Why are Marvel and DC letting Manga outsell them?

They see that billions can be made through comics but they refuse to copy Japan. It is so weird to me that Marvel and DC are just sitting down and taking up the ass instead of fighting back.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Manga doesn't require that you delve through fifty years of a characters comics to find the good bits people recommend that haven't been retconned to shit already

    • 9 months ago

      I’m not asking why Manga is beating US comics, I’m asking why are Marvel and DC okay with it? They see a formula that works yet they refuse to even attempt to copy it. It is just strange as frick.

      You know why.

      No, I really don’t. If I were running the comic division of either company I would start trying to mimic their entire system and see where it takes us.

      • 9 months ago

        >I’m not asking why Manga is beating US comics, I’m asking why are Marvel and DC okay with it? They see a formula that works yet they refuse to even attempt to copy it. It is just strange as frick.
        Pride, also most comicbook writers who worked for Marvel and DC sucked since the 90s, there must be a small pool of talent available for the comic industry

      • 9 months ago

        >why are Marvel and DC okay with it?
        Visionless editorial, hack """"prestige"""" writers, and WB/Disney all emotionally or financially invested in the status quo.

      • 9 months ago

        Because manga's success in Japan boils down to the nation's healthier print market with factors like Japan's commuter lifestyle and the fact that their industry didn't experience a wide-spread crash in the 90's
        That's your fricking answer

        • 9 months ago

          > Japan's commuter lifestyle
          This is a huuuge insight on why printed media still works in Japan compared to the US. Using Public Transport for hours it's a normal occurrence for the average nip, so that creates a necessity to kill time meanwhile, thus creating a gap for printed or digital media books/manga/LN/webnovel. Such a thing simply does not exist in the US.
          Perhaps before when people had more time and less ways to kill time, but no nowadays.

      • 9 months ago

        I believe that the real reason is that the people in charge of Marvel and DC have forgotten what it's like to struggle for financial solvency and cultural relevance because they make enough money from licensing fees and royalties (Movies and Shows) to be insulated from the effects of the shitty state of the current comic book market. This is only true for the people on top.

        The comic book industry also missed out on one or two generations of potential readers (early 2000s to now) because they were overly focused on the short term profit maximization. This lead to them shifting their target audience from readers to mere collectors. Now, at that point in time, comic book collectors did buy a lot more comics than their non-collector counterparts so it worked out for a while. I should specify that I am talking about post-90s-crash collectors.

        The problem now is that those collectors–mostly gen x & early Millenials– are giving up collecting for one reason or another (disillusionment, disinterest, tighter budgets, death, etc) and so the Big Two are Stuck on a slowly but steadily sinking ship without a new generation to bail them out.

        Those generations weren't just readers but potential artists, writers, and editors as well. There is little new blood in the industry and most of the old veterans have mostly retired or died off. So much institutional knowledge and culture necessary for making good comicbooks basically disappeared in just 10 years.

        Manga is going to kick their asses domestically and they will either have to shape up or be annihilated by their foreign competition. While I hope for the former, the latter does not seem unlikely.

    • 9 months ago

      There's nothing stopping Marvel or DC from launching a new Ultimate-universe style line that doesn't require any form of prerequisite knowledge from the reader

  2. 9 months ago

    You know why.

  3. 9 months ago

    Because the hard truth is that western comics have hit critical mass and you can't solve it by putting different names/faces under the same old logos
    Superhero stories have had a century to run their course, there's no innovating, just trying to keep standing until the last dollar is made

  4. 9 months ago

    Writers, artists, directors, and actors have unironically sold *themselves* as the key ingredient that sells whatever product is currently being created (cartoons, movies, toys, etc) and tricked the stockholders as well.

  5. 9 months ago

    Abandon the male market. Embrace the fujo market.

    • 9 months ago

      It could work tbh

      Marvel and DC would survive
      but what cost?

  6. 9 months ago

    >refuse to copy Japan
    Frick off homosexual

  7. 9 months ago

    why this OP image
    that webcomic is astoundingly awful btw

    • 9 months ago

      >that webcomic is astoundingly awful btw

      It is, yet I still check for updates like the moth I am. It makes me wonder if it really is that easy to make a webcomic?

  8. 9 months ago

    >east vs west thread
    >posts western comic in OP
    man these bait threads get dumber and dumber by the day

  9. 9 months ago

    Because they milk decades-old characters for billions at the movies.
    The comics divisions give no shits to fix their respective clusterfricks.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm still not sure how Aquaman made over a billion.

      • 9 months ago

        It was fun, which is a very rare trait among DC movies.

      • 9 months ago

        It was all that it had to be, a fun and mostly self-contained superhero movie with cool action set pieces.

        It also did really well in China

  10. 9 months ago

    There isnt "adoption" of formula for a different industry, at best just analyzing it. And you will need to bring all nepotism and corporate culture of USA down, so we just fricked.

