Why are the prequels bad in a memeable way while the sequels are just bad?

Why are the prequels bad in a memeable way while the sequels are just bad?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Prequels are unintentionally bad

    Sequels are just bad in nature

    • 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    The prequels were a child of passion.
    The sequels were the spawn of greed.

    • 4 months ago

      The prequels aren't good because the writing is shit but it's incredibly obvious that all three of them are dripping with Lucas' love. General Grievous has more sauce than any Star Wars character to come after and the fact that there's a bunch of good prequel-related spinoff stuff (ex: Clone Wars) while the sequels have basically nothing of value, both in the films and in spinoff material, feels like proof enough of this

      Christopher Lee as Count Dooku goes so fricking hard and that is more good than I can say about the sequel trilogy.

      RIP to a great actor. Max von Sydow in The Force Awakens was another great late actor wasted an absolute nothing character and that's insulting to me.

      is also a factor because I unironically believe the casting in general is fricking phenomenal other than Portman. McGregor, Lee, and Jackson are all fantastic and while people have been historically mixed on Christensen, I think his performance is as good as it could've been given the scripts and the fact that Anakin is supposed to be what is essentially an awkward teenager being corrupted by evil

      t. Pic related is literally me as a millennial who was a kid when the prequels came out

    • 4 months ago

      The prequels were a passion project by an autist.

      The sequels were corporatized products created by board rooms and think tanks pushing a political agenda "the force is female".

      It shows through in the finished products. Prequels are silly but genuine which gives them charm. Sequels are silly and disingenuous which makes them disposable trash.


      Why are the prequels bad in a memeable way while the sequels are just bad?

      these sum it up well in my opinion. an autistic person trying really hard to make something worth showing always makes a notable product. usually that product is an excellent lolcow, sometimes it's just an excellent enough lolcow to make millions

  3. 4 months ago

    The prequels were a passion project by an autist.

    The sequels were corporatized products created by board rooms and think tanks pushing a political agenda "the force is female".

    It shows through in the finished products. Prequels are silly but genuine which gives them charm. Sequels are silly and disingenuous which makes them disposable trash.

  4. 4 months ago

    Literally Soul vs Soulless

  5. 4 months ago

    The sequels are also bad in a memeable way

    • 4 months ago

      besides that and Lukes cow I don't really recall any memes

      • 4 months ago

        What about "dey hea"?

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          >Black Goode

          The frick?

        • 4 months ago

          Nice shoop, made me google

      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        >thats not how the force works
        >luke drinks titty milk
        >they fly now
        >its salt
        >superman leia
        >first shot of the force awakens trailer being a swarthy Black person head
        yeah like 90% of these movies are hot garbage but theres some meme potential

        • 4 months ago

          They are too as soulless to be memed. Trying to meme anything from the sequels comes off as forced or shilling because they are such soulless movies.

      • 4 months ago

        >Rey who?
        It's like mad libs.

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      There's really only this, milk drinking and Fly Now.

  6. 4 months ago

    Literally soul vs soulless.

  7. 4 months ago

    The prequels are flawed movies that there was clear love and care put into. Well intended but executed poorly.

    The sequels are just soulless cash-ins riding off a popular and successful IP, you can tell they didn't give a shit

  8. 4 months ago

    The prequels had great music and cool action pieces that were totally different from the originals. The lightsaber fights and the space battles were amazing to watch. The sequels don’t have anything redeeming except Adam driver and Oscar Isaac.

  9. 4 months ago

    Unironic autism vs corporate slop

    • 4 months ago

      The prequels are flawed movies that there was clear love and care put into. Well intended but executed poorly.

      The sequels are just soulless cash-ins riding off a popular and successful IP, you can tell they didn't give a shit

      Literally soul vs soulless.

      Literally Soul vs Soulless

      The prequels were a passion project by an autist.

      The sequels were corporatized products created by board rooms and think tanks pushing a political agenda "the force is female".

