Why can't anyone adapt it?

Why can't anyone adapt it?

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  1. 4 months ago

    because it's stupid

  2. 4 months ago

    Serious answer? It felt dated by the 90s, we're living in a post-cyberpunk world

    • 4 months ago

      I've red it a few years ago and it didn't feel dated at all
      If someone talented was interested in it it could be great, someone like robert eggers... but let's he honest, Hollywood would give it to someone like rupert sanders

    • 4 months ago

      >we're living in a post-cyberpunk world
      it's time to stop posting and go watch the world around you now.

      wouldnt translate well onscreen without a massive rewrite

      so what?

      Watch New Rose Hotel to find out why.

      movies from vidyagames were a fail before Arcane.

    • 4 months ago

      what do you think cyberpunk means?
      it's high tech, low life.
      homeless people have cell phones. that's pretty cyberpunk to me.

  3. 4 months ago

    Watch New Rose Hotel to find out why.

    • 4 months ago

      Haha, excellent point.

  4. 4 months ago

    wouldnt translate well onscreen without a massive rewrite

  5. 4 months ago

    Normies would call it a Matrix rip off

    • 4 months ago

      They know the matrix was also a rip off, dont they?

  6. 4 months ago

    I'd prefer someone would adapt the Difference Engine instead

  7. 4 months ago

    It's too late. It's influenced so much popular culture it's lost nearly all of its edge and novelty. It would feel like a regurgitation of things we all have already seen, even if it was actually the origin of most of those ideas.

    • 4 months ago

      >we can't do an adaptation of Shakespeare, because every other story is based on this .
      You are a tard.

  8. 4 months ago

    I for one am glad I don't have to watch space jamaicans black Molly

    • 4 months ago

      implying molly wouldn't look like this

      • 4 months ago

        >Moolie Millions

        • 4 months ago


  9. 4 months ago

    because its one of the most ripped off works in history, nearly every single thing on it has appeared in a movie since, so a neuromancer movie would be , ironically enough, derivative

    • 4 months ago

      Large parts of the movie are perfect for a film adaptation like the heist scenes or the space station, but yes it would likely suffer a John Carter/Flash Gordon style scenario. And Case is a very bland character.

      The biggest problem with Neuromancer is that Case doesn't do a single fricking thing.

      Molly does all the ninja shit. Wintermute does all the hacker shit. He just stares at the two of them doing shit through a CCTV link the whole fricking novel.

      Armitage is a more interesting character especially with his downfall.

      Why can't anyone adapt it?

      I think the plot could be cut down a bit to make a good sci fi flick, but much like Dune 2021 it would lose a lot of the depth

      i would watch a snow crash miniseries

      The satire in that book is dated even if you are anti-woke. I loved Seveneves though, albeit I love hard sci fi.

      Big question is why haven't Niven/Pournelle's works been adapted. Motie novels would be difficult, but Footfall and Lucifer's Hammer would work well if you cut the controversial stuff.
      Greg Bear's Forge of God/Anvil of Stars is also good for adaptation.

  10. 4 months ago

    A better question is why would anybody want to? It's shit. I got memed into reading this "sci-fi classic" and it was a waste of my life.

    • 4 months ago

      I started it, found it very boring and middle of the road, checked out around the time the woman was rubbing the hospitalised protagonist's ballsack.

  11. 4 months ago

    It was adapted in 1982. When Gibson saw it he had to run back to his writing room and rewrite two thirds of the book.

    • 4 months ago

      Although he predicted Blade Runner's visual ascetic to a T, the themes could not be more different.

  12. 4 months ago

    I won't allow it

  13. 4 months ago

    The Net (1995) surpassed it

    • 4 months ago

      kino and comfy

  14. 4 months ago

    because neuromancer was and is revered for the - at the time - incredible and unseen concepts it introduced, not for its actual prose and story.

    william gibson's books have gotten increasingly better (up until zero history; peripheral and especially agency and gibson malding over hillary's election loss have made for a step back unfortunately) and i feel like both virtual light and pattern recognition would lend themselves better to be adapted to film since they're actually well written.

    • 4 months ago

      I was able to meet Gibson at a book signing the political moronation. He turned into such a cuck.

  15. 4 months ago

    It would ironically come across as a ripoff because so many elements of it have been taken and adapted in other movies. Like how Independence Day literally ripped off storyboards for a potential Childhood's End film.

  16. 4 months ago

    Why can't anyone adapt it?

