Why did he become evil again?

Why did he become evil again?

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  1. 2 years ago

    What pussy would do to a homie. baka

  2. 2 years ago

    it was sheevs master plan

  3. 2 years ago

    israeli influence

    • 2 years ago

      Padme was pretty chill about how he massacred a bunch of "Sand People"

  4. 2 years ago

    he kept posting on /misc/

  5. 2 years ago

    He had visions implanted by palpatine that his waifu was gonna die soon. So he joined palpatine because palps knew the secret to keep her alive, and palps would train anakin in how to do it once they got rid of the Jedi.

    Also the Jedi were treating him like shit anyway and he was frustrated with them already in general. Once he goes full moron after waifu dies, He is just content with being evil/training to murder palpatine one day and be king evil

  6. 2 years ago

    I really hate the prequels. Just because you broke a Jedi rule doesn't turn you evil. He really had no reason to massacre those kids or to basically anyone who didn't hold a grudge with him.

    If anything, he's more like a rogue Jedi. And it's not like he had massive amounts of knowledge about the Sith and that they could actually offer him great things to join their team. The Sith don't achieve anything. They don't make the world a better place, from any point of view.

    • 2 years ago

      >I’ll show you how to save Padme if you join me
      >I’ll show you once you kill all the Jedi
      >sorry she died

      The reason he kills everyone is because he is manipulated into doing it by his mentor, to save his wife and children

      • 2 years ago

        Palpatine never actually showed that he saved anyone or provided any proof that it happened. And this is right after he just fought Mace Windu who was trying to arrest him. How can Anakin fall for that? it's such bad writing.

        • 2 years ago

          Anakin was complicit in Windu's death, he was past the point of no return and he knew it. Nothing to do at that point but take the Devil's deal.

          • 2 years ago

            He could have turned himself in, but a person who just helped commit murder rarely make rational decisions, in fact they tend to kill more people to avoid punishment.

            • 2 years ago

              He could have and that might have been the "right" thing to do but from his point of view doing the "right" thing wasn't important anymore. He was wiling to save Padme no matter it took just to avoid reliving the pain of losing his mother.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >implying you wouldn't choke the shit out of your girlfriend if she called the cops on you
                If you haven't choke her at least once, you've never really had a meaningful relationship with a woman.

      • 2 years ago

        Funny how he just kind of shrugs his shoulders and goes along with being Sheev's b***h for years on end instead of immediately seeing what Palpy did to him and going straight for revenge.

        • 2 years ago

          From Empire Strikes Back
          >Darth Vader : Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
          Once he learns Luke is still alive he plots to turn him to the dark side and kill the Emperor for him, which makes me think he still wants revenge he just doesn't believe he could defeat the Emperor, at least by himself.

    • 2 years ago

      he had already murdered the sand people women and children too. he might have spared the younglings if that cheeky c**t didnt go so hard on the banter

      • 2 years ago

        it's also stupid for him to kill the sand kids. He can't justify doing that.

        >Just because you broke a Jedi rule doesn't turn you evil
        Is that what you call killing Windu? Just breaking a rule?

        i was talking before he decided to do that. how he was building up to be "evil" when he hasn't done anything nearly as bad before that.

        • 2 years ago

          >Sand kids
          They were guilty by association. I do not blame Anakin for going crazy at his mother being raped to death at all. He didn't lead a worldwide campaign against them, he crushed the people who took his mother, raped and killed her, and their children. Though that is bad obviously, against the Jedi code, and slipped him into madness.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just because you broke a Jedi rule doesn't turn you evil
      Is that what you call killing Windu? Just breaking a rule?

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Double bind with Palps and doubling down because Palps was too strong and the alternative were a bunch of decadent cultists that didn't have the decency to free his mother from slavery at any time so he could not have a hang up about that while having the audacity to have him lead a slave army bred in Kamino vats.

      >From a certain point of view
      His heel turn was understandable and made him more sympathetic if anything. Probably spared the younglings from becoming Palpatine immortality experiments for cloning a force sensitive vessel.