      It shows through in the finished products. Prequels are silly but genuine which gives them charm. Sequels are silly and disingenuous which makes them disposable trash.

      The prequels were a child of passion.
      The sequels were the spawn of greed.

      You, like so many other Star Wars fans, are clinically fricking moronic and have trash, reddit opinions. I always defended the prequels and they are dogshit compared to the sequels.

      • 4 months ago

        >mass reply
        >shitty opinion
        Extremely obvious bait.

        • 4 months ago

          >shitty opinion
          The Last Jedi alone makes the prequels look like ultra dogshit, the only shitty opinion is the mainstream one in the fandom. Ie the prequel revisionism.

          • 4 months ago

            Which one of the prequels brought the story to such a screeching half that there was NO chance of recovery?

            • 4 months ago

              you mean which of the prequels was such pure kinography the "ruined the franchise" meme was taken even farther because it actually was kino? none because the best prequel, attack of the clones, was not as good as the last jedi

              • 4 months ago

                Very strange post

              • 4 months ago

                can't say I disagree

          • 4 months ago

            Can you explain what makes TLJ good

          • 4 months ago

            TLJ is overrated but your post is clearly manufactured to get the most anger out of posters here and is completely disingenuous much like the sequels you pretend to like. The way you write is almost the house style for discord attention seekers.

            • 4 months ago

              TLJ is pretty huge in the lgbtqabc community. I'm pretty sure it's because they like to mentally LARP as Rey getting boned by le' edgy bad boy sith lord.

              If somebody is defending TLJ you can be pretty sure it's rainbow butt pirate doing the defending

      • 4 months ago

        The fans defended the prequels to the tune of several Billions in Prequel Merchandise bought!
        The force awakens merchandise ended up as land fill.

      • 4 months ago

        >shitty opinion
        The Last Jedi alone makes the prequels look like ultra dogshit, the only shitty opinion is the mainstream one in the fandom. Ie the prequel revisionism.

        kek the internet is actually brainwashed into thinking the prequels aren't shit

        these are unironic opinions
        let us laugh at them with our signature looks of superiority

  10. 4 months ago

    Lucas was trying, Disney were...I don't even know what they were doing.

    • 4 months ago

      >Disney were.
      Trying to market research their way to success.
      >people thought the prequel strayed to far from the roots. Quick! Remake episode 4
      >oh no peiple think 7 is too similar to 4, quick let ryan johnson subvert expectation
      >oh crap peopla are angry at us now, quick throw everything and the kitchen sink at 9

      At the time disney made episode 7 I was worried they would turn it into cinematic universe slop. 15 yr old me is 100% vindicated in this, with all the shitty spin offs.

      • 4 months ago

        I was going to call you a youngshit but just saw 7 was made 9 years ago

      • 4 months ago

        If only SOMETHING from the ST was worth having more of.

  11. 4 months ago

    Christopher Lee as Count Dooku goes so fricking hard and that is more good than I can say about the sequel trilogy.

    RIP to a great actor. Max von Sydow in The Force Awakens was another great late actor wasted an absolute nothing character and that's insulting to me.

    • 4 months ago

      >Count Dracula
      >Count Dooku


  12. 4 months ago

    The prequels were lacking in execution, but they were dripping in pathos. Basically, soul vs soulless, unironically.

  13. 4 months ago

    >You, like so many other Star Wars fans, are clinically fricking moronic and have trash, reddit opinions. I always defended the prequels and they are dogshit compared to the sequels.

  14. 4 months ago

    kek the internet is actually brainwashed into thinking the prequels aren't shit

    • 4 months ago

      And yet the fans, actual star wars fans, bought the merchandise into the Billions of Dollars even years later when naught a film was out! This stopped when Disney bought the IP!

      Rest in Piss, Disney!

      • 4 months ago

        >caring about what toys are bought in current year

        • 4 months ago

          You think Disney doesn't care?

