Why are some people obsessed with Nova getting into the MCU?

Why are some people obsessed with Nova getting into the MCU? Don't get me wrong, I like myself some Dick Rider from time to time, but he's not a particularly rich character nor does he have a notable supporting cast and villains.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Readers liked Annihilation and that mid-2000’s era of cosmic Marvel that included the Nova comics by DnA.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >nor does he have a notable supporting cast and villains.
    All you have to do is shave Annihilation down to a more personal story centered around Rich.
    I don't think anyone would mind too much given that most of the GOTG cast is out, and the Carol movies have partially poisoned the well for cosmic marvel, so you're not really stepping on anyones' toes with my proposal.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Carol takes up Quasar's spot in the movie and gets fricking obliterated by Annihilus
      Would never happen but boy it'd be funny

  3. 2 weeks ago

    i don't care any more about him. I wanted it like 10 years ago.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I found a copy of the Essentials for Nova and just finished reading it today. I don't read a lot of Marvel, but I like reading those old runs to see all the characters that writers don't use anymore so the Internet never talks about them.
    I can only imagine how people would react to hear that Kang was being replaced by the Sphinx.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Nova was a character that should have been brought about following the first GotG movie. They even set up the Nova Corps before proceeding to do literally nothing with it. Trying to trot him out now, in a period where the majority of the relevant players of the cosmic marvel players have been removed out or don't exist (X-Men, I'm literally unsure if the Inhumans are still Canon in the MCU - they've continually gone back and forth on the subject) is pointless.

    The people who are interested in him are really only interested in the mid-2000s Annihilation/Conquest/WoK/RoK period of the character. Nobody, not even kids from the 70s, have wanted to see street-level Nova. Diet Spider-Man Nova. Show me someone who wants New Warriors NOVA, and I'll show you a guy in his 50s with a fat wife he's never made cum.

    That said, street level Nova is what we'd almost certainly get if we got any version of Nova, and unless Marvel does a real 180°, they'd likely pick the Sam version of Nova instead. People will talk about Disney being woke, but that's a crock of shit. Disney built a brand that can let them be star-makers (at least, they thought so until they drove that shit into the ground), so they picked minorities and women because showbiz is literally one of the only businesses where you can pay them way fricking less, because yeah, of course you can. You're paying for star power, and if you've got entire large demographics who won't pay to see a brown chick on screen, then they're worth less. They thought the Marvel brand would be enough to overcome that loss ("The Chinese market will watch a black guy if it has Marvel on it... right?"). Turns out they were fricking wrong.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    He's pretty much dead again in comics, or may as well be. The only way he's ever getting an on-going again is if he gets a movie.
    Also, you're an idiot. It's not like he doesn't interact with the gotg all the time. They mined quite a bit of his mythos for those movies.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    nova is the same as captain marvel, just a boring placeholder deus ex machina to escort the characters you actually care about to the cosmic setting

    • 2 weeks ago

      You have obviously never read any of DnA cosmic marvel.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Like the other dude, you have no clue what you're talking about. Also, Carol is a fascist and unlikable.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dick could've literally taken up Carol's role in the MCU as the unheard-of cosmic-level equalizer and not only would it have been way cooler it also would've felt more natural.
      >Dick is a 90s kid who gets wrapped up in some Kree-Skrull kerfuffle on earth that leads to Nova officers showing up on earth, he has a little adventure where he becomes part of the Corps that echoes his early comic years before leaving for Xandar to get properly trained up
      >Thanos decimates Xandar for the Power Stone, organically reintroduces Dick into the mcu plotline, he becomes Nova Prime and gets ultra-powered up
      >His whole adopted planet got destroyed and his fellow officers killed, actually has proper motivation to show up on earth out for blood as opposed to Carol's artificial relationship with Fury
      It was all right there. Now the moment's gone and there's no reason to introduce him in these movies

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Nova had some supporting characters and repeat villains. They weren't as iconic Spiderman's or Batmans but they were there. He also travelled a lot
    With Nova having his most popular run then getting canned, then getting revived so Bendis can shit all over him, Nova is the most underdog character to get into the series.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Nova is an extremely likable and relateable protagonist with cool powers and a really beloved comic run. That's all there really is to it.

    Unfortunately I don't think we'll see Rich in the capacity everyone wants. I think it's much more likely the MCU does the little latino boy version of Nova and has Rich cameo as some kind of Nova corps higher up that will exist just long enough for Latino Nova to make a dickrider joke.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Blue Beetle failed, so I don't see why Disney would expect any better from Sam.
      Also, i honestly don't think a movie or show is happening for either of them.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If it were me and I was REALLY being told you push Sam, I'd probably do a Kamen Rider Kiva type dynamic. Have the episodes focus on present day and the past. Capitilise on the heroics of the original Nova (Richard) while have Sam try to live up to the name. Mix in what the Guardians of the Galaxy game did and have Richard *disappear* before the events of the show so that there's room for him to reappear down the line etc

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I really don't think you can adapt his DnA story with the MCU tone all that well.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    The awkward part of introducing Nova in the MCU is that moviegoers know the Nova Corps as a bunch of dweeby space security guards. Nova would seem out of place
    >cue a million frodo threads asking why Nova didn't toss Ronan into the nearest star in GotG1

  12. 2 weeks ago

    i'm not obsessed, but i see the purpose in a character like Nova

    >does not have a notable supporting cast and villains

    there's plenty of outer space lore in marvel comics. my opinion is that he'd be a great on a team, but not as a solo comic.

    the kid version of nova is stupid and forced

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