Why are webcomics taking over?

They are even outperforming manga of all things. Should all indie creators from now on prioritize the vertical format?

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  1. 10 months ago

    They are? What are some good webcomics? No superheros please.

    • 10 months ago

      I am just getting into it so idk. My little sister is in highschool and she says most of the girls in her grade read them.

      • 10 months ago

        Are you sure it isn't manga? Kids seem more interested in that than in webcomics.

        • 10 months ago

          Webtoons are more likely. Kids like manga but then love webtoons.

          • 10 months ago

            What's the difference between webtoons and webcomics? The first one sounds like it ought to be animation, but I get the sense it's not.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Nature of Nature's Art has been around for over a decade, with 8 arcs, stories thus far, with one more planned after the current one is complete.

      And this isn't hyperbolic: Several of them, especially Solar System, are some of the greatest stories of any medium. Novel, Film, Animation, the lot of it.

      • 10 months ago

        I like nature of nature’s art but its wayyyyy too high brow and schizophrenic for most people to get into.

        They are? What are some good webcomics? No superheros please.

        Cheap Thrills by skurvy
        Drop Out and Fresh Meat by Gray Folie
        Latchkey Kingdom
        Zuzel and the Fox
        Jack (your mileage WILL vary but frick you I started reading it inbetween bible passages afterschool during elementary and I love this stupid edgy tiny toons comic)
        Problem Sleuth
        Kill Six Billion Demons (its fine, I personally stopped caring about it after a while because I’m just not that enthralled with the worldbuilding)
        Prague Race (was great before it died)
        The Last Halloween
        Monster Pulse

        What's the difference between webtoons and webcomics? The first one sounds like it ought to be animation, but I get the sense it's not.

        webtoons is just a specific hosting platform for webcomics thats optimized for browsing on mobile.

    • 10 months ago

      Unsounded is a good long-form fantasy comic.
      Poorly Drawn Lines is a good gag-a-day comic.
      The Illustrated Guide to Law is a good educational comic.
      Lackadaisy is a good deadcomic.
      SMBC is a good nerdy comic.
      Cassandra Comics is a good female-focused slice-of-life comic.
      Extra Ordinary is a good goofy comic.
      Questionable Content is a good-at-times soap opera comic.
      Dresden Codak and Romantically Apocalyptic are good examples of how to ruin a good webcomic.

      • 10 months ago

        >Questionable Content is a good-at-times soap opera comic
        You might as well tell him to go read bittersweet candy bowl or fricking dumbing of age if thats your standard for “good at times”

      • 10 months ago

        Webcomics have been around since the 90's, and had a surge of success during the early 2000's. But I guess you're talking about Webtoons, specifically. Webtoons realized two things: People read a lot of shit on their phones, and teen girls spent a lot of time liking things on Tumblr and then Twitter without reading a lot of comics. One of their early titles is that comic about the girl with a large boyfriend, and I remember that being shared a lot back in the day. It's just the successfully drilling into a market that has remained untapped.

        I like nature of nature’s art but its wayyyyy too high brow and schizophrenic for most people to get into.
        Cheap Thrills by skurvy
        Drop Out and Fresh Meat by Gray Folie
        Latchkey Kingdom
        Zuzel and the Fox
        Jack (your mileage WILL vary but frick you I started reading it inbetween bible passages afterschool during elementary and I love this stupid edgy tiny toons comic)
        Problem Sleuth
        Kill Six Billion Demons (its fine, I personally stopped caring about it after a while because I’m just not that enthralled with the worldbuilding)
        Prague Race (was great before it died)
        The Last Halloween
        Monster Pulse
        webtoons is just a specific hosting platform for webcomics thats optimized for browsing on mobile.

        There are things in here that I wouldn't recommend to anyone who isn't already into webcomics, which I think is indicative of how the medium is fairly niche. I mean, Jack? That comic has always been a meme. Achewood has been dead for 7 years and always looked like shit.

        • 10 months ago

          >There are things in here that I wouldn't recommend to anyone who isn't already into webcomics
          I kinda go out of my way to avoid most generic webcomics with the usual setups a la vgcats and shit like that. Why bother reccommending basic b***h shit when you can just offer yknow… something unique?
          Jack is definitely worth it for the meme and historical value. plus I’m a sucker for reading trashy furgay webcomics like Better Days- theyre just funny to me.
          Admittedly I’m just naming shit off the top of my head that I actually like plus deep cuts nobody on Cinemaphile talks about or have been concluded or died somewhat.
          I’m trying to stick to genuinely good shit, or shit thats so bad its good by itself. Im not going to say someone should read some absolute trash like Blades of Furry. I mean, I LIKE it because its dumb trash, but its not dumb trash a la The Room like Jack is.
          kinda wish my laptop wasnt dead currently so I could check my bookmarks because theres so much crap I used to browse that barely anybody talks about.
          >Achewood has been dead for 7 years and always looked like shit.
          You do understand that art isn’t always the sole appeal of a comic right?
          Have you even read it? Its funny as hell and some of the arcs like The Great Outdoor Fight are absolutely golden.