        • 4 months ago

          Disney is dying, rest in piss, the house of rats!

          • 4 months ago

            How do all of these production companies stay afloat making complete slop? Doesn't make sense

            • 4 months ago

              There's a little Gremlin named Larry Fink(The United States Federal Reserve), who has trillions in monopoly money made out of nothing.

        • 4 months ago

          we have a /toy/ board you stupid frick where do you think you are

    • 4 months ago

      The phantom menace is unironically good and I will die on this hill.
      Attack of the clones is kinda shit
      Revenge of the sith is fricking awesome but has a few very moronic moments. Also Hayden Christensen can't act for shit.

      • 4 months ago

        I just watched The Phantom Menace and it's trash compared to Attack of the Clones.

        • 4 months ago

          Your mom is trash

        • 4 months ago

          Attack of the Clones is unironically unwatchable. It's such an ugly goyslop. But it has nice music, and it gave us Kamino, Geonosis, clone troopers.

          • 4 months ago

            The snap as the room realigns in that webm always keks me. Watch for this bit as the camera pans around.

            • 4 months ago

              also something disappears when the 2nd wall light shows up, like they erased someone standing there

          • 4 months ago

            For the love of God, couldn't they have just built a set? It couldn't have possibly be more expensive than early 2000's CGI.

            • 4 months ago

              They did build a set.

      • 4 months ago

        You're the reason star wars is the way it is. No matter how bad the films get there will always be morons like you that eat them up.

        • 4 months ago

          Didn't watch beyond episode 7, try again

  15. 4 months ago

    >Questionably made passion projects that act as a vehicle for the director to realize all his dreams on film, with no regard for what anyone else wants to see, for better and worse


    >Corporate assembly line movies produced to generate this year’s annual slate of Brand Content™

    They’re both p shit tee bee aich but the prequels are just much more entertaining to watch and talk about

  16. 4 months ago

    Prequels created a setting with plethora of new, memorable worlds, species, creatures, troopers, vehicles, etc. That alone, even if the movies were shit, allowed Star Wars to expand and create lots of stories using that setting. The PT also introduced new themes into the franchise. The music was also quite good.

    The ST designs were all bad, there was nothing memorable or new, it's all either OT derivative or AI generated garbage. There was nothing new thematically or narratively. No interesting story can branch off of that dogshit trilogy.

    • 4 months ago

      >memorable worlds
      Like naboo? Or does the desert planet from attack of the clones count too.
      Like fricking what. Especially compared to the OT
      You mean stormtroopers with slightly different helmets.
      moronic versions of the OT
      >New Themes
      Like midichlorians? One of the worst things to happen to star wars.

      The prequels were all dogshit. There is nothing redeemable about them. Just because the sequels turned out to be pretty bad too doesn't make the prequels any better.

      • 4 months ago

        Shit take is shit

      • 4 months ago

        Coruscant, Naboo, Kamino, Geonosis, Kashyyyk, Felucia, Utapau, Mygeeto, Mustafar, Cato Neimoidia

        Neimoidians, Togruta, Kel'Dor, Zabraks, Kaminoans, Geonosians
        >You mean stormtroopers with slightly different helmets.
        Different helmets, different armor. Also, various droids. And clone troopers will always be cooler and infinitely more competent than stormtroopers ever were.
        >moronic versions of the OT
        OT has nothing like LAAT, for one — the best vehicle in Star Wars.
        >Like midichlorians? One of the worst things to happen to star wars.
        Like the fall of the Republic, erosion of ideals in a democratic society, fall of a hero, and an actual full-scale Galactic War in STAR WARS.

        • 4 months ago

          absolutely none of those worlds are memorable besides maybe coruscant and that's only because it's in all of the movies.

          As for specieis, you just got those from wookiepeedia. There is no way you actually knew what those were.

          The droids looked dumb as frick. And the whole "roger roger" thing was jar jar bad.

