Why did New52 fail?

Why did New52 fail?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    no plan
    no good writers
    no good artist
    no plan ahead 6 years
    betraying its own fans

    • 6 months ago

      The planning and the editors were the problem, not the writers or even the artists.

      I think everyone wondering why the New 52 failed should read John Rozum's blog post about his experience writing Static. I read this and think it was a miracle they had as many decent books as they did.

    • 6 months ago

      Who is "nakeder"??

      • 6 months ago

        Catwoman, check for guillem march catwoman new52 scetch selina kyle is in topless with big booobs

    • 6 months ago

      They had great writers and artists for New 52, it's just that whenever they asked DC what they could and couldn't do DC outright couldn't tell them and wouldn't allow them to wing it either due to no plan.

    • 6 months ago

      >no plan

      That was the most insane part, they made a reboot and erased decades of continuity and replaced dozens of iconic character personalities for new versions made by literal whos who never made a single mainstream character just for the sake of it and without any kind of vision other than "new better than old"

      Didio is a massive idiot and so are the executives who agreed with this.

    • 6 months ago

      New 52 failed because DC did not have the balls to commit to an actual reboot so they half-assed it, angering and confusing everyone involved.

      There were some great books in the New 52 era but you could really feel the tension between old and new like

      • 6 months ago

        >great books
        >post New 52 WW
        Lol gr8 b8 you’re probably this seething homosexual

        Oh bull-fricking-shit, I'm going to do you this one favor. Nothing could be done with any of these comics that would make you happy. YOU were never going to be happy. YOU never will be happy. YOU are a miserable pile of vomit spewing shit in every direction. I'm not even mad, I'm disappointed because I know I'm not the first to advise you to have a nice day. I know I won't be the last but please, if care about yourself at all, consider it. Just end it.

        also known as the little pussy Azzarello himself.

  2. 6 months ago

    it was rob liefield, bob harras, eddi berganza and jim lee friends (not the good ones) and that's all.

  3. 6 months ago

    Every New 52 version of the characters was the same unfunny douchebag

    Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Flash etc they were all the same

    Everybody was Hal Jordan

    • 6 months ago

      The frick are you even taking about? Superman wanted to be more proactive with irl issues, Aquaman wanted to get away from Atlantis and focus on League/Superhero stuff. I guess by "unfunny douchebag" you mean straight white male?

      • 6 months ago

        Funny how you didn't describe their actual personalities at all, like Superman beating and torturing Batman and several other characters while being a smug butthole.

        • 6 months ago

          Than the woke shit now*

          >Superman wanted to be more proactive with irl issues
          Nobody wants this. Also he had a shitty costume both during and after the dogshit Morrison run. Absolutely NOBODY wants Superman in armor or with a collar. We want him in trunks and a cotton costume Martha made. There wasn’t a single good new 52 run. No swamp thing wasn’t good, no Jonah he’s wasn’t good, no dial for H wasn’t good, no Morrison’s action wasn’t good, no Snyder’s Batman wasn’t good. The only readable one was John’s Aquaman and even then it was largely meandering and too focused in the beginning with “I’M NOT PUSSY FISHMAN homosexualTTTT”, his GL is dogshit. New 52 was particularly awful for Harley and Wonder Woman.

          Power Girl had an issue or two that wasn’t awful I guess.

          But really all of it belongs in the scrap heap where it mostly is.

          Oh bull-fricking-shit, I'm going to do you this one favor. Nothing could be done with any of these comics that would make you happy. YOU were never going to be happy. YOU never will be happy. YOU are a miserable pile of vomit spewing shit in every direction. I'm not even mad, I'm disappointed because I know I'm not the first to advise you to have a nice day. I know I won't be the last but please, if care about yourself at all, consider it. Just end it.

          • 6 months ago

            >is wrong

            • 6 months ago

              You shouldn't blogpost your life story like that. You could get doxed.

  4. 6 months ago

    Because batman flash and blue beetle were the literal only good runs that came from it

  5. 6 months ago

    Why not? It was woke moe shit. Cape shit comics were only good in the 90s.

  6. 6 months ago

    For different specific reasons than the woke white now but in both cases it’s mostly because it was more “for the creators” than “for the customers”. The people who actually PAY for comics actively WANT the type of comics writers in particular find “milquetoast, boring, without development”. We don’t want character growth and progression and stakes. We want to pick up a comic from today and have the same characters and costumes as comics from ten years before and ten years in the future.

    Nothing like the new 52 (or future state) should ever be tried again unless it is digital only.

    • 6 months ago

      Than the woke shit now*

      The frick are you even taking about? Superman wanted to be more proactive with irl issues, Aquaman wanted to get away from Atlantis and focus on League/Superhero stuff. I guess by "unfunny douchebag" you mean straight white male?

