 2024, and he sounds so fricking cringe bringing it up all the time, including using it as a shield to deflect criticism, like he literally tried to do to Shaq. Mike is in the wrong because he's a fricking cuck who married a porn star and a little b***h and he just comes off as Logan's yes man, parroting and dick sucking Logan at all opportunities, and he left George out to dry, he could have easily interrupted Shaq and said something like "nah George is fine, he'll ask questions when he has something to say, he doesn't like to say things unless they're important" or something like that to back up his co-host, but he just started dunking on him and laughing at him because he's a snake. And I could be here all day explaining what's wrong with Logan Paul, there's too much to dive into, but he's mainly wrong in this circumstance for points I already covered; he invited some rando he met at a gym to do a podcast despite him having 0 experience and personality, he didn't back up George when Shaq was ripping into him, and he abandoned him when it became clear their relationship was doomed.

        Were you even listening? He's Australian, he ends every sentence with "r". He says "show'rrrr", not "show'ah" he isn't Italian, God I fricking hate their gay homosexual accent.

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          you are 100 percent right but i genuinely hate you and myself for even knowing about this gay drama at all. Shaq just proved once again that anyone in showbiz is an absolute narcissist and george despite being a cringe christcuck is a stand in for how any normal person would act when surrounded by narcissistic celebrities. Its a lose-lose. You open your mouth and make a fool of yourself with celebs giving you the 'who the frick are you dude?' attitude. If you stay quiet shaq status checks you and mocks you for not talking.

          • 1 month ago

            I only know about it because I watched the sunnyv2 video beforehand. I have never listened to a single episode of that podcast, thankfully, because I can't abide Logan Paul and his rampant homosexualry/his zoomcel fan base who keep getting crypto scammed by him. But yeah I've been in exact situations like that at work/school/among "friends" who shit on you if you're silent but God forbid you say something that isn't the funniest/coolest shit this world has ever seen, and they'll destroy you while all your other "friends" sit around and laugh at you, and later try and gas light you like you're the bad guy for getting angry at them.


            >p-pls Mr. Shaq, I'm just so in awe of you, it's like the heckin Bible! Let me read you a verse from my favorite chapter!

            If you don't see how he tried to use his religion as a shield to deflect criticism/attention away from his silence, then idk what to tell you, because that's exactly what he did. And he kept on trying to use that same tactic in every single argument, including the final one with Logan.

            • 1 month ago

              Indeed, everyone involved deserves to die

            • 1 month ago

              have a nice day homosexual

              • 1 month ago

                >telling someone to kill themselves
                >calling someone a homosexual

                Not very Christian of you. Didn't your pope/all your ordained priests and preachers say that homosexuals and troons are eligible to enter heaven? Or are you one of those """Christians""" who selectively only listens to the "based and red pilled" parts of your religion? "T-that pope is an imposter/fake! He doesn't represent REAL Christianity when he licks Black person feet!". You're one of those, aren't you kek. Regardless, it's all good, when I'm about to die, I'll just apologize for all my sins and admit Jesus is my savior and get that free pass to heaven, ez pz, so I'll see you there bro. Ain't it funny that I can do that, but a baby who dies before their baptism/some innocent villager in an uncontested tribe who's lived a good, moral life but just never heard of Jesus is doomed to eternal hellfire? No, that's how the system works? Dang, that's rough, I was looking forward to meeting my distant relatives who were born before christ lived, sucks for them, they're going to hell.

              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                half of those are legitimate criticisms that christcucks have never been able to answer

              • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          This all sounds very gay and moronic, including your part in it.

    • 1 month ago

      it's so wild that these videos exist where it's basically just petty drama between some literally who podcasters, but it's edited like a fricking world war 2 documentary

    • 1 month ago

      wtf is this accent

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Without a lot of context
      >Shaq demanding he ask him a question and getting all dramatic about it
      Shaq was being a real jerk. I hate when people get overly dramatic over nothing and then get upset like you did something awful. One of my biggest pet peeves. I learned to cut those people out of my life. You can't call them out for it because they get defensive and then act like you are the dramatic one. It has happened too many times to me. Life is too short for butthole behavior. I was seething just watching it.
      >Bobby Lee roasting him after he got all passive aggressive
      That George guy was being a jerk in that situation though. He should have just taken the hits and laughed. Bobby Lee was even setting up jokes and making it funny but the George guy couldn't take it.

