why did it suck so much ass?

why did it suck so much ass?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    season 1 was so peak
    season 2 was literally vampire politics with boring fricking characters with the actually cool characters just doing #funnybanter in one fricking room for 15 episodes

    how did people unironically like this garabage? i stopped watching after season 2 is season 3 any better at all?

    • 8 months ago

      The key factor is Koji Igarashi.
      IGA was involved with the script of the first season as far back as 2006 when he was trying to convince Konami to make it a trilogy of animated movies based on CV3. For the longest time, the man knew what made CV tick, even under the occassional mandate (although Portrait of Ruin looks very anime like Rondo of Blood, the game and ambience is still decidedly Castlevania).

      However Warren Ellis hated IGA was always breathing down his neck, shooting down his own ideas because they were "not Castlevania".

      >>The film is, of course, set in Wallachia in 1476. We've worked with Koji Igarashi to get the film solidly inside the Castlevania timeline, and he's approved everything I came up with, including some new embroidering to the timeline. To make it work as a film, I had to introduce new backstory, and I went through five drafts of the premise and three of the full outline to get the material where IGA wanted it. He remains absolutely passionate about Castlevania. After eight rewrites of pre-production material, I remain absolutely passionate about beating the crap out of IGA in a dark alleyway one day.

      Season 2 to 4 is Ellis on his own with no filter and we got a shit show. And somehow, Nocturne without Ellis is even worse.

      • 8 months ago

        why did they make the church evil?

        • 8 months ago

          In S1 it wasn't the church what was evil, but rather the men running it, because when Trevor asks for Holy Water from a younger, more pure-looking priest (as opposed to the old and power-driven Bishop ("I AM the church!"), the Water he sanctified was effective and burned the monsters of the night with ease, even Trevor mentions THAT is a good man of the church. There's a difference between "men in power are corrupt" and Reddit's "faith is inherently evil" kool aid.

          • 8 months ago

            but why are non-church members the ones making the call of the "true" church?

            • 8 months ago

              Faith is a conduit to be in contact with God as opposed to the institution in itself. During the War of 1999 the various religions of the world joined in prayer to weaken Chaos' power (and thus Dracula's Castle) during the assault up to Julius' last stand against Dracula, while the priests from the Roman Catholic Vatican worked in tandem with Japan's Hakuba Shinto Shrine to seal the Castle (and Chaos itself) inside the eclipse once Julius destroyed Castlevania, knowing well that if the Castle crumbles, Chaos will just wait for its conduit (Dracula) to be resurrected either by people like Shaft during Rondo or by the vampire curse of every hundred years. So it is about genuine, honest-to-goodness faith and the ability to help ourselves while not letting that belief waver what defines it, and when you fall off it, you either turn corrupt or, in Mathias Cronqvist's case, you BECOME Dracula.

              • 8 months ago

                >Akumajou Daisenso will NEVER....
                >EVER happem

      • 8 months ago

        IGA would be cool if he wasn't so absolutely terrified of 3D, polygons, and the Z-axis

        • 8 months ago

          It's not that he's terrified, he's said it time and time again that Konami refused to give him budgets for proper 3D worlds, that Lament of Innocence's samey hallways were a budget and time issue. He became known as the "low budget guy", CV kept reusing assets from even Rondo and CV4 as Castlevania was seen just as a low-risk, and Curse of Darkness failing was what led to Lords of Shadow, thinking the issue was IGA and not the tiny dev windows and low budget.

          • 8 months ago

            well, whatever the case, at least fans have fixed Curse

            • 8 months ago

              That's the weird thing, people keep assuming Curse was shit purely by association to 64 (which wasn't that bad, it just was early 3D vidya design, and IGA had no involvement with that game) and when people FINALLY try Curse today through emulation on Twitch they're surprised to find out it's actually good, after expecting shit.

              And on the other hand, people hailed Lords of Shadow as the "first good 3D Castlevania" when the game boring, it's just nothing.

              I do hope someone decompiles 64 and Legacy, though. All they need is a free camera.