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly, I think gamer comics stopped being the standard years ago. Used to be that Penny Arcade was the biggest webcomic on the internet. Do people even read it anymore? I don't see anyone posting anything from it. I think I saw a dickwolves reference, but that's also ancient history. Shit, people remember CAD for Loss, and VGcats because its creator went off the rails.

            >I’m a sucker for reading trashy furgay webcomics like Better Days
            Yeah, I love shitty webcomics too. One of the best parts of the medium is that anyone who wants to can just make a comic. It's all unfiltered and unique. But it's not what I'd recommend to anyone who just wants to read a good comic.

            >Blades of Furry
            I've read a bit of it. It was surprisingly entertaining.

            >You do understand that art isn’t always the sole appeal of a comic right?
            It's a visual medium, though. Achewood is really hard on the eyes, and if someone recommended that to me out of the blue, I'd think they were nuts. And personally I never understood what people saw in it. Shit just straight up does not make me laugh.

            • 10 months ago

              >Yeah, I love shitty webcomics too
              >But it's not what I'd recommend to anyone who just wants to read a good comic.
              Not every book you read has to be on the level of Grapes of Wrath. sometimes you just want some nice bubblegum fiction like Stephen King and the like.
              >I've read a bit of it. It was surprisingly entertaining
              Its the competent over the top melodrama mixed with the battleskating gimmick thing that just sorta clicks. Me and a friend used to narrate/VA it together over calls.
              Not all of Achewood is the bees-knees and being honest, it really only starts getting its footing and having things that land at around the 1/3rd mark of its existence. I’d really suggest you at least give The Great Outdoor fight arc a chance, theres odds and ends that I like but for me thats about where Achewood peaks but I’m not sure how much you’ll get out of it without knowing the characters.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not every book you read has to be on the level of Grapes of Wrath. sometimes you just want some nice bubblegum fiction like Stephen King and the like.
                I get that. But you compared Jack to The Room, which is fair. I always hold The Room as the perfect bad movie. It's not the worst movie out there, not by a long shot, precisely because it's made competently enough to have all of the individual parts of a typical movie, but incompetently enough that we can see how every one of those parts is botched completely. But it's not what I'd recommend for a fun watch. I'd recommend something like Commando instead. Or, in webcomics context, Ten Earth Shattering Blows.

                Alright, maybe I'll give it a go. But early Achewood is too lolrandom for me, and late Achewood is too wordy, and the humor for neither clicks with me.

              • 10 months ago

                achewood looking so bad is by design. It makes it funnier.

    • 10 months ago

      Unicorn jelly is the goat

      • 10 months ago

        This. Read the sequels for the best sci-fi story you'll ever read.

      • 10 months ago

        This. Read the sequels for the best sci-fi story you'll ever read.

        Be honest, how old are you homosexuals?

        • 10 months ago

          >outing yourself as underage
          Not very smart of you, anon.

  2. 10 months ago

    No way this is true. Can you back this up with actual evidence?
    Every South Korean WebComic I've seen is garbage.
    It's either some edgy revenge fantasy, some swinger porn, or KEKED dorama shit.
    If it is true, then humanity is at a low point, and the time for me to go get myself killed has arrived.

    • 10 months ago

      It's free. Of course that's a huge appeal to kids with limited spending money. don't overthink it boomer.

      • 10 months ago

        >don’t think about the facts, just believe me
        there’s no universe in existence where this is even close to true

  3. 10 months ago

    Not all webcomics are vertical format. Some of the most culturally impactful webcomics ever made have utter garbage formats. Some of them format like newspaper strips. Some of them are a series of gifs. Also, whatever the frick you call Dresden Codak's format.

    One of the biggest appeals of making comics for web is that you're not restricted by conventional formatting. You don't need to make every page the same size and you can make a page as stupidly wide as you want.

    Hopefully in the new future the mainstream learns to separate webcomics from phonecomics, which are mostly bad and unremarkable.

  4. 10 months ago

    Webtoon is a cancerous garbage medium that despite being made for tablets and phones is vastly inferior to the comic panel. The only thing it excels at is forcing the reader to endlessly scroll, it is a platform for mindless consumption

    • 10 months ago

      >Webtoon is a cancerous garbage medium that despite being made for tablets and phones
      Why do people keep saying this shit when vertical format was a thing before smartphones?

      • 10 months ago

        Because Webtoon, specifically Webtoon IS fricking shit. Yes vertical comics have been a thing but the Webtoon format is rife with flaws most notably the massive amounts of dead white/black space surrounding panels. It is a cheap dogshit variation of a much better format

  5. 10 months ago

    Webtoons are taking over in America for the same reason manga took over.
    Webtoon creators are willing to make things that comic creators aren't, and people find that far more interesting.
    There's a reason the top-selling non-manga/kid's comics in America are like 80-90% webtoons.

    • 10 months ago

      >Lore Olympus doing that well
      eugh, thats a frickin shame

  6. 10 months ago

    Longstrip/webtoon format is an insult to the medium

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