Why are so many cinephiles alcoholic?

Why are so many cinephiles alcoholic?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Hollywood producers

    • 1 month ago

      Cinephile just means movie enthusiasts, like youtubers. Not people involved in making movies

      • 1 month ago

        I think anon means that Hollywood producers make modern films slop ergo cinephiles are forced to watch slop and become depressed alcoholics.

      • 1 month ago

        You still see their work on screen

  2. 1 month ago

    Alcohol / weed enhances kino, which is why you have to be careful about using them when you're watching kino or else, one day, you won't enjoy any film/tv show you watch unless you're drunk and/or baked. I've seen it happen to a lot of friends of mine.

    • 1 month ago

      >weed enhances kino
      God this is true. I took a couple hits from a bong and ended up belly laughing straight through several episodes of Family Guy. Not even good Family Guy, like season 10 and beyond Family Guy. I felt very ashamed.

      • 1 month ago

        Family Guy was definitely written for stoners. The cutaway gags themselves mirror the kind of sporadic humorous tangents a stoned mind is want to go on. That's not a coincidence.

        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Spongebob is hilarious stoned

      • 1 month ago

        I feel like it’s hit or miss for me. Sometimes comedies are hilarious, other times I’m sitting through one of my fav kinos and just get hit with a “damn this fricking sucks”

        • 1 month ago

          Mindless stuff is better stoned. Actual kino that requires somewhat of a lucid mind to enjoy is obviously going to be worse. You just have to pick the right stuff to watch stoned and the right stuff to watch sober.

      • 1 month ago

        Family Guy was definitely written for stoners. The cutaway gags themselves mirror the kind of sporadic humorous tangents a stoned mind is want to go on. That's not a coincidence.

        Spongebob is hilarious stoned

        I feel like it’s hit or miss for me. Sometimes comedies are hilarious, other times I’m sitting through one of my fav kinos and just get hit with a “damn this fricking sucks”

        I saw a thread on here last night about the King of the Hill youtube poops, so I smoked some weed even though I wasn't going to and watched a few of those. YTPs are literally made to watch stoned

    • 1 month ago

      Watching movies drunk is horribly boring and gay

      • 1 month ago

        depends on the movie, and as long as you dont do it in excess its fine
        t. expert

      • 1 month ago

        when drunk i'm unable to pay attention to anything going on in the movie so i end up not remembering anything of what i just saw during the last 90 minutes that felt like 10 minutes.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah it's a bit on and off for me too. Sometimes I hit a sweet spot where alcohol really puts me in the headspace of the movie and immerses me, like Aguirre or Sorcerer. Then other times I stop paying attention, pause to browse Cinemaphile, and eventually end up ditching the movie halfway thru

    • 1 month ago

      Modern movies annoy the shit out of me when I'm drunk. I find myself constantly rolling my eyes and yelling at the tv.

    • 1 month ago

      You would be too if you had to hang out with Jack Packard

      >Alcohol / weed enhances kino,
      It really doesn't.
      Alcohol makes you get more annoyed than you normally would.
      Weed turns you into a moron because it disables your ability to think critically.

      • 1 month ago

        >disables your ability to think critically
        wut lol, nah I think that's just you being a moron

        • 1 month ago

          OK 14 year old edgelord that has no fricking ideas what a dispiriting grind life is. Go to bed, you have school in the morning. Come back in a decade and see if you think the same, sanctimonious child. You are out of your depth.

          • 1 month ago

            lmao wow hit and miss on that one buddy, I'm more jaded on life than you could ever imagine. I'm smoking weed right now and my critical thinking it telling me you're a coping over a penis you feel insecure about.

  3. 1 month ago

    Watching movies is not a fulfilling hobby. Criticising the creations of artists all day while knowing that you couldn't make anything worthy at all is also quite degrading. Any hobby that is solely consuming and even worse, criticising, will lead to a rot of the soul eventually.

    Movies are a casual pastime for when there is nothing to do, just as is gaming or reading. It should not be the focus of your life.

    • 1 month ago

      simple as. although reading and gaming are more engaging than passively watching/hearing any form of media. they still pale in comparison to any creative hobby or physical hobby.