              • 8 months ago
                I pre-ordered curse of darkness and it sucks balls

                >That's the weird thing, people keep assuming Curse was shit purely by association to 64 (which wasn't that bad, it just was early 3D vidya design, and IGA had no involvement with that game) and when people FINALLY try Curse today through emulation on Twitch they're surprised to find out it's actually good, after expecting shit

                You got tricked, it was me all along. Curse has been shit and mediocre from day 1.

              • 8 months ago

                The hell are you talking about? It was fun, if anything I wish it had been just a bit longer.

              • 8 months ago
                I pre-ordered curse of darkness and it sucks balls

                the game sucks balls
                >Konami: OHHHH Mr IGA-san, the playtesters noted that there is no level design to speak of and platforming has been removed. Apparently the only mobility option is to glide down from one scripted fixed point to another scripted fixed point with a bird ID. Isn't this a massive step-back for platformer and metroidvania fans? And every level is a collection of boring hallways. Is this true, IGA-san?
                >IGA: Hai! You see, this is an ACTION game. No focus on platforming.
                >Konami: But uh, even Devil May Cry has better level design and platforming and it came out 4 years ago. Is your combat better than Devil May Cry?
                >IGA: Ahhhh it is not an ACTION game strictly, think of it as SUMMONER ACTION. That is what differentiates us.
                >Konami: Ah, so it has better summoner action gameplay than Chaos Legion which came out 2 years ago?
                >IGA: Ahh... Sokka... Naruhodou... about that... where we really excel is RPG elements.
                >Konami: So this is better than Kingdom Hearts? Kingdom Hearts 2 is coming out soon and the combat looks much more interesting than what you have here.
                >IGA: Well, we have really good music...
                >Konami: This is your last 3D game, IGA-san.

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Come on now, KH2 had disney and Sony square behind it. CoD's budget was lesser than DMC3's as well.

        • 8 months ago

          The PS2 games are awful. Castlevania didn't need to be 3D anyway. I don't understand that mindset.

        • 8 months ago

          He should be, his 3D games suck. Stick to what you're good at.

      • 8 months ago

        The first mistake was asking Warren Ellis for the animated movie.
        The second mistake was reviving the dead project 10 years after it had been cancelled.

        Pic related was from way back in 2007 when Ellis was uploading his progress on his personal blog.
        How did anyone look at this and think >"we need to turn this into an animated series!"?

        • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        Iga involvement in the series is vastly underrated when he only designed the second castle in SoTN and was an ideas guy for the rest of the series. The hack even went as far calling the genre Igavania, a term that thankfully never caught on.
        This is even more clear with the Bloodstained series, which are either a copy paste of Castlevania 3 or pastiche of the DS games.

        • 8 months ago

          For Castlevania (and every long-running videogame series) to work it needs a competent producer, a shepherd who knows the series inside out and is in touch enough to tell his team which of their ideas is good and which is shit. People now hate Inafune, Kojima and IGA but look at Mega Man, Metal Gear and Castlevania without them. They're dead in the water:

          >The ammount of responsibilities within Capcom Inafune had to take care of were enough to break Tsuchiya so much he quit, Mr. Famous/Mazasaku Eguchi already confirmed he does NOT want Inafune's position because being he producer of almost all of Capcom's projects is fricking miserable.
          >We fricking got Survive as soon as Kojima left and that was a piece of shit
          >Without IGA at least guiding shit we got the pieces of shit that were the Lords of Shadow trilogy and the even bigger piece of shit that is Netflixvania from Season 2 onwards.

          • 8 months ago

            Konami even popped out Grimoire of Souls on mobile as a low-budget way to keep randos interested in Castlevania, but axed development and shoved it onto a proprietary iOS app the moment the suits noticed it wasn’t printing billions overnight.
            Can’t have shit in this corporate hellscape.

