Why did the prophecy even say he was meant to be the one who destroys the Sith when he litterally joined them?

Why did the prophecy even say he was meant to be the one who destroys the Sith when he litterally joined them?

Lmao, the Jedi got clowned by this mothefricker.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The prophecy is effectively foreknowledge of the OT, in which Vader kills the Emperor at the cost of his own life.

    • 2 years ago

      No longer canon. The prophecy applies to Rey. She was actually the one to destroy the Palpatine. Anakin was not that important. Qui Gon was wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        Canon is a dumb lie to make nerds buy more secondary merch and trick them into believing it somehow changes movies that already exist.

      • 2 years ago

        Sequels aren't canon

        • 2 years ago

          Only TLJ is.

          • 2 years ago

            I'd unironically prefer TLJ being canon over TFA and Rise

            • 2 years ago

              Frick all three!

              The first one ruined the first six's buildup and went nowhere, among other things, the middle one shit all over the canon and spirit of the series and characters, and the third was... well apart from having to waste so much time putting out the trash fires that was TLJ, it couldn't help itself but to completely and utterly, fan-fic level, frick over things completely! ("all the sith/jedi" etc) Not one of the movies doesn't completely ruin the story/timeline as a whole if taken as canon.

      • 2 years ago

        Disney Wars is not canon

        • 2 years ago

          >Disney Wars is not canon

          • 2 years ago

            Yes correct

          • 2 years ago

            This stupid israelite forgot to attach his undoubtedly stupid fricking soijak face so he abandoned the thread in shame. Get fricked.

          • 2 years ago

            Correct. Nothing Disney makes is Canon. The canon scale goes like this goes like this (TRUE CANON) George Lucas > EU (now known as Legends) > Fanfiction.net > DALL-E mini AI images involving Star Wars doing literally anything whatsoever >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yidsen Wars (NOT CANONO AT ALL)

      • 2 years ago

        palpatine entered rey when he died just like he said he would

        • 2 years ago

          did they ever explain how Palpatine "died" for real? Seems odd he would say killing him would allow him to take their bodies then they just kill him

      • 2 years ago

        Well back then they didn't know Disney would eventually buy them and frick up so badly.

    • 2 years ago

      >congrats, you fulfilled the prophesy, destroyed the Sith and brought the Force back into balance
      >what's that? Palpatine's secret Sith cultists will just clone him? oh well, too bad

  2. 2 years ago

    because he did destroy the sith in return of the jedi when he chooses to defend luke over sheev.

    until the sequels which completely invalidate anything that happened in any previous movies

    • 2 years ago

      fricking hate disney

  3. 2 years ago

    It never said anything about Anakin joining the Sith. And he did destroy them, except not, as proven by both old canon and Disney

  4. 2 years ago

    >plot twist
    Disney was the Sith all a long

  5. 2 years ago

    He did destroy the Sith though

  6. 2 years ago

    The prophecy was that he would bring balance. He’s like shiva, he had to destroy the old in order to make way for the new. Life is like a serpent that sheds its skin.

    • 2 years ago

      George himself said that by balance he meant the light side winning

      • 2 years ago

        But what is the light side though, that's a question of interpretation since the word is never stated outright and is only there by comparison to the dark side. The Jedi are certainly not representatives of anything Good, since they're in part responsible for everything bad that happens in SW.

        • 2 years ago

          Jedi are just another organization/religion using the light side, the prophecy had nothing to do with them, it was about the eradication of the Sith order (ignoring the fact, that there are different group using the dark side).

          It's like Water World, don't think about it too much.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's like Water World, don't think about it too much.
            Waterworld makes a lot more sense. It's also more fun to watch.

        • 2 years ago

          An altruistic concern for the greater good, morality, seeking peace, wisdom, selflessness. Buddhism, Taoism and the Templar code come pretty close to what it is to be a Jedi.

          • 2 years ago

            When is any of those things shown to be a concern for the Jedi in the films?
            What is shown is the Jedi being selfish, short-sighted, doing shady shit on behalf of the senate/republic, and threaten/manipulate local people that do not acquiesce to their demands

        • 2 years ago

          There originally was no light side, there was the balanced force and the darkside.

      • 2 years ago

        And that's exactly what happened. The fulfilment of the prophecy is Luke and Leia being the only Force users left alive

        • 2 years ago

          >The fulfilment of the prophecy is Luke and Leia being the only Force users left alive
          But there are millions more in the galaxy

          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        But the Jedi weren't representing the light side, they were neutral hence why the Jedi got btfo. If they were actually the light side they would have embraced love and not made Anakin hide his love for padme

        • 2 years ago

          That's selfish love and attachment from the Buddhist and Jedi perspective. He did embrace his love for Padme, kinda didnt work out.

          • 2 years ago

            If he wasnt forced to hide it he coulda went to yoda about his dreams.

            • 2 years ago

              Well I probably would have privately told Yoda if I was him. It's his spiritual master keeping something like that from him is dark side in itself. Not necessarily told him who though.

              >Master Yoda I romantically love someone what do I do as a Jedi?

              He wasnt made to hide it as such. Jedi are meant to be honest. He should have probably told him and decide if he wanted to still be a Jedi or not.

        • 2 years ago

          And yet the comics had Kai with a family etc

      • 2 years ago

        And it did. The Jedi Order were zogbots that placed their faith in the democratic system rather than the will of the force. They were Materialist and consequentialist Black folk that deserved what they got.

        • 2 years ago

          In that case a force faith based system would be an Anarchist one, without rulers. Darth Vader's use of the force to dominant reality is the opposite of this.

        • 2 years ago

          The prequels were so moronic that people now question if making the Jedi crazy cultist morons was deliberate or not, lol.

          >democratic system
          Except when they tried to arrest and then kill a democratically elected leader because they learned he might be a Sith.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's treason then
            He had supreme powers then. Hardly democratic by that point.

            • 2 years ago

              The senate gave him these powers, though.

              • 2 years ago

                The Jedi care more about their code than politics but we all know what happened next.

              • 2 years ago

                The prequels were so moronic that people now question if making the Jedi crazy cultist morons was deliberate or not, lol.

                >democratic system
                Except when they tried to arrest and then kill a democratically elected leader because they learned he might be a Sith.

                Correct, the Jedi are loyal to themselves, not even to their oaths to the senate. They were already planning on ousting Palpatine for that reason.

                Qui-gon was the only one talking about the will of the force, so he's evidently a heretic who is explicitly ostracized for his views.

          • 2 years ago

            >The prequels were so moronic that people now question if making the Jedi crazy cultist morons was deliberate or not, lol.
            no prequel haters are just so moronic George beat them over the head with this theme and they still don't get it.
            > i don't get it why jedi not do right logical thing they the good guise hurrrrr *drools*

            >mace windy said same thing evil sith lord say at start of movie me no no get it *brain falls out of ass*

          • 2 years ago

            >fans were so moronic that they'd rather argue about intent when faced with the unquestionable truth that the Jedi are a self-interested cult of moronic thugs, and not actually guardians of peace and justice

          • 2 years ago

            That's not an act in violation of democratic principles because if Palpatine really is the second Sith Lord, that implies he was the master of Count Dooku, who was the leader of the CIS. Palpatine is thereby implicated in being the enemy leader and a conspirator of high treason against the Republic. They didn't even go for the extrajudiciary assassination first("the Senate will decide your fate"), when Mace decided to kill Palpatine it was within self-defense.

            • 2 years ago

              >that implies he was the master of Count Dooku
              Only by reference to knowledge only the Jedi have access to. There is zero (0) proof Dooku and Palps are connected, also since Dooku also doesn't identify himself as a sith at any point. It's the jedi who rather baselessly accuse him of being one (cause he has a red blade and only Sith would be against the republic/jedi right? we're always right and they're always wrong!!)

              >They didn't even go for the extrajudiciary assassination first
              Bullshit, they came in with weapons drawn, it was always gonna be a fight and they were always gonna kill him at the end of it and take control of the senate (they even discuss such plans well before being told he's a sith).
              That Mace knew that Palps would never be convicted by the senate is established well beforehand.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is zero (0) proof Dooku and Palps are connected, also since Dooku also doesn't identify himself as a sith at any point.
                He has a red lightsaber, uses Force lightning, has yellow lizard eyes and doesn't contradict Palpatine calling him a Sith Lord on the Invisible Hand. It's a tough case.

                Second paragraph is admittedly true, but if Palpatine *did* surrender, I don't think they would've killed him. Even Anakin was highly reluctant to kill Dooku. It was just obvious he wouldn't realistically surrender, but that's not really their fault, is it?

              • 2 years ago

                >He has a red lightsaber
                Oh no not the forbidden colour
                >uses force lightning
                The dialogue implies that force lightning is simply a technique that you need to be powerful to use, Yoda also shoots lightning but can only manage the weaker, reflecting attack (also note that Yoda -absorbs- the lightning, giving him a power-up)
                >has yellow lizard eyes
                No he doesn't, and even if he did, that's not proof that there's a connection between him and Palps. Again, you're arguing that this is proof that needs to hold up in a court of law. You're legalistically arguing that the Jedi can prove that Palps and Dooku are sith lords to the Senate, thus preserving the democratic principles violated by their assassination.
                >doesn't contradict Palpatine calling him a Sith Lord on the Invisible Hand
                Why would he start arguing with them? He already laid out (a fairly complete account too, for a first discussion) the case that they should help him destroy the Sith and they didn't believe him and called him a Sith because he's acting against the Republic.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean, we don't really know how much of this is public knowledge, but I figure most of the relevant information about the Sith should fall within historical record. It's not like this is classified secrets for the Vatican archives, or is it?
                But even if all that is false, and Palpatine cannot strictly be proven to be the Sith Lord, that doesn't make it the democratic nice thing to let him go. In extraordinary circumstances, an illegal act can be necessary to avert greater problems. Assassinating Palpatine and seizing control of the Senate to instate a transitionary government is probably more democratic than letting him establish the Empire. I mean really, if you had personal proof that the President is a Chinese Satanist who eats children, what's the plan?

