Why are these three the main source of shipping drama in the South Park fandom?

Why are these three the main source of shipping drama in the South Park fandom?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Why do people care? It's South Park; why care about such a boring topic in such an insane show? Matt and Trey don't even care

    • 5 months ago

      because of the yaoi episode

      • 5 months ago

        Tweek X Craig episode isn't even good, its just a less funny Cartman Finds Love. Even then, the entire episode paints these people as fricking weird

      • 5 months ago

        > be me
        > craig
        > never find my tweak
        > big sad

  2. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Craig would be just as bad as


      Why are these three the main source of shipping drama in the South Park fandom?

      if they didn't pair him with Tweek

  3. 5 months ago

    >shipping little kids
    Why are South Park fans like this?

    • 5 months ago

      Makes my dick hard

      • 5 months ago

        have a nice day.

    • 5 months ago

      because stan and kyle are cute and wendy is usually stan's girlfriend

      because it's cute

      Why do people ship characters? Is for ugly women to live through relationship they can't have? Or is it they find neat?

      because it's cute
      and also because it lets me vicariously experience a relationship i will never have, so you were right about that, but i'm not a woman

      ship Kyle and Wendy, everything goes full circle

      yeah no
      kyle deserves better than her

    • 5 months ago

      Because the Japanese decide who is gay.

      • 5 months ago

        If only Don King never got raped

    • 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    I don't know but I guessing that it's fujos who don't like Stan/Wendy being canon

    • 5 months ago

      What's their problem with Wendy? She's basically a female Kyle if you really think about it. (Or to be more accurate, Kyle's a male version of her.)

      • 5 months ago

        It could be that she's not cute, has no bonding moments with Stan that aren't just Stan having a crush, broke up with him and cheated on him several times, has no fun flaws to write about like Kyle zealot behaviour, facebook addiction and impotent anger, and is just plain boring and unfunny.
        Wendy is like Kyle if his only character was always being right.

  5. 5 months ago

    Kyle's been paired up with Bebe, Rebecca, Nichole and Heidi

    Wendy's been paired up with Cartman, Tolkien, Gregory, and Darwin

    Meanwhile Stan only orbits around Kyle and Wendy and no one else

    Can someone please explain this phenomenon?

    • 5 months ago

      >Stan only orbits around Kyle and Wendy and no one else


      • 5 months ago

        Stan's shown attraction to them, but he hasn't been "shipped" with them. Huge difference.

        • 5 months ago

          Kyle's been paired up with Bebe, Rebecca, Nichole and Heidi

          Wendy's been paired up with Cartman, Tolkien, Gregory, and Darwin

          Meanwhile Stan only orbits around Kyle and Wendy and no one else

          Can someone please explain this phenomenon?

          Ok well, Stan is the most emotional of the boys.
          This is mostly seen in earlier seasons how he learns a lesson after being childishly naive about something, like the voting ep and the movie, and in later seasons where he's a bleeding heart for animals. So when he and Kyle break up he usually ends up taking it really hard because he's sensitive (like Trey).
          Kyle's more independent and strong-willed, so he continues on like normal or acts like Cartman. Wendy's just a prostitute so she fricks whoever.

          • 5 months ago

            So it's more difficult for Stan to make new connections with the other kids, got it.

            • 5 months ago

              I’m stunned it took 25 seasons for him to finally be friends with someone via Tolkien. Character development in this show is at a snail’s pace.

              • 5 months ago

                As much they hate Cartman he's the only one who's always been able to make friends with everyone or at least have people that he hangs out with outside of the main 4. I don't know what Kenny does half of the time. In fact, I think he's the only one who has hosted people at his house than the others.

                What's their problem with Wendy? She's basically a female Kyle if you really think about it. (Or to be more accurate, Kyle's a male version of her.)

                She is the female Kyle without any flaws. I agree with

                What's their problem with Wendy? She's basically a female Kyle if you really think about it. (Or to be more accurate, Kyle's a male version of her.)

                . She's boring. I much rather prefer Bebe.

              • 5 months ago

                Nah, Heidi and Henrietta are better girls.

          • 5 months ago

            Look at his tiny little arms.

      • 5 months ago

        Damn everybody really forgot about Stan crushing on the substitute teacher didn’t they

      • 5 months ago

        Ngl, him being attracted to the Diabetes Girl in 2019 really surprised me. Thought him being attracted to other girls was an old gag.

        • 5 months ago

          apparently he and Wendy have been broken up since S20. Noone noticed because it's not like they spent much time together before that.

          • 5 months ago

            But here’s the thing, they supposedly got back together in the Fractured But Whole video game in 2017. Unless they only reconciled temporarily, it makes me wonder if Stan was planning to cheat on Wendy in that episode.

        • 5 months ago

          That's because Stan is an butthole. He ain't loyal.

          • 5 months ago

            True, don't forget how he broke up with her because he thought he was going to be "dripping in b***hes"
            But she's not loyal either, so I guess it evens out?

          • 5 months ago

            True, don't forget how he broke up with her because he thought he was going to be "dripping in b***hes"
            But she's not loyal either, so I guess it evens out?

            Fitting considering Trey cheated on his first wife.

      • 5 months ago

        Can Matt & Trey make an episode where Stan kisses another girl and it causes a massive shipping war on Twitter? If they're so creatively bankrupt for ideas then just look for inspiration in its fandom.