  2. 8 months ago

    Season 1 was kino
    Season 2 was only kino when the trio got to do things (so only 2 episodes)
    Season 3 is just dogshit
    Season 4 is also dogshit but for different reasons and the writing is arguably worse
    Nocturne is somehow exponentially worse than Season 3 and 4 though

    It started off so promising despite the liberties they took in some areas, it really did feel like Castlevania initially
    But then Ellis got an ego and the directors at Powerhouse were spineless homosexuals that just let him do what he wants despite how much people started to slowly hate the show
    And now it's biting them in the ass since Nocturne is doing worse than any other previous season apparently (I don't think shills and twittergays are an accurate metric of how it's actually doing), they spent way too much money on pathetic diversity hires and to damage control how the shittalking was actually gaining traction, they had to announce the next season when all they have are crappy storyboards to show, like they didn't anticipate people turning on them so quickly. It's just a complete shitshow all around
    Literally the only thing the show has going for it is the animation and even then it's inconsistent, sometimes it's great and (most) other times it's a shitty slideshow. But since morons can't tell the difference they praise it anyway.

    tl;dr Castlevania started off strong but got progressively worse as it went due to arrogant writers and a spineless studio full of "Yes Men" that just went along with terrible ideas, with its (lackluster at times) animation being its only saving grace
    I hope Sam Deats and his soiboi cuck brother are happy with the fact that they effectively ran Powerhouse into the ground once Netflix decides not to help them anymore, especially since they've been cutting their animation funding more and more every year

    • 8 months ago

      >Season 1 was kino

  3. 8 months ago

    castlevania would be good if they focused on the hero characters and made the vampires actually evil along with the church being good. this attempt to be morally grey is gay as alucard

  4. 8 months ago

    It's not pulpy. Castlevania is fricking practically PULP FICTION and these idiots made it anti-pulp

    >drawn out pacing that bores you to tears
    >social commentary/big ideas and no sense of wit or subtlety
    >action is mid and absent and has no weight to it
    >lack of peril, grandiose spectacle
    >inability to embrace the silliness of the games
    >adult language and sex written like a teenager wrote it

  5. 8 months ago

    >Creator never played the source material
    >Didn't follow the original story
    Hhmmm i wonder why

    • 8 months ago

      Not just that, but they were openly disdainful of the source material and nobody held them back from indulging their wheelhouses.

    • 8 months ago

      Not just that, but they were openly disdainful of the source material and nobody held them back from indulging their wheelhouses.

      >But adaptations don't need to be like source material!
      >Look at the guy who turned e-girlta into an unironic love story!
      >Look at that movie that poorly satirized Fascism!
      Leave pic related out the door.

      • 8 months ago

        Well buddy you can just fire up HBO's Watchmen and love the hell out of that.

    • 8 months ago

      >Creator never played the source material
      I don't think playing the games would make much of a difference. I guess it could've given ideas for setpieces, but it's all generic action-adventure stuff anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        playing the games would make you understand the atmosphere the games are going for, the combination of watching the action unfold with the monsters roaming the levels and the OST setting the mood, makes you understand the games have more going for them than the Hammer aesthetic.

  6. 8 months ago

    they never adapted 64

    • 8 months ago

      Order of Ecclesia was RIGHT THERE with relationship drama, betrayal by a mentor, the obligatory strong magic warrior female protagonist, and a broad countryside setting outside the castle to work with.

      But it didn’t have Alucard in it, so there’s no way they’ll ever touch it. Alucard is the sexy vampire main character bisexual femboy forever protagonist of Castlevania, after all (according to Twitter).

  7. 8 months ago

    >Took multiple episodes for anything to happen
    >Characters lacked motivation until plot demanded it
    >r/atheism fanfiction
    >1st season had less enemy variety then 3 rooms of a typical castle.
    >Source material? Whats that?

  8. 8 months ago

    That artpiece in the lower middle, is that Ayami Kojima?

    • 8 months ago

      yes they've traced a few things

  9. 8 months ago

    They let eternal anglos and mutts write the story.

  10. 8 months ago

    Warren Ellis.

  11. 8 months ago

    >Nocturne came out
    >Dracula isn't in the story
    >People in Youtube are complaining about how Nocturne ruined the series
    This is what I honestly expected to happen. People act like the original series was the greatest videogame adaptation while falsely attributing the flaws of the show as uniquely from Nocturne.

