Who was the better Bond, bros?

Who was the better Bond, bros?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Sean Connery

  2. 7 months ago

    Craig is 5'10
    Brosnan is 6'1
    I think the answer is pretty obvious

    also Craig never got to just be a regular Bond
    Casiono Royale = origin story
    Quantum something = angry revenge story
    Skyfall = getting old and out of touch
    Spectre = sequel to Skyfall
    No Time To Die = dies

    Brosnan got to be in 4 self-contained classic Bond movies

    • 7 months ago

      >4 self-contained classic Bond movies
      He had a single good Bond movie. Sure, it's one of the best ones but it's his only good one
      Both are better Bonds than Roger Boore

      • 7 months ago

        >Both are better Bonds than Roger Boore
        I hope you shit yourself. Roger Moore was a better Bond than that apelike homosexual craig.

        • 7 months ago

          Roger Moore gets way too much hate. He’s no Connery, but he’s quite natural at blending both the boyishly charming and serious sides of Bond, especially by The Spy Who Loved Me. Seeing Bond be charming or reasonably lighthearted is just as important as seeing him in action. For most of the other ones, one side feels like either a facade or an afterthought.

          • 7 months ago

            This. It's just homosexual zoomers filtered hard by the camp. Moore's movies are pure SOVL. Clean, sincere fun and campiness. I fricking love Octopussy and For Your Eyes Only, among my favorite Bond movies. So enjoyable.

      • 7 months ago

        Brosnan had the better 007 videogames.

        • 7 months ago

          This isn't Cinemaphile you manchild

          • 7 months ago

            All Goldeneye fanboys are just nostalgiagays for an archaic video game.

      • 7 months ago

        Both Dalton movies were secretly Brosnan movies.

    • 7 months ago

      >Craig is 5'10
      oh sweet summer child

  3. 7 months ago

    Craig was always dressed like shit

  4. 7 months ago

    How Bond enjoyers form their opinions on best Bond.
    >People that watched most of the Bond movies
    >People that watched every Bond movie (Movie buffs)
    >Goyslop enjoyers that have watched most or all of the Bond movies, the popular ones multiple times
    >People that grew up in the 90s
    >People that have watched all the Bond movies more than once in sequential order
    >People that have only seen the Craig Bond movies

    • 7 months ago

      You're outing yourself as an old asf boomer here lol

      • 7 months ago

        >Nobody watches movies from the 1960s, incel.

    • 7 months ago

      teenager post

    • 7 months ago

      >people who saw the Borne trilogy first and liked that better

      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Brosnan is the best because Golden Eye was the best Bond film and had the best movie video game tie in of all time.

      • 7 months ago

        And that score. People hate on it but it's catchy, memorable and has great melodies. Of course, nowhere near a John Barry or David Arnold score but if a OST is memorable then it's done it's job even if it's a little silly.

        >feminist b***h scene
        the one where m calls him a misogynist or the one where moneypenny turns him down because she's muh independent women? at least the rest of the movie was good

        Both. It's so weird to me that these two woke scenes exist in a vaccum because in the same movie Alec tries to frick Natalya on sight and Xenia is straight out of a 60's Connery movie with her whole thigh death thing. Not to mention his other movies completely drop feminist M and independent Moneypenny and go back to her being obsessed with James and M never is that aggressive or confrontational to Brosnan ever again. A huge stain on Goldeneye which was otherwise a perfect Bond movie. Anons defending it with 'BUT IT WAS FOR BOND TO PROVE HER WRONG' when she never appears in the film again after that scene and that kind of plotline isn't even insinuated again. It feels like Barbara made them do that scene out of her own feminist hubris without considering how the rest of the movie doesn't back it up at all.

        • 7 months ago

          >in a vaccum
          not to mention vladimir straight up laughs at bond and mi6 for having a female boss.
          >i hear the new m is a lady
          >cue him and 8 henchmen laughing

          • 7 months ago

            This. It's such a strange tonal dissonance as you don't know what the creators are even trying to say. That scene with M would belong in a Graig movie with how subversive and woke it is. Definitely something went on behind the scenes with it. I don't believe the writers of the film wanted it. I believe originally that M was a classic old man but Barbara was hellbent on casting Judi Dench for some reason. I even thought at the time Anthony Hopkins or someone else was going to be M. What a waste. If that happened, Brosnan would be the best Bond of all time. He had the original Q but he missed the original M and the supporting cast is a vital part of a James Bond.