    • 5 months ago

      Stan's too much of a simp for Wendy to be with anyone else except maybe Kyle.

      I do think Stan/Henrietta would make for an interesting ship though.

      • 5 months ago

        >Stan's too much of a simp

        And that’s why he lost his MC status, because Trey would rather keep him in that role and focus on Randy instead of letting him grow out of it

      • 5 months ago

        I find it weird that canary of Henrietta gives her fat hips and butt but nowhere else while her canon design is fat all around.

        • 5 months ago

          Its just coomers with bad taste.

    • 5 months ago

      >wendy x tolkien

      imagine how unbearable Cinemaphile would be if this episode aired today

  6. 5 months ago


    They tried to bring Heidi from the background zone to the front one and it failed, they should have just made Wendy be Cartman's girlfriend.

    Unless you guys want to talk about Fight Club up North, you know... up North...

  7. 5 months ago

    When you guys die and meet God how do you plan on explaining this aspect of your life to him?

    • 5 months ago

      I blame him, of course.

  8. 5 months ago

    Why is there so much romance shit in South Park of all things that's almost completely played straight?

    • 5 months ago

      South Park plays a lot of its relationship stuff straight. For example I don't think Karen has been in a single joke anywhere in the series, she's only there to make you go "aww" when you see Kenny being nice to his little sister.

  9. 5 months ago

    >the South Park fandom
    Seriously are you a teenage girl?

  10. 5 months ago

    SP fangirls wont rest until every male character is an exclusive homosexual

    • 5 months ago

      But if every male character's exclusively gay then how would they lust after them?

      • 5 months ago

        They'll try to turn them via corrective rape
        Women like a challenge

  11. 5 months ago

    >Why are these three the main source of shipping drama in the South Park fandom?
    Do you even need to ask?
    One of them is a israelite.

  12. 5 months ago

    Why do people ship characters? Is for ugly women to live through relationship they can't have? Or is it they find neat?

    • 5 months ago

      Why do you watch cartoons or read comics? You're not normal either

      • 5 months ago

        Millions of people watch South Park

        • 5 months ago

          Millions of people ship

  13. 5 months ago

    I genuinely don't understand how the hell this show gained a fandom that it did in the first place. South Park is extremely crude, violent, and offensive, it feels like the exact type of show these shipping war homosexuals would fricking despise and try to boycott. Despite that, the majority of the fan art you'd see is all of this gay bullshit, they make the characters all cutesy try to call them nonbinary or make them homos. This type of fandom is something I'd expect from some super safe slice of life anime, not the show that had an entire episode where people literally exploded from their farts.

    • 5 months ago

      A lot of underaged boys interact with each other and with the simple art style most artists can interpret their looks themselves
      What a stupid question you could easily answer for yourself if you just used your brain

      • 5 months ago

        The shippers for South Park were probably there before you were even born.

        >This type of fandom is something I'd expect from some super safe slice of life anime, not the show that had an entire episode where people literally exploded from their farts.

        What super safe slice of anime that didn't include a shitton of cute girls have ever had a huge shipping fandom?? Were you just born yesterday? No one familiar with internet fandom should be asking this question unless they've been living in a cave and just stared using the internet this year.

        One of the biggest differences between is that men want to see the characters frick them(self-inserts). Women want the characters to frick each other.

        You fricking morons no fricking shit a bunch of terminally online parentless degenerates are going to fetishize anything they can, what I was trying to say if you didnt have so much cum in your fricking ears is that I don't understand how a show like SOUTH PARK got a fandom like this. Most of the fans of something I've seen that are super obsessed with shipping characters tend to be the same types of people to get overly offended about the most minor of criticism towards anything they make or believe in. You've actually WATCHED the show, right anons? If you both collectively used the last of your remaining autistic braincells you would understand why it's baffling that a show like this has such a large fandom like that.

        • 5 months ago

          South Park is the most vanilla show out there watched by millions, how are you surprised it has a fandom??
          Come back when Mr. Pickles has a shipping fandom and then we can talk

          • 5 months ago

            Y'know, fair enough Anon.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you both collectively used the last of your remaining autistic braincells you would understand why it's baffling that a show like this has such a large fandom like that.

          Maybe if you used yours you would have been able to come to an answer yourself instead of asking others?

          There was an anime that came out one season called Redo of The Healer that featured the main protag revenge raping the main heroine and killing/getting his enemies raped. It was reported to have quite a significant female audience, much higher than they were anticipating which ended up surprising everyone, even the creator.

          Or even Osomatsu-san, the show where the characters looked like muppets, had a HUGE shipping fandom and got extremely popular with women in Japan despite it being a comedy anime based on an old manga/show from back in the 60s-70s. It's more of a skit based comedy show, but it's sort of similar to SP in that sense.

          I think that, overall, it's about the fact that the characters go through proper suffering and the show features really strong relationships between the male characters and the art style is cute. It's a huge difference from the outbreak of Gary Stus that's been infecting isekai anime for decade now.

    • 5 months ago

      The shippers for South Park were probably there before you were even born.

      >This type of fandom is something I'd expect from some super safe slice of life anime, not the show that had an entire episode where people literally exploded from their farts.