              • 2 years ago

                >I mean, we don't really know how much of this is public knowledge, but I figure most of the relevant information about the Sith should fall within historical record.
                Again, I'm talking about things that are actually in the movies here, what characters say and do. In the movies it's clear that the Jedi have no proof, already had a plan to remove palps from office, and suspicions that he was a sith cause those plans to be accelerated because he constitutes an existential threat to -the jedi order- (notably, not the republic).

                Also note that these actions also show Mace as agreeing with Dooku in AOTC: the republic is under the control of the Sith, so the Jedi should take complete control themselves.
                In a bit of character development, the reasons for which they were willing to kill Dooku over have now been shown to be their principal motivation.

                >if you had personal proof that the President is a Chinese Satanist who eats children
                It's an irrelevant question because, again, they have no proof and admit that through their actions.

                Palpatine literally tells him he's a sith lord

                Cite the scene with an exact quote. He does not say "I am the sith lord Darth Sidious (who we know is behind the separatists)". There is only one scene that definitively establishes that these two are the same person and its way at the end on Mustafar.

              • 2 years ago

                >existential threat to -the jedi order- (notably, not the republic)
                He really does destroy the Republic though. I concede that he cannot be legally convicted, but clearly the attempt to overthrow him is justified on democratic ideology. Mind you, I don't even support that, I just don't think what the Jedi did is hypocritical in this case.

              • 2 years ago

                >but clearly the attempt to overthrow him is justified on democratic ideology
                It isn't though, they swore an oath to the senate to be its guardians, that's their role and the source of their institutional power. But what we see is them undermining it, misleading it, distrusting it and that's before the coup. That's immensely hypocritical.

                Furthermore, Palpatines empire/republic chugs along for another 20-ish years before he and his bureaucrat allies dissolve the senate.
                Mace's Jedi council-dictatorship that arrived by coup d'etat would have to restrict personal freedoms, "take control of" ("aggressively negotiate" with) the senate, etc. etc.

                It's not hard to see that their theocracy would have to be way more harsh if they have any hope of not being counter-couped, because their attack would be fundamentally illegitimate.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, that's all true. But not stopping Palpatine ultimately lead to Space Fascism and Alderaan getting deleted. Every person on that planet would probably agree that the Jedi government would've been the lesser evil. The question, I suppose, is how reasonable it is to predict it to get to that point from where they were in the Clone Wars.

                I think I agree with you, anyway. There are unresolved problems though, like: Would it ever be legitimate for the Jedi to resist a threat from above, or must they unconditionally support the government no matter what? At some point, we have to recognise that it is no longer necessarily reasonable.

              • 2 years ago

                >Every person on that planet would probably agree that the Jedi government would've been the lesser evil
                Well there's the nub of the matter isn't it? The Jedi and the liberals are only a lesser evil in comparison to this absurd state-terror machine, which. we should be clear here, is still the Republic. The Empire and The Republic are just two sides of the same coin.

                Just being a bit better than genocidal fascists isn't quite good enough, that's been in star wars since ANH.

              • 2 years ago

                >This is what happens when you huff Drump farts too long

              • 2 years ago

                Rogue One is a movie MAGAtard

                Also how am I a trumper and drumper at the same time? Make up your mind.

              • 2 years ago

                Drumpf is a way to insult Trump supporters and their rhetoric by showing how the family changes their name to sound more Anglo you think as shit MAGAtard

              • 2 years ago

                Then you're even more moronic than I thought, because I'm making the argument that the Republic is evil because of its built-in injustices, racism, and droid slavery.

              • 2 years ago

                You called the Republic a state terror machine when that was clearly the actions of the Empire the same way you threw out all that Jedi and liberal crap as gaslighting.
                Moreover your saying that the Jedi sith are a balance of light and dark respectively and then turn around and say the Jedi do dark stuff as well
                Make your mind up MAGAtard

              • 2 years ago

                lmao you're moronic

              • 2 years ago

                >The Jedi and the liberals are only a lesser evil in comparison to this absurd state-terror machine
                Why are the liberals there all of a sudden? Anyway, yes they are, but under the circumstances there wasn't much choice. And trueh is, The People (tm) weren't the ones making it anyway.

              • 2 years ago

                Leia and the rebel alliance represent liberalism, they are a liberal faction within the Empire who were previously ascendant under the Republic.

              • 2 years ago

                It’s clear they’ve already restricted freedoms as seen in rogue one and the obi wan series
                The whole point of the delay in dissolving the senate is he takes that 16 odd years to remove the current military etc until the only people left are loyal to him personally (sound familiar? It’s an actual tactic when dictators take over democracies) and the idea of an Empire

              • 2 years ago

                >It’s clear they’ve already restricted freedoms as seen in rogue one and the obi wan series
                Again, we're talking about the movies. Chumps who are into the EU need not apply.

              • 2 years ago

                Rogue One is a movie MAGAtard

              • 2 years ago

                Rogue One does not have any bearing on what happens in any other star wars movie, they were made completely outside of its influence.

                Rogue One is, however, a good exploration of ideas that were already in the OT + PT, but it does not inform anything that happens in them. It's a separate discussion.

              • 2 years ago

                except for the part where they are literally smuggling the plans to blow up the death star which they eventually do

              • 2 years ago

                >clearly the attempt to overthrow him is justified on democratic ideology
                no, that's a crime

              • 2 years ago

                The law is distinct from the ideal here. Every revolution is illegal, such as the creation of the United States.

              • 2 years ago

                The jedi do not do a revolution, which can be arguably in line with democratic principles (granted, democratic principles written by people, some of which were pretty keen on revolution) because sovereignty derives from the people.

              • 2 years ago

                but the revolution came from Palpatine moron, the jedi just tried to kill him out of fear which kind of pushed Palpatine into being more aggressive, sort of what happened when Caesar crossed the Rubicon without the senate orders and he was declared an enemy of Rome out of pure fear even though he did nothing wrong
                These jedi talk so much about not giving into fear but they seem very afraid to lose their little order

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, but if your objective is democracy, then not opposing Palpatine is the course of action that leads to you losing. That's ultimately the situation.

              • 2 years ago

                that's the thing democracy doesn't need the Jedi

              • 2 years ago

                Democracy doesn't need the Jedi in the position of power that they have. Had shit went peacefully, the Jedi would most likely became a peaceful monastic order in a couple hundred of years. A VERY rich one.

              • 2 years ago

                Luke ultimately inspires Vader into killing Palpatine by a display of pacifism. This should be your starting point for analysis.

                except for the part where they are literally smuggling the plans to blow up the death star which they eventually do

                You're not understanding what I'm writing, probably because you're stuck in EU-thinking: Nothing in that happens in the movie Star Wars (released 1977) is changed by the movie Rogue One (released in 2016).

              • 2 years ago

                Rogue One is set before the Senate is dissolved and yet shows the facist nature of the Empire already. As seen also in the change in clothing and design philosophy to flat mono colour white and black surfaces
                Remember the scenes where the storm troopers are going through the city?

              • 2 years ago

                >Rogue One is set before the Senate is dissolved and yet shows the facist nature of the Empire already
                That's what we might call a "ret-con". I know this is a hard concept to get across to you, but Disney lied to you about star wars.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't believe that the Empire became authoritarian overnight. Order 66 was already a pretty authoritarian sort of thing to do, and democracy had been explicitly abolished from the start. There's no retcon here.

              • 2 years ago

                >and democracy had been explicitly abolished from the start
                Wrong. The senate is abolished in ANH, some 20-odd years after the empire is established.

                You called the Republic a state terror machine when that was clearly the actions of the Empire the same way you threw out all that Jedi and liberal crap as gaslighting.
                Moreover your saying that the Jedi sith are a balance of light and dark respectively and then turn around and say the Jedi do dark stuff as well
                Make your mind up MAGAtard

                The Empire is the Republic, in another modality of the state. The republican mode of doing violence is slightly better, but not good enough.

                >Moreover your saying that the Jedi sith are a balance of light and dark

                So one minute it’s not changing anything [...]
                and now it’s a retcon?

                A retcon doesn't actually change the work it is rectonning, it can only change the way you interpret it.

                They have it on video moron.

                Did they have that proof prior to attempting to assassinate the leader of the senate?

              • 2 years ago

                The Senate has no power over Palpatine though. I took it as similar to the parliaments of monarchies like the Reichstag of the German Empire or the Duma in Imperial Russia. They sort of matter but also not. Either way it literally isn't called a Republic anymore.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Senate has no power over Palpatine though
                Yes and no. The senate (and its member states) are powerful enough that Leias main goal for most of ANH is getting evidence to -inform the senate- about the DS. Or the fact that attacking the Tantive IV is dangerous -because it could generate sympathy for the rebels in the senate-.
                Up until its dissolution, the imperials are mainly worrying about how the senate will react, and Leia mainly wants to rally support for Alderaan in the senate.

