Why did it fail?

Why did it fail?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It didn't.

  2. 10 months ago

    I'll take a shot at this and say I think it was an undercooked concept.
    Going only off my memory of seeing it once in the theater, the antagonist monsters were very forgettable, and the gimmick of two pilots needing to be synchronized plays out exactly as you expect it would (teammates don't get along, but overcome their differences to synchronize for the big bad - less than inspiring writing).
    What you're left with are a handful of cool mechs that *were* depicted in a cool way (I remember Pacific Rim being something of a counterpoint to the Transformers movies where the robots are weightless blurs of CGI metal - Pacific Rim bots had cool weight and a better sense of reality), but frankly that's not enough.
    Having a better antagonist would have been a start, but the whole setting/concept needed something more.

    • 10 months ago

      There's also the fact that there wasn't much screentime for the actual mecha action either. Two of the machines job in the same battle they're debuted in just to make the rebuilt Gipsy show off better, and we get a hint of a grand battle with Coyote Tango but it's never shown.

      The marketing also sucked, and there wasn't much merchandise to really tease alongside the movie, aside from a few Gipsy Danger figures and a statuette.

      The sequel tried to get more mecha action in, but they completely did away with the heft/weightiness of the original Jaegers, and threw in some pilot trainee drama.

      • 10 months ago

        I feel like the one thing they really did not account for is that people like to pick favorites when you have a few different mecha show up, and going so massively hard on the protag suit meant loads of people showed up hoping to see cool cherno fights and they got absolutely fricking nothing.
        For all the shit people complain about it, it should have been slightly more of a toy commercial. People like their toys, so show them off.

      • 10 months ago


        Why did it fail?

        hollywood movie that thoughtlessly copied standard anime tropes like "sitting/walking around in the base talking about shit with boring drab backgrounds" between spurts of action.... to be respectful to the source material??

        what this means is that they didn't play to their strengths. anime has long runtimes, they dont have to show action all the time, and probably cant afford it anyway.
        but a movie needs to be respectful of the watcher's time and show them some cool stuff.
        it also means pacific rim fails as a movie.

        it needed more fun stuff like the alien invaders being loaded into a revolver and shot at the gaping vegana to our world. that was cool imagery.

        • 10 months ago

          PacRim could have cut down some of the talk in favor of at least one early invasion with Cherno and Crimson getting their chance to shine, followed by a second battle of them jobbing (which would have also fit in with the accelerated invasion speed). Or even feature a short history voiceover while introducing the machines the first time, showing them fighting in their best battle and claim to fame. Something to add a bit more action.

          For all the flak Uprising gets, it did add more action after all the complaints about the lack of it in the first, but its issue was then trying to force an anime-style pilot cadet class in while also removing a lot of the weighty feel of the Jaegers. The rest of the story is debatable, but in terms of action, it did add more.

    • 10 months ago

      They had a great sense of weight for Gundam-sized robots, but they were larger than Evas. It would have been better if they'd been smaller but moved the same way.

      Anime was good tho.

    • 10 months ago

      > (teammates don't get along, but overcome their differences to synchronize for the big bad - less than inspiring writing).

      You are mis-remembering. Raleigh (the veteran) is Mako’s (the rookie) biggest proponent for most of the movie. He’s never dismissive of her, or makes her prove herself to him to be his co-pilot (he does “challenge” her to a sparring match, but it’s to see if they are compatible as co-pilots, not to see if she’s worthy).

      The conflict between them isn’t they don’t get along, it’s because of Marshall Stacker Pentecost, who is both the leader of the Jaeger program and Mako’s adopted father (he adopted her after rescuing her after her family was killed in a Kaiju attack in Tokyo). Raleigh wants Mako as his partner because they’re drift compatible and she’s the strongest and most skilled of the candidates for his copilot; there’s no choice but have her pilot despite her inexperience (and he’s right). Pentecost believes that Mako is too inexperienced to control her emotions & trauma while in combat (and he’s right too); he also wants to protect her. Mako is caught between wanting hop into a Jaeger and get revenge for her family, while respecting Pentecost as her father.

      Even after Pentecost relents and lets Mako co-pilot with Raleigh, and she makes a rookie mistake that nearly kills everyone Raleigh doesn’t blame Mako. He empathizes with her, understands what happened and doesn’t make her feel bad for it.

      The relationship between Mako and Raleigh is one of the reasons why Pacific Rim is my favorite movie. It’s not adversarial, it’s not romantic, it’s about understanding, empathy, and supporting one another.

  3. 10 months ago

    Americans didn't like it that much because mecha is niche there at best but Asians did and salvaged its box office
    Then they tanked the sequel by putting in a Black person lead so tge Asians lost interest

    • 10 months ago

      Disney's fault. If they'd made him the main star of Star Wars, like they'd promised, he'd have been subject to Michael Jackson/Will Smith/Kobe Bryant Doctrine and it would have been a hit. White people making poor racism-addled business decisions is nothing new though.