      What super safe slice of anime that didn't include a shitton of cute girls have ever had a huge shipping fandom?? Were you just born yesterday? No one familiar with internet fandom should be asking this question unless they've been living in a cave and just stared using the internet this year.

      One of the biggest differences between is that men want to see the characters frick them(self-inserts). Women want the characters to frick each other.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Oh damn, it's been so long I forgot about that one. Which is funny, because of the controversy it ended up in.

        • 5 months ago

          Which was made by a South Park fan, funnily enough

    • 5 months ago

      >South Park is extremely crude, violent, and offensive
      This is why it was popular.

      • 5 months ago

        Not at all dissing the show, I enjoy it a lot myself, I just don't get why its fandom is comparable to the fandom of something like dreamsmp stans.

    • 5 months ago

      >He would not fricking say that

      I am not sure whose worse:

      >New SP fans who make up shit, because they only watch clips
      >SP fans who haven't watch the show since the 2010s, but think that they know everything
      >SP fans who watch the show, but don't understand the characters or know what the hell is going on for some reason

      Cartman, ironically, does respect however people want to identify, BUT it depends. Cartman is going to do whatever benefits Cartman most and foremost. If it would benefit him NOT to respect however someone wanted to identify he's not going to. Cartman has never cared about that shit, like ever, even when Mr. Garrison transitioned into a woman. He even used it to his advantage AND he was very correct about it, because he did his research.

      I do know that Cartman would probably deadname the living shit out of Kyle though and purposefully use the wrong pronouns just to piss Kyle off. But if Stan came in and wanted to identify as 'she, he, it,' or whatever Cartman would just abide by his wishes.

      • 5 months ago

        You're the moron for trying to interpret a character who has been around for 20 years the writers will switch his personality from a fat loudmouthed kid to a serial killer to a racist to a fricking moron however they need him for a certain episode

        • 5 months ago

          >You're the moron

          You say that, but Cartman has been pretty consistent throughout the years even if they have calmed down his character's antics for years now. I am sorry you don't have the mental capacity to realize that.

          • 5 months ago

            >Cartman has been pretty consistent
            lol, lmao even

            • 5 months ago

              Having a multi-faceted personality doesn't mean you have a different personalities.

      • 5 months ago

        The frick are you babbling about, moron? You made all of this shit up. You’re the person that image is making fun of.

    • 5 months ago

      1. Fujos like good shows.
      2. They also like defacing those shows with their fanfiction.
      3. The fuel for fanfiction is character interaction. Canon relationships are beside the point, and if anything, their presence spoils the fun.

    • 5 months ago

      We're at the point the South Park fandom feels like a prototype for when TikTok ends up uncovering a show it doesn't understand.
      Like, the utter failure to understand the joke of the characters being intentionally bad sociopathic people

  14. 5 months ago

    ship Kyle and Wendy, everything goes full circle

    • 5 months ago

      >"Thos two should just screw and get it over with."

  15. 5 months ago

    Kyle/Stan are the biggest ship with Creek right after them. I don't even think Wendy/Stan even crack the top 5 most popular ships on the show.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel like Creek had dethroned Style as the most popular ship recently, though. Didn't help that Stan & Kyle had very little interactions together between Season 20-25.

      • 5 months ago

        Style might have been the first South Park ship to actually crack the top 100 most popular ships on Ao3 this year. I think Creek also did, but they were lower. Since there's not a western Pixiv equivalent it's harder to check there, but I would be curious about which ship has the most artwork there, currently.

        • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            Creek ranked higher than them at #38.
            Style only ranked at #51

            So, basically, Style did see a huge surge in popularity in 2023, but Creek is still overwhelmingly popular.

            • 5 months ago

              Seems so. Really Style was consistently the most popular until Creek became a real thing, whereupon Craig and Tweek instantly rocketed to number 1 place

        • 5 months ago

          Creek ranked higher than them at #38.
          Style only ranked at #51

          • 5 months ago

            Jesus Christ who the frick is dedicated enough to this shit to make an entire spreadsheet?

          • 5 months ago

            Why'd Stan/Kyle get suddenly popular again? I don't remember anything focusing on them last year

            • 5 months ago

              It might have been the post covid specials, they were bickering like exes the whole time while Stan and Wendy only noticed each other at the end

              • 5 months ago

                they're so ugly, ew

            • 5 months ago

              South Park had a popularity boost last year thanks to tiktok so I assume lots of newbies were watching the show from the beginning and thought style wre cute.

        • 5 months ago

          Considering that AO3 has been posting their ship stats since 2013 and it took Style a decade to appear on that list really makes me think of how the little the 2010s seasons paid attention to them.

          • 5 months ago

            Honestly it feels like the newer seasons really downplay Stan and Kyle's friendship. Half the time they fricking argue and Kyle is usually the one that abandons Stan

            • 5 months ago

              Kyle has spent most of his time alone or with Cartman. I know that he was with Tolkien in the last season, but even then...Kyle really doesn't have any friends.