      • 1 month ago

        >Shaq was being a real jerk. I hate when people get overly dramatic over nothing and then get upset like you did something awful
        he's roasting a "comedian" and "host" for not doing shit. it's honestly fair game and it was funny. you sound like a wimp

  2. 1 month ago

    I’m getting shaq fatigue, dude really likes attention and being in the spotlight. He sober stayed his welcome, like the rock

    • 1 month ago

      He's basically Charles Barkley with a stick up his ass. Stiff and can't take a joke

      Not watching the video though

  3. 1 month ago

    Shaq's not the easiest guy to interview, you need to have a way with words or he'll pick up on your lack of confidence.
    That being said, this dude hails himself as a stand up comedian so he shouldn't spill his spaghetti this easily.

    • 1 month ago

      I think OP is referring to the Bobby Lee "incident". Although I agree that if you're going to be an entertainer there's no room for self doubt.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah both of those parts. I wouldn’t have the tact to handle those although there are some boundaries I won’t let anyone cross. Like Bobby Lee took his dick out and made George smell it in that episode, (not shown in the above link), no way I’m letting that shit happen. I used to feel bad for Bobby Lee because Ari beat his ass but he probably deserved it

  4. 1 month ago

    Need a QRD

    • 1 month ago

      >guy with no e-fame called george meets logan paul at the gym and they become pals
      >he eventually becomes part of a 3 man podcast but is considered the weak link of the pod
      >certain celebrity guests like shaquille and bobby lee roast him over being the most silent member of the pod
      >george walks out of the bobby lee episode
      >logan and the other co-host mike laugh at this and don't take it seriously
      >over time the hosts relationship starts deteriorating until george and logan get into a debate about george's christian faith and how logan thinks he needs therapy
      >flash foward and george leaves the show stating it was a toxic environment

      tl:dr E-celebs are cancer

      • 1 month ago

        It's one of those situations where it's honestly hard to tell who is in the wrong. Logan and Mike maybe weren't being the best friends to George but George is also a very insecure person who can't take bantz at all. And Bobby Lee was right that him leaving during the episode is a sign of unprofessionalism as a host. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if George also didn't have ambitions for stand up comedy.

      • 1 month ago

        this is the most useless drama I've ever read

        • 1 month ago

          Things like this are commonplace in the youtube space. At the end of the day these are all vain people who primarily think about their own brand and content above everything else. But yeah, it's silly.

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      QRD is that Shaq was shitting on our boy here on the left for staying quiet and not asking questions, then Bobby Lee runs circles around him roasting him in another interview.

  5. 1 month ago

    Shaq can be an butthole but the other guy is a zoomer podcaster so he's obviously in the wrong.

  6. 1 month ago

    I really enjoy watching videos about drama in a community I have no stake or interest in. I just like the gossip

    • 1 month ago

      Same here, this is my first exposure to the Logan podcast and its drama. Any news from George?

      • 1 month ago

        He has his own podcast with 2 million subs somehow. George Janko on youtube. He also did discuss the Logan Paul thing a bit

  7. 1 month ago

    I only know who George Janko is because of this guy

  8. 1 month ago

    After watching and reading: Clearly the insecure homosexual who left the podcast. He's the stereotypical group member who's adopted the "fake it till you make it" but doesn't have the backbone to stick to it until he makes it. i.e. a poser.

  9. 1 month ago

    >Shaq was being a real jerk. I hate when people get overly dramatic over nothing and then get upset like you did something awful. One of my biggest pet peeves. I learned to cut those people out of my life. You can't call them out for it because they get defensive and then act like you are the dramatic one. It has happened too many times to me. Life is too short for butthole behavior. I was seething just watching it.

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