Why did she go from one of Batman''s classic villains into a pointless representation character who only exists to be Harley's booty ca...

Why did she go from one of Batman''s classic villains into a pointless representation character who only exists to be Harley's booty call? Is it all because ot BTAS?

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  1. 1 month ago

    >Is it all because ot BTAS?
    nope, its because a certain subspecies wants to destroy everything you love and hold dear.
    the best tactic in war is demoralisation after all

  2. 1 month ago

    Girl power or feminism or something.

    • 1 month ago

      are any of Batman's old girl villains still villains?

      • 1 month ago

        Orca, ironically the most genuinely redeemable one and only one who hasn't done utterly awful shit like the redeemed ones have

  3. 1 month ago

    Writers never knew what to do with her to begin with, so she was simply available. If she wasn't Harley's property, she would remain in obscurity.

    • 1 month ago

      She was in comics all the fricking time as a villain even before she started fricking Harley, what the frick are you talking about

      • 1 month ago

        >she would remain in obscurity.
        this is some massive revisionism. Poison Ivy was one of Batman's most used villains and even starred as the villain in one of the LA movies played by Uma Thurman. It is only after the wokes turned her in to Harley's b***h that Ivy became obscure and stopped showing up in the comics unattached to Harley.

        She was barely used before BTAS. And BTAS linked her with Harley.

        • 1 month ago

          BTAS was 30 fricking years ago. She didn't become harley's fricktoy until the last 10 years, and it didn't get really bad until the last 5. Believe it or not they used to be friends and not lovers.

        • 1 month ago

          She was hardly ever teamed with Harley in BTAS, majority of the time Ivy showed up it was as a solo threat. I think she teamed up with Harley in one episode maybe. Ivy was a much better character before. Now she is merely Harley's plant dildo and nothing more. Harley was also a better character before the woke cult turned her in to a turbo dyke antihero.

          • 1 month ago

            >plant dildo

    • 1 month ago

      >she would remain in obscurity.
      this is some massive revisionism. Poison Ivy was one of Batman's most used villains and even starred as the villain in one of the LA movies played by Uma Thurman. It is only after the wokes turned her in to Harley's b***h that Ivy became obscure and stopped showing up in the comics unattached to Harley.

      • 1 month ago

        She was also in every major Batman event from Knightfall to Hush to No Man's Land. It's so dumb to claim she wasn't used.

      • 1 month ago

        She was also in every major Batman event from Knightfall to Hush to No Man's Land. It's so dumb to claim she wasn't used.

        Btas started in 92 and was being animated before that. Everything y'all listed was after to way after.

  4. 1 month ago

    The longer the series ran the harder it was to justify her as evil. So now shes some kind of vague op villainess that just does whatever is good for plot.

  5. 1 month ago

    That was true years ago, but these days she's had her own comic series and Harley's only on a third of it.

  6. 1 month ago

    >Why did she go from one of Batman''s classic villains into a pointless representation character who only exists to be Harley's booty call? Is it all because ot BTAS?

    No, it's because lesbians are often as horrible as straight men at writing romance. They reduced Ivy to a prize for Harley like so many women often are for men in older fiction.

    Though admittedly there isn't a good way to write Harley Ivy and it be progressive while keeping the elements that DC thinks people like about the couple. They think people want Harley to be Deadpool with a vegana. And there no version of Ivy would want to date Deadpool.

    Wonder dumby Harley works best with straight guy Ivy. But that makes Harley look stupid and keeps her in a submissive role. For Harley and Ivy to be equals in a relationship, Harley should return to her smarter pre joker self and ivy should probably become less murderous like her early Harley Quinn show self. So like HQ show ivy with white knight Harley. That could work.

    But that might actually be two functioning adults that wouldn't commit a lot of crime.

    So instead they just treat ivy like female swamp thing and a trophy for Harley.

