Why did the Xmen series try to commit sudoku twice by adapting the Dark Phoenix storyline?

It nearly killed the X series with X3 and killed it for real with the 2019 film. Who should it was a good idea to adapt a storyline nearly ended the series once before?

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  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Because it's Fox. They're scared of or embarrassed by 90% of the X-Men material.

    • 3 months ago

      Most X-Men stories are totally unfilmable even today. They're nonsensical garbage that requires knowledge of decades of continuity minutiae. The first time around it would have seemed like a natural conclusion to a relatively low-tech but increasingly expensive effects-heavy series to do Dark Phoenix. Of course they were never going to go into space and meet angry birds. The movie that got made cost $250m in 2006, that would be closer to $400m today. Most of that was likely on paying the huge cast of then-big names.

      But by 2019 they'd done Apocalypse, which was a story which was certainly unfilmable in 2006, and the way nostalgia remakes work is that you either do them between 10-20 years after the first time, or you don't do them because they're not going to make any money. They probably thought they could do it better second time around with the improvements in FX and certainly cheaper, that anybody who cared about X-Men would be in the nostalgia zone and that anybody who didn't would be there for the second hottest Game of Thrones girl and JLaw.

      The other possibility is that they simply didn't own the rights to many stories. The original contract FOX had with Marvel didn't even include Colossus, and they didn't realize that until they'd already used him in two movies, because they're not smart. But after that realization, you can bet they wouldn't deviate from what their contract said they could do.

      • 3 months ago

        >the second hottest Game of Thrones girl
        Not even top 5 tbh there's like a dozen extras and minor characters who got hotter actresses.

        • 3 months ago

          fine, the second hottest who isn't a porn star or actual prostitute

          the problem is, this storyline requires you to care about Jean
          but noooobody cares about Jean. nobody has ever given her more personality than a block of wood. They cared about her in the comics because she had become FAMILY over time. Becoming the Phoenix was supposed to save her from being the dull-as-dishwater Marvel Girl or ... just Jean without a hero name (Grey Matter never occurred to her??)

          I'll say this, when the saga came out on TV, it was brilliant. it had me hooked. I loved seeing all the Shi'ar stuff, all these alien NPCs, the stuff with Scott's dad as a badass space pirate, it was all fantastic. They could do a movie like that and it would perform okay. but we'd need several 'normal' x-men adventures first.

          yeah it'd just take too long for early 2000s and by the time they got around to it again, they hadn't been going in that direction with the new series

      • 3 months ago

        the problem is, this storyline requires you to care about Jean
        but noooobody cares about Jean. nobody has ever given her more personality than a block of wood. They cared about her in the comics because she had become FAMILY over time. Becoming the Phoenix was supposed to save her from being the dull-as-dishwater Marvel Girl or ... just Jean without a hero name (Grey Matter never occurred to her??)

        I'll say this, when the saga came out on TV, it was brilliant. it had me hooked. I loved seeing all the Shi'ar stuff, all these alien NPCs, the stuff with Scott's dad as a badass space pirate, it was all fantastic. They could do a movie like that and it would perform okay. but we'd need several 'normal' x-men adventures first.

      • 3 months ago

        Where did you get the lack of rights to Colossus from, didn't they own all characters that originated or is associated with the X-Men? Even Rogue and Mystique who originated as villains in issues of Ms. Marvel before appearing as X-Men would be a big problem than Colossus?

  3. 3 months ago

    Not only that, but they actually called the writer of the first shit Dark Phoenix movie to direct the second shit dark phoenix movie
    Hollywood execs are severely moronic

    • 3 months ago

      >Who should it was a good idea to adapt a storyline nearly ended the series once before?
      It's legit one of the best runs of the comic. But then this happened

  4. 3 months ago

    Did literally anyone see thia

  5. 3 months ago

    They couldn’t get the numbers to add up.

  6. 3 months ago

    I'm more confused why the frick they never did anything with Gambit in the Sony movies aside from that shit cameo in that garbage Wolverine film, he's always been a pretty central character. Also I'll always be mad they shitcanned that heist film they were making with him

  7. 3 months ago

    the decision-makers behind these films don't read or really even care about comics. Dark Phoenix is the story everyone knows, Dark Phoenix is what they keep going for.

  8. 3 months ago

    Look at the cast, thats what killed the frachise the second time. also is the the real poster cause its cancer
    X3 just killed characters people liked and had too much shit with no pay offs, they should have waiting till an X5 movie to adapt Phoenix

  9. 3 months ago

    X3 was the most successful movie of the original trilogy.

    • 3 months ago

      Wrong. It grossed the most money but it was also the most expensive, and didn't break even.

      The most successful X-Men film ever is Deadpool.

  10. 3 months ago

    Because they writer that was a big part of the reason it was shit the first time decided that this time he was gonna try writing and directing it

  11. 3 months ago

    Scarlet woman symbolism. Part of the reason we got Wandavision.

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