            • 7 months ago

              >what the creators are even trying to say
              not every movie has to have ~~*social messaging*~~.

              • 7 months ago

                Agreed anon and besides that scene Brosnan's movies had ZERO wokeness and even then it can be argued that scene wasn't THAT bad since M tells Bond to come back alive after with a smile on her face showing that all those insults were just her biting back at Bond for not liking her as his leader but still valuing him and having some affection and not virtue signaling on the part of the writers.

            • 7 months ago

              Purpose of it seems straightforward to me.
              New M comes in, is arrogant because she got a big promotion but also insecure and trying to throw her weight around. This kind of thing happened a lot when women started getting big promotions - they try to overcompensate because they're insecure and know they probably only got the position due to quotasm and desperately want to prove they're good enough, so they start acting like c**ts to everyone to show how "tough" they are.
              Over the course of Goldeneye she gets proved wrong by Bond so she stops doing all that horseshit and just trusts him from then on.
              She simply got patrolled.

              • 7 months ago

                Agreed. Which is what I wrote in this post

                Agreed anon and besides that scene Brosnan's movies had ZERO wokeness and even then it can be argued that scene wasn't THAT bad since M tells Bond to come back alive after with a smile on her face showing that all those insults were just her biting back at Bond for not liking her as his leader but still valuing him and having some affection and not virtue signaling on the part of the writers.

              • 7 months ago

                Right, and her attitude is also probably why she was chosen as M. The higher ups knew about Bond and likely other agents' fooling around and wanted to put an end to it with a steely woman in charge.

              • 7 months ago

                Not to mention it was there to show that times have changed. That's it.
                That's the theme of the film, and somehow it flies right past brainlets' heads.

  5. 7 months ago

    Brosnan is the better Bond of the two but Craig's movies were better for the most part.

  6. 7 months ago

    Brosnan was better overall. At no point was he never not Bond. Craig started off well but became less Bondian with each new movie, and by the time he did NTTD he wasn't even playing the character anymore.

  7. 7 months ago

    Was the perfect level of charm, wit, and appearance

    • 7 months ago

      The best Bond movies are dependent on their villains. Connery starts to fall off because they couldn't really go anywhere with Spectre because they were constantly jobbed out.
      Goldfinger is his best, and the movie is named after the villain. It's the most iconic. It also doesn't feel like a sequel unlike From Russia with Love.
      Sean Bean is an extremely talented actor and carried that film. Goldeneye is also one of the best scripts ever made for a Bond film.

      • 7 months ago

        I always liked Alec. Great backstory, great lines, wasn't mopey and had some good humour and him trying to frick Natalya immediately after meeting her was based. It's so weird to me that despite the weird ultra-woke feminist M scene, Brosnan's movies just go back to being pure Bond after that weird scene. Like it felt so shoe-horned in and then they gave up on it. I still don't rate Brosnan's movies due to lady M. Should have saved Dench for Graig's movies, she fit more with the goyslop subversion tone they were going for. Brosnan needed a male classic M and he would be the best Bond undeniably.

  8. 7 months ago
  9. 7 months ago

    Brosnan by far.

  10. 7 months ago

    Sean Connery was in the best Bond movies, but I can't rightly call him the best Bond because he doesn't play James Bond - he plays himself. He's the British John Wayne, there is no character, it's just Sean Connery.
    George Lazenby is a decent actor but totally forgettable as Bond, as is his film.
    Roger Moore had the best Bondian personality without being merely "Roger Moore as The Saint as James Bond", despite the formulaic and campiness of his films. By far the most charming and subconsciously influential Bond outside of the Connery purview.
    Timothy Dalton is by far the most talented actor ever to play James Bond, but he didn't play it very well, in part due to the lackluster scripts and characterizations within them.
    Pierce Brosnan is probably the best Bond by virtue of maintaining the looks and personality without resorting to Conneryisms and also starring in films that were also great in and of themselves.
    Daniel Craig is a gay manlet peasant, nothing he ever did will be remembered.
    Andrew Bicknell from the video game Agent Under Fire is the true best Bond

    • 7 months ago

      Based but I disagree on Dalton. I think License to Kill had a great arc and writing for Bond and showed him in a much more mature, detailed and ballsy light than any other. It's like a Fleming novel through and through.