          • 5 months ago

            Honestly it feels like the newer seasons really downplay Stan and Kyle's friendship. Half the time they fricking argue and Kyle is usually the one that abandons Stan

            Don’t forget the rise of President Garrison, PC Principal, and LE WACKY RANDY who took over the screentime, essentially sidelining Stan’s relationships as a result

          • 5 months ago

            I think it took a few years for the fandom to move to ao3 from fanfiction.net

  16. 5 months ago

    I swear shippers are literally mentally moronic. They are sorry excuses for people who know nothing of love or friendship. If my child did any shipping, I'd beat them

  17. 5 months ago

    there it is

  18. 5 months ago

    Whats the dumbest headcanon?
    >Butters end up trans despite him being a sexist boy, who started the weiners out movement, because of an episode where he is forced against his will to cross dress.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        So he's trans like Randy or he just likes to pretend he's a girl?

        • 5 months ago

          >Guy wears a dress, they must be trans
          Cross dressing is historically proven to be one of the oldest jokes in history

          • 5 months ago

            so he's a transvestite?

  19. 5 months ago

    because of pedophiles.

  20. 5 months ago

    You forgot Cartman

    • 5 months ago

      Cartman isn’t strongly defined by shipping compared to Stan

      • 5 months ago

        No, but he is a big source of shipping drama, possibly bigger than Wendy

    • 5 months ago

      No, but he is a big source of shipping drama, possibly bigger than Wendy

      This is true. Tbqh Kyman is the least boring of all the Kyle ships. I think


      Why are these three the main source of shipping drama in the South Park fandom?

      doesn''t realize the character with the most drama surrounding ships is actually Kyle, not Stan.

      Since Kyle deals with Cartman and Stan the most the bigger divide is between them. So much so that Style shippers seem to have this weird war with Kyman shippers despite them outnumbering them. They are probably upset that they haven't gotten any good episodes in a good long while.

      • 5 months ago

        >They are probably upset that they haven't gotten any good episodes in a good long while.

        Don’t they already blame Randy for that? It just seems so weird nowadays that Cartman and Wendy still get the brunt of shipper hate when Randy has already made Stan live far away from Kyle with no regrets.

        • 5 months ago

          I have never seen Wendy get any shipper hate recently so Idk. I do see people like legit mad about Cartman being shipped with Kyle since he's a "neo-nazi" though.

          • 5 months ago

            kyle deserves a relationship that makes him happy, not one where he's constantly arguing and being insulted

            • 5 months ago

              Kyle is a petty, hating butthole with no friends who blames other people for his problems...
              oh wait that almost sounds like Cartman...

              • 5 months ago

                please explain how kyle is petty, hateful, and an butthole? because i really don't see how he is.

              • 5 months ago

                >petty, hateful, butthole
                nuked Canada because Heidi dared like Cartman more than him, tried burning down the school because he thought girls didn't find him attractive, mocked Stan for feeling sad over a breakup because "muh people in 3rd world countries totally don't feel sad over breakups", then hypocritically became a self-pitying sobstory because Cartman rightfully received an inheritance after endearing himself to a rich relative like how the real world works, every appearance in early seasons, laughed at Cartman when he's dying from AIDs, tells his past self to ruin the future because "Cartman gets a happy life"

              • 5 months ago

                >nuked Canada because Heidi dared like Cartman more than him
                that's nu-park and therefore not canon to me
                >tried burning down the school because he thought girls didn't find him attractive
                it was because he was being treated like shit by everybody, actually
                >mocked Stan for feeling sad over a breakup because "muh people in 3rd world countries totally don't feel sad over breakups"
                this was ignorant of him, i'll grant you that
                >then hypocritically became a self-pitying sobstory because Cartman rightfully received an inheritance after endearing himself to a rich relative like how the real world works
                he became depressed because he saw good things happening to bad people and bad things happening to good people. sounds pretty relatable.
                >every appearance in early seasons
                not really
                >laughed at Cartman when he's dying from AIDs
                he was laughing at the irony of cartman getting AIDS. by that point in the show cartman had made multiple jokes about giving people (including kyle) AIDS.
                there is nothing wrong with laughing at the misfortune of someone who treats you like garbage. i do it all the time. it feels good.
                >tells his past self to ruin the future because "Cartman gets a happy life"

              • 5 months ago

                >couple boys make you sit at a different table than them
                >"treated like shit"
                Ironically they then did this to Cartman at the end and Cartman never tried to burn the school down
                >because he saw good things happening to bad people and bad things happening to good people
                Because Kyle wanted to receive a reward for doing nothing, and Cartman got good things for having a realistic plan he worked at. Clear example of incredible vanity and self-importance, thinking the universe "owes" him a reward for being a lazy fart-sniffer
                >not really
                Oh boy.
                Crucifying Cartman and getting Cartman abducted by aliens
                Mocking Pip for his parents dying
                Giving Cartman braindamage and letting him get raped to win some money
                Beating up Ike
                I could continue
                >by that point in the show cartman had made multiple jokes
                The only time Cartman ever made a joke about that was in NAMBLA, in a boardgame about Bill Kurtis. Kyle was mocking him because Cartman was dying

              • 5 months ago

                >Beating up Ike
                a cartoonish exaggeration of how older brothers typically treat younger brothers
                >The only time Cartman ever made a joke about that was in NAMBLA, in a boardgame about Bill Kurtis. Kyle was mocking him because Cartman was dying
                factually incorrect. in the native american episode, when they're trying to come up with ways to raise money to buy the town back, cartman's suggestion is to give kyle AIDS and use it to raise charity money. in woodland critter christmas, he literally writes about kyle getting an abortion and then dying of AIDS.