              • 2 years ago

                That's because the Senate is the forum of discussion for the member systems, but they couldn't vote out Palpatine if they agreed that he's mean. The idea is to get enough support to overthrow him. It is already open insurrection at that point.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's because the Senate is the forum of discussion for the member systems
                No. It is also heavily involved in the administration of the Empire "How will the emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?"

              • 2 years ago

                Well, the same can be said for the Imperial parliaments I mentioned. They were even democratically elected, and were relevant, but the government overruled them.

              • 2 years ago

                So one minute it’s not changing anything

                Luke ultimately inspires Vader into killing Palpatine by a display of pacifism. This should be your starting point for analysis.

                You're not understanding what I'm writing, probably because you're stuck in EU-thinking: Nothing in that happens in the movie Star Wars (released 1977) is changed by the movie Rogue One (released in 2016).

                and now it’s a retcon?

              • 2 years ago

                i was someone else who chimed in and have never seen any EU stuff besides rogue one

                i didnt imply it changed anything

              • 2 years ago

                >He has a red lightsaber, uses Force lightning, has yellow lizard eyes and doesn't contradict Palpatine calling him a Sith Lord on the Invisible Hand.
                Meh. And? He was a Jedi, but led the separatists and tried to negotiate with the council through captured Obi-Wan. Jedi were initilally against Republic having its own army to deal with him. And the only Jedi to act on chancelor's command to execute Dooku over Coruscant was also a) the only one not brainwashed by them from childhood b) probably the most successeful field commander and c) stopped the motherfricking assassination of the chancelor by Jedi.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is zero (0) proof Dooku and Palps are connected

                In the Clone Wars anime it's established that Dooku goes by the name Darth Tyrannus (Making him a sith in it of itself by taking a Sith title) and thatt he's in league with another sith named Darth Sidious, they spend the majority of the anime trying to figure out who Darth Sidious is and even in the 3rd movie Anakin says

                >You're the Sith Lord we've been searching for

                When confronting Sidious

              • 2 years ago

                >In the Clone Wars anime
                We're talking about the movies, not retcons.

                And Anakin -thinks- Palpatine is "the sith lord they've been looking for" but he has no proof other than Palpatine said he knows about the dark side, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's puppeteering both sides of the conflict or has anything to do with Dooku.

              • 2 years ago

                Palpatine literally tells him he's a sith lord

          • 2 years ago

            You mean the guy who started the entire separatist war? Thats like finding out George Dubya did 9/11 and not arresting him because he was elected president

            • 2 years ago

              well why isn't George Bush arrested then

              • 2 years ago

                Personally, I think assassinating George Bush would be justified. Then again, assassinating any US President at any time is justified for any reason

              • 2 years ago

                Luke ultimately inspires Vader into killing Palpatine by a display of pacifism. This should be your starting point for analysis.

                You're not understanding what I'm writing, probably because you're stuck in EU-thinking: Nothing in that happens in the movie Star Wars (released 1977) is changed by the movie Rogue One (released in 2016).

                Drumpf is a way to insult Trump supporters and their rhetoric by showing how the family changes their name to sound more Anglo you think as shit MAGAtard

                Found the tard

            • 2 years ago

              >Thats like finding out George Dubya did 9/11 and not arresting him because he was elected president

            • 2 years ago

              They didn't find that out, is the point. Pay attention.

              • 2 years ago

                >2 sith lords
                >darth dookie controls CIS
                >they cant find the master behind it all
                They know the sith master is running the show ie they know that palpatine is a traitor the second they find out hes sith

              • 2 years ago

                >They know the sith master is running the show ie they know that palpatine is a traitor the second they find out hes sith
                No they don't, they have no proof, re-read the thread.

              • 2 years ago

                They have it on video moron.

            • 2 years ago

              They didn't even know that. Anakin said that he might be a Sith and the Dindu moron decided to arrest this incredibly popular chancellor who was democratically elected by the senate.

              >In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest, Chancellor.
              The moron said this even if the senate supports Palpatine (including the formation of the empire) and the Jedi have absolutely no legitimacy as no one elects them.

              Then the Black person idiot literally tries to murder this incredibly popular politician without having any evidence of him being the bad guy. How the frick were the Jedi planning to explain this to the senate?

              • 2 years ago

                wouldn't surprise me if they did mind tricks to make the senate memory hole Palpatine

              • 2 years ago

                >How the frick were the Jedi planning to explain this to the senate?
                They don't. At this point the republic was pretty much non functional as a federative democracy (it couldn't even push the trade federation to stop Naboo blockade in Ep1). Senate was eager to end war by any means necessary, including getting rid of federative system, and whoever didn't want it already fricked off to CIS anyway by Ep3. At this point it is now a question of will the power be usurped or not, it is who will usurp it: Palpatine or Jedi. Remember, if he is dead then there is nobody to activate order 66, so Jedi are still in charge of the army and can just shell the senate like Yeltsin in 1993.

              • 2 years ago

                >so Jedi are still in charge of the army and can just shell the senate like Yeltsin in 1993
                Such a naked usurpation of power would lead to a civil war and the dissolution of the republic.

              • 2 years ago

                My impression was mace-dindu, along with every jedi, had such a great fear of the Sith that they were willing to go around the formalities of democracy. The Jedi Order serves the republic but doesn't mean they are completely subordinate to it. They are like a religious organization. Christianity and Islam are not dependent on the formalities of democracy to do its thing. Corporations and most of private life is this way. I think Mace-dindu was in the right. Democracy comes second to eradicating such a clear threat. Palpatine demonstrated his Sith status during his fight with them during the arrest. That was proof enough. Also remember that Anakin didn't care about the formalities either; he says "I NEED him", before cutting off the hand, of course referencing his need for palpatines powers. Democracy never really mattered, neither does it in reality.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Jedi Order serves the republic but doesn't mean they are completely subordinate to it.
                They are subordinate to it, they answer to the senate and are supposed to be loyal to it.

              • 2 years ago

                This is only in principle. In practice they worship the force, which is what the ultimately answer to, like any other religious organization. Obiwan himself expresses reservations of politicians in ATOC.

              • 2 years ago

                >In practice they worship the force
                No, Qui-gon does. The others are highly skeptical to this whole business of prophecies and chosen ones and living force this and that. Qui-gon is partly excluded from affairs because of this attitude.

                >Obiwan himself expresses reservations of politicians in ATOC
                That's part of their hypocrisy, they answer to the senate, but are distrustful of them for being corrupt -and- go along with their corruption.

                Like, this is a pretty dumb view that you have, with no dialogue or evidence to show for it.

            • 2 years ago

              We figured that out pretty quickly, yet 9/11 gave his party a huge majority and got him reelected, instead of lynched.

      • 2 years ago

        Yoda says the prophecy was misread maybe, i think by ROTS George wanted to change it to 2 sith 2 jedi as balance but later on changed his mind for the 7th time.

      • 2 years ago

        Well yeah, within the context of the dark side having so many points on the board up until that point.

      • 2 years ago

        How does that contradict what i said? Luke is the new

      • 2 years ago

        >bring balance to the force
        Jedi hoovering up force sensitives to deny Sith and dark side users recruits only played into the Rule of 2 power concentration.

        George retcons himself constantly, his canon material has more than enough counterindications of this -- evidenced by Luke 'winning' in the Emperor's throne room exclusively down to his 'attachment' to his Father, and Anakin's to his son which completely contradicts late stage Jedi doctrines; Luke 'should' have been irrecoverably lost to the dark side and ruled the Galaxy as Vader's #2 otherwise.

        But the Jedi weren't representing the light side, they were neutral hence why the Jedi got btfo. If they were actually the light side they would have embraced love and not made Anakin hide his love for padme

        >If they were actually the light side they would have embraced love
        There are severely defective ideas of what constitutes the good and justice in the Order by virtue of leaving Anakin's mother in bondage (as if this wouldn't be the constant source of bad conscience for him), and assenting to lead in combat without protest a slave army of Clones contracted in their name. Both were fatal.

        Canon is a dumb lie to make nerds buy more secondary merch and trick them into believing it somehow changes movies that already exist.

        There are only George sanctioned materials (EU), and everything else.

        how do they duel with lightsabers? what happens if they accidentally cut one of their limbs or head off??? doe they have somekind of setting that isnt lethal? lmao

        also why the frick didnt vader just pull the falcon down at mos eisely like he did that ship?? did his powers go limp along with his dick


        They have odd inertia/weightedness that isn't apparent by just the handle alone.

        The prophecy never said him specifically, but it said someone would and he fit the bill with his high power level. But what it actually said was bringing balance to the force, which he did.
        >joined the sith, allowing there to be two sith
        >purged all the jedi save for two (tv shows and secondary media say otherwise but they don't count because none of that's in the movies)

        In Lucas treatments for a third trilogy, Leia would have a joint hand in the prophecy alongside Luke as a peacemaker, finally burying the hatchet between New Republic and legacy Empire regions, being Twins and all.

        >Disney Wars is not canon

        Only Lucas' stories and continuity have any bearing at all.

  7. 2 years ago

    Prophecy was made up. There's no source for it

    • 2 years ago

      It's an old tale that we keep injecting characters into as God's favourite son. Truth is, it's all of us.

      • 2 years ago

        read dune and dune messiah you homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      Source for that?