  4. 10 months ago

    Gaijin slop.

  5. 10 months ago

    Got wienery and saved those fricking fisherman.

  6. 10 months ago

    I think it had a mediocre run in the box office because of despicable me 2 coinciding with its release.

    • 10 months ago
      dorkly_chair at instituteforspacepolitics.org

      marketing was kinda shit too, iirc distro and legendary were coming up on negotiations and distro sandbagged it to give themselves a legup

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      No, the movie that made the most money in that timeframe was actually the eternal Adam Sandler 'classic' Grown Ups 2. The one where a terrible CGI Deer pisses in Adam Sandler's face. It outperformed Pacific Rim at the box office. To which everyone's reaction was basically this.

  7. 10 months ago

    It did well is in initial outing, a film of a niche subject even among nerds, where it was seen it found its mark, opening a new universe for development. Its biggest failing is the suits fumbled the follow up hard, an animated series should have been made prior to uprising and uprising should have had Del Toro back at the helm

  8. 10 months ago



  9. 10 months ago

    Del Toro is a huge South American weeb trying who ran into a bunch of studio executives who can barely tell what a Transformer is. You could tell a lot of the uniqueness got hammered out of the final film like how the concept art for the Jaegers showed them more varied in style and design but on screen the two most prominent ones are just big Iron Man looking dudes.

    • 10 months ago

      >but on screen the two most prominent ones are just big Iron Man looking dudes.
      On a simlar note, it doesn't help that the soundtrack was absolute shit; one of the most uninspired things I've ever heard.

      • 10 months ago

        I've never seen an opinion more wrong in my entire godamn life on this site, take pride in that

        • 10 months ago

          Care to post good songs from the Pacific Rim soundtrack? I have zero memory of it.

          • 10 months ago

            Not him but the main theme for one. It stuck with me from the very first time it played in the movie. Other than that I can't recall anything else.

            the mecha designs are kinda ass tbh

            Yeah, I think they suffer from the "We totally want to make a toy out of this" syndrome.

  10. 10 months ago

    First movie did mid. Second movie flopped so hard it killed the franchise due to replacing most of the creative staff from the first movie.

    • 10 months ago

      Makes no sense because Uprising was better than the first: More action scenes and Obsidian Fury beat everything from the first. I rarely buy merch and I got a Tamashi figure of OF.

      • 10 months ago

        I wouldn't say Uprising is better than the first even though I actually liked most of Uprising. Uprising's biggest problems were the subplot with the kids and that Trololo scene. The stuff with the adult characters was pretty good, and the non-Gipsy Jaegers getting to actually do something was a huge improvement, but there were definitely things that dragged it down as a whole.

      • 10 months ago

        >Uprising was better than the first
        lmao even

      • 10 months ago

        Uprising was crap though. MC was lol missing, they pointlessly killed off the heroine of the first movie, made Newt a bad guy out of nowhere, dialed down the sense of weight and groundedness, and retconned the goals of the enemy too. On top of overall having much weaker enemy presence by shoving in a rogue Jaeger subplot and somehow having kaiju that are design and screen presence wise even more unmemorable than the ones of the first movie.

        • 10 months ago

          Newt was kind of a shady fricker already. That plot point at least made sense.

  11. 10 months ago

    >this movie
    >the franchise as a whole

    • 10 months ago

      It was a homage I don't think Del Toro intended to do much more with it. He just likes showing off that he knows classic monster movies

  12. 10 months ago

    >Why did it fail?
    I do not know and I do not care.

  13. 10 months ago

    The movie had a bad case of Telling instead of Showing. For instance, they talk up Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon as super awesome and then the first time they sortie onscreen the job harder than hell. Also at the beginning of the movie they justify no guns with a Kaiju fluids are poisonous then Gypsy Danger goes, "I got a Sword lawls."

  14. 10 months ago

    Every great power that had a Jaeger was piloted by its nationals. Japan not having its own Japanese pilots seemed like a slap in the face. Especially when piloting giant robots is practically a staple in Japanese fiction. That never sat well with me.

    • 10 months ago

      might've been for the best due to the abysmal job everyone but MC machine did

  15. 10 months ago

    I watched it for the first time a couple days ago
    it was good, not amazing but pretty good
    writing was subpar with how predictable everything was
    it's a shame ruski and chink mechs jobbed hard but I guess they didn't have enough budget to pay ILM for more fights
    not going to watch the sequel, it didn't need one and how it ended makes no sense to have the story continue

  16. 10 months ago

    Asians hate blacks as leads, progressive ideologues fail to wrap their heads around this and cause their movies to tank again and again.

  17. 10 months ago


    You don't see me getting pissed when Asians do European fantasy.