    • 7 months ago

      I disagree with Connery. Both Connery and Wayne didn’t play Bond and Ethan Edwards as themselves, but they definitely brought over their own natural charisma and quirks. Connery’s Bond definitely has character, but since it’s so intertwined with Connery and the Bond character on-screen, it’s hard to tell which one ends and the other begins like most of the great characters from The Golden Age of cinema. There’s quite a bit to Connery’s Bond IIRC that actually originated from Terence Young, including the humour.

  11. 7 months ago

    Both only had one good movie.

    • 7 months ago

      And Goldeneye is the best so Brosnan wins

    • 7 months ago

      >Tomorrow Never Dies
      that's two, mathlet

      • 7 months ago

        Three actually. TWINE is great and I don't know it gets so much flack. It has great Bond girls, an interesting villain and is very entertaining. What more do you want? Hell, I even thought for a Bond movie DAD was pretty good.

        • 7 months ago

          i dont remember anything about it except this

          • 7 months ago

            >makes Bond and the villain fall madly in love with her
            Elektra was such a great Bond girl. Maybe the best out of virtue of how interesting a role she had as both Bond girl and villain and how damn hot she was. French Bond girls are undefeated and she's the best out of all of them.

  12. 7 months ago

    Bud. James Bud.

    • 7 months ago

      Quality submission, good dog.

  13. 7 months ago

    i still prefer brosnan but that's mainly because i liked goldeneye and tomorrow never dies. outside of casino royale i didn't really like craig but i guess that's more of the writers fault than craigs, same with die another day and brosnan

    • 7 months ago

      I think it's safe to say that Die Another Day was the way it was on purpose so the franchise could be rebooted.

      • 7 months ago

        i still prefer brosnan but that's mainly because i liked goldeneye and tomorrow never dies. outside of casino royale i didn't really like craig but i guess that's more of the writers fault than craigs, same with die another day and brosnan

        Producers Broccoli and Wilson, and writers Purvis and Wade have taken responsibility for the tone and plot of the film. Poor Lee Tamahori got the bulk of the blame even though he was responsible only for the CGI and bad editing.
        Brosnan wanted creative control over his next film which is why he was let go.

        • 7 months ago

          >which was why he was let go
          honestly this is probably a good thing, as much as i like brosnan it's hard to imagine him in casino royale

          • 7 months ago

            You really can't imagine any of the previous Bonds in Casino Royale (2006). The action scenes were entirely different type from what previous Bonds had done. Craig remained fit throughout his tenure while Connery, Moore, and Brosnan didn't. That's not blame, just requirements for Bond action had changed by the 2000s.

            • 7 months ago

              lets be fair. by his last movie Moore was pushing 60

  14. 7 months ago

    They're both good and give believable performances, but only in their first movies.

  15. 7 months ago

    Brosnan by far.

    Shitting so hard on DaD is pure midwit tier, it is a slick Bond film just the plot was stupid and the good parts weren't as good as the other Brosnan movies.

    Because of Brosnan I prefer Die Another Day though flawed, to any Daniel Craig movie.

    • 7 months ago

      honestly the only bad thing about Die Another Day was the theme song, completely pathetic performance and melody compared to the entire rest of the franchise up to that point, this coming from fricking Madonna of all people who had done Dick Tracy 10 years earlier

      • 7 months ago

        >honestly the only bad thing about Die Another Day was the theme song
        Brosnan needed slick and sophisticated 90's themes. Any of these would have been great.

        This I believe was a rejected No Time to Die theme

        • 7 months ago

          >Bjork Bond theme never used
          Great. Another missed Bond movie opportunity to seethe at eternally.