                >he became depressed because he saw good things happening to bad people and bad things happening to good people. sounds pretty relatable.
                Who is considered 'good' and 'bad' is very subjective, but that is how the world works. Life and people aren't that black and white. Also, the problem with your answer is that being 'self-pitying' is what BOTH Cartman and Kyle do, but Cartman gets called out for it the most for it. Yet, for some reason Kyle's self-pitying gets excused when it's something that they BOTH do.

                >it was because he was being treated like shit by everybody, actually
                How does that justify his actions though? If that's the case then Cartman treating Kyle
                like shit is justified because Kyle has been treating him like shit since season 1. Kyle
                literally told Cartman to let go of the money he lost and move on with his life. When Kyle
                starts getting treated like shit he decides to burn down the school or to nuke an entire country rather than to just let it go. That's on level with Cartman only that Cartman isn't preachy about his shit.

                >there is nothing wrong with laughing at the misfortune of someone who treats you like garbage.
                Not in their face though, because that would make you an butthole. Ironically, Cartman WOULD laugh in Kyle's face about Kyle getting AIDS which means that yes, Kyle did stoop down to Cartman's level, because he IS at his level.

                If it aired, it's canon. Sorry.

                >Who is considered 'good' and 'bad' is very subjective, but that is how the world works. Life and people aren't that black and white. Also, the problem with your answer is that being 'self-pitying' is what BOTH Cartman and Kyle do, but Cartman gets called out for it the most for it. Yet, for some reason Kyle's self-pitying gets excused when it's something that they BOTH do.
                cartman is objectively a bad person though. literally like 2 episodes before cartmanland he fed scott tennorman his own parents.
                i don't care if he's self-pitying in any case.
                >How does that justify his actions though?
                it doesn't, but it certainly makes them more understandable. he was being bullied by just about everyone. at least he wasn't going to hurt anybody with his plan, he was going to burn it down at night.
                >Not in their face though, because that would make you an butthole.
                what's wrong with being an butthole to someone who is an butthole to you?
                >Ironically, Cartman WOULD laugh in Kyle's face about Kyle getting AIDS which means that yes, Kyle did stoop down to Cartman's level, because he IS at his level.
                the fact that cartman would laugh about that in kyle's face is WHY kyle laughed about cartman having AIDS. you'll also note that kyle actually tried to hide how funny he thought it was at first; cartman wouldn't do that.
                >If it aired, it's canon. Sorry.
                not to me

              • 5 months ago

                >cartman is objectively a bad person though.
                Kyle is also objectively a bad person, because he's been actively bullying Cartman since season 1.

                >it doesn't, but it certainly makes them more understandable.
                But you ARE justifying awful actions regardless. You can't justify some actions all while trying to deflect similar ones especially when they are consistent with the character. What's so funny is that this is what Kyle would fricking do and it's why people like him are the fricking worst kind of buttholes.

                He will preach all this shit and then when HE does it then all of sudden it's for a 'good reason' rather than just admitting he's an butthole, too.

                >what's wrong with being an butthole to someone who is an butthole to you?
                Nothing as long as you aren't being a fricking hypocrite about it!

                >the fact that cartman would laugh about that in kyle's face is WHY kyle laughed about cartman having AIDS. you'll also note that kyle actually tried to hide how funny he thought it was at first; cartman wouldn't do that.

                That's because KYLE IS AN butthole. I keep saying that and you are like in denial about it by constantly justifying it. It doesn't matter if it's justified or not, it's still a very butthole thing to do.

              • 5 months ago

                >Kyle is also objectively a bad person, because he's been actively bullying Cartman since season 1.
                i don't know why people act like season 1 cartman wasn't already a shithead who deserved it and who gave as good as he got.
                >But you ARE justifying awful actions regardless. You can't justify some actions all while trying to deflect similar ones especially when they are consistent with the character. What's so funny is that this is what Kyle would fricking do and it's why people like him are the fricking worst kind of buttholes.
                i don't even get what is particularly awful about what kyle was going to do that makes it even remotely comparable to orchestrating the death of two people and then grinding them up into chilli to feed it to their son.
                the only people kyle was going to hurt by burning the school down were the taxpayers who'd have to pay to build a new one. which is a dick move, yes, but it's not the same as killing people, mutilating their corpses, and feeding said mutilated corpses to their child.
                >He will preach all this shit and then when HE does it then all of sudden it's for a 'good reason' rather than just admitting he's an butthole, too.
                but most of the time when kyle is an butthole it IS for good reason.
                >Nothing as long as you aren't being a fricking hypocrite about it!
                good thing kyle isn't a hypocrite about it then
                >That's because KYLE IS AN butthole. I keep saying that and you are like in denial about it by constantly justifying it. It doesn't matter if it's justified or not, it's still a very butthole thing to do.
                being an butthole to someone who treats you the way cartman treats kyle doesn't make you an butthole. it makes you a person who is being an butthole toward someone who DESERVES IT. that doesn't say anything about how you are in general. kyle is very nice and sweet most of the time, he's usually only an butthole when someone deserves it.