          In the OT we already knew the republic fell so it's not much of a new theme. Erosion of ideals, like what? Freedom good, empire bad, which is in the OT as well anyways. Fall of a hero? Got that in empire strikes back with vaders reveal. And the actual wars part different feel any different.

          The prequels are part shit because they are just setup for ideas, designs, and themes of the original. The only good part about them is you get to see the empires "mark 1" tech designs.

          The sequels could have been so much more but they too just retread the original trilogy. They are afraid to do anything new.

          • 4 months ago

            >these are bad and not memorable because I said so!
            What a great argument. The fact that we are still getting shit ton of prequel-based content is a testimony to how good and memorable they were, and you are just a moron.

          • 4 months ago

            >absolutely none of those worlds are memorable besides maybe coruscant and that's only because it's in all of the movies.
            most people will mention mustafar or utapau as being their favorite prequel planet. visually they all stand out well in a crowd and are stuck in many people's minds, whereas the sequel planets are not.
            >As for specieis, you just got those from wookiepeedia. There is no way you actually knew what those were.
            half of them are named in the movies
            >The droids looked dumb as frick. And the whole "roger roger" thing was jar jar bad.
            subjective take, the in-universe reason being the trade federation used cheap resources to quickly build an assault force, they played the numbers game.
            >In the OT we already knew the republic fell so it's not much of a new theme. Erosion of ideals, like what? Freedom good, empire bad, which is in the OT as well anyways. Fall of a hero? Got that in empire strikes back with vaders reveal. And the actual wars part different feel any different.
            we knew the republic fell but all we knew is vader helped the empire hunt down the jedi, we knew nothing about how the republic fell
            >The prequels are part shit because they are just setup for ideas, designs, and themes of the original. The only good part about them is you get to see the empires "mark 1" tech designs.
            that's how prequels work, yes. george took the initiative to not only set things up but also give us an autistically designed new universe
            >The sequels could have been so much more but they too just retread the original trilogy. They are afraid to do anything new.

          • 4 months ago

            You're an idiot if naboo is not immediately recognizable.

            You're an idiot if kamino is not immediately recognizable.
            You're a giant fricking mongoloid if mustafar is not immediately recognizable.

            More than every single other planet in star wars ever. Try to deny it

          • 4 months ago

            I can tell from your posts that the people you consider your friends probably don’t actually like you very much

          • 4 months ago

            I genuinely cannot tell if you are baiting or if you are just moronic

          • 4 months ago

            Hey anon Im Curious, why do you think most of the spin offs (comics, cartoons etc) are focused around the prequels? Why do I never see new stories about the OT anymore or ST ever?

        • 4 months ago

          why is it such a goddam kino vehicle? like seriously, everyone loves it

          • 4 months ago

            because it's basically the star wars equivalant of the huey used in the vietnam war, and vietnam was the most kino war

            • 4 months ago

              >it ain't me, it ain't me, i ain't no fortunate clone
              >Anyone who runs is a clanker. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined clanker

              • 4 months ago

                i love the smell of tibanna in the morning

              • 4 months ago

                >deactivate, with extreme prejudice

        • 4 months ago

          I generally agree with you, but

          >memorable worlds
          >Coruscant, Naboo, Kamino, Geonosis, Kashyyyk, Felucia, Utapau, Mygeeto, Mustafar, Cato Neimoidia

          Felucia never gets named and shows up for ~5 seconds in EPIII. Cato Neimoidia same thing. Both are never identified so you only know them because of supplemental materials

          The rest I can agree with

  17. 4 months ago

    Because the prequels have good moments, too. The sequels don't.

  18. 4 months ago

    kek reddit OPINIONS

    • 4 months ago

      reddit loves the prequels althoughbeit

  19. 4 months ago

    prequels: genuine films
    sequels: obligate content because of IP acquisitions produced by people who hate Star Wars

    • 4 months ago

      trips of truth prevail once more

      reddit loves the prequels althoughbeit

      no plebbit loves the sequels because they eat unhealthy amounts of slop

      • 4 months ago

        >plebbit loves the sequels
        Plebbit is home to prequel memes which have been pushed hard in every corner of the internet. Cope.