      • 7 months ago

        Dick Tracy was super comfy and Madonna wasn't too bad, I don't get the hate.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Anyone who shits on DaD is an absolute moron. I'm not THAT big of a fan of Brosnan as a whole (still bitter they didn't get Timothy for Goldeneye) but aside from the awful feminist b***h scene in Goldeneye, his movies are incredibly based. He's based and cool, he fricks like a rabbit, has cool gadgets, apes both Connery and Dalton perfectly, his movies are undeniably Bond. Unlike Graig who made gay Bourne rip-offs and then Nolan rip-offs. I wonder if for the new one they'll just rip off John Wick to avoid actually doing a true Bond movie due to political moronation.

      • 7 months ago

        >feminist b***h scene
        the one where m calls him a misogynist or the one where moneypenny turns him down because she's muh independent women? at least the rest of the movie was good

      • 7 months ago

        >gay Bourne rip-offs
        Only QoS can be credibly called this. CR is a great Bond film that toned down previous excesses while still preserving the best aspects of Bond films and adapting to the prevalent standards of action cinema. It was also an excellent adaptation of Fleming's novel.

  16. 7 months ago

    Neither. Timothy Dalton. Get that Russian plumber homosexual out of if my sight.

  17. 7 months ago

    >covid lockdown
    >Brosnan decides to stream himself watching Goldeneye on Youtube
    >halfway through the movie he says he regrets doing it and doesn't like it
    Goldeneye bros...

    • 7 months ago

      i wonder if there was issues during filming that made him say that. honestly i wonder how big goldeneye would be without the game, i mean goldeneye was somewhat popular since the series was on a hiatus since doltans last movie but still i wonder

      • 7 months ago

        >i wonder how big goldeneye would be without the game
        it was massive in UK. Like Bond reinvented.
        I think you have a point on the film's legacy though.

      • 7 months ago

        >how big goldeneye would be without the game
        Only gamers think this. Goldeneye effectively saved Bond when people thought Bond was finished. It was critically acclaimed and made more at the box office than any previous Bond movie. It's why the default Bond for most of the world is Brosnan.

    • 7 months ago

      i wonder if there was issues during filming that made him say that. honestly i wonder how big goldeneye would be without the game, i mean goldeneye was somewhat popular since the series was on a hiatus since doltans last movie but still i wonder

      I think he was very bitter after his experience trying to negotiate a fifth film with Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson.

    • 7 months ago

      No surprise there why he has such ire and sadness over Bond. Brosnan was the best Bond that got done horribly by EON twice. First was them locking him in for TLD but NBC made him return for new episodes of Remington Steele and while they could have definitely worked around the shoot and done both, Cubby let him go and insulted him saying that he won't hire a low-grade television star as Bond. The show was cancelled anyway not long after. Then after Dalton skipped on Goldeneye at the last minute, they went with him as sloppy seconds and it was obvious. Then he had to deal with Barbara's nonsense, feminazi M, his movies being good but not great and then being let go over a phone call and being told he's old and should take a hike for Graig who they welcomed with open arms despite being a huge miscast. I don't blame him at all. He even said he couldn't give a frick about the character anymore.

      • 7 months ago

        Barbara's constant fawning over Greg, even after he's constantly demonstrated how little he gave a shit about Bond, absolutely baffles. Why did the Broccolis have such little respect for Pierce? Why did she fire him when he came with ideas after their (admitted) mistep? Why does she flood her panties over Daniel "I'd rather slit my wrists than come back" Craig? Why did she give HIM creative control which resulted in the literal death of the character?
        >Verification not required

  18. 7 months ago

    >talking with my dad over the weekend
    >he thinks dalton sucks and brosnan is the best
    >okay that's fa-
    >also thinks craig is a good bond
    frick you dad

  19. 7 months ago

    I did not like when Craig was hired to be Bond.
    He doesnt fit the character at all by looks.
    I watched Casino Royale and he was pretty much a thug in suit. Was an interesting take on the character but not exactly Bond, still entertaining.
    Then I watched each further Craig Bond film and seeing him be a cry baby about a dead woman he knew for 3 days made me hate him.

    then the swan song movie last year was OK in parts and absolutely awful overall. I hate Craig Bond.

    • 7 months ago

      >seeing him be a cry baby about a dead woman he knew for 3 days made me hate him
      In the Craig continuity, Bond clearly has a much closer relationship with M having earned his 00 under her. Same with Silva.
      >orphans always make the best recruits.
      Alec's relationship with the service is less personalized but similar.