    • 1 month ago

      Space Cop was the demoralization event of the RLM crew's life. They thought they had a cult hit on their hands. Instead thet made cult shit. Mike seems to have been hitting the bottle extremely hard since its failure and aged 15 years in 4 as a result. Where's his curvy cutie wife? I wonder if she's a complete pig now.

    • 1 month ago

      the post that broke Cinemaphile

  4. 1 month ago

    >fat reddit man
    Frick off

  5. 1 month ago

    >don't have to move or think very hard

  6. 1 month ago

    Idk how anyone can be an alcoholic. After one night of boozing I'm out of commission for like, two days. How do you guys do it?
    I smoke weed like a fiend though

    • 1 month ago

      How much do you drink on a night of boozing?

      • 1 month ago

        A fricking shitload

        • 1 month ago

          >t. hammered after three pints of 4% light lager

    • 1 month ago

      1) I enjoy the sensation of being drunk for its own sake. Not smashed, just good and drunk.
      2) The key is to discover how to drink in order to obtain your desired level of intoxication. I got very shitty a few times in college and that got very old very quickly. I was well and truly hung over a few times, and like you say, I had to cut it out for a few days. But if you restrict your intake to a certain level on a nightly basis, you can get drunk regularly, slowly destroy your liver, and generally carry out adult tasks (holding down a job, paying the bills, etc).
      3) Because of the above, I cut out liquor once I had a basic understanding of the various types and what each one tastes like. Hard Liquor (of the various types) has the highest alcohol content by volume, while beer has the lowest (wine is in between). The quantity of liquid consumed in each case, smaller for (higher concentration) liquor and lowest for beer, equates to "one drink". Roughly, a 12 ounce can of beer, a five ounce glass of wine, and a one ounce shot of liquor, each equate to "one drink". Drink anywhere from 3 to six of any combination of these in a fairly short time, an hour or two, and you'll get a good buzz going. Keep going and you'll get drunk. Keep going further and nature stops you: if you don't have a nice day via alcohol poisoning, the room will start spinning and you'll vomit and/or pass out.

      4) The latter is the unpleasant territory. And a buzz isn't very impressive. The middle is juust right: drunk. Generally in control of yourself, but very loose, and not really in complete control. You can get here with anywhere from 7-12 drinks, depending on constitution. This is what I do with beer on a nightly basis. Also, I make sure I only have enough booze in the house at any given evening to get to this place, and then stop. If there is more in the house I WILL drink it if it's available. I am very careful never to drink and drive. I drink alone, then go to work in the morning.

      • 1 month ago

        Thank you for the rundown. But, imma just keep avoiding it. Alcoholism seems like it'll take my already downward spiral and plunge it straight into the ninth circle of Hell

        • 1 month ago

          Good choice. I can't help myself. The longest I can go dry is a week, then I get thirsty. At least I quit smoking several years ago.

      • 1 month ago

        Simple rules for daily drinking:
        >Do not start drinking until 5 PM earliest
        >Do not drink hard liquor. Not only will it completely frick your tolerance up but hard spirits (40% ABV and above) completely trashes your liver and kidneys.
        >Keep your tolerence low enough so beer and some wine here and there gets the job done. So you should be keeping it at 4% to 12% ABV range
        >If you're a beer drinker, economize by drinking tall boys. They're cheaper bc the drinking can isn't optimal for drinking straight from, so use a pint glass or stop being a pussy and drink from the big can directly.
        >Pacing! 5 or 6 5% tall boys = 10-12 beers. Drink a tall boy an hour (2 beers an hour) and 5 cans should last you 5 hours while maintaining your buzz until bed
        >If you're looking for an extreme high, alcohol may he the worst possible choice for that. Go smoke pot or take shrooms or whatever, but using liquor for a really high high is going to frick you over eventually and extremely unpleasantly
        >Take breaks. Even up to a year. It reminds you why drinking is worth it, modtly because of you maintain moderation you realize your downtime is kind of boring and you're not having as much fun without booze
        >Eat and keep hydrated. May be the quickest path to ruin for drinkers, who tend to avoid eating bc it dulls the buzz. Eat before you drink and drink water with it and you won't feel like absolute shit the next day. Also, you won't destroy your body as quickly, if at all.
        >t. daily drinker for over 20 years

        • 1 month ago

          The eating thing is such a big one.