    • 8 months ago
      I pre-ordered curse of darkness and it sucks balls

      its kinda cool that Dracula is the best character in the adaptation, I guess. He carried S1/2 and after him Isaac had his moments I guess. But really the series just meandered around until Trevor fought Death and somewhat redeemed his main character status

      • 8 months ago

        >its kinda cool that Dracula is the best character in the adaptation,
        He is the worst character but he is why people watch the fricking show to begin with because it is Castlevania.
        >He carried S1/2 and after him Isaac had his moments I guess.
        Isaac is second worst character.
        >until Trevor fought Death and somewhat redeemed his main character status
        I didn't watch the whole thing but the lines from the fight is cringe. Trevor looked like he was fighting a screensaver.

  12. 8 months ago

    When will Japanese companies learn that giving their licenses to Westerners is a horrible idea? Hell, even Cyberpunk was saved thanks to TRIGGER.

    • 8 months ago

      and then they released their DLC and "2.0" of the base game and we collectively remembered the game is shit

  13. 8 months ago

    >Wokeflix original
    I wonder why indeed

  14. 8 months ago

    Solely in regards to the writing, Warren Ellis was resentful of the source material on account of its use of Christian imagery for aesthetics. So of course his writing went past edgy comic book territory into “Warren Ellis relays his gripes about this dumb video game that had Chr*stgays in it to the audience.”
    Season 4 and Nocturne replaced him with a conga line of sociopolitical “activist-writers”, so now this alleged Castlevania adaptation is drowning in the worst of both worlds while doing its best to ignore being “based on” a preexisting work.

  15. 8 months ago

    But here's the question, is it worse than the new Exorcist movie?

    • 8 months ago

      >But here's the question, is it worse than the new Exorcist movie?
      Probably Castlevania because nobody is pretending that the new Exorcist movie is good.

  16. 8 months ago

    The animation is fantastic. The writing varies, but it is what it is. If that's the tradeoff for the fight scenes, I'm content.

    • 8 months ago

      >The animation is fantastic.
      Is it?
      I think there were like 2 or 3 well-animated fight scenes and almost everything else looked mediocre or bad.
      That one with the vampire b***h that literally looks like flipbook animation made my head hurt.

    • 8 months ago

      Ah yes, I too enjoy battles that look like powerpoint slides.

  17. 8 months ago

    It stopped being about Chad Vampires and started being about spooks. And no, I don't mean "ghosts."

  18. 8 months ago

    EAT ass. You Suck the Clitty, Eat the Ass.
    tsk tsk tsk. Kids these days...

  19. 8 months ago

    How the frick do you do five seasons of a Castlevania show and not have Vampire Killer, the series' fricking theme song, used even once?

    • 8 months ago

      Licensing problems. They had to negotiate with Konami when they wanted to use Bloody Tears and Divine Bloodlines, just for one scene.

      • 8 months ago

        License restrictions are stupid because th owners themselves are limiting what fans want to see, or in this case hear

  20. 8 months ago

    >super edgy
    A bunch of classic monster mash baddies and gothic horror cliches is about as far from edge as you can get.

  21. 8 months ago

    Shanoa storming the newly reappeared Dracula's Castle is the best moment in the series

  22. 8 months ago

    Because they were too much of a coward to add my boy Simon Belmont

    • 8 months ago

      They would've raped Simon if they got their grimy little hands on him

  23. 8 months ago

    I hated this show so much, I couldn't tell why until the fourth season when the russian vampire goes on a rant/monologue about "what war means". It was just noise, the dialogue means nothing but some moron somewhere thought it was the most epic thing ever written. The animation is there to compensate for it, but even the animation is shit at some points. This show was made for Reddit to absorb and then spit out in favor of the next thing. Frick the showrunners.

    • 8 months ago

      >It was just noise, the dialogue means nothing but some moron somewhere thought it was the most epic thing ever written.
      This was a problem since season 2. Isaac was pure pseud.

      Season 1 had a lot of seeds that became sprouted in season 2 like the Speakers, the Church bad stuff, and Lisa's "I could fix him romance". It was never going to be a good adaptation but it was at least competently written.