    • 4 months ago

      The only two characters that matter are someone that is so autistic he pisses people off simply by existing nearby and a computer that is remote controlling a vampire. The entire plot is the rest of the crew do irrelevant shit until the computer realizes the aliens are not sentient and shoves the main character into a life pod flying back to Earth with the message that humanity is fricked.

      It would be an amazing movie that would be hated by almost everyone.

    • 4 months ago

      why can't anyone adapt it?
      creatures of light and darkness

      • 4 months ago

        >small dick on the cover

        • 4 months ago

          Many Greek/Roman statues have small dicks so it's no surprise that zelazny would feature them here.

        • 4 months ago

          I cast a magical curse in 2004 to make sure it never gets adapted because I used one of my 4 wishes to see into the future and saw that every time it gets adapted it's shit. Every. Time.
          Thank me when you wake up in Hyperborea after this stint in Saturn's Circus fellow KINGS OF CHRIST!

          I know right? Imagine getting manhandled by that sex Goddess and NOT having at least a 7 incher going?? Fricking gay LMAO!

  17. 4 months ago

    i would watch a snow crash miniseries

    • 4 months ago

      i'd be on board with that

  18. 4 months ago

    Why go back to his earlier works when his magnum opus was already adapted?

  19. 4 months ago

    The biggest problem with Neuromancer is that Case doesn't do a single fricking thing.

    Molly does all the ninja shit. Wintermute does all the hacker shit. He just stares at the two of them doing shit through a CCTV link the whole fricking novel.

  20. 4 months ago

    Your imagination and the prose are such a major component of enjoying the book that having a concrete rendition of it would only result in something worse. The dialogue would sound a bit like nonsense in real life too, and without my mind filling in some of the gaps, the story might fall apart. I can imagine someone making an episodic series of some of the burning chrome stories. When I read that story about the kid playing that hologram dogfighting game, I imagined it taking place in a New England Winter, and I can vividly see how that can be adapted into something good.

  21. 4 months ago

    because you can't say maelcum on tv

  22. 4 months ago

    Too iq for simpletons like miself and my fellow tv bros

  23. 4 months ago

    Its too late at this point. The best time for an adaption would've been like '91 or '92.

  24. 4 months ago

    >Cunningham was signed to direct the long awaited adaptation of William Gibson’s Neuromancer in 2000. After years of script revisions and preproduction (rumour has it Cunningham had drawn a huge amount of concept art and storyboards) the project was cancelled, due to fact that Cunningham was not granted final cut (ie complete control over the final edit of the film). The executive producers reserved final cut for themselves on account this was to be Cunningham’s first feature.
    it’s not meant to be lads

  25. 4 months ago

    I think would be better to do an anime than a movie

  26. 4 months ago

    Problematic MC

  27. 4 months ago

    >Why can't anyone adapt it?

    It would be the same problem with "John Carter" all over again.

    Audiences are too stupid to notice the source of the source material they consume.

    Without 'John Carter' there would be no Star Wars....but people liked Star Wars because of lightsabers and shiiit.....instead of knowing that 100 years earlier someone wrote

    Neuromancer would suffer the same problem...."Oh this is like Matrix", "Oh this is like Johnny Mnemonic", "Oh this rips of Cyberpunk 2077, can't they do anything original?".....never realizing that Gibson was the literal creator of the cyberpunk genre in the first place.

    In short, the market isn't there for it. Especially with Matrix Resurrection failing miserably and the failure of CP77 when it first launched, no one cares about cyberpunk right now.

    • 4 months ago

      John Carter, in all of the book cover illustrations and material looked like it takes place on a fantastical location with a lot of swashbuckling and adventuring.

      In the movie they conveyed that as some charisma vacuum jumping like a tard in a 100% desert landscape which looks idiotic. Just straight up buffoonish.

      • 4 months ago

        >swashbuckling and adventuring.

        what the frick do you think lightsabers are all about, Black?

      • 4 months ago

        Also the soundtrack sucked. I wanted to like it, but it was all such a waste. Flash-gordon style fantasy sci fi can be great again.

    • 4 months ago

      >failure of CP77 when it first launched
      I started playing this recently specifically because of Neuromancer and it's quite good. First vidya I've played in years, glad they fixed it

      • 4 months ago

        I think a lot of the heat CP2077 caught on release was from console plebs who couldn't play it without crashing.
        I pirated it on release and it wasn't the best game I've played by a long shot but it was way better than the oublic reaction made it out to be

        • 4 months ago

          CP77 was shit despite the glitchy game on release. Sure it plays good NOW, but I find myself skipping much of the story because all the background lore is wokeshit garbage subplots about moral lecturing than evoking your inner edgelord. And the rewards are incrementally better if you choose the 'good' path.