      • 7 months ago

        I think he meant Vesper, anon.

        • 7 months ago

          I did.

          I also didnt like the "its young mans game" angle in Skyfall. So hes past his best and all we have seen from this Bond is him going rogue twice? Crap story

          • 7 months ago

            This. He got his 00 two movies ago and now he's old and outdated? Utter fricking nonsense and then one more movie of that and then he dies. Graig was a total disaster in every sense. Miscast, no direction for the story,

            >how big goldeneye would be without the game
            Only gamers think this. Goldeneye effectively saved Bond when people thought Bond was finished. It was critically acclaimed and made more at the box office than any previous Bond movie. It's why the default Bond for most of the world is Brosnan.

            Can attest to. How on earth has this insane rhetoric about some video game that was influential for sure and I did play a ton when I was young even come close to saving the franchise and the movie was just an accessory? Are vidya gays that delusional? Goldeneye was a phenomenon all around. Movie, book, game, posters. It was a home run of epic proportions. I think as much as I felate Dalton for his proximity to the books, Brosnan is the best cinematic Bond no question. Yes, even beating Connery for me. He brought back something which is ESSENTIAL in a James Bond movie which is making boys and men want to be him. As someone who grew up with him, there's no else for me. It's him and him alone. I feel like Brosnan is starting to fully gain his status as the undisputably best Bond for everyone after Graig's run was such shite.

          • 7 months ago

            Ah ok. Still his attachment to Vesper is true to the book and he want to take avenge her death by destroying SMERSH. Really QoS dropped the ball by not having Bond go on a roaring rampage of revenge against Quantum.

  20. 7 months ago

    who was the better bond?
    >not bond
    >best bond

  21. 7 months ago

    Brosnan was better, plus his movies had all the cool cars and gadgets and shit, plus he still had original Q.

  22. 7 months ago

    Every single time I see the name James Bond, Brosnan always comes to my mind immediately.
    For some reason he is the perfect image I have of James Bond.

  23. 7 months ago

    Brosnan's movies, feminist Barbara-pushed lady M aside, were made for men. Graig's movies were made for women who watched Fifty Shades of Grey. They had Adele, Sam Smith and Billie Eilish do Bond themes for christ's sake. Singers only middle-aged or zoomer women listen to.

  24. 7 months ago

    Connery, if just for FRWL's Daniela Bianchi

  25. 7 months ago

    >Goldeneye almost had Ace of Base do the theme song
    What a fricking missed opportunity. It sounds so good and catchy, too. Pure 90's.


  26. 7 months ago

    Craig is my least favorite Bond. I don't hate him and I think Casino is phenomenal, but that's down to Martin Campbell just understanding Bond films. Brosnan all day. Dalton does what Craig tries to do but a hundred times better.

    • 7 months ago

      Campbell is too fricking good. If possible, they should just get him for Bond 26. He did it twice already and made such a miscast like Bond look decent, he can do it again. Preferably with someone like Henry Cavill or Dan Stevens. Only two realistic and suitable choices available.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Campbell is great but he's 80 years old and new Bond film won't be out for at least another 3 years.

        • 7 months ago

          For shame. You know damn well they'll got some diversity hire or incompetent FotM Reddit director. It's okay. I have 20 good movies to watch from the franchise.

      • 7 months ago

        I've been wanting that as well but Barbara Broccoli, at least in the press has been saying things that set of every red flag I have with this kind of shit. Could legit be misdirection as she's done that before when she was constantly being asked about making Bond a woman, but I just have zero faith on these people in current year.

        • 7 months ago

          I think they're going to start work on it soon and they've already chosen the new Bond. Executives wouldn't break months of silence to just say 'we aren't doing anything' as moronic as they have become. Bond 26 was listen on production sites anyway and it's underway. I just fear they'll go with the guy who played Kick-Ass but he's in that Kraven movie that'll bomb so maybe his chances are finished. I hope it's Henry.

          • 7 months ago

            I'm hoping for Henry as well, but I've got a sneaking suspicion this might finally be the time they go all in and make Bond Asian. Not black, which a lot are expecting. I don't know why, but I think it's happening. I guess remember this post if it happens.