      >Superman wanted to be more proactive with irl issues
      Nobody wants this. Also he had a shitty costume both during and after the dogshit Morrison run. Absolutely NOBODY wants Superman in armor or with a collar. We want him in trunks and a cotton costume Martha made. There wasn’t a single good new 52 run. No swamp thing wasn’t good, no Jonah he’s wasn’t good, no dial for H wasn’t good, no Morrison’s action wasn’t good, no Snyder’s Batman wasn’t good. The only readable one was John’s Aquaman and even then it was largely meandering and too focused in the beginning with “I’M NOT PUSSY FISHMAN homosexualTTTT”, his GL is dogshit. New 52 was particularly awful for Harley and Wonder Woman.

      Power Girl had an issue or two that wasn’t awful I guess.

      But really all of it belongs in the scrap heap where it mostly is.

      • 6 months ago

        >his GL is dogshit.
        Literally the only good DC run of the 2000s.

        • 6 months ago

          have a nice day ethan. Power ranger lanterns was a moronic idea

          • 6 months ago

            The attention it got and fans who jumped on it say otherwise.

            • 6 months ago

              Popular doesn't mean good. What a braindead take. That's like saying Winick's Batman was better than Moench's just because more people know of the Red Hood than Black Mask.

              • 6 months ago

                Nah, it was good. It was fun seeing the DCU getting shaken up by Hal and Sinestro’s battles than another boring event with the Trinity.

      • 6 months ago

        >Also he had a shitty costume both during and after the dogshit Morrison run.
        Frick you, that costume was kino

        • 6 months ago

          Sounds like you just have shit taste.

          have a nice day samegay

          Oh bull-fricking-shit, I'm going to do you this one favor. Nothing could be done with any of these comics that would make you happy. YOU were never going to be happy. YOU never will be happy. YOU are a miserable pile of vomit spewing shit in every direction. I'm not even mad, I'm disappointed because I know I'm not the first to advise you to have a nice day. I know I won't be the last but please, if care about yourself at all, consider it. Just end it.

          You don’t buy comics so why would I care about what you have to say homosexual?
          >I’m not even mad
          Sure that’s why you’re using all caps and seething like a little homosexual who’s father just disowned him.

          • 6 months ago

            >being proud of buying overpriced garbage
            Lol, lmao even.

      • 6 months ago

        Sounds like you just have shit taste.

    • 6 months ago

      >Nothing like the new 52 (or future state) should ever be tried again unless it is digital only.
      I agree.

    • 6 months ago

      >We don’t want character growth and progression and stakes.

      New 52 had none of those anyway

  7. 6 months ago

    It didn't but it started falling when they didn't commit to it fully.

  8. 6 months ago

    New52 is just like the Snyderverse, it's for people who think shit like this is le deep

    • 6 months ago

      That’s just you being an autistic normie incapable of actually pinpointing why the shit is bad. I hate the new 52, I love moS and BvS despite being a trunksgay. Because Snyder made entertaining films.

      I’m so sick of you homosexuals being incapable of just discussing the merits and demerits of things without constantly tossing people into pens that have nothing to do with each other.

      Both of those films have panel to panel rips from multiple pre flashpoint comics, Zod and Superman falling through the sky around ship wreckage looks like a 1:1 recreation of a Pacheco panel from the busiek run for instance.

      • 6 months ago

        God, you people are the Rick and Morty fans of capeshit.

      • 6 months ago

        >call someone autistic
        >proceed to obsess over the most pointless detail possible in the movie and think this useless trivia will change anyone mind

        • 6 months ago

          >give an example of it pulling from pre-new52 that I said was only one example
          >you imagine I was obsessing over it because otherwise you have nothing to add

          I'd rather go back to the New52 than what we have now

          I’d rather we just have good comics made for people who actually buy them considering the homosexual shit we have now is no different than new 52, they both seemingly made with more deference to creator whims than consumer proclivities

          • 6 months ago

            >Both of those films have panel to panel rips from multiple pre flashpoint comics, Zod and Superman falling through the sky around ship wreckage looks like a 1:1 recreation of a Pacheco panel from the busiek run for instance.

            and you thought mentioning that would make the movies look any better or you any less autistic

  9. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      That was literally a single LCS that did this
      You can literally see it at the bottom of the pic

  10. 6 months ago

    early new52 was bad and really awful. Convergence and DCyou try to fix it.

    • 6 months ago

      Was just gay diversity shit kys

  11. 6 months ago

    >All those shitty decisions at one point in time
    >All to synergize with the DCEU
    Is it the worst decade I the company's history?

  12. 6 months ago

    It only existed to reboot Superman who DC was losing the rights to in the courts at the time.

  13. 6 months ago

    egde books
    dark books
    teen books

    these three lines were a mess, good idea, but really bad executed.

  14. 6 months ago

    Didio and the fact that he is terrible at anything involving organization and long term planning. New 52, 5G, etc. Every one of his long multi-year events and plans were dumpster fires that should never have seen the light of day. The fact that DC is still recovering from what he has done just shows what a disaster his reign at DC was.

  15. 6 months ago

    I'd rather go back to the New52 than what we have now

  16. 6 months ago

    The short version: A variety of reason

  17. 6 months ago

    no soul

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