          And yet, for all the 'good' you're forced to do (to maximize your rewards), all the endings pretty much suck. You're dead no matter what you do, except the new ending that turns you into a nothing NPC.....like really frick this game.

          • 4 months ago

            >You're dead no matter what you do
            Oh shit, is there no post game then? I've been putting off a lot of the side missions

            • 4 months ago

              >Oh shit, is there no post game then? I've been putting off a lot of the side missions

              Not exactly, after the last mission of whatever path you choose for an certain ending, you just reappear in front of the Embers club just before meeting Hanako. Talk to her again, and set up a different path, or go on doing side stuff, level up...

              • 4 months ago

                Alright, thanks

        • 4 months ago

          CP77 was shit despite the glitchy game on release. Sure it plays good NOW, but I find myself skipping much of the story because all the background lore is wokeshit garbage subplots about moral lecturing than evoking your inner edgelord. And the rewards are incrementally better if you choose the 'good' path.

          And yet, for all the 'good' you're forced to do (to maximize your rewards), all the endings pretty much suck. You're dead no matter what you do, except the new ending that turns you into a nothing NPC.....like really frick this game.

          I'm still mad they botched the custom genitalia thing. As a long time cybperpunk fan, this game was a total wash. Cyperpunk 2020 as a tabletop rpg gets better and better as an alternate history setting.

      • 4 months ago

        I think a lot of the heat CP2077 caught on release was from console plebs who couldn't play it without crashing.
        I pirated it on release and it wasn't the best game I've played by a long shot but it was way better than the oublic reaction made it out to be

        I liked it and recently replayed it recently but there's no defense for CDPR straight up lying.
        Plot has a one big problem with pacing - uh you're dying go - have dinner with cop or go swimming with a dyke - you cannot justify it in any way. Best moment is probably doing everything except meeting corpo ninja and getting to Hanako and filling that with side quests Not to mention another 10s of hours of content. There are still some bugs and missing items btw, car frickery will never end. Also game had some funky interactions with Johnny depending on what quests you did and their order. You still get chummy a bit too fast, from I'm gonna murder your ass to we're chill now to I'm gonna take your body to bffs
        Also sucks you have to fix your game with mods, crafting system sucked and now it sucks but in other way.
        >can't craft 5+/++ weapons
        >can't take out modifications
        >all vendors fricking suck ass especially clothing ones
        What the frick were they thinking? Youi're basically waiting for the weapon you want with 2 mods slots and you might not like how it looks, Game begs you to use mods and console.

        CP77 was shit despite the glitchy game on release. Sure it plays good NOW, but I find myself skipping much of the story because all the background lore is wokeshit garbage subplots about moral lecturing than evoking your inner edgelord. And the rewards are incrementally better if you choose the 'good' path.

        And yet, for all the 'good' you're forced to do (to maximize your rewards), all the endings pretty much suck. You're dead no matter what you do, except the new ending that turns you into a nothing NPC.....like really frick this game.

        Oh yeah endings are unsatisfying but they are also wishy washy which is really fricking stupid and completely not in tune with the rest of game atmosphere so you are supposed to play make believe that you get your fix from AI overlords or dirty savages and ignore fact that during the story you die 1-4 times - depending on your interpretation of first "death?" and brain frickery from voodoo boys/bd

    • 4 months ago

      >Gibson was the literal creator of the cyberpunk genre
      go to bed william

    • 4 months ago

      >never realizing that Gibson was the literal creator of the cyberpunk genre in the first place.
      Try to actually trace the development of the genre before you open your mouth next time.
      Gibson is one of the titans, yes, but he wasnt writing in a vacuum.

  28. 4 months ago

    >Molly, I'm in.

    • 4 months ago

      Is this before that guy gets a bucket of shit tossed on him?

  29. 4 months ago

    Same reason with John Carter. Plenty of media took influence from it that it'd be called a rip off by those who aren't familiar with it IE most people. Not worth it.

  30. 4 months ago

    Too verbose for things that are simple to understand today. It was novel in the 80s.
    When you strip it of its complexity, its a pretty bland story.

  31. 4 months ago

    Inception ripped this off hard. Like beat for beat

  32. 4 months ago

    It's largely incoherent. Gibson is a lazy writer that makes a word salad and expects you to create everything for him.

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