    • 10 months ago

      That's because Europeans have degraded itself out of self loathing and to make jerome feel better about himself that there's objectively nothing worth defending it. Don't believe me? Look at Rings of Power, look at Game of Thrones, look at Dungeons and Dragons, its all degraded to the point its basically nothing but sludge now, all by the Europeans and Americans hands, frick you. Keep your goddamn pedofactory that is Hollywood away from Anime, you fricking israelite.

      • 10 months ago

        I see you.
        You can frick right off.
        1. Beserk is awesome. Escaflowne is awesome. Countless other European fantasy inspired works from Japan are awesome.
        2. Hollywood isn't run by Europeans. People other than Europeans are attempting to degrade European culture in the public sphere.
        3. Crying racism over Pacific Rim merely depicting mechs comes from the same source of anti-creative negativity.
        I don't even like Pacific Rim, or its sequel, and if there is anything questionable about it it's the depiction of the Japanese like

        Every great power that had a Jaeger was piloted by its nationals. Japan not having its own Japanese pilots seemed like a slap in the face. Especially when piloting giant robots is practically a staple in Japanese fiction. That never sat well with me.

        points out: but I appreciate that Pacific Rim *tried* to make cool live action mechs.
        Crying "Japanese blackface" and wishing extreme violence on people over Pacific Rim is some low quality posting.

  18. 10 months ago


    I thought like that, but Oobari likes it so I'm forcing myself to like it. That, and it is one of the few mecha movies I could see at the cinema aside from Z infinity. A shame the control mechanism is corny shit instead a proper single manned wienerpit. The designs are decent for western standards not like the transformers movies abominations. When it was first announced my reactions was pretty much your comment

    • 10 months ago

      >A shame the control mechanism is corny shit instead a proper single manned wienerpit.
      There can be good reasons for tandem wienerpits in mechs but yeah, that wasn't one of them. Honestly I'm more bothered by the giant mocap room wienerpit. it bothered me in G-Gundam and it bothers me every other time I see it in fiction.

  19. 10 months ago

    It was deliberately sabotaged by Warner Bros. when Legendary Pictures separated from them a couples of months before release. Warner put the movie’s release date in late summer which iwas traditionally a death sentence for films and literally gave it a shoestring budget for advertising. We were pretty lucky that it performed as well as it did despite all that.

  20. 10 months ago

    Because while the first movie is great, the second was generic goyslop with a terrible lead actor trying desperately to ape the shitty Transformers movies. It tanked the franchise and it never recovered.

  21. 10 months ago

    >obvious troll is obvious
    I can get not liking Pacific Rim for being a bad film. It is aggressively mediocre. All it has going for it is the mecha designs and CGI animation that was a cut above Transformers.
    But when you're crying about "japanese blackface", "white people making racism-addled business decisions" cucking Boyega out of being the next "Michael Jackson/Will Smith/Kobe Bryant", and asserting that Europeans are "degrading their own culture to appease Jerome" (as if Hollywood represents Europe)
    And you're unable to appreciate cool mecha wherever they come from
    ... you've tipped your hand. You've revealed yourself to be a specific kind of poster that should be removed from discussion.

  22. 10 months ago

    >But when you're crying about "japanese blackface",
    >and asserting that Europeans are "degrading their own culture to appease Jerome" (as if Hollywood represents Europe)
    Those two weren't me. Chill on the paranoia, anon.
    The guy I replied to needs to go back to a certain board, I'm just here to slander Disney and praise PR: The Black.
    >You've revealed yourself to be a specific kind of poster
    Also this accusation is a confession lel


  23. 10 months ago


    I am indeed a specific kind of poster.
    The kind of poster that likes the mecha in Pacific Rim and will point out when people are posting low quality politically charged bait instead of keeping an interesting discussion.

    • 10 months ago

      >will point out when people are posting low quality politically charged bait instead of keeping an interesting discussion.
      Again, an accusation that's actually a confession. Talk about mecha instead of throwing around racial slurs. Go back to your containment board if you have a problem with that.

      • 10 months ago

        What compels you to be such a transparently bad-faith poster?

        • 10 months ago

          If a "specific kind of poster" is getting butthurt, I must be doing something right.
          Seriously, frick off


          • 10 months ago

            Everything I have posted has been politically correct, and I've been calling out people posting race-baiting and shitty victim card pulls like "Pacific Rim is Japanese blackface".
            Only the most insufferable kind of victim mentality poster would call Gundam "western blackface" because it lifts elements from Star Wars.
            You have no place in civilized discussion.

            • 10 months ago

              You didn't say anything about the guy who said Black person, Black. You're clearly biased and your point is moot. You have no place in civilized society. Again,


              Del Toro and Boyega are essentially the opposite kind of weebs, PR1 -> PR2 was like watching a speedrun of a mecha franchise wanting to modernize itself but going to shit.