    • 2 years ago

      because george lucas is a fricking moron
      but anakin is also a moron
      >hey sheev lol I think my wife is gonna die
      >oh yeah I'm spying on you and I'm not gonna tell the council you know
      >so you can help me prevent my wife from dying
      >ok I'll kill a bunch of kids and overthrow the government for you
      >wait you can't save my wife
      >oh well might as well become your second in command

      It made no sense.
      >I'm super powerful and the Jedi don't respect me! (hubris)
      >I love Padme and Jedi are supposed to be celibate! (convoluted love story that doesn't make sense because there's never any conflict with his supposed role as a Jedi)
      >Hey! This guy is actually a Sith Lord and I have every reason to no believe anything he says! But MUH POWER LEVEL! (trusts Sith because he's a complete moron)
      >Oh no! Padme is going to die! You mean you can help me save her? Ok, let me get started by murdering these children and being blissfully uninterested in this grand conspiracy you undertook to overthrow "1000 generations" of government and order. (Yes, it's really that convoluted and nonsensical)
      >Well, now that I murdered all those kids and a few Aliens you were in cahoots with--my eyes changed color because space magic. I'm going to force choke my wife and sperg out about taking over the galaxy now because...well, that's the outcome! (Absolutely unearned nonsense--just falls back on convenience because so much has to be ignored in order to just accept the action on the screen)
      He turned evil because of a convoluted plot about personal hubris (which had no depth) and a moronic love story (between actors with no chemistry and no stakes). It was garbage and anyone telling you that you just don't get it or were filtered are complete morons (who will just eventually bring up RLM as if you can't tell it's bad just by watching it with your brain turned on).

      What you fail to understand is that falling to the dark side is like a demon possession, you are not yourself anymore, it was Vader, not Ani who was slaying those younglings

      • 2 years ago

        from a certain point of view

      • 2 years ago

        >my eyes changed color because space magic.
        No, I got that. It would have even sufficed if anything that lead up to it made any sense at all and wasn't just moronic nonsense. There's no tragedy in Anakin's downfall because he's a complete moron and you have to block out large sections of the plot for it to make sense. Basically, if you fall for the emotional appeal of his downfall you've successfully turned off your brain and can now accept Padme "dying of a broken heart." It's fricking stupid, anon. Even for a movie that asks us to believe in space magic, it's moronic.

  7. 2 years ago

    From his point of view, the Jedi were evil

  8. 2 years ago

    Because it was in the script

  9. 2 years ago

    He thought Sheev would help him save Padme and he thought Obi betrayed him and that Jedi are hypocrites

  10. 2 years ago

    He had a premonition about his pregnant wife dying in the same way he had a premonition about his mother dying (this one came true). He was willing to do anything to prevent that.

  11. 2 years ago

    Power, ambition, zero self control.

  12. 2 years ago

    because george lucas is a fricking moron
    but anakin is also a moron
    >hey sheev lol I think my wife is gonna die
    >oh yeah I'm spying on you and I'm not gonna tell the council you know
    >so you can help me prevent my wife from dying
    >ok I'll kill a bunch of kids and overthrow the government for you
    >wait you can't save my wife
    >oh well might as well become your second in command

  13. 2 years ago

    He didn't like sand and lava is like hot, melted sand. So on Mustaphar he went insane as he was surrounded by the stuff.

  14. 2 years ago

    He massacred the sand people and probably ruined his memory of his mother.

  15. 2 years ago

    It made no sense.
    >I'm super powerful and the Jedi don't respect me! (hubris)
    >I love Padme and Jedi are supposed to be celibate! (convoluted love story that doesn't make sense because there's never any conflict with his supposed role as a Jedi)
    >Hey! This guy is actually a Sith Lord and I have every reason to no believe anything he says! But MUH POWER LEVEL! (trusts Sith because he's a complete moron)
    >Oh no! Padme is going to die! You mean you can help me save her? Ok, let me get started by murdering these children and being blissfully uninterested in this grand conspiracy you undertook to overthrow "1000 generations" of government and order. (Yes, it's really that convoluted and nonsensical)
    >Well, now that I murdered all those kids and a few Aliens you were in cahoots with--my eyes changed color because space magic. I'm going to force choke my wife and sperg out about taking over the galaxy now because...well, that's the outcome! (Absolutely unearned nonsense--just falls back on convenience because so much has to be ignored in order to just accept the action on the screen)
    He turned evil because of a convoluted plot about personal hubris (which had no depth) and a moronic love story (between actors with no chemistry and no stakes). It was garbage and anyone telling you that you just don't get it or were filtered are complete morons (who will just eventually bring up RLM as if you can't tell it's bad just by watching it with your brain turned on).

    • 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    raised by wageslave single mom

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