Why did the "White Loser Nerd" protagonist of the 2000s fall out of fashion?

Why did the "White Loser Nerd" protagonist of the 2000s fall out of fashion?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Peter has always been a gigachad who needs to find himsef

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    Because white = evil in the new religion of nigg

  4. 4 months ago

    It people like the protagonist of No Hard Feelings just don't stick out anymore because of the modern oppressed incel normie is significantly more nerdy than any screen writer from the aughts could have thought of.

  5. 4 months ago

    incels ruined it

    • 4 months ago

      It people like the protagonist of No Hard Feelings just don't stick out anymore because of the modern oppressed incel normie is significantly more nerdy than any screen writer from the aughts could have thought of.

      Does anyone even know what that word “incel” means? Neither of you are using it correctly, maybe it’s my age. Did it’s meaning change? I thought it meant those of which who despite their best efforts could not find a romantic partner. An incel is by no means the norm. It doesn’t encompass a large enough group of people for it to fit in context. Does incel just mean “man I do not like” or maybe a synonym for misogynist?

      • 4 months ago

        a whiny militant salty virgin, they're pretty easy to spot anon

      • 4 months ago

        >I thought it meant those of which who despite their best efforts could not find a romantic partner.
        It does.
        >An incel is by no means the norm.
        It is for the zoomer generation, the lowest per capita sex having generation of all time.

      • 4 months ago

        they’re openly saying now that you can still be an incel even if you have sex. word has lost all meaning. it’s just, “x modern day undesirable”

      • 4 months ago


        >I thought it meant those of which who despite their best efforts could not find a romantic partner.
        It does.
        >An incel is by no means the norm.
        It is for the zoomer generation, the lowest per capita sex having generation of all time.

        Those who use it as a perjorative (knowing it's meaning) are all sociopaths without exception. It's the perfect humanity filter.

      • 4 months ago

        It's just a slur it doesn't mean anything

      • 4 months ago

        The word has gone through the gutter at this point. Back in 2019, it just meant virgin. Now so much bullshit is tacked on to it to further villainies loser virgins. Just further societal-acceptably kicking down those who can’t defend themselves back.

      • 4 months ago

        "incel" used to mean "involuntarily celebate," as in, you can't get laid.

        Nowadays it appears to just be a casual insult, almost like the new 'cringe.'

        Common problem I've dealt with talking to zoomers is how they adopt language without even knowing what it means, the one I remember off the top of my head being "Rizz." They just hear it and parrot it in situations they think it fits

        • 4 months ago

          For Rizz?

        • 4 months ago

          I'm a zoomer and I find your post very fotosynthesis. Delet this.

        • 4 months ago

          "bae" is the oldest example of this i think. what started as laughing at some illiterate girl turned into an acceptable word and even a false acronym was made for it. it all went downhill when bae caught her slippin

  6. 4 months ago

    Because whites are demographically failing, there are more brown kids and teens to market to than there are white teens.

    • 4 months ago

      Whites are done. It's over.

      >using nog spider-man as an example
      In literally every medium he gets outsold by white spider-man despite trying to character assasinate him for 20 years

    • 4 months ago

      absolute cuck throughout the entire film. needed the entire school to help him out and still didn't get laid. still she wanted to date him after all the embarrassment
      pretended to be gay to sneak in through the friend zone. possibly the most beta move ever. but it still worked and they fricked passionately outside a building
      starts out as a wallflower (more like crawler amirite) and then humiliates his bully publicly and makes out with his dream girl with her nips on full blast

      none of them were losers. they had funny relatable stories about getting laid as a teenager. nobody was thinking about "diversity". the story is written first, then cast. the white guys did the best job fitting the writer's vision. except for peter, he had to be white
      miles however was created with the sole goal in mind: "let's make him black"

  7. 4 months ago

    Whites are done. It's over.

  8. 4 months ago

    >gets laid in the end
    ummmm did you even watch these movies?

  9. 4 months ago

    During the early 2010s it was the only type of protagonist you could find. I guess it just got oversaturated

  10. 4 months ago

    Screenwriters were predominantly white loser nerds for a long time

  11. 4 months ago

    Our women got the message and started fricking BBCs so there no need for more brainwashing

    • 4 months ago

      homie who do you think you're fooling

  12. 4 months ago

    around the same time zombies ran out of fashion. Also, frick /misc/ but it's true: you can have a white nerd in your series but he can't be the protagonist, he can't win and he definitely can't get the girl. At most his character arc will be about learning about his privilege.

    Right now whites are the devil but whites are not done as a race. You know when that will happen? The moment that the YT character gets relegated to the sage, old wise man that the POC character goes for advice to. The same way Native Americans get treated in movies. When that happens? 110% chance of white culture being done and gone so there's no risk of seeing a positive white guy on tv.