        • 4 months ago

          you cope harder, sequelgay

        • 4 months ago

          Plebbit always follows the current opinion. In 2008 it was RLM. They started r/prequelmemes for trolling purposes but then got joined by people who had always loved the prequels and thought it was finally fine to publicly appreciate them.

  20. 4 months ago

    Yidsney bots posting same thread all the time

  21. 4 months ago

    I like the prequels despite their flaws and hate the sequels and you can't change that, Disney. You made awful movies. You didn't even have a general overarching plan when you started, you chased trends and threw crap at the wall after every release to see what would stick.
    You immediately failed storytelling 101 and kept failing even to this day. You are bad and you should feel bad.

  22. 4 months ago

    Because actually they’re good

    • 4 months ago

      TPM is passable and ROTS is legitimately good, but it's extremely difficult to defend AOTC with the exception of the Obi-Wan noir sequences. It's an insanely poorly paced film, but I still get what George was going for (political intrigue, neo-noir, star-crossed lovers space opera in the backdrop of the Fall of Rome), he just failed spectacularly at it for the most part. But I respect the attempt and the passion that went into it.

      I am happy that Hayden actually got the recognition he deserved from fans and took everything in stride when people hated him initially because his character was the subject of George's more stilted and autistic dialogue the most. Even though Obi-Wan is pretty bad and Ashoka complete trash, you could tell he appreciated the fans enjoying having him back and getting to wear the Vader suit a few more times.

      • 4 months ago

        i don't think george failed at it, but aotc did do a frickton of legwork and to balance all that in a 2hr10min film was a challenge for sure
        really the only shit parts are anakin and padme, and that's only really later on

      • 4 months ago

        >It's an insanely poorly paced film
        In what sense? It doesn't have shred of fat to trim on it. It has an extremely brisk pace if anything. Non stop intrigue, action, new happenings, romance etc.

        The last third of the movie is an adventure extravaganza that turns into galactic war.
        What are you even saying bro, try quantifying it

        • 4 months ago

          >In what sense? It doesn't have shred of fat to trim on
          The romance subplot could be trimmed completely. Ok, scratch that, then their clandestine marriage wouldn't make sense, but still, the romance was awful in AOTC and took away from the political intrigue. Also, AOTC has the worst lightsaber fights in the series besides the Sequels.

  23. 4 months ago

    Lucas actually had a whole, reasonably coherent story planned out ahead of time for the prequels. Disney, despite being willing to shell out billions for the copyright, was too stupid to get a team of good writers who actually liked Star Wars to sit down and write out full scripts for the sequal trilogy; instead they turned the franchise over to people who did not understand why people like Star Wars and then half assed everything when it came to story planning.

    • 4 months ago

      not to defend the sequels but they did reach out to a lot of writers and directors and the ones with serious talent stayed away because they could smell the corporate bullshit from a mile out
      in fact israelite israelite actually turned down a directing offer the first time but then accepted it after being offered it again

  24. 4 months ago

    With the Prequels, an attempt was made to make it fun. It was a spectacular failure in most respects, with really only parts of TPM and most of ROTS being good, but there was passion and vision when making it. The Sequels were soulless corporate cookie-cutter products with demoralizing propaganda thrown in for good measure.

