Why did a quote meaning

Why did a quote meaning
>"Your fictional setting doesn't exactly have to follow real world logistics or physics."
Get used to defend shitty writing where literally anything happens because reasons?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Get used to defend shitty writing where literally anything happens because reasons?
    no one has ever done this

    its used exactly what it was meant for, which is to remind people that "who does this trivial task in the show?" is not a criticism
    nitpicking and using realism as an argument is dumb

    • 10 months ago

      >no one has ever done this
      This happens literally every time someone points out a bad piece of writing in a marvel movie and its fans get all uppity.

      • 10 months ago

        >This happens literally every time someone points out a bad piece of writing in a marvel movie and its fans get all uppity.
        complaining that unrealistic things happening in an unrealistic setting is not a valid criticism in the first place

        • 10 months ago

          Internal consistency is the writer's imperative.

    • 10 months ago

      >exhaustive nitpicking of small logical inconsistencies in a fictitious story is shit criticism
      >somehow this fairly sound take made a single autistic person seeth his heart out about it for multiple years

      All you're doing when you spam this thread over and over is make grant Morrison sound like a chad

      Hillary lost 🙂

  2. 10 months ago

    >exhaustive nitpicking of small logical inconsistencies in a fictitious story is shit criticism
    >somehow this fairly sound take made a single autistic person seeth his heart out about it for multiple years

    All you're doing when you spam this thread over and over is make grant Morrison sound like a chad

    • 10 months ago

      If the story makes the logic, then why is it bad to call out when it breaks it?

    • 10 months ago

      Superman not unshrinking Kandor makes literally 0 fricking sense.
      Superman being at his most powerful but actually not doing anything at all makes 0 fricking sense.

      Good Superman comics had narration for a reason. But even then they were too plagued by bottle city existence but that's simply due to sitcom like format. Unlike ASS which doesn't have any status quo, it even doesn't support pre established rules having Superman getting sick from being too close to the sun because muh Icarus and having Superman unable to have kids with humans because muh israelites metaphor.
      Schizoid british magicians just can't into non hacky storytelling. That's why they HAVE to tell audience they are wrong. You would never catch Siegel or Binder or Bates, or Wein dead with such nonsense.

  3. 10 months ago

    It doesn't have to follow real-world logistics or physics, it just has to follow its own

    • 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    Because we give equal attention to the opinion of fools.

    If someone displays a base misunderstanding of something, why listen to them? They're an idiot. The anonymity of the internet obscures intent to the point that we listen to people who, in real life, we would cross the street to avoid.

    >why are stupid people saying this?
    Stop listening to stupid people.

  5. 10 months ago

    what a moron

  6. 10 months ago

    Fact: if Batman opened a batsuitcase in the middle of a fight, there was a batmagicwand inside, and Batman used it to turn the villain into a kitten, it would be completely okay because fiction doesn't have to follow real-life rules.

    • 10 months ago

      are you legitimately enough of an autist to ask how the mermaids in the little mermaid can feed themselves?

      • 10 months ago

        >how can a fish feed itself
        i wonder

        • 10 months ago

          the movie actively cuts off all avenues of food for the merpeople
          they dont eat other fishes, they arent equipped with massive filter feeding mouths, and they dont metabolize minerals from hydrothermal vents

          none of this matters because these questions arent pertinent or relevant to a story about daddy issues
          its a movie about a talking crab and a fish girl, where they get their protein is a question that didnt need asking

    • 10 months ago

      You can criticize bad writing and not complain about it being unrealistic. The purpose of this quote is to deflect moronic nitpicks and stupid appeals to realism. You're going too far in one direction to say it isn't right. When Spider-Man punches a guy real hard saying "He would have killed him this is bad writing." is fricking moronic and yet it's a common criticism of the ps4 game. Another one is complaints about Clark's glasses, or the idea that Batman shouldn't be able to fight super powered villains like Darkside. They're all moronic psuedointellectual takes from realism obsessed homosexuals who can't enjoy a fantasy world without pointing at the mundane.

  7. 10 months ago

    The reason those things happen is because it's written, no ifs, no whys, no impossibles, it's willed into fake existance.

  8. 10 months ago

    >every piece of fiction needs to be held to the same standards
    fricking just have a nice day now

    • 10 months ago

      Why shouldn't they be?

      • 10 months ago

        Why should they be?

        • 10 months ago

          Because not judging them all the same lowers the bar for certain genres only. This is why capeshit is so bad.

  9. 10 months ago

    Okay but when a character has the equivalent of a full squad of soldiers equipment in a small little belt, and a full army's worth of weaponry in his cave, you expect at least some explanation on how he got all that.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Ask a Western artist how a major thing about a character works and he yells and he'll cries until you stop
    >Ask any Eastern artist how his character's obscure and mostly forgotten ability works and he'll answer it with enthusiasm

    • 10 months ago

      Nice bait, anon. Everyone knows Toriyama didn't give a shit and forgot half the elements he introduced.

      • 10 months ago

        Toriyama at least made one with time.

    • 10 months ago

      Morrison or Moore aren't Western. They are cultureless schizos.
      Ask Siegel and he will always explain why Superman can jump That high.

  11. 10 months ago

    >ugh i hate when people are too interested in my art. I wish theyd all just disappear
    And then it really happened.

  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    >How does Superman fly?
    Tactile telekinesis
    >How do his eyebeams work?
    Concentrated radiation as a byproduct of his x-ray vision
    >Who pumps the tires on the Batmobile?
    Alfred, or Damian if he’s grounded

    The fact that this guy couldn’t come up with such extremely simple, already-existing answers to such easy questions proves his incompetence as a writer

    • 10 months ago

      >Alfred, or Damian if he’s grounded
      Wrong. Batman has a guy for that.

    • 10 months ago

      The examples he uses are kinda bad, as noted here:

      But to me, the quote just means "Be concise," which is fair. It's good to establish certain ground rules and a degree of worldbuilding to keep things consistent, but you don't have to bring up Alfred changing the tires on the Batmobile unless it figures into the story.

    • 10 months ago

      >>How does Superman fly?
      >Tactile telekinesis
      No, that's (partly) how (post-Crisis) he lifts heavy objects
      But he flies because of bio electric aura field just basically bypassed laws of space and time around him
      And pre Crisis (Kal-El) he was just very strong due to yellow sun + lower gravity + some explained that kryptonians had organ inside them which enables him to fly and maneuvering in space, but generally since Siegel (per whom they were powerful even on Krypton + lower gravity + no yellow sun dependence) and Shuster both Kal-L and Kal-El just were using super strength.
      Pre Crisis Superman was never shown standing in the air (while Spectre Was shown standing in the air in his first appearance in 1941). Like in Man of Steel, that's only post-Crisis stuff.
      >>How do his eyebeams work?
      >Concentrated radiation as a byproduct of his x-ray vision
      Post-Crisis Superman separated x-ray from heat vision.
      >>Who pumps the tires on the Batmobile?
      Don't give a shit

  14. 10 months ago

    Because bad writers will do literally anything other than admit their writing is bad. Same for all art. You don't get a job like that without being a narcissist.

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