              • 5 months ago

                >he became depressed because he saw good things happening to bad people and bad things happening to good people. sounds pretty relatable.
                Who is considered 'good' and 'bad' is very subjective, but that is how the world works. Life and people aren't that black and white. Also, the problem with your answer is that being 'self-pitying' is what BOTH Cartman and Kyle do, but Cartman gets called out for it the most for it. Yet, for some reason Kyle's self-pitying gets excused when it's something that they BOTH do.

                >it was because he was being treated like shit by everybody, actually
                How does that justify his actions though? If that's the case then Cartman treating Kyle
                like shit is justified because Kyle has been treating him like shit since season 1. Kyle
                literally told Cartman to let go of the money he lost and move on with his life. When Kyle
                starts getting treated like shit he decides to burn down the school or to nuke an entire country rather than to just let it go. That's on level with Cartman only that Cartman isn't preachy about his shit.

                >there is nothing wrong with laughing at the misfortune of someone who treats you like garbage.
                Not in their face though, because that would make you an butthole. Ironically, Cartman WOULD laugh in Kyle's face about Kyle getting AIDS which means that yes, Kyle did stoop down to Cartman's level, because he IS at his level.

                If it aired, it's canon. Sorry.

              • 5 months ago

                >That's on level with Cartman only that Cartman isn't preachy about his shit.
                I take this back. No matter how delusional Cartman can get and all the shit he's done, he would never burn down the school or like take it out on others like that.

                What I mean is that Cartman takes his L's with more grace, probably because he thinks, deep
                down, that he deserves them. Like, he knows whenever he can't lie/manipulate his way out something he'll just come clean and/or handle his punishment it in stride, like that time he ended up at the migration camp with Kyle. He knew that Stan was going to call ICE on him so he packed up his bag and tried to make the best of it.

                Kyle, otoh, probably feels like he doesn't deserve his L's and ends up taking it out on others,
                such as Cartman, instead. I think that this kind of gets lost, because when Kyle takes it out on Cartman people feel it's also deserved due to all the shit that Cartman does, but looking at it objectively...the kind of person who would do something like that is a real fricking menace.

              • 5 months ago

                >What I mean is that Cartman takes his L's with more grace
                are you fricking serious? he literally spent hours mutilating corpses with a hacksaw so he could feed them to their son, all because their son scammed him out of like, ten fricking dollars.
                cartman apologists have a weirdly selective memory. and of course they always focus on nu-park shit because cartman has been watered down over the past few years (to the point where he isn't even funny anymore).
                >the kind of person who would do something like that is a real fricking menace
                i admire him

              • 5 months ago

                >Like, he knows whenever he can't lie/manipulate his way out something he'll just come clean and/or handle his punishment it in stride, like that time he ended up at the migration camp with Kyle.

                I know that it's hard, but please learn how to properly comprehend what you are reading. THIS Is the condition I set up for the statement. The major difference is that in the Scott Tenorman episode as with the Cthulu one is that he felt that he was the VICTIM in that episode and felt like he was WRONGED. This is also what Kyle did when he tried to burn down the school AND got Canada nuked in which Kyle also considered himself the victim in both of those episodes as well.

                Though, I am referring to episodes in which Cartman IS scheming and doing something awful where he will take his L's there versus in other episodes such as the Tenorman one and the Coon trilogy. I don't have 'selective memory' and can, somehow remember episodes better than you can as indicated here in

                already explained why i don't consider this a bad thing.
                >hawaii episode
                haven't seen this in a while so i don't remember exactly what butters said, but butters was being a c**t in that episode.
                >pandemic special
                don't give a frick about this garbage
                >bullying cartman
                it's funny when people pretend that early season cartman was some kind of sweet misunderstood angel.
                he was still a piece of shit, he just hadn't become a MURDEROUS piece of shit yet.
                don't see how he was projecting in imaginationland.
                >hating on butters for being a pimp
                that was based though. pimps are even more disgusting than the prostitutes they manage.
                >treating butters like crap
                yeah i think there's a big difference between kyle making fun of butters sometimes and cartman literally drugging him with cough syrup and molesting him
                >stealing girlfriend
                boo hoo, cartman literally had an entire episode where he fricks up kyle's relationship with nichole
                i like this about him.
                >new special
                haven't seen it, never will.
                >treated like shit
                yeah, that is being treated like shit.
                >Because Kyle wanted to receive a reward for doing nothing, and Cartman got good things for having a realistic plan he worked at. Clear example of incredible vanity and self-importance, thinking the universe "owes" him a reward for being a lazy fart-sniffer
                there is nothing wrong with being upset at how shitty the world is
                >Crucifying Cartman and getting Cartman abducted by aliens
                >Mocking Pip for his parents dying
                every single character mocked pip, even your beloved cartman
                >Giving Cartman braindamage and letting him get raped to win some money
                they only made cartman ride the bull because cartman wasted all of kyle's money (kyle's money, keep that in mind) on lame rides. they also didn't "let him get raped," he went off and did that on his own. they tried to stop him from doing that shit if i'm remembering correctly.

                >don't see how he was projecting in imaginationland.

                Like it was in the LITERALLY in the first 10 minutes of Part 1.

              • 5 months ago

                This needs to be clarified:

                Yes, Cartman did grind Scott's parents into chili, BUT they were mere pawns/tools in his revenge scheme. Cartman did not target them solely, because Scott screwed him over. Cartman did it, because he knew it would hurt Scott as much as he hurt for losing his money and being made a fool of.