        • 1 month ago

          The problem with constant drinking is the caloric intake
          > hard liquor very low calories but will frick your liver and you become an alcoholic
          > beer is packing on the pounds
          Wine is a good sweet spot that’s why all the alcoholics I know mostly stick to just that. But it still has more calories than you think especially compared to water

        • 1 month ago

          what a loser you are

    • 1 month ago

      I was a raging alcoholic for years and it nearly killed me. I drank because I have horrible anxiety and insomnia. It also made me forget about all my trauma. It definitely made me sick the next morning but I always had booze for hair of the dog and it would kill that hangout immediately. Then hangover became withdrawals and I was drinking just to keep the delirium tremens away.

      • 1 month ago

        What did you end up doing?

    • 1 month ago

      Im druk right now

  7. 1 month ago

    Their hobby is being glued to a couch, it should be more surprising that there are cinephiles who aren’t alckies

  8. 1 month ago

    Because you have to dull your IQ about 30 points to get through the 90% of absolute shit in order to find decent content. By then you're chemically dependent and have about a 50/50 shot at recovery or liver failure.
    Hope it's worth it
    Pro tip it isn't.

  9. 1 month ago
  10. 1 month ago

    wheres my fricking drink b***h!

    • 1 month ago

      Rich doesn't drink cause his parents were drunks and hates Christians because they were religious. KWAB

      • 1 month ago

        He lived with this grandmother, right? In all likelihood his parents probably were scum. Can't blame him for avoiding anything associated with them.

  11. 1 month ago

    Idk about that but I do like watching movies with a glass of scotch. in a weird way it helps me pay attention.

  12. 1 month ago
  13. 1 month ago

    Heavy is the burden.

  14. 1 month ago
  15. 1 month ago

    Of all the drugs to be addicted too, why alcohol is the most popular is beyond me

    The euphoric effects of going on a good drunk are good for about 10 minutes and then after that it's pure misery while you wait for the effects to wear off, and the next day you feel like complete and absolute shit and you probably did a bunch of shit you regret

    Conversely the first time I did prescription opiates I was like "yeah I get it" and I've never gotten over how great it felt

    • 1 month ago

      because it's widely available

    • 1 month ago

      >Of all the drugs to be addicted too, why alcohol is the most popular is beyond me
      Because you can get it readily in the shop, possibly for very cheap, and it requires no preperation but opening a bottle or can. Most other drugs require finding and maintaining contact with a dealer, cost more than alcohol, and some require effort to consume like weed requiring grinding it up and rolling joints or preparing a bong etc

      • 1 month ago

        Alcoholics confirmed to be more lazy than stoners. At least meth heads have the choice to smoke or snort their fancy, though snorting meth hurts like a b***h.

        • 1 month ago

          I am indeed a lazy man. The whole point is that it's legal and you can obtain it without having any social connection of any kind. You can just go to the store, and don't need to know a dealer. You have an absolute legal right to get drunk in the privacy of your own home as many times as you please, as long as you are not bothering anyone else, or doing anything which is illegal while you're drunk.

          I know how harmful alcohol is, but I still find myself looking down on people who use other drugs. Cocaine users in particular seem to be extra shitty human beings for some reason.

          • 1 month ago

            Cocaine sucks too. I did it one time. The effect isn't even cool. Plus at that point you're dealing with serious criminals. Not just your high school alumni who sells weed.
            Luckily I live near a legal state. Being able to buy weed at a legit business has totally changed the game. Happy to not have to deal with shmucks anymore. And vaping makes consumption less of a hassle.
            But yeah my other favorite thing about coke is that every faux liberal tool I know does it, and will ostracize me for using words like homosexual and moron or making a racial joke; cocaine is grown, processed and shipped by brown women and children in impoverished countries at gunpoint. Lol. Snort up, anti-racists!