  25. 4 months ago

    becuase the prequels are genuine attempts at making good movies
    it's very entertaining when a movie takes itself seriously but ends up being unintentionally funny

  26. 4 months ago

    prequels are bad by they were full of SOVL
    sequels are just souless and pathetic

  27. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      nah, and not even close. the prequels has vision and some sort of overreaching attempt at an operatic plot, yes it does fail but there's genuine heart and a unique a successful design aesthetic which makes them all so much more interesting to talk about. the sequels are just naked cashgrab reboots, with nothing unique about how they're made or what's in them, all disjointed and with no ambition but they too become interesting with just how bad they are. tlj's director is trying to sabotage the story, tfa is the most mediocre of the 3 but opens up so many plotholes and threads it's surprising anyone gave it the green light

      • 4 months ago

        The execution of the Prequels was iffy in spots but the overarching story and plot is absolute got tier. It's the plot of the Prequels is actually TOO based to the point that people take it for granted. Like it always existed like air or water. And wasn't invented from the mind of George Lucas.

        • 4 months ago

          that's because the overreaching story is simple: man falls to temptation. the execution is shoddy, the acting, the dialogue, the contrivances, events, the in universe veneration of a figure who does not exist yet, but there's a traditional story there. Something universal. the sequels? what's the big pie in the sky story there? making money? well they couldn't even do that right

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah the underlying story of Anakin is based but everybody kind of already knew the broad strokes of it going in. NOBODY knew about how Sheev duped the entire galaxy by playing both sides in a fabricated war and then implementing Order 66 from the very troops that won the war. The entire concept of that is fricking based. Like I said it's so based people take it for granted. Like G.L. himself didn't come up with it and it just ..was. Like its something that simply exists like horses or chicken noodle soup.

            • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              who is this wombat?

              • 4 months ago

                My wife obviously. She just doesn't know it yet.

            • 4 months ago

              Hollywood didn't like the notion of the government head doing an inside job playing both parts of a conflict being translated on screen and shown to a general audience.

  28. 4 months ago

    the prequels, although bad, were made with love. the sequels were just made to make money. it's the reason why "the room" is still enjoyable despite being hot garbage.

  29. 4 months ago

    >one man's passion project, filled with flaws but a clear vision shining through
    >committee-designed slop

  30. 4 months ago

    Honest answer is because the sequels were made by normie tier Hollywood executives. Not by people who grew up obsessing over every lore detail of such things.

    J.J. is a superficial surface level hack who doesn't have time for nerd shit. K.K. and her crony's actively hate nerd shit and deep lore. That is why there is nothing else going on in the sequels besides what you see on screen and why the universe itself seems so small. It's bad but it's not only bad...it's boring. Because there's nothing else to the world they built or the people in them.

  31. 4 months ago
  32. 4 months ago

    the prequels were original if nothing else

  33. 4 months ago

    The prequels are George Lucas bad.

    The sequels are Kathleen Kennedy bad.

  34. 4 months ago

    easy, even if the execution was bad, the core essence was good:
    >they gave a us a new galaxy, different than the original
    >the jedis arent forgotten warriors of legend, but a honored warrior caste that mantains peace
    >the big bad (sidious) is the exact opposite of his representation in the original: as emperor, he is a dark and malignant but well knowed figure, while in the prequels, he hides his identity behin this "afable" politician
    >the cannon fodder are now robots with nice design instead of idiots without aim
    >the conflict is a separatism issue instead of a liberation one
    >look, is Darth Vader as a kid
    >clones, soldiers made from a excellent mercenary, badasses but with hard moral implications. The armor is different enough to made it original
    >horrible execution, but it presents the deconstruction of the journey of the heroe with a poweful but broken Anakin.
    >the culmination of all the ideas presented, but instead of a happy ending, the birth of Vader is a tragedy while the fall of the jedi order is cruel.
    and now... the sequels
    >is a literal copy of IV , but with Rey instead of Luke: there is no big republic but again, a small force of good, agaisnt, FRICKING AGAIN, a big and organizated evil force
    >the only good part was the revelation of Kylo Ren , as a fallen hero (how original) but with a background to explore.
    >too much hype with some characters
    >dumped all the good that VII had so it can focus on a "more mature" story, the result? a decent movie but a bad Star Wars sequel.
    >didnt add anything to the worldbuilding, it rested
    >totally clusterfrick, nothing more to say.