              Also, lol wanting to appeal to China while having a black protagonist.

              >Also, lol wanting to appeal to China while having a black protagonist.
              It is quite funny and ironic.

              Michael Jackson/Will Smith/Kobe Bryant Doctrine

              • 10 months ago

                I use wordfilters so I can focus on interesting discussion.
                You should too, instead of repeating the /misc/ words that supposedly trigger you.
                You lower the level of discussion.
                Also have you considered that Boyega is a bad actor?

              • 10 months ago

                >I use wordfilters so I can focus on interesting discussion.
                Didn't catch me. So my replies are interesting. Good to know.
                >You lower the level of discussion.
                That's my line.
                >Also have you considered that Boyega is a bad actor?
                Perish the thought. No one who's seen Attack The Block or They Cloned Tyrone would say this. His characters in those are as far from Finn and his PR guy as can be.

              • 10 months ago

                1. You directly replied to me with garbage.
                2. Boyega is a terrible actor and has a tendency to take roles in bad films. Hollywood in general tends to overestimate its cultural currency these days. I only know of Boyega through Star Wars (which were garbage films - Boyega bears a small percentage of the blame for that compared to Disney and the teams that made those films) and Pacific Rim 2 - which I didn't care to watch because the first movie was mediocre and forgettable, and from the trailers PR2 looked like it removed things about the first film that I liked (like attention to the weight of the mecha). You keep talking about this very American-centric "black media star doctrine" as if it should hold any weight to anyone but hollywood baizou, but the problem with that logic is you're focused on the race of these media figures as opposed to their talent.
                And really, if you had an IQ over room temperature, you'd recognize that a person like Micheal Jackson suffered terribly at the hands of Hollywood ... you're obsessed over having black mascots: apparently not thinking about whether that's a good thing, either for the person being propped up by Hollywood, or for the black community.
                3. Your insistence on continuing this discussion proves you have no real interest in mecha and are only here to post political bait.
                Pacific Rim 2 would have been trash without Boyega. Micheal Jackson/Will Smith/Kobe Bryant have nothing to do with Mecha. Baizou politics have nothing to do with mecha.

                Shut up, sit down, and stop posting.

  24. 10 months ago

    I liked it, too bad it never had a sequel

  25. 10 months ago

    Did not fail, especially because it birthed the best mecha design ever created (right)

  26. 10 months ago

    the mecha designs are kinda ass tbh

  27. 10 months ago

    Del Toro and Boyega are essentially the opposite kind of weebs, PR1 -> PR2 was like watching a speedrun of a mecha franchise wanting to modernize itself but going to shit.

    Also, lol wanting to appeal to China while having a black protagonist.

    • 10 months ago

      >Also, lol wanting to appeal to China while having a black protagonist.
      It is quite funny and ironic.

  28. 10 months ago

    As others have hinted at, for almost any fantasy/sci-fi franchise the villains are the most important and memorable part, ESPECIALLY in a (prospective) series, because while the hero is necessarily a constant, the villains are the variables. Literally everyone, everyone has the Bravo Nolan Batman movies stored inside their brains as "the Joker movie", "the Bane movie", etc. Do not even get me STARTED on how the angels are the most iconic part of Eva relating to actual /m/ elements (so no Asuka etc.), besides the 01 Eva itself.
    This is how we remember them. But the monsters fought against here were just lame and you could almost never actually see them.
    The movie should have given the villain faction (some invading aliens) more attention and cut out all the USELESS and boring sideplots like the training or the fricking kaiju mafia out.

    Also killing off the Russian mech so easily. Frick you I liked the design and the pilots. If you make something country-themed, you need to actually use it instead of discarding it literally within the first scene.

    • 10 months ago

      >Frick you I liked the design and the pilots
      The design was so fricking bad, "giant coolant tower head" frick OFF
      Lazy stereotype tropes, might as well give the chink mech a qipao and steam pork buns

  29. 10 months ago

    Cool designs just to job in the same scene they show up
    And I don't know if showing up multiple fights at the same time would have fixed this or just made it more complicated

    • 10 months ago

      >Cool designs just to job in the same scene they show up
      I still don't know what's up with that. You could just tell this was gonna be the GD show as soon as Cherno showed up and got smoked. I wanted a movie about cool robots, plural, not about a single protagonist robot.

  30. 10 months ago

    >Dude what if Pacific Rim is the prequel to G Gundam! All the countries have their own robots already!
    >Dude they should totally do a movie where they fight Godzilla and Gamera and Power Rangers!
    I don't know why, but these comments that came out after the movie really annoyed me.

  31. 10 months ago

    This movie is like if Stars Wars started with Return of the Jedi. The backstory could have filled out a trilogy, the arrival of the first kaiju leading to the creation of the first Jaeger would have been pretty good.

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