  8. 2 years ago

    >Prophecy states that he is supposed to bring balance to the force.
    >There are two sith lords
    >Thousands of Jedi
    How the frick were they surprised that he ended up turning on them?

    • 2 years ago

      >muh equal number of christians and satanists
      That's moronic, you're moronic

    • 2 years ago

      Balance in Nature is effectively good, everything being in harmony with good light (Day) and good darkness (Night). Satanists/Sith seek to twist and invert natural laws to their own selfish ends, this is not balance, its turning the scales upside down.

  9. 2 years ago

    >The one who will bring balance to the force

    If by balance they mean making everything worse and destroying a planet then I guess. At the end he brings peace and reconciliation and all is good in the galaxy. Then Disney come along but that's fan fiction.

  10. 2 years ago

    >have a bunch of jedi
    >they all think the sith are gone
    >there's still some prophecy for someone to bring balance
    >almost all the jedi get killed
    >now there's few in number on both jedi and sith side

  11. 2 years ago

    >Sigh....somehow Palpatine has returned and invalidated the prophecy involving Anakin Skywalker

  12. 2 years ago

    Get le plot twisted, the most powerful being in the universe lost to the guy who stood slighlty above him

  13. 2 years ago

    where did the prophecy come from

    • 2 years ago

      "A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored."
      ―A Jedi prophecy[6]

      An ancient Jedi prophecy,[7] made by an ancient Jedi mystic and recorded on a holocron,[6] foretold that the Chosen One would restore balance to the Force by destroying the Sith.[4] The prophecy also predicted that the Chosen One would also become one of the strongest Force-sensitives in the galaxy, rivaling the power of the most legendary champions of the Jedi Order.[8]


      • 2 years ago

        fanfic garbage
        the prophecy never been explicitly worded in the movies is the entire point, trust wookipedia homosexuals to ruin it

  14. 2 years ago

    prophecy never said he'd destroy the sith prophecy said he'd bring balance to the force
    The truth is Jedi were a corrupt organization abusing their powers manipulating governments and assassinating people
    Jedi in their limitless pride thought the prophecy would destroy their enemy (sort of like israelites expecting jesus to kill every Roman)
    But Anakin brought balance to the force destroying the Jedi you can notice how every single jedi was surprised when they were attacked by the clones except Yoda who was well aware of how jedi had become evil and was expecting it

  15. 2 years ago

    Why was there even a prophecy? Didn't the Jedi believe they had destroyed the Sith for good already since a thousand years ago?

  16. 2 years ago

    Who wrote the prophecy and why did the force need balancing?

  17. 2 years ago

    >Why did the prophecy even say he was meant to be the one who destroys the Sith
    it didn't say that. it said he would bring balance to the force which he did. 2 sith, 2 jedi.

  18. 2 years ago

    You unironically got filtered by Lucas's original intentions. Not talking about the stupid Filloni or Disney shit.
    >Bring balance to the force
    At the end of the Clone Wars there was only two Jedi and two Sith. Balanced.
    >One who destroys the Sith
    Vader literally kills Palpatine and gives birth to the New Hope (Luke)

    Not that hard to follow it's a kids movie anon.

    • 2 years ago

      ...and Leia

    • 2 years ago

      >all the bad guys end up dead

  19. 2 years ago

    In Lucas' original sequel trilogy it is revealed that Leia was the real chosen one who brought peace to the galaxy.

    • 2 years ago

      He took way too long to get around to making that.

    • 2 years ago

      Even Lucas realized the Chosen One shit was stupid.

  20. 2 years ago

    He brings balance by killing all the jedi and sith and creating a true neautral as seen in return of the jedi where Luke's face is half covered in darkness

    • 2 years ago

      I already established why balance is inherently good and evil is an inversion of balance. No Sith is balance.

      • 2 years ago

        Sith do evil, but so do the Jedi. In fact, the Jedi spend the majority of the PT serving Palpatine, who is literally representing the Senate/Republic.

        Could "balance" then mean the death of all Jedi as well, in a kind of "death of god" situation? Since they're all dead by ROTJ depending on how Luke interprets the events of the Throne room.

        • 2 years ago

          I get your point but palpatine performing evil through the proxy of the Jedi is evidence of them being moronic not evil.

          • 2 years ago

            The message of the PT is the same as that of Spaceballs: "Evil will always triumph because Good is Dumb".
            But it adds the "Good" also performing a bunch of evil stuff, small and large, along the way: threatening to have people killed by the Mafia, blackmail, cheating on deals, starting wars of aggression, etc. etc.
            Like, can anyone actually give me an example of a genuinely act that is Good and Just done by the Jedi during the PT or OT?

            • 2 years ago

              >Like, can anyone actually give me an example of a genuinely act that is Good and Just done by the Jedi during the PT or OT?
              I'd argue they saved a boy from a life of slavery, but even then they still didn't solve the problem of the slavery.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'd argue they saved a boy from a life of slavery
                Qui-gon only wanted Anakin because he thought he was the Messiah, and he cheats and blackmails Watto (as well as the Force, if we believe in Fate) to do it. A wholly self-interested act.

              • 2 years ago

                >oh no the jedi used some tricks to cheat the SLAVE owner out of his child slave
                You must be a israelite just like watto

              • 2 years ago

                We have already established that Qui-gon gives no shits about the institution of slavery. If he did, it would be at the top of his priorities rather than a mere trade dispute.

                Well, the same can be said for the Imperial parliaments I mentioned. They were even democratically elected, and were relevant, but the government overruled them.

                Again, I'm just telling you that democratic institutions were a thing and were powerful until about half-way through ANH. What the empire was up to that point is presumably closest to the Principate in Rome, where the trappings and institutions of the Roman Republic remained but were gradually hollowed out.

                yeah but that was the will of the force so cope and sneedthe elsewhere

                If it was the will of the force, why does Qui-gon have to cheat the dice to get the outcome he wanted? He cheats the force, making him a double hypocrite.

                Slavery was illegal in the Republic, Tatooine was in Hutt Space which was not their business.

                Tatooine/Jakku is in the republic.

              • 2 years ago

                >Tatooine/Jakku is in the republic.
                >QUI-GON : I'm afraid not. Had he been born in the Republic, we would have
                identified him early, and he would have become Jedi, no doubt...he has the
                way. But it's too late for him now, he's too old.

                >WATTO : Republic credits?!? Republic credits are no good out here. I need
                something more real...

                >GUI-GON : Your mother's right. Is there anyone friendly to the Republic who
                might be able to help us?

                SHMI shakes her head no.

                It is undoubtedly not. In the Mandalorian, the Imperial presence on Tatooine is referred to as "the occupation".

                Wasn’t it talked about how Han had rescued Chewie?

                It happens in Solo, but I don't think any conclusions on this can be drawn within ANH.

              • 2 years ago

                Iirc the old story was han was a navy officer or cadet. He has to leave after he rescues Chewie. When did they explain the life debt?

              • 2 years ago

                He leaves the Navy before he rescues Chewie in Solo. Not gonna lie, I didn't finish the movie because the feminist robot pissed me off too much, so I don't know anything that happens in the second half.

              • 2 years ago


                Note that all the language is ambiguous, no one ever says "Tatooine/Jakku is not in the Republic" at any point, even though it would be trivially easy to establish that.
                Instead its "Controlled by the hutts" (which doesn't preclude membership, Hutts are just crime lords. Or "the republic doesn't exist out here" (same, it's a statement about law and order) or "credits are no good here, i need something more real" (the republic isn't real -out here-, they're out in the sticks)
                Anakin was likewise not born of Tatooine, and was brought there when he was around 3 years old, see the scene when we first arrive on Tatooine and they ask him how long he's been there.

                Instead, ask why the characters -expect- that their money will work there, or why they expect that the Republics anti-slavery laws would be in effect on Tatooine/Jakku.
                I have never received a satisfactory response to this, so I hope you'll surprise me.

              • 2 years ago

                >Instead, ask why the characters -expect- that their money will work there
                They don't, they just don't have anything else and try it.
                >or why they expect that the Republics anti-slavery laws would be in effect on Tatooine/Jakku
                They don't, it just depresses Padme that it's legal there.
                I do regret how vague it is, but the only logical interpretation is that Tatooine is in Hutt Space which is politically independent from the Republic, and is occupied by the Empire at some point later on. I figure this probably happens after Jabba dies, but idk.

              • 2 years ago

                >They don't, it just depresses Padme that it's legal there.
                No. It's making a specific statement about Padmé, she expects there to not be slaves on Tatooine, and Shmi says the Republic does not exists on Tatooine. That is not the same as Tatooine not being a member of the Republic, it rather implies that it is illegal on Tatooine in accordance with Republican laws, who are just not enforced.
                That implies that Tatooine is a member, but it's just... controlled by crime lords.

              • 2 years ago

                No, not really. There's no reason to read it that way. She says "I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy", a statement of disappointment about conditions in this country.
                Also, note that Qui-Gon says he has "Republic dataries". You wouldn't say you have "US Dollars" if you are in the US.

              • 2 years ago

                It makes sense to clarify what currency you have if you're in a far-away and lawless place. It's more like Qui-gon is in like, Bosnia or Transnistria (if they were EU-members and more lawless).

              • 2 years ago

                Tatooine is perfectly analogous to a shitty European country like Moldova who is not an EU member though. Like that's exactly what's going on here.

              • 2 years ago

                It is in fact not completely analogous when the characters act in ways that show that they expect Republican law and currency to be respected. You have only dismissed these scenes out of hand, not shown my interpretation to be incorrect.