            • 1 month ago

              Dad is older now and I'm long since a grown man. He was watching something on tv about Hunter Biden and he disclosed that he'd used cocaine a time or two back in the late '70s but he stopped very quickly because he knew he had an addictive personality and knew he couldn't get hooked. I guess he didn't want me to know that when I was younger. We have a good relationship, and it isn't surprising (he WAS an active, touring, professional musician during the '70s), but honestly I think just a tiny bit less of him for it.

          • 1 month ago

            you look down on weed smokers and you get drunk routinely? When was you last time you heard someone get stoned and shoot their wife and kids? Also I don't deal with dealers I go to a dispensary like a civilized person. Alcohol literally ruins lives weed doesn't and don't say it can't happen to you because it can. When you are like "I look down on other druggies because I'm not like them!" you will be saying that same shit all the way to rehab.

            • 1 month ago

              w33d ruins lives too it just takes longer and is less loud

              • 1 month ago
                THE END IS NEAR

                Like aging does?

              • 1 month ago

                bruh lol you've clearly never met a heroin addict.

              • 1 month ago

                I have. You're just rationalizing through appeals to extremes that are worse

              • 1 month ago

                Ok my dude, if your answer to "weed ruining your life" is anything other than "becoming helplessly addicted and destroying relationships, opportunities, and financial success" you are either grasping at straws or following outdated science.

              • 1 month ago

                Or you're coping
                It will catch up to you. Just hasn't yet

              • 1 month ago

                will you stop being a cryptic homosexual and just spit it out?

            • 1 month ago

              Anon, I...

              • 1 month ago

                You realize lawyers help write these statements to try to get their charge reduced right? Also look at that homosexual.

              • 1 month ago

                Did you miss the point? Of me highlighting that weed can make people psychotically violent, countering the posters' claim he never heard of a domestic violence event due to weed?

              • 1 month ago

                The most realistic danger of weedheadism is just that you'll waste all your time and wake up at 30 or 40 and go awww shit it's too late now.
                But that's still pretty serious

              • 1 month ago

                >Be moronic prostitute
                >stab basedboyfriend 100 times because he's being a homosexual
                >oh shit what do??
                >uhhhh the weed made me do it!
                you are a fricking moron.

              • 1 month ago

                >Be moronic gorilla Black person homosexual
                >see comment and seethe ad infinitum
                >post comment on Cinemaphile
                >oh shit what do??
                >SEEE I'M THE ONE BEING ON THE RIGHT!!!!

                you are a fricking moron.

              • 1 month ago

                I have heard this argument for decades yet I have yet to see any substantial evidence other than some crazy b***h claiming it was weed that made her shoot her fiancé in hopes to get a lesser charge.

        • 1 month ago

          Not the frick at all dude, all alcohol does is dumb the senses and make you depressed, weed actually enhances everything

      • 1 month ago

        >preparing a bong
        >rolling a joint
        lol how lazy do you have to be where putting weed in a bowl or rolling it up in paper is too much work? Booze makes you a little more trashy, literal poison, and filled with estrogen. Holding a joint and letting the smoke fill up the room is waaaaay more comfy and kino that drinking some shitty piss water

  16. 1 month ago

    Many of them live in Wisconsin for some fricking reason.

    • 1 month ago

      Nothing else to do in Wisconsin, I suppose

      • 1 month ago

        I was in Wisconsin last summer with mom, and I went walking off by myself. Walked up to the riverfront and I was like THIS PLACE IS GORGEOUS. Nice waterfront, boats and islands in the distance, shopping and bars on the land. I understand that in that particular quarter, young people periodically get blind drunk and accidentally drown themselves by stumbling into the river, kek

        • 1 month ago

          Where the frick were you, La Crosse? There is good nature here but the same can be said about surrounding states. The drinking thing goes deeper though, it's a legitimate cultural issue and it crosses socioeconomic statuses. It probably has something to do with the tavern league, a powerful statewide trade organization with a checked past

  17. 1 month ago

    Have you seen the state of cinema lately?

  18. 1 month ago

    It's one of the few hobbies you can safely partake in while drunk. You're looking at it backwards.

  19. 1 month ago

    i'd drink too if I was forced to watch the slop that comes out of Hollywood today

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