    Apparently treating women like trophies is ok if it is wish fulfillment for lesbians

  7. 1 month ago

    Episodes from the 90s cartoon like "House & Garden" and "Chemistry" showed off how classic Ivy was a great villain for dark body horror stories, too bad current Ivy is only ever played for comedy since she's nothing but Harley's sidekick

    • 1 month ago

      The script was dropped the moment they listened to the idiots who wailed that Ivy was "the hero all along". No dumbasses she was always a commentary on how extremism of any kind is bad. She's not a hero because she's an ecoterrorist because she's gone too far and now wants to turn regular people into mulch as long as it advances her plans. But somehow DC bought this narrative and now we have a diluted, weak Ivy who gives speeches about biodiversity and is only set up to fight comically evil Captain Planet tier people who exploit the environment, just so she doesn't ever need to do anything unsavory. Forget poisoning a good man like Harvey Dent when you can have her girlboss fistpump over the corpse of yet another ruthless industrialist out to pave over rainforest.

      It's such a loss of subtlety and nuance that it's almost a parody of the character she used to be.

  8. 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago

    >bawwwwwwwwwwww why isn't she just fapbait anymore bawwwwwwwwwwwwww

    • 1 month ago

      she is though, just for freaks like you.

  10. 1 month ago

    She was never interesting and at least now she fulfills somebody's fetish

  11. 1 month ago


    I don't disagree with her not really being hot per-se, but batman and robin had a lot bigger problems than the casting for ivy.
    You know something really fricked up is going on when out of an entire cast, clooney and arnie are the ones having the least problems delivering lines without sounding stunted and confused. I'm not sure the movie even had an actual written script.

    • 1 month ago

      She was extremely hot in BTAS at least. Not as hot in TNBA

  12. 1 month ago

    Want to throw my own two cents in thread besides my hatred of Harley for ruining Ivy both in her role in the franchise and people doing smut of her trash ass instead of the superior BTAS design and say I like Ivy better when she is clearly a human with at most either some low level plant powers or just highly skilled with chemistry/botany as opposed to a full on extreme plant hybrid metahuman.

  13. 1 month ago

    When did Ivy become bargain bin Swamp Thing anything?

    • 1 month ago

      I think the late 90s/2000s, and the writers got bored of her seducing Batman like every other female villain. Catwoman and Talia had more going for them than the ecoterrorist or something.

    • 1 month ago

      Neil Gaiman. Specifically Black Orchid.

    • 1 month ago

      Tom King, the harley show, and the new ongoing

      • 1 month ago

        None of which were good

  14. 1 month ago

    A dyke got to make a decision and this was what they wanted. The hot red head girl that has all the men simping for her is REALLY a lesbo because, because she just is, OK??!!?!

  15. 1 month ago

    >that time Batman and Ivy got super baked and binged Workaholics together

    • 1 month ago

      Of course Kevin Smith wrote that issue.

  16. 1 month ago

    Fleshtone ivy > pale Ivy > dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> green Ivy

    Seriously she needs to be a human with light plant powers not a fricking elemental.

    • 1 month ago

      how can one be so confident and wrong? also basically want her to not be who she was created to be?

      • 1 month ago

        >also basically want her to not be who she was created to be?
        She was NOT created to be an elemental, dumbass.

        • 1 month ago

          she was originally a scientist that focused on plants and even during her original run/creators made her a half plant human. So at this point it's basically just her main canon bro.

          • 1 month ago

            That was decades later.

  17. 1 month ago

    I like her in the Harley Quinn cartoon. Also she's still an extremist environmentalist.

  18. 1 month ago

    Poison Ivy has never had that one comic, one plot, one mo...maybe one moment but that never over-arcing plot ot story where she was as memorable and stood up there with The Joker, or Bane, or anyone else like that. She felt like a semi-boss instead of The Final Boss, the one who shared equal billing or even higher billing than Batman or other characters in that particular story.
    Of all characters to do it with he's there! Batman is the one. And yet....no one wants to truly use Poison Ivy, one of the members of the so-call3d "greatest Rogue's gallery" in anything meaningful where SHE is the main catalyst, and main antagonist of things, the one who the entire story revolves around.
    Frickin' Mysterio's homosexual-ass got a major up-boost in an X-Men story, of all things, in Old Mqn Logan. All I hear is that Batman has the greatest villains, and yet Ivy is just..........there.
    Put it this way, you'll never see Ivy in a meaningful way in live-action (again). I put the word "again" in parentheses because she arguably never "was" used meaningfully in live-action.

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