              • 2 years ago

                >the only logical interpretation is that Tatooine is in Hutt Space which is politically independent from the Republic
                Also, I'm going to have to stop you there. You have not explained why my interpretation of the ambiguous language and the characters expectation is illogical. I find it quite logical.

                I suspect your resistance is rooted in the fact that my stance is non-canon, the EU does not recognize it as fact, but it is clearly correct in the films. So therefore, the EU is fundamentally incorrect.

              • 2 years ago

                I admit that the term "Hutt Space" is derived from external material, but "Hutt-controlled area" is a concept established within the confines of TPM. I cannot stop you from your interpretation, but it is a far less intuitive reading of the script, and all other Star Wars material disagrees with it. It is certain that Lucas does not believe Tatooine is within the Republic, and it only makes more sense that way.

                It is in fact not completely analogous when the characters act in ways that show that they expect Republican law and currency to be respected. You have only dismissed these scenes out of hand, not shown my interpretation to be incorrect.

                They do not expect Republic law and currency to be respected. You have to go out of your way to try to read the script that way, it is not the apparent meaning at all.

              • 2 years ago

                Tatooine is apart of the Republic

              • 2 years ago

                Insolent Republic dog, I will give you my shoe!

              • 2 years ago

                So I was correct: you are now seeking refuge in what you imagine was authorial intent and that a lot of other people also misinterpreted star wars and they can't all be wrong can they? You are not talking about what's in the films anymore, because you can't actually show that I'm wrong.

                On the topic of intent, Lucas was the guy who pointedly did -not- make a movie where anyone said "Tatooine is not in the republic". He instead made a movie that kept Tatooine's status somewhat ambiguous (which works even better since it's status of being inside the republic but not in practice is a position of ambiguity as well) and where the characters try to use Republican-brand credits cards and a senator expects republican anti-slavery laws to be followed (i.e. she's well acquainted with the concept of sovereignty).

              • 2 years ago

                What kind of delusional defense is this? I quoted the script directly, feel free to ask anyone what they take away from it. I won't take your personal headcanon about Tatooine away from you, but it is completely invalid in a public discussion.

              • 2 years ago

                For risk of bringing up politics: parts of Ukraine are controlled by the Russian state right now, this does not mean that those parts are legally no longer a part of Ukraine.

                There is a difference between De Jure and De Facto here. Tatooine is de jure a member of the republic, but de facto controlled by a group of crime lords called the Hutts.

              • 2 years ago

                That makes it questionable why the Republic would not reassert control over it in the Clone Wars, unless you choose to believe that the later Imperial occupation is exactly that. There is a possibility of this, but there is no real indication for that at any point: Qui-Gon simply accepts that Anakin was born outside the Republic, and member states already being under illegal occupation would certainly be a political issue, when the Naboo crisis is notable specifically for that happening. The Republic doesn't consist of every system in the galaxy, Kamino is also independent.

              • 2 years ago

                You are talking to a schizo. Tatooine is not in the Republic, it's in the Outer Rim, Hutt Space.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally google it moron its canon and in the republic, its just the republic doesnt give a shit about tatooine

              • 2 years ago

                Even the Canon page only says that the Empire "established a presence" on it during the OT, it has no affiliation with the Republic.

              • 2 years ago

                Your friends that write wookiepedia can't save you. No articles about star wars comics or books will ever change what is just in the movies.

              • 2 years ago

                In the clone wars movie Palps says the Hutts control the outer rim (which includes tattooine)
                So again the MAGAtard lies

              • 2 years ago

                The EU is the principal source of misinterpretation, lies, and misunderstandings on the part of the fans. It has no bearing on what is in the movies.

              • 2 years ago

                In the clone wars movie Palps says the Hutts control the outer rim (which includes tattooine)
                So again the MAGAtard lies

                I'll make it easy for you morons.
                The Hutts occupied a large portion of the outer rim systems, even up to half of the known systems and then some in their prime. Cite something at least before saying something moronic next time.

              • 2 years ago

                EU-homosexuals please go away, this is a high-level discussion.

                That makes it questionable why the Republic would not reassert control over it in the Clone Wars, unless you choose to believe that the later Imperial occupation is exactly that. There is a possibility of this, but there is no real indication for that at any point: Qui-Gon simply accepts that Anakin was born outside the Republic, and member states already being under illegal occupation would certainly be a political issue, when the Naboo crisis is notable specifically for that happening. The Republic doesn't consist of every system in the galaxy, Kamino is also independent.

                There's really nothing to show that the imperials are "occupying" Tatooine by ANH. It's not an issue that is brought up once, and Luke even wants to join the empire in a way. If he has feelings against the empire because they occupied his planet, then you bring that up.

                On the point of what is happening in TPM, the republic is established as weak and sluggish with regards to the Federation-Naboo conflict so there's no contradiction there.
                In fact, it rather connects the conflict with the state of affairs on Tatooine, showing the extent of the breakdown in law and order in some parts while/because the powers that be are more concerned with interstellar trade than galactic slavery.
                Tatooine being a part of the Republic thus enhances the movie by making the Jedi and Republic directly responsible (in addition to just having a moral responsibility) for Tatooine, but if it's not, then what is the thematic point of Tatooine in the context of the movie?

                Also note some visual connections between Tatooine and Naboo, the sand dunes of Tatooine and the green hills of Naboo. The locales represent certain things, and they are connected in both theme and visuals.

              • 2 years ago

                The point of Tatooine is to contrast the civilised metropolitan and green Republic vs the sandy ramshackle dumps that are most of the settlements on Tatooine with its barbaric entertainments with lethal chariot races (a nod to Arabs using child jockeys) which is outside the Republic. And how the Jedi and republic go on about their values but don’t go and stop evil stuff outside their zones

              • 2 years ago

                In a trilogy that's largely about the Jedi failing to stop the rise of fascism, I don't quite see the point in starting off with a bunch of legalistic excuses for why they can't do anything about galactic-scale injustices.

                Again, if we just read Tatooine as a part of the Republic, then the movie is simply better.

                >If he has feelings against the empire because they occupied his planet, then you bring that up.
                The Republic was already clearly widely disliked on Tatooine during the prequels, and this surely carries over to the Empire. By default he resents the Empire, and after they intrude on the planet and gun down his family he has a valid justification for joining the Rebel Alliance(though he didn't even need it because he's just a shithead who wants to go on pointless adventures).

                If the Republic was already so shit that random member planets are under the complete control of mafia slugs, this calls into question the entire plot and how the Separatists could possibly feel mistreated by a central government this inexistent. Tatooine not being part of the Republic is by far the most reasonable interpretation, within the movies alone.
                And where is this in the movies, then, moron?

                >the Separatists could possibly feel mistreated by a central government this inexistent
                The planets that want to secede are not the same ones that are lawless. The Feds have nothing to do with Tatooine. They want to secede because of the events of TPM, because the central government is more preoccupied with beating down an alien member exercising its rights to blockade (which implicitly is just one example among many of such mistreatment). This is evidently more important than slavery, but no one really cares. This is a series of movies where the Republic fundamentally fails, and we see that conflict in the first movie. The clone wars and Palpatine makes no sense without this set up.

                >And where is this in the movies, then, moron?
                The first scene where Anakin and Padmé talk. You really should rewatch the movies instead of reading wookiepedia all day. You might seem like less of an idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                >ANAKIN : Since I was very little, three, I think. My Mom and I were sold to
                Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces, to Watto,
                who's a lot better master than Gardulla, I think.

                There's nothing here that implies anything about being relocated from a different planet. You just completely made that up. Your headcanon is indefensible.

                Tatooine is not part of the Republic, the evidence decisively establishes this and you have been repeatedly BTFO innumerable times in this thread. It is time to give up and withdraw. Come back next time better-prepared.

              • 2 years ago

                Your only evidence is one thing qui gon said however theres plenty of dialogue that supports the otherside, anakin being born there or not makes no difference

                “ Tatooine, an outer rim territory, had to be part of the Republic for the clone wars to make sense. If the planters from the Rims that were not represented by the Senate weren’t part of the Republic why was the Separatist movement was trying to cede from the Republic? Imo, people take the “ruled by the hutts” thing too literately. The Hutts had all the power but that doesn’t mean they were the legitimate government.
                Padmé had trouble understanding how Anakin and Shmi were slaves because the Republic has anti-slavery laws. If Padmé didn’t believe Tatooine was a Republic territory, why would she even think this?”
                “I don’t understand, ” [Padmé] said. “Slavery isn’t permitted by the Republic. There are antislavery laws…”

              • 2 years ago

                >Tatooine, an outer rim territory, had to be part of the Republic for the clone wars to make sense.
                Tatooine had no involvement in the Clone Wars.
                The Separatist systems were all represented in the Senate, btw.
                >Padmé had trouble understanding how Anakin and Shmi were slaves because the Republic has anti-slavery laws. If Padmé didn’t believe Tatooine was a Republic territory, why would she even think this?”
                She did not think this, she was simply shocked by the poor conditions on Tatooine. There is no indication that Republic law was actually expected to be followed on Tatooine, only decency.
                Again, you flat out lie and alter the dialogue.
                >PADME : I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy. The
                Republic's anti-slavery laws...

              • 2 years ago

                It had a huge involvement in the clone wars

                Read this and realize youre wrong


              • 2 years ago

                >Wookiepedia is an invalid source
                >But Quora is valid
                This debate has been settled quite satisfactorily. Tatooine is not, and will never be under the rule of Republic onions.