    • 4 months ago

      Our women got the message and started fricking BBCs so there no need for more brainwashing

      absolute cuck throughout the entire film. needed the entire school to help him out and still didn't get laid. still she wanted to date him after all the embarrassment
      pretended to be gay to sneak in through the friend zone. possibly the most beta move ever. but it still worked and they fricked passionately outside a building
      starts out as a wallflower (more like crawler amirite) and then humiliates his bully publicly and makes out with his dream girl with her nips on full blast

      none of them were losers. they had funny relatable stories about getting laid as a teenager. nobody was thinking about "diversity". the story is written first, then cast. the white guys did the best job fitting the writer's vision. except for peter, he had to be white
      miles however was created with the sole goal in mind: "let's make him black"

      Because whites are demographically failing, there are more brown kids and teens to market to than there are white teens.

      It people like the protagonist of No Hard Feelings just don't stick out anymore because of the modern oppressed incel normie is significantly more nerdy than any screen writer from the aughts could have thought of.

      Because white = evil in the new religion of nigg

      You ever think its because you morons think and talk like this and it's bizarre and pathetic to everyone who has to witness it?

      • 4 months ago

        So you are saying that white nerds fell out of fashion with normie gays like you because modern white nerds talk so much different than you normie homosexuals that you find it too bizarre and pathetic to empathize with?

      • 4 months ago

        Victim blaming, cart before the horse, etc etc.
        You go on reversing causality, however. I'm sure at least one person in your discord will agree with you itt.

      • 4 months ago

        >Hey, have you noticed that things are objectivelly worse than 30 years ago and we are being attacked?
        >Frick you! Things are exactly the same! You are yous an obsessed moron!
        This is your brain on talmudvision.

      • 4 months ago

        Go take a trip through 4plebs. Oldgays aren't lying the site was completely different way back in the day (alot less bitter more happy and full of sillier memes and cat pictures), but they got relentlessy attacked by normies for being weird/autistic. When I was a kid (and not a Cinemaphile user since I used to have a life back then) I used to laugh at videos of people making fun of Cinemaphile users.
        SorrowTV (who made fun of Redditors and Facebook users a lot to be fair) was my favorite: https://www.youtube.com/@SorrowTV/videos

        Point being that a lot of the "incels" got so bitter and angry over the years because people wouldn't empathize with them and patiently help them figure out their life problems. We're seeing it happen over again with the Zoomers. Me and other Zoomers used to be made fun of for being too wide eyed and optimistic now people are reversing and calling us cynical butthole "Doomers". I think you just can't win with "normies" (people in general). They get obsessed with their own in-group-out-group preferences and won't show someone compassion.

        • 4 months ago

          shut the frick up you moronic child

      • 4 months ago

        Several of those people are baiters. Please lurk more before posting again

  13. 4 months ago

    did anybody want to talk about the movies? did you guys see them? did OP just pick 4 white guys from 2007 to put in his picture?

    • 4 months ago

      >did anybody want to talk about the movies?
      Get off my board you homosexual.

    • 4 months ago

      What the frick was the plot of the top right's movie Chariot?

      • 4 months ago

        no fricking clue. but if that's the 2022 sci-fi comedy chariot i don't think it fits OP's premise at all

        • 4 months ago

          He was a white loser nerd and was the protagonist of the film, though, its literally the exact actor OP posted.

          • 4 months ago

            it's not early 2000s it doesn't fit the image

            • 4 months ago

              Its a movie made after the 2010s about a white loser protagonist that wasn't a fashionable film and didn't even make sense which helps prove OP's thesis.

      • 4 months ago

        Black person that's Sky High, the most kino superhero film

        • 4 months ago

          The plot to the movie Chariot was Sky High?

  14. 4 months ago

    White loser nerds got too big for their britches after feeling so validated and represented in movies and started thinkin they could actually get pussy and everyone very quickly remembered why these dudes used to get bullied and belittled; they just fundamentally don't grasp why being the way they are sucks and they refuse to change even if it would be to their objective benefit and happiness.

    • 4 months ago

      White loser nerds can still get pussy but only from various types of oriental or brown chicks which is grim

    • 4 months ago

      This reads like a ChatGPT response but I know it was written by a person so that's simply pathetic.
      Shouldn't you be on Tinder, chad? Go on, meow. Slay.

    • 4 months ago

      all of them changed though. granted two of them are superhero stories but the spider-man story is just a classic coming of age tale. "shonen" if you will. the superbad kid changes in like 24 hours. he tells his loser friend he's a fricking loser and he's done getting pushed around, then he goes off to get some pussy. everybody gets shit on by somebody growing up. it's just part of life. being a man and finding yourself is what makes you an alpha. if you just sit with it and never try you're a beta. it's all alphas in the OP pic

      • 4 months ago

        I'm talking about real life, unfortunately.

  15. 4 months ago

    Isn't top left israeli?

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