    • 4 months ago

      >a decent movie

      • 4 months ago

        You beat me to it. Like that homosexual Anon could slip that in there unnoticed.

  35. 4 months ago

    cause the main characters of the sequel trilogy sucked ass besides kylo ren. obi-wan, quigon, anakin, padme, windu, dooku, darth maul carried the sequels just by being strong characters, funny, attractive, memeable or cool

  36. 4 months ago

    One had soul, the other was a vapid shit that had nostalgia makeup on to make money.

    The prequels were kind of shit, but the world building is immense. The only other series that had similar or better passion and world building is LOTR.

  37. 4 months ago

    Good and soulful
    Bad but soulful
    Bad and soulless

  38. 4 months ago

    the prequels aren't bad, you just are a NPC moron with no imagination.

  39. 4 months ago

    they're good in a good way, depth

  40. 4 months ago

    Prequels had good ideas but execution was a mixed bag. Sequels just suck.

  41. 4 months ago

    George really tried with the Prequels. He just fricked it up by making some really bad choices that dominoed into the train wreck that is the prequel trilogy.

    The sequels are soulless corporate slob. Even the political messaging is straight from a DEI handbook. It just gives me the ick.

  42. 4 months ago

    If you think the Sequels aren't memeable you must not have seen The Rise of Skywalker.

  43. 4 months ago

    The prequels are the greatest movies ever made. All six Star Wars films are perfect with no flaws.

    • 4 months ago

      I respect your choice of Batman and Spider-Man movies. Spidey 2 was always the trash one, and the Schumacher films are a blast.

    • 4 months ago

      A true trash connoisseur over her

  44. 4 months ago

    Because the prequels are less bad than they are simply not tuned to the rigid expectations of audiences groomed by Hollywood blockbuster slop. Once you free yourself from the chains of Spielbergian goop you can see the good in them.

  45. 4 months ago

    the prequels aren't bad conceptually just executed poorly.
    the entire sequel trilogy is based on the premise that the resolution of the OT was for naught.

  46. 4 months ago

    III > IV > VI > I > II > V

    Sith was the best one, frick boomers.
    That is all.

    • 4 months ago

      Based as frick list that's my exact order as well. Empire is overrated as frick by boomers lol

    • 4 months ago

      Based. 60 year old farts think their movies are perfect and I'm tired of seeing it.

  47. 4 months ago

    The Prequels are like The Room; they're so terribad, it's actually fun to pick them apart with friends. They also sold a ton of merch.
    The Sequels are extremely soul-draining & blatantly uncaring of the source material to the point of self-parody at the expense of alienating the fanbase. They also didn't sell much merch post-TFA + they killed all financial momentum in the franchise.

  48. 4 months ago

    Prequels are good, OT is kiddie crap, Sequel is israelitebair for OT boomer goyim

  49. 4 months ago

    The sequels are unironically better than the prequels

  50. 4 months ago

    you can't be made fun of if you don't put yourself out there. this was the guiding principle and they achieved it. doesn't make good movies though

  51. 4 months ago

    7 > 1
    8 > 2
    9 = 3

  52. 4 months ago

    because with the prequels it's mostly AotC that's actually just outright 'bad' thanks largely to it's fricked up pacing and terrible writing...shit is just a complete mess. everything else that is weird or bad in the other two either just kinda funny or slightly confusing.

    BUT the fricked up thing is that while AotC is a shitpiece of a movie, it's also highly influential in other areas of the fandom that ended up being beloved so in a round about way it kind of redeemed itself...?
    the sequels just...they make no fricking sense. they feel all wrong from start to finish. everything about them is like the scene in liar liar where the kid's step dad tries to do "The Claw" to him and it's the lamest ass imitation.