              • 2 years ago

                If you actually read it it uses nothing but logic and evidence from the movies so yeah that links info is better than wookiepedia tard you lost the argument

              • 2 years ago

                Cope and seethe, schizo. Tatooine is free and will never accept Republic dataries.

              • 2 years ago

                >no argument
                I accept your concession

              • 2 years ago

                >not a single piece of evidence that Tatooine is under Republic rule
                I respect your headcanon

              • 2 years ago

                Is there one that proves Jakku is literally Tatooine and "Hosnia" is just Coruscant?

              • 2 years ago

                >the evidence decisively establishes this and you have been repeatedly BTFO innumerable times in this thread
                For such convincing evidence, you people seem to have difficulties citing things apart from Wookiepedia.
                Believe I've been BTFOd all you want, it won't make it true.

              • 2 years ago

                It’s typical Lucas crap ambiguous wording
                Otherwise you would have had Anakin outright saying he was born on another planet or in space.

              • 2 years ago

                >If he has feelings against the empire because they occupied his planet, then you bring that up.
                The Republic was already clearly widely disliked on Tatooine during the prequels, and this surely carries over to the Empire. By default he resents the Empire, and after they intrude on the planet and gun down his family he has a valid justification for joining the Rebel Alliance(though he didn't even need it because he's just a shithead who wants to go on pointless adventures).

                If the Republic was already so shit that random member planets are under the complete control of mafia slugs, this calls into question the entire plot and how the Separatists could possibly feel mistreated by a central government this inexistent. Tatooine not being part of the Republic is by far the most reasonable interpretation, within the movies alone.

                Anakin was not born on Tatooine. He was brought there by a Hutt who then lost him gambling.

                And where is this in the movies, then, moron?

              • 2 years ago

                Kys you obsessed troon Tatooine is in the Republic its just not cared about enough to enforce its laws

              • 2 years ago

                Drumpfer got triggered

              • 2 years ago

                Kys Shay

              • 2 years ago

                Hutts don't control nearly the entire Outer Rim, only a small part of it. Tatooine is indeed under Hutt control though, and all the proof for this is within Phantom Menace.

              • 2 years ago

                What kind of exceptional homosexual walks into a star wars topic and starts throwing around moronic anti- MAGA insults?

              • 2 years ago

                A troon who lost the argument related to Star Wars

              • 2 years ago

                If the argument can be about trump instead, maybe everyone will forget what the argument was and he doesn't have to admit that he's wrong.

                Of course, he's already admitting defeat by trying to get off the point. Tatooine is simply a part of the Republic, it's irrefutable.

                Yup, makes sense.

                It's still funny to see how TDS is still a real thing after all this time.

              • 2 years ago

                You’re the MAGAtard who started with the whole Jedi and liberals crap and then the whole doublespeak where destroying a planet is somehow acceptable and the whole insurgents crap - the typical hypocrisy of an Ameritard who celebrates the insurgents who rebelled against the British

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry but i'm not the droid you're looking for. Just pointing out the stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                If the argument can be about trump instead, maybe everyone will forget what the argument was and he doesn't have to admit that he's wrong.

                Of course, he's already admitting defeat by trying to get off the point. Tatooine is simply a part of the Republic, it's irrefutable.

              • 2 years ago

                If it was party of the Republic the Jedi could just turn up to the local ruler and get what they want
                Oh wait...

              • 2 years ago

                The de jure rulers of the planet are evidently not "friends of the republic".

              • 2 years ago

                Unless they tell them to frick off? The republic has no military at the point of TPM the crime lords controlling tatooine dont have to listen to jedi they have a sort of hands off relationship and disdain with the republic and jedi anyway but Tatooine is in the republic legally so you lost the argument

              • 2 years ago

                So if it’s in the Republic legally then Anakin was born in the Republic. Which he wasn’t as stated by Qui Jon. Even if you use the de jure defence that’s rubbish when you then turn around and say it seems de facto not when it suits your arguments

              • 2 years ago

                Anakin was not born on Tatooine. He was brought there by a Hutt who then lost him gambling.

              • 2 years ago

                It’s ambiguous because the script was rubbish and ambiguous
                One translation is that he was born somewhere else - however it’s clearly not meant to be that subtle and especially if you end up relying on non movie stuff

              • 2 years ago

                >ANAKIN : Since I was very little, three, I think. My Mom and I were sold to
                Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces, to Watto,
                who's a lot better master than Gardulla, I think.

                There's nothing here that implies anything about being relocated from a different planet. You just completely made that up. Your headcanon is indefensible.

                Tatooine is not part of the Republic, the evidence decisively establishes this and you have been repeatedly BTFO innumerable times in this thread. It is time to give up and withdraw. Come back next time better-prepared.

                It’s typical Lucas crap ambiguous wording
                Otherwise you would have had Anakin outright saying he was born on another planet or in space.

                Since none of you idiots bothered to write out the relevant dialogue:
                >I'm a pilot and someday I'm gonna fly away from this place
                >how long have you been here?
                >since I was very little, three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardylla the Hutt.
                Ambiguity is not in itself bad, but I can see how it can be annoying if you have autism.
                In this case, it is clear from the conversation and how we watch movies, that "this place" signifies Tatooine. Padme just arrived to the planet, looking around and talking to the locals.
                Like, no one cares what Mos Espa or Watto's shop specifically is like; Tatooine is the setting, anything else is just coping so your official headcanon (the EU) can be maintained.

              • 2 years ago


                PADME : You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
                ANAKIN : Since I was very little, three, I think.

                LITERALLY LYING. How are you this mentally ill over Tatooine?

              • 2 years ago

                I did say the relevant parts of the dialogue anon? I don't know what you think those irrelevant quotes prove, but it is typical when you've lost the broader point that you focus on quibbles.

                How about you instead watch the scene?

                >How are you this mentally ill over Tatooine?
                Why is it so difficult to just admit you're wrong?

              • 2 years ago

                I did say the relevant parts of the dialogue anon? I don't know what you think those irrelevant quotes prove, but it is typical when you've lost the broader point that you focus on quibbles.

                How about you instead watch the scene?

                >How are you this mentally ill over Tatooine?
                Why is it so difficult to just admit you're wrong?

                ANAKIN : You must be one...maybe you just don't know it.
                PADME : You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
                ANAKIN : Since I was very little, three, I think. My Mom and I were sold to
                Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces, to Watto,
                who's a lot better master than Gardulla, I think.
                PADME : You're...a slave?

                Lol that isn't even how the scene goes you fricking moron. You just mistook the script for the actual movie because you don't even watch them and know what happens in them.

              • 2 years ago

                Trump Derangement Syndrome

              • 2 years ago

                >why doesnt Qui Gon go around and fight every slave owner on the entire planet and then move to the next outer rim planet and fight all the slave owners there
                He obviously isnt pro slavery but what is he supposed to do on outer rim planets that cant feasibly have republic laws enforced

              • 2 years ago

                >If it was the will of the force, why does Qui-gon have to cheat the dice to get the outcome he wanted? He cheats the force, making him a double hypocrite.
                because the force wanted him to do it (because he's based)

              • 2 years ago

                yeah but that was the will of the force so cope and sneedthe elsewhere

              • 2 years ago

                Qui Gon did that though, he's explicitly against the council, which if anything shows how shitty the PT era Jedi are even more

              • 2 years ago

                >Qui Gon did that though
                Did Qui-gon free all the slaves? No he freed the one that was useful to him.

              • 2 years ago

                he freed the one that the Force guided him to

              • 2 years ago

                Again, if we believe in being guided by the force, it guided him to free Shmi and leave Anakin on Tatooine.

              • 2 years ago

                >it guided him to free Shmi and leave Anakin on Tatooine.
                fanfic autism

              • 2 years ago



                We have already established that Qui-gon gives no shits about the institution of slavery. If he did, it would be at the top of his priorities rather than a mere trade dispute.

                Again, I'm just telling you that democratic institutions were a thing and were powerful until about half-way through ANH. What the empire was up to that point is presumably closest to the Principate in Rome, where the trappings and institutions of the Roman Republic remained but were gradually hollowed out.

                If it was the will of the force, why does Qui-gon have to cheat the dice to get the outcome he wanted? He cheats the force, making him a double hypocrite.

                Tatooine/Jakku is in the republic.

              • 2 years ago

                Why would the force guide him to free shmi?

              • 2 years ago

                You need to have more faith in the force young Padanon, maybe it has something to do with Anakins dream of freeing all the slaves?

              • 2 years ago

                Youre legit moronic

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Slavery was illegal in the Republic, Tatooine was in Hutt Space which was not their business.

              • 2 years ago

                >jedi are the protectors of peace and good in the galaxy
                >but only in the central most part, not the majority of the galaxy
                Yeah maybe Dooku was onto something. The Jedi kind of suck.

              • 2 years ago

                Hutt Space isn't that big. The Republic certainly covers the vast majority of the sapient population.

              • 2 years ago

                >they saved a boy from a life of slavery
                Anon they won a fricking gamble on his life and his own prize money against his own freedom. And only because they needed some engine part. With all the shit he went through because Jedi unloaded prophecy bullshit on him, and with the way Watto treated him and his family, i genuinely believe that he was better off with him on Tatooine.