            • 7 months ago

              Oh, frick. I know exactly who you're referring to. I hope this doesn't happen. I hope to frick it doesn't. I'm going to be optimistic and believe that they're already signing Henry up and that latest interview is a ruse.

              Stevens looks like an incel, and Cavill has a babyface.

              Agree on Stevens, soured on him after learning he does voice roles for reddit cartoons and is a genuine gay communist even more than Hollywood standards. Cavill doesn't have a babyface by any metric. Get your eyes checked.

              • 7 months ago

                Paki Bond is far more likely than chink Bond

              • 7 months ago

                Honestly? Yeah but if they HAVE to do it and can't help themselves, I'd rather it be the one in that post. Asians are the only ones who come close to whites. But you're right. Sadly. I just reminded myself that the UK prime minister is a fricking poo. Grim. Just grim.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, that's the one. He was being pushed pretty hard alongside the usual Idris, and then I saw a journo actually arguing for this midget faced Black. I mean, Bond isn't black, full stop, but at least Idris looked fricking cool. Christ.

              • 7 months ago

                It's grim nonetheless. You know they'll settle for a white Brit but this charade is going to continue. Inevitably, they'll cuck Bond and make him weak and have some black or woman 00 agent emasculating him. I can just see it. The only non-Brit i would have accepted is Fassbender.

        • 7 months ago

          They were clearly setting up the niggress as the new bond in no time to die, but had to backpedal when they realized no one wanted to see that.

          • 7 months ago

            I've still yet to see NTTD. Ana almost got me to go to the theater but I checked out after seeing and hearing all of the talk of Lynch replacing Bond and picking up the title of 007. I'd be curious to see how much money it made, I've never looked into that.

            • 7 months ago

              Sadly it didn't bomb but it didn't go extremely well. The next one is probably going to be the same woke shit since they don't care about money anymore.

            • 7 months ago

              The jokes involving the replacement 007 are so painfully unfunny.

      • 7 months ago

        Stevens looks like an incel, and Cavill has a babyface.

  27. 7 months ago
  28. 7 months ago

    >some floppy eared "short king" (lol) Bourne wannabe that always looks like he's mad you called him short
    >suave, full head of hair, self assured, smirking, tall and absolutely Chad sigma

    Yeah you tell me...

  29. 7 months ago

    Damn, she was a pretty one

  30. 7 months ago

    The Architect

  31. 7 months ago

    Tom Cruise

  32. 7 months ago

    Brosnan looks like a fancypants, Craig looks like a fricking plumber. Bond is a fancypants, so...

  33. 7 months ago

    craig looks russian, he should play the villain, not Bond

  34. 7 months ago

    i can see only one bond here

  35. 7 months ago

    Brosnan wished he was half the actor Craig is. Also, Casino Royale mogs every movie in the entire franchise.

    • 7 months ago

      You must be lobotomized or baiting. This HAS to be bait. Otherwise kys.

    • 7 months ago

      >Brosnan wished he was half the actor Craig is
      And yet he's still the better Bond.

      • 7 months ago

        Loved how he looked in TWINE and DAD. He really came into his own shedding that boyish look and became a man's man. So fricking based.

  36. 7 months ago

    Craig looks like an alcoholic brick layer, so Brosnan

  37. 7 months ago
  38. 7 months ago

    Brosnan, it’s not even close. Daniel Craig looks like he should be a Bond villain, not Bond himself.

    • 7 months ago

      >Daniel Craig looks like he should be a Bond villain, not Bond himself.
      I never bought Daniel Craig as Bond too. The dude has a leathery face and is balding.

      • 7 months ago

        So was Dalton and Connery was wearing a literal hairpiece for his entire career

  39. 7 months ago

    Both never had the chance to star in a really good Bond flick.

  40. 7 months ago

    pierce brosnan is what bond looks like to me. always will be. never even seen goldeneye

  41. 7 months ago

    Craig was better

  42. 7 months ago

    Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan are the best Bonds. Roger Moore is the worst. Micks are better at the role because they’re more masculine than Bongs.

    Casino Royale is the best Bond movie though

  43. 7 months ago

    Put of those two, Craig easily. Craig is a fricking to tier Bond and I don't care what you gays say. Yes some of his movies suck.

  44. 7 months ago

    Brosnan perfected the turn

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