                Otoh, Kyle will preach about what is right and wrong, yet will not hesitate to punish others or society at large when he feels like he is wronged. This is the same Kyle who told Cartman to 'just get over it' when he was upset about losing the money to Scott.

                Kyle isn't nearly as deluded as Cartman is and is willingly going out there to punish others for things not going his way. That makes Kyle a fricking hypocrite.

                Even that little bit of nuance doesn't mean much anyways, because they are both awful characters for doing shit like that in the first place.

              • 5 months ago

                >In Cartmanland Kyle literally lost the will to live just because Cartman
                experienced a little bit of happiness
                >Butters called out Kyle in the episode where he went to Hawaii
                >In the Pandemic special Kyle trying to convince everyone that Cartman spent
                40+ years of his life trying to get back at him despite Cartman trying to better his life
                >Kyle bullying Cartman since season 1
                >Kyle constantly accusing Cartman of what he does (projecting), which he specifically
                did in Imaginationland and when he got Canada getting nuked
                >Kyle hating on Butters for being a pimp/manager
                >Kyle getting mad at Cartman for treating Butters like crap, but also
                treating him like crap whenever its convenient from him
                >Kyle stealing his friend's girlfriend
                >Kyle being preachy and on a moral high horse until it comes to
                Cartman then all of that goes out of the window
                >being petty to Cartman and co. in the new special

                I'll be here all day. Even if it's directed at Cartman and not including
                when he's also doing awful things WITH Cartman, those are still part
                of his personality and him as a character.

              • 5 months ago

                already explained why i don't consider this a bad thing.
                >hawaii episode
                haven't seen this in a while so i don't remember exactly what butters said, but butters was being a c**t in that episode.
                >pandemic special
                don't give a frick about this garbage
                >bullying cartman
                it's funny when people pretend that early season cartman was some kind of sweet misunderstood angel.
                he was still a piece of shit, he just hadn't become a MURDEROUS piece of shit yet.
                don't see how he was projecting in imaginationland.
                >hating on butters for being a pimp
                that was based though. pimps are even more disgusting than the prostitutes they manage.
                >treating butters like crap
                yeah i think there's a big difference between kyle making fun of butters sometimes and cartman literally drugging him with cough syrup and molesting him
                >stealing girlfriend
                boo hoo, cartman literally had an entire episode where he fricks up kyle's relationship with nichole
                i like this about him.
                >new special
                haven't seen it, never will.

                >couple boys make you sit at a different table than them
                >"treated like shit"
                Ironically they then did this to Cartman at the end and Cartman never tried to burn the school down
                >because he saw good things happening to bad people and bad things happening to good people
                Because Kyle wanted to receive a reward for doing nothing, and Cartman got good things for having a realistic plan he worked at. Clear example of incredible vanity and self-importance, thinking the universe "owes" him a reward for being a lazy fart-sniffer
                >not really
                Oh boy.
                Crucifying Cartman and getting Cartman abducted by aliens
                Mocking Pip for his parents dying
                Giving Cartman braindamage and letting him get raped to win some money
                Beating up Ike
                I could continue
                >by that point in the show cartman had made multiple jokes
                The only time Cartman ever made a joke about that was in NAMBLA, in a boardgame about Bill Kurtis. Kyle was mocking him because Cartman was dying

                >treated like shit
                yeah, that is being treated like shit.
                >Because Kyle wanted to receive a reward for doing nothing, and Cartman got good things for having a realistic plan he worked at. Clear example of incredible vanity and self-importance, thinking the universe "owes" him a reward for being a lazy fart-sniffer
                there is nothing wrong with being upset at how shitty the world is
                >Crucifying Cartman and getting Cartman abducted by aliens
                >Mocking Pip for his parents dying
                every single character mocked pip, even your beloved cartman
                >Giving Cartman braindamage and letting him get raped to win some money
                they only made cartman ride the bull because cartman wasted all of kyle's money (kyle's money, keep that in mind) on lame rides. they also didn't "let him get raped," he went off and did that on his own. they tried to stop him from doing that shit if i'm remembering correctly.

              • 5 months ago

                >already explained why i don't consider this a bad thing.
                >literally like 2 episodes before cartmanland he fed scott tennorman his own parents.
                Now you're being a hypocrite, because being a bully is also seen as being a bad thing and Kyle has done some shity stuff since the Scott Tenorman episode aired.

                >he was still a piece of shit, he just hadn't become a MURDEROUS piece of shit yet.
                Kyle's also been a POS of since season 1, but here you are trying to defend him.

                >don't see how he was projecting in imaginationland.
                Of course you don't. He literally foreshadowed his own actions throughout the 3 parter right in the beginning of the episode by accusing Cartman of it when they were searching for the leprechaun.

                >yeah i think there's a big difference between kyle making fun of butters sometimes and cartman literally drugging him with cough syrup and molesting him
                Kyle also encouraged Cartman to sexually molest Butters again so...

                >boo hoo, cartman literally had an entire episode where he fricks up kyle's relationship with nichole
                Your arguments are so interesting, because on one hand you seem to be clueless to how Kyle is a piece of shit, but then when examples of his shitty behavior are pointed out the only time you never seem to deflect them is when it's directed at Cartman in some way. Then you just say it was 'justified.' Yet, it never stops the behavior from being shitty, which is what I have been saying this entire time.