        • 2 years ago

          >Could "balance" then mean the death of all Jedi as well, in a kind of "death of god" situation?
          Most likely. Don't forget that if you don't count the cashgrab fanfics that EU was (inb4 it was good - i know, but that doesn't change the movies), there are no organized force users left. Siths are dead, both. Last of the Jedi are dead, both, and Luke, while being a user, has nothing to do with it.

      • 2 years ago

        >i already established
        you'd fit right in with the jedi self righteous c**ts however reality is different and your idea of what balance means is wrong
        >oh no someone isn't agreeing with me
        you should call me a sith kill me and call it a day

      • 2 years ago

        From my point of view no jedi is balance

  21. 2 years ago

    Why do the Jedi let anyone leave the order alive with their powers in the first place?

  22. 2 years ago

    They never said he would destroy the Sith forever. Evil never dies boi.

  23. 2 years ago

    how do they duel with lightsabers? what happens if they accidentally cut one of their limbs or head off??? doe they have somekind of setting that isnt lethal? lmao

    also why the frick didnt vader just pull the falcon down at mos eisely like he did that ship?? did his powers go limp along with his dick


    • 2 years ago

      the reason jedi are the only ones that can use them in the first place is that you need to force to use them without dismembering yourself, you have some sort of force spidey sense, yet another reason why john boyega fighting with one was moronic

      • 2 years ago

        Finn was supposed to be force sensitive but they wanted it to be focused on Rey
        That’s why he says that stuff about only Rey and Leia understanding and the secret thing he wanted to tell Rey

    • 2 years ago

      >doe they have somekind of setting that isnt lethal?
      Yes, lightsabers have various power settings, some non-lethal just for training.

  24. 2 years ago

    ffs *face palm*

    No, he was the one to bring balance to the force. Killing the emperor was merely the quickest means to this end. There will always be light and dark, it's only a problem when one side takes control over everything. Arguably, his offing the old order was very much a part of it all, as well as putting and end to the rule of one.

  25. 2 years ago

    Rey is the truly choosen one, dyewts

  26. 2 years ago

    The Sith were the good guys. Fite me IRL.

  27. 2 years ago

    >no background for the prophecy
    >prophecy makes no sense
    >for some reason the "Council" think its Anakin although there is no reason to do so
    Great writing, I am sure a comic explained this in an intriguing, logical, non cope way.

    • 2 years ago

      >can't follow a children's movie

      • 2 years ago

        This! Is it any wonder how the ST got so many watchers.. All about big flashing lights and SE and little on critical thinking skills.

        • 2 years ago

          Funny you bring up the ST. TLJ, flawed as it was, had a lot to say that could only really be picked up on by folks who actually know mythology, stories, and people. Basically, more well-read folks.

          • 2 years ago

            Riancucks are just absolute bottom of the barrel people. I am so glad neoliberalism is a dying ideology

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe, maybe not but sadly TLJ had nothing relevant to say for the series.. It was all about brain dead subversive wank. Thanks the the hack they put in charge of it. Too big of a fricking moron and self important to read the room or care about the canon or nature of the series/story. TLJ was an utter failure, only held up by pretentious and pompous self-titled "critics" and buttholes using "subversion" to ruin media for the people who care about it.

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >the only SW movie that actually explains what the frick balance means is the one everybody hates because SW can only think in terms of what they're seeing as it happens
            We live in a society.

  28. 2 years ago

    The prophecy never said him specifically, but it said someone would and he fit the bill with his high power level. But what it actually said was bringing balance to the force, which he did.
    >joined the sith, allowing there to be two sith
    >purged all the jedi save for two (tv shows and secondary media say otherwise but they don't count because none of that's in the movies)

    • 2 years ago

      >You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the Force?
      >He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance
      >If the prophecy is true, he will be the one to bring balance to the Force.
      >Master, is he not the Chosen One? Is he not to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?
      >You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness!

      Watch the movies tard, the prophecy always meant destroying the sith, the sith are the opposite of balance by just existing and Anakin eventually did destroy them

      • 2 years ago

        He also destroyed the Jedi, that's the point

        • 2 years ago

          He didnt though, he failed to kill two of the highest profile jedis, and they trained Luke but at the end of Star Wars palpatine and vader are dead, the only two sith, and no if you start bringing up the sequels or some gay book it doesnt count

          • 2 years ago

            >Jedi all get slaughtered
            >Vader kills Obi Wan
            >Yoda dies cos he's old as frick
            >Vader kills Palpatine and himself
            >Luke + Leia are all that's left
            That's literally what happens in the movies

            • 2 years ago

              >luke was trained by obi wan and yoda as a jedi and they literally say hes a jedi
              >no jedi left
              Are you stupid?

              • 2 years ago

                The old Jedi order is gone, yes

              • 2 years ago

                But the sith are extinct

              • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        He did balance it. Two Jedi, two Sith.
        >leave it in Darkness!
        Obi-Wan was objectively wrong though. The Jedi numbered in the thousands by that point while there was only ever a consistent count of 1 Sith around at best. If anything there was an over-abundance of light, not darkness to be left in. And you can cope about the Empire being the le bad guys but as far as the OT goes, we never actually see them do anything objectively evil.

        • 2 years ago


          >You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the Force?
          >He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance
          >If the prophecy is true, he will be the one to bring balance to the Force.
          >Master, is he not the Chosen One? Is he not to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?
          >You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness!

          Watch the movies tard, the prophecy always meant destroying the sith, the sith are the opposite of balance by just existing and Anakin eventually did destroy them

          The prophecy always meant eliminating the sith entirely


          So the jedi won and the sith lost the balance was the sith being entirely wiped out, yes the jedi order of the republic age is gone but the jedi survived

        • 2 years ago

          Building and using a planet killer
          Enslaving Wookiees
          And that’s just in ANH

          • 2 years ago

            How the hell do they enslave Wookies in ANH?

            • 2 years ago

              Wasn’t it talked about how Han had rescued Chewie?

          • 2 years ago

            >never see the empire do anything bad
            >slaughtered some jawas
            >killed lukes aunt and uncle
            >destroyed an entire fricking planet

            >make WMD as a deterrent to get insurgents to stand down and restore order
            >killed those who aided known war criminals and fugitives
            >destroyed territory of known war criminal as punishment for not giving up government secrets she stole

            • 2 years ago

              Still all illegitimate considering the empire came to power due to a war that was started by the chancellor himself who controlled the CIS making him a traitor and the empire illegitimate. Thus the rebellion is morally in the right

              • 2 years ago

                >started by the chancellor himself
                Dooku controlled the CIS and was about to execute a senator for no reason. Sheev sent troops to intervene. Nothing illegitimate happened.

              • 2 years ago

                Sheev is dookus master. Youre just being facetious at this point

        • 2 years ago

          >never see the empire do anything bad
          >slaughtered some jawas
          >killed lukes aunt and uncle
          >destroyed an entire fricking planet

          • 2 years ago

            the death star was a delousing installation

          • 2 years ago

            still not seeing it seems that the empire it's just killing rebellions to protect the people

            • 2 years ago

              And this is why it’s no point arguing with Bad Faith MAGAtards

      • 2 years ago

        The prophecy always meant eliminating the sith entirely

        So the jedi won and the sith lost the balance was the sith being entirely wiped out, yes the jedi order of the republic age is gone but the jedi survived

        , is he not the Chosen One? Is he not to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?
        Yoda says immediately after this that the prophecy could've been misinterpreted. Balance by definition doesn't mean one side has complete domination. By all accounts Anakin did what he was supposed to by joining Sheev.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes but he does destroy the sith by RotJ and allows the jedi to live on through Luke

  29. 2 years ago

    All events in star wars have been orchestrated by emperor "all the sith" palpatine.
    The sith made a dagger who's knife edge would line up to the ruins of the second death star and would point the way to a trinket that would point the way to exogol. They made this thousands of years ago.
    Everything, including the setbacks, was foretold, expected, worked towards, and exploited.

    Therefore it is entirely possible and even the most likely scenario that the prophecy of Anakin was given to the Jedi by a sith so that the Jedi would set themselves up to be destroyed.

  30. 2 years ago

    From his point of view the Jedi were evil. You see, he did bring balance to the force from a certain point of view. And he was a good friend.

  31. 2 years ago

    The prophecy was stupid on multiple levels and added nothing of interest to the story, but the clear point was that it emphasized dramatic irony.

    • 2 years ago

      No it wasn't. It goes in line with force-users having the power to see the future. It would make sense there's a force user so powerful at foresight that he could see a "balancing in the force" in the future. It made Anakin's situation more compelling now that he has an additional burden of being the "chosen one", rather than being a mere talented individual. This adds a more supernatural element to the tale, taking it beyond just science fiction, even mores than the Force itself. In the OT, it was never emphasized that the Force gave people foresight. Only the PT, especially during the Phantom Menace, do we see foresight become a key part of the Jedi's power. Its in fact where their reflexes come from. In fact, foresight is the greatest power of the Jedi. The prophesy ties into this power very cleanly. It would be odd to have foresight as a key power but then NOT have a prophesy of any kind. The two go hand-in-hand.

      • 2 years ago

        >It made Anakin's situation more compelling now
        If you need the story to spoonfeed you stakes, I guess. I don't.

        • 2 years ago

          It is a campy science fiction with laserswords and laser guns; but a prophesy is too much?

          • 2 years ago

            When nothing ever suggested it prior and it contributes frick-all to the story? Yes. The fact it's fantastical is not the problem.