  53. 4 months ago

    the only good star wars was star wars. the original theatrical release. all the rest after that are steaming piles. additionally, it has the strongest meme of all star wars, pic related. prove me wrong you can't.

    • 4 months ago

      >it has the strongest meme of all star wars, pic related.
      I don't even know what you're talking about, old man

  54. 4 months ago

    >Samuel L Jackson
    Because it has legitimate actors in it. Also you can tell it was made with love by the man who created it, he didn't do it for the money (I mean he sort of did but you know what I mean). The sequels are purely made for cash, nothing else

  55. 4 months ago

    I actually didn't mind Episode 1 and 3. It was just Episode 2 that was a fricking slog to get through.

    Episodes 7-9 never had a proper plan of what they wanted to do with the story. That alone is less effort than the prequels.

  56. 4 months ago

    I will forever stand on the hill that the prequels aren't bad. Especially with the sequels existing and being ten times worse.

  57. 4 months ago

    The prequels arent and were never bad.
    But they are strange in some ways that people didnt like.
    However the sequels are irredeemable.

    The prequels only ever „ruined“ starwars und the sense that they changed the clean and simple vision of the OG, ie being a fairytale in space into a political thriller mixed with all manner of things.
    Its like they tried many original and new things and some were great, some were okay some were kind of silly.
    But this is the price of creativity. They did nothing wrong. They couldnt even have done it better since that is impossible by definition.

    In the sequels there is no creativity.
    There is nothing daring.
    There is nothing genuine.
    Here is how the sequels were made:
    „We take what people know and love about starwars, add in our own well known and established formula of corporate propaganda and diversity bait vulgarity and jokes over it, and then just produce more movies“
    The sequels are just „apply schema A“.
    There is just nothing there.
    Its literally just violence against art.
    All of them arent even worth the hard drive space that they are stored on, frankly if you have them downloaded you should just delete them or throw the disc in the trash if you bought them so that hopefully one less person might ever see it! The only people who should ever watch the sequels are scholars from 30 years in the future who will look back in order to curse they wicked evil people who caused so much harm to art and society by creating such wretched degeneracy. Kind of in the same way as Nazi propaganda is viewed today

    • 4 months ago

      This is how I feel about star wars and avatar in general. They're by no means perfect but you have to appreciate the unbridled creativity that goes in them.

  58. 4 months ago

    Prequels are theatrically bad and filled with dialogue that is memorable because of how awkward and theatrical it is.

    Sequels have no sense of theatrics and just feel like either checked boxes at best and poor (but not memorably poor) choices at worst. The sequels feel like watching a long list on unskippable video game cutscenes.

  59. 4 months ago

    The sequels were created solely to push a political agenda unlike the prequels (which were a passion project) and politics can never be art. Humans pick up on that sort of honesty (someone bringing his art to life) really well and connect with it differently.

    With that said; the sequels also have shit writing, shit art, shit casting and a general misunderstanding of what Star Wars is as a franchise.

  60. 4 months ago

    Prequels were an ok if unrealized story with cheesy acting while the sequels were just shit from top to bottom

  61. 4 months ago

    The prequels at their worst are bad star wars.
    The sequels at their best are hardly even star wars.

  62. 4 months ago

    I'm still a bit confused by Rise.
    The first two understandable in their own way:
    >TFA: Overwhelmingly mediocre, but safe.
    >TLJ: RJ: "My movies WILL be pretentious."
    But then in TRoS they just went full moron for seemingly no reason.

  63. 4 months ago

    Prequels 1-2 bad actors per movie, Sequels 1-2 good actors per movie.
    Prequels 1-2 stupid scenes per movies, Sequels people combing through 3 movies to find 1 good scene like the stun baton stormtrooper.
    Prequels planned by an chaotic genius that kinda fialed.
    Sequels never any plan by people who had no passion for the project.

  64. 4 months ago

    The prequels are good and divinely inspired. The sequels were rudderless, soulless, and nostalgia pandering in the worst way.

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