      Ellis was tapped to write despite knowing shit and not caring, he looked up stuff on wikis
      It was originally meant as a single movie, then got stretched into two seasons
      Then it got extended past the point of killing Dracula, stretching even more, so a lot of made up shit for the sake of filling space

      The pacing was awful in a special way. The actual plot was rushed like a glitched speedrun while the villains' side of the story was a complete waste of time that just drags on.

      Iga involvement in the series is vastly underrated when he only designed the second castle in SoTN and was an ideas guy for the rest of the series. The hack even went as far calling the genre Igavania, a term that thankfully never caught on.
      This is even more clear with the Bloodstained series, which are either a copy paste of Castlevania 3 or pastiche of the DS games.

      >Iga involvement in the series is vastly underrated

      budget-animation ratio to the limit
      and very low budget

      Less is more. The show would be a lot better if they drop the episode count and cut Isaac and Hector. You suddenly have a lot more episodes to work with.
      >New episode count = first season + ((total episode count - first season) / 2)
      Castlevania = 18 episodes from 32 episodes (56.25%)
      Only 14 episodes for a season 2 and a finale. There is no room for season 3, the Isaac the filler arc. The villain side plots like the devilsimps, the vampire GoT, and Carmilla's awful but completely justified war on vampire boomers don't have time to be developed so it all gets dropped. Dracula doesn't get a force happy ending.

      Obviously they won't be sure how many episodes that would get but it didn't justify how badly they paced the story.

      Yeah its funny since in the games there only amounts to around six named vampires across decades if games. And the show couldn't even use all the ones from the games using like two of those six and making tons of OC's

      Vampires (other than Dracula) are actually rather rarely featured in the games.

      • 8 months ago

        >Vampires (other than Dracula) are actually rather rarely featured in the games.
        Which is why the amount if them is annoying. Like they cut characters who could be supporting to dracula and just added a bunch of OC vampires or butchers game vampires.

  24. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      what kind of psychopath wants a Lords of Shadow show

  25. 8 months ago

    We didn't get sex scenes of Lenore raping slave Hector

  26. 8 months ago

    I like it 🙂

  27. 8 months ago

    I think my main complaint about all of these Castlevania animated adaptations lately is that none of them ever feels like fricking Castlevania in the slightest other than shared terminology.
    Much of it is kind of fine on its own, but there's hardly a single scene that manages to capture both how A) unabashedly metal Castlevania constantly is, and B) how solemn and "elegant" it is at the same time. Castlevania is the 90s visual kei movement of video games, and continued to be so up until the Lords of Shadow games.
    It was never about these gay ass modern rave vampires.
    Who gives a shit about some dude summoning uninspired Heartless monsters in the countryside. I want to see beautiful men cut monsters to pieces and bickering with each other from time to time.

    • 8 months ago

      I just had a conversation about this an hour ago, and we agreed that Shaft is a perfect example of this.
      He’s the iconic “human cultist seeking to revive Dracula” with a portfolio of cool magic powers and the distinctive accomplishment of subverting a Belmont to his name - but he’s “some boring old white dude named Shaft”, so of course he’s nowhere to be seen in the Netflix vampire orgy that is Nocturne.

  28. 8 months ago

    based shota loving """lesbian""" vampire mommy

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >um actually vampires are just a metaphor for oppressed sexualities so really the nocturnal predatory parasites are preferable to oppressive cishet normies
        >unless they’re aristocratic. DEATH TO THE BOURGEOISIE

  29. 8 months ago

    To fill the ass, you must first empty it.

  30. 8 months ago

    Ellis was tapped to write despite knowing shit and not caring, he looked up stuff on wikis
    It was originally meant as a single movie, then got stretched into two seasons
    Then it got extended past the point of killing Dracula, stretching even more, so a lot of made up shit for the sake of filling space

  31. 8 months ago

    Introducing so many lesser vampires just muddied up the cast and used up good screen time that could have been used in characters who mattered.
    The new show has the same problem. Vampires who aren't Dracula should ether be unnamed fodder or be kept to a minimum.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah its funny since in the games there only amounts to around six named vampires across decades if games. And the show couldn't even use all the ones from the games using like two of those six and making tons of OC's

  32. 8 months ago

    budget-animation ratio to the limit
    and very low budget

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