            • 2 years ago

              TPM was the canon first movie. Of course its the first to suggest it. And its contribution is by being a part of Anakin's downfall. He was DESTINED to be the greatest jedi, leading to hubris, "he's holding me back" and "you underestimate my power". Without the prophesy there is no destiny, just a talented person. Also, destiny was a theme of the OT.

              • 2 years ago

                They're prequels that rely on being prequels for a lot of their tension and intrigue. They aren't incoherent if you watch them first, but they weren't written that way. The number in the title makes no difference.

              • 2 years ago

                Prequels should never be watched first, they are by definition achronological sequels.

                The SW Prequels are unique in that they are true "prequels" in the sense of artistic merit. Lucas had the entire story laid out and specifically chose to make the first film in the middle of the story. They aren't like most prequels where they were decided and conceived of after the fact. They aren't spinoffs or made by corporate decisions, they are part of the same single story from the one artist.

              • 2 years ago

                >Lucas had the entire story laid out

                You must still be in high school.

              • 2 years ago

                Frick off. It was called episode 4 because it was nostalgia for serial b movies that you'd catch out of order, they didn't even decide Vader was Luke's dad until they got the sequel.

              • 2 years ago

                Vader was always the main character of the overall story. Lucas just decided to make ANH self contained in case he never got to make a sequel

              • 2 years ago

                You're cute, anon.

              • 2 years ago

                >Lucas had the entire story laid out and specifically chose to make the first film in the middle of the story
                Lmao if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you

              • 2 years ago

                They're prequels that rely on being prequels for a lot of their tension and intrigue. They aren't incoherent if you watch them first, but they weren't written that way. The number in the title makes no difference.

                Prequels should never be watched first, they are by definition achronological sequels.

  32. 2 years ago

    >it took 20 years for people to realize that the Jedi acting like dicks was the actual point of the fricking movies
    Lucas seriously overestimated his audience, holy shit

  33. 2 years ago

    prophecies are typically terrible plot devices, it's hard to think of examples where they are used well, but this was no exception. prequels had shit writing.

  34. 2 years ago

    it never said he was going to destroy the sith, that was just the Jedi interpretation of the prophecy. The real prophecy was that Anakin would bring BALANCE to the force - and he did by becoming evil to balance out the good that had been oppressing the sith for years.

  35. 2 years ago

    The Jedi were so shit that after Palpatine exterminated them even Padme was all like, 'oh well, he's got a point' lol.

  36. 2 years ago

    The prophecy said that ONE would bring balance to the force. Qui Gon thought that was this homie but it was actually his son.

  37. 2 years ago

    I always imagined that the prophecy just said something aling the lines of "SKYWALKER WILL DESTROY THE SITH ONCE AND FOR ALL"

  38. 2 years ago

    anakin did nothing wrong

  39. 2 years ago

    He was said to bring balance. The Jedi were no longer in balance since they became complacent and soldiers for a corrupted republic. Anakin brought balance by eradicating the Jedi in RotS and the Sith in RotJ.

    • 2 years ago

      That's not why. It's more likely because they literally suppressed all force users who didn't join them across the galaxy. Among other things. They no longer allowed themselves to help innocents or fight for good. They were basically going through the motions while aggressively protecting their place as the only legal force users. You could also argue that they atrophied in their actual power with the force it self. Their strict no-use dogma, after thousands of years of mostly sith free peace means that they so totally fell for their own passivistic dogma, that they stopped actually learning/teaching use of the force beyond the most basic of abilities.

  40. 2 years ago

    The prophetic was about bringing balance to the force.....and during the time of the prequels, the Jedi had it too good.

    Anakin did bring the balance, by joining the Sith.

  41. 2 years ago

    He did destroy the sith. He just had to join them first. The order had to collapse, they too were an issue.

  42. 2 years ago


  43. 2 years ago

    TFA and TLJ were fine and the only mistake Disney made was listening to you morons and course correcting into schlock with TRoS

    • 2 years ago

      Spoken like a true normie cuck!

  44. 2 years ago

    For supposed children's movies, so many adults sure seem to be utterly incapable of understanding their plot. Being a Star Wars historian is more impressive than being a real historian.

    • 2 years ago

      they're aimed at children, of course they're gonna be too complex for american adults

    • 2 years ago

      It's not so much that the fans are incapable of understanding the basic events of star wars.
      They just refuse to because they like their idea of what Star Wars is more than they like the actual movies.
      Thematically, the EU and the movies are at odds with each other, but fans will just maintain willful ignorance out of some kind of sunk-cost fallacy.
      What's really impressive is that fans will spend so much energy analysing the completely wrong aspects of the films, which is why Lucas made the PT to mock these people.

      Case in point:

      >Wookiepedia is an invalid source
      >But Quora is valid
      This debate has been settled quite satisfactorily. Tatooine is not, and will never be under the rule of Republic onions.

      Lol are you the homosexual who reads inaccurate scripts or did he leave?

      • 2 years ago

        What I wonder is if you are two people or if you only change your typing style between posts to pretend as if someone agrees with you.

        • 2 years ago

          Are you surprised that there are several heretics who are correct about star wars?

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not sure there are. To be so irrationally devoted to an untrue belief about Tatooine's political status does not happen every day. Mind you, the argument in this thread has been ongoing for hours and was about the Jedi and Palpatine before, so one or both of us are very autistic.

            • 2 years ago

              We are absolutely both on the spectrum, we're both here after all.
              I don't need to samegay though, my arguments are sound and my interpretations make the movies better than how you interpret them, and you should always interpret movies in the best possible way.

              • 2 years ago

                I used to think the same as you, actually, but after I looked into it more and considered the details of the lines across movies, I came to a certain conclusion about Tatooine's political history. I do have a strong opinion about this and have thought about this for a long time, hilariously. I respect headcanons that deviate from the literal script in most cases, because they can have value as you say, but a neutral description of the plot has to be something else. I have many unsound headcanons on this franchise myself, believe me.

                As far as TPM goes, there is no evidence against Tatooine's "independence", but you have a better position to argue in ANH where Imperial troops move into it and establish curfew with no apparent local resistance. I believe Lucas himself changed his mind on this matter over time and you have to make a couple assumptions to make all SW media check out.

  45. 2 years ago

    All they had to do was make Anakin's force ghost appear to finish off Palpatine in ep9
    Honestly most of the sequel trilogy's problems can be fixed or bandaided with lucas style special edition edits to retcon some shit and add detail to others

    • 2 years ago

      The sequel trilogy will never be fixed. The other ones actually had a unified vision under a single creative leader. And even though Lucas created the original trilogy, he states the hardest part of making the prequels was creating pairity and connectivity to the originals. As in, it took him a long fricking time. As did the world building.

      You can check out some deep dive stuff on that whills dot nu website

      • 2 years ago

        >he states the hardest part of making the prequels was creating pairity and connectivity to the originals
        He failed.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            The prequels do a good job of expanding the setting in a literal way: more planets, more kinds of people, architectural and sartorial variety, all the ships. It makes the world feel alive independent of the story. But the more explicit connections he makes to the OT are inordinately clumsy and forced, or otherwise pull against them in ways that are borderline contradictory.

        • 2 years ago

          Says the cucksoomer, who can't form a single original opinion without some supplementary YouTube critc telling you what to believe. Prequel hate = quick onset man baby sweep of hatred. Just the other side of the coin of nostalgia.

          • 2 years ago


  46. 2 years ago

    >Prophecy say he will bring balance
    >Bring the number of sith to 2, only obiwan and yoda remains.
    Balanced was achieved and it worked but then they added a bunch of jedi and sith and ruined the narrative.
    Star wars never shone thanks to its writing anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      The Force was not balanced in the prequels. The Jedi themselves say their ability to use the force (as a source of insight/prediction) was greatly diminished by Mace Windu himself. It's because the Dark Side permeated the seat of the Jedi due to Palpatine.

      Some EU even went as far to say the Jedi Temple was build on an old Sith temple. But that doesn't explain why the Jedi's ability to use the force was suddenly diminished.

      • 2 years ago

        No idea about all the lore or the EU. I just think the whole concept of "bringing balance to the force" wasn't about destroying the sith but actually having only two of each side. This add layers to the chosen one narrative, instead of saying "luke is actually the chosen one".

  47. 2 years ago

    We're the CIS unironically the good guys? If they weren't manipulated by Sideous, or if Dooku were able to defeat him, would the CIS have brought a better rule than the Republic?

    • 2 years ago

      Better than the Empire, maybe, depending on your point of view. Separatist holdouts and veterans strongly supported the Rebel Alliance.

    • 2 years ago

      Is Lucas a soufpilled?

    • 2 years ago

      No. quite a bit of star wars is about libertarians being dumb losers

    • 2 years ago

      >would a bunch of megacorps be good rulers
      homie, please.

      • 2 years ago

        the battle droids were based morons and the alien chinks had good intentions

        • 2 years ago

          The feds in TPM were originally just after whatever they could get, being desperate after their mistreatment.

          Of course, the ideal state of affairs would be if all the slaves, droid and organic, were freed and their oppressors were made to stand trial for their crimes against the people.
          This would, however, likely end with R2D2 and C3PO and Anakin condemning the Republic political class to death or at the very least life imprisonment.

        • 2 years ago

          Tell me you’re a Drumpfer without telling me you’re a Drumpfer

          • 2 years ago

            you wouldn't want to have a B1 as a coworker or buddy?

  48. 2 years ago

    He killed palpatine, therefore killing the Sith (Temporarily atleast)

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