                The argument was never whether or not Kyle's shitty actions were justified or not. The argument HE IS a shitty person for doing these things despite them being justified, or not. The fact that you are unable to distinguish that is fascinating and probably explains why you are probably defending Kyle so hard.

              • 5 months ago

                >Now you're being a hypocrite, because being a bully is also seen as being a bad thing
                i mean it isn't really on par with murder, and kyle also isn't a bully.
                >Kyle's also been a POS of since season 1, but here you are trying to defend him.
                kyle wasn't a piece of shit though
                >He literally foreshadowed his own actions throughout the 3 parter
                oh, you mean he was projecting by assuming cartman was trying to get out of paying him the money, and then trying to get out of the bet himself later?
                because i don't see how that's hypocritical of him at all. "muh honoring muh bet" doesn't count when honoring the bet means allowing yourself to be raped.
                >Kyle also encouraged Cartman to sexually molest Butters again so...
                no, he just stopped caring about butters when butters was a jackass to him. he didn't encourage cartman to do it again, he just stopped trying to warn butters about it. because butters was a dick to him for no reason.
                >The argument was never whether or not Kyle's shitty actions were justified or not. The argument HE IS a shitty person for doing these things despite them being justified, or not. The fact that you are unable to distinguish that is fascinating and probably explains why you are probably defending Kyle so hard.
                acting shitty towards people who treat you like garbage is not a bad thing. you do not have to be nice and polite to people who constantly belittle you, insult you for your ethnicity, and plot to frick up your life for their own entertainment. you SHOULD be shitty to them because otherwise you're kind of pathetic. so yes, kyle is entirely justified in acting shitty towards cartman or anyone else who wrongs him, and i LIKE that about him.
                somebody is not a shitty person because they are mean to people who treat them like crap.

  21. 5 months ago

    Sorry, hopefully I don't sound like an incel but what the frick is wrong with women? They ship EVERY show! They always crave romance in ALL media! The number one book genre is romance. Every show has to be all about shipping to them. 99 percent of the shippers are women. They even ship in THIS show! Only a crazy obsessive would do that!

    • 5 months ago

      There are plenty of male shippers out there, don't be fooled.

      • 5 months ago

        Anyone who doesn't believe that male shippers exist should just take a look at Evangelion or Pokemon or basically anything that was ever popular in Latin America. I swear any time I see male ship autism there's a 90% likelihood it's some Mexican breed.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, idk why people even ask that question or act like they don't exist. Maybe, because I was in the anime/manga fandom for a long time, but who do people think are writing and drawing all those hentai doujins and art of particular character pairings? What about all the fighting between shippers that happens in those threads on Cinemaphile? A lot of those are men. There are men who even ship slash couples. Even if it's a 'best girl thread' it's actually just a shipping thread in disguise, because all of them are waiting to see which of the girls(ships) will 'win.' Granted there are probably women in the mix, too, but shippers are not relegated to only one sex OR gender.

          It's so funny, because over there people are surprised to learn that women are drawing those porn comics and here people are somehow surprised men can be shippers, too.

          >I swear any time I see male ship autism there's a 90% likelihood it's some Mexican breed.
          I believe it. I remember that manga where a shitton of Latin fans harassed the mangaka so bad, because they hated the ending so much. It was, basically, a a really bad telenovela. The mangaka basically had to be like "Tough nuts, leave me alone."

          Or even what happened in Naruto. There was an entire subset of shippers who were so upset that their ship didn't happen despite how obvious it was that they weren't going to happen anyways. There is a Japanese doujinka who still makes doujins centered around that ship.

  22. 5 months ago

    So what does make Stan the center of so many ships? He's my favorite boy but I've never cared much about that side of him

    • 5 months ago

      it's probably because he's treated the main character a lot of the time, and because he's pretty "average" so people can project themselves onto him more easily.

  23. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      The frick is this.

      • 5 months ago

        a moron

  24. 5 months ago
  25. 5 months ago

    >Kylegay vs. Cartmangay

    Now kiss!

  26. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      kyle is for stan
      wendy is for cartman

  27. 5 months ago
  28. 5 months ago

    Reminder that Style shippers and Kyle-self inserters have their entire worldview completely fricking shattered when you show them You’re getting old and Ass burgers. It’s literally canon that Kyle doesn’t give two shits about Stan the second he steps out of line, to theo ping of preferring Cartman almost immediately. Kyle wants someone submissive. It’s not a healthy relationship.

    • 5 months ago

      kyle literally explains in those episodes why he doesn't want to hang out with stan. it wasn't because he "stepped out of line" or wasn't "submissive"
      i do think he was a jerk for abandoning stan when he needed his friend. but his reasons for doing so do make sense: stan's attitude was making it impossible for any of them to have fun, because he would complain about whatever they were doing or call it shit, constantly. it's implied this went on for a while. kyle also said that stan's attitude was starting to make him feel cynical too. he gave him one last chance, and stan immediately complained about what they were all going to do together.
      it's pretty understandable to not want to be around such a negative influence, though i also think kyle could have done better in that situation than he did in the episode.

  29. 5 months ago

    I stopped following the series after the covid specials, it’s really cute how new kids have real kid voices now. Like the crying girl in Pajama Day

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