  11. 9 months ago

    DC and Marvel care more about appealing to X users than making good products.

  12. 9 months ago

    >It is so weird to me that Marvel and DC are just sitting down and taking up the ass instead of fighting back
    Because they care more about "the message" than actually selling shit people like. On top of that they're just genuinely dogshit at telling a story. I've seen more originality in some japanese's kid web novel than half these fricking comics

  13. 9 months ago

    Lore Olympus isn't even manga

    • 9 months ago

      Shut up dude

      • 9 months ago

        Stop being a gay then

    • 9 months ago

      Exactly, it's a fricking webcomic that gets more readership than Spider-Man and Detective comics. No comicbook company in their right mind should be okay with that fact

  14. 9 months ago


    Nta, but I mean, they could just fire the current industry creatives and hire new talent. Hell, you could take advantage of the opportunity to ditch the unions as well.

  15. 9 months ago

    Manga appeals to a wider audience.
    Marvel and DC only wants to appeal to one single market, progressive tumblr women, and honestly there is not much money there.
    is not about money anyway but to keep up appearances for investors. i hope their bubble bursts so we can have good western entertainment again.

  16. 9 months ago

    It ultimately comes down synergy. Look at the sales of every manga before and after the anime. When do they spike. When do they reach their highs? After an accurate animated adaptation.

    It’s even replicable, invincible’s sales multiplied their previous high by 11 after the animated Amazon series.

    Synergy works and most people won’t even buy picture books with out a cartoon. The Japanese production line is incredible at synergy.

    Fixing the American comic industry would require a multi media effort.

    • 9 months ago

      Synergy only works if people like the source material.
      You have to make stuff that appeals to people first and foremost.

      • 9 months ago

        Taste is subjective, sales numbers are not. Plenty of good creator owned books die in obscurity. Anime is advertising more than anything else.

        • 9 months ago

          Plenty of manga with great anime adaptations don't see much of a boost from said adaptations.
          A good recent example being Tengoku Daimakyou.

          • 9 months ago

            Not true.

  17. 9 months ago

    >billions can be made through comics
    >but they refuse to copy japan
    marvel and dc dont need to copy japan, they just need to stop being morons for 2 seconds and make a good story, something they've stopped doing lately to focus on being more modern and kept up with the internet's shit standards
    besides we already got "Batman Ninja" and we're getting an anime Suicide Squad series, the reviews have been mixed from what i could tell

  18. 9 months ago
    The Batman who Farts

    Because the money is in the movies and other side mainstream content. No one gives a frick about comics. I think DC and Marvel should just do a hard reboot. Kill everything before it now and start off completely fresh.

  19. 9 months ago

    DC has Vertigo (or used to?) and I think they really need to bank more on that. Marvel should form its own imprint of self-contained non-cape comics. The industry being so heavily focused on both of the big 2’s shared universes has really stifled innovation. I read a lot of Marvel but I’ve recently taken an interest in more non-big 2 comics and there’s so many great ones, the thing is though that normalgays don’t even know they exist so marketing is a big factor

    • 9 months ago

      In a very stupid move that absolutely nobody saw coming, DC got rid of Vertigo right after Karen Berger left the company. It really is infuriating how moronic the management can be.

      • 9 months ago

        how long until the management from the late 90s to 2010s finally retire? Peter Parker for example is never going to be unfricked until the generation of execs from OMD finally frick off for good

        • 9 months ago

          I think Joe Quesada retired last year. I know DiDio also retired some time back

  20. 9 months ago

    Look at Vertigo and stand alone comics like Hellblazer. Once the Vertigo imprint ended in 2013 after 25 years they merged Constantine into the main DC universe and then kind of forgot about him. Having stand alone separate comics like Jonah Hex is a no no because it might take away from Superman autism from the 65yo men on the editorial board who have been reading it since they were old enough to form memories as a toddler and their older brother showed them their old comics back in the 1960s. Branching out into new unrelated stuff might fundamentally shift DC's focus away from superhero comics, maybe love stories or mystery comics eclipse superman and then where does superman go? Is probably what they're thinking anyway.

    Their only defense is that imprints like Jump are too focused on digging up old successful manga like Naruto and giving them a sequel, Jump itself is crystallized with works from the 90s running for decades while newer stuff from the 2010s ended after a few years and stuff from the 2020s gets canceled in a few months.

  21. 9 months ago

    does anyone think that channels like these are apart of the reason why comics don't sell just look at the view count alot of pepole who watch these video couldve just bought the comics to read them themselves but chose to watch a guy plot summaries the story instead since its easier than reading it

  22. 9 months ago

    They're letting graphic novels outsell them too. Hell people will ready literally anything except capeshit

  23. 9 months ago

    Lore Olympus is from New Zealand.

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