Why did they choose to have the final battle between Scirocco and Kamile?

Why did they choose to have the final battle between Scirocco and Kamile? It's odd to me because they never really interacted during the series. There was like one battle between them before this, and then they were only tangentially related when Scirocco cucked him with the newtype girls. I mean it was cool but there wasn't much of a build up to it.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >I mean it was cool
    There. Now shut up.

    • 10 months ago


      >Why did they
      You watched the show from start to finish, you put it together.

  2. 10 months ago

    >Couldn't have a conclusive battle with Haman, as she was meant to carry over into ZZ
    >Had to conclude Scirocco's story to wrap up the last of the Titans stuff and clear space for ZZ to introduce new villains
    >Kamille was the lead, so a conclusion would need to feature him
    >Also needed to get him out of the way so that ZZ could have a new lead

    • 10 months ago

      Ok I don't get it. If they're just doing random shit to clear the way for the production of a new show, rather than building up to a natural conclusion, doesn't that make it dogshit?

      • 10 months ago

        It's not really random, they're key characters who've been on opposite sides of the conflict since Scirocco was introduced, and Scirocco's Newtype thing with women ties in to Kamille's Newtype thing with women. Kamille channeling a bunch of dead women to beat Scirocco flows pretty naturally from what the two of them have been doing up to that point

      • 10 months ago

        Yes it does.
        Amuro didn't die or turn into vegetable, he just DIDNT APPEAR FOR NOT REASON.
        Gundam never had good writing, get over it, it's a toy commercial.

        • 10 months ago

          shut up b***h!

  3. 10 months ago

    Zeta isn't a battle shounen with "epic rivalries".

  4. 10 months ago

    one uses NT powers to manipulate women, other uses it to save them.
    They are ideologically opposite and can't co-exist by compromising with each other. So their mutual destruction was imminent.

  5. 10 months ago

    are people finally realizing that Zeta sucks total dick compared to practically every other Gundam show?

    • 10 months ago

      >WitchBlack person here to b***h again
      Tell me something I don't know

      • 10 months ago

        wfm sucks worse, that's why I said MOST gundam shows.

    • 10 months ago

      Bro shut up, it's peak sci fi

    • 10 months ago
  6. 10 months ago

    One of the things I really loved about the original MSG was that Amuro wasn’t the one who killed Ghiren. It was a great choice because it doesn’t make Amuro center of the conflict. And it makes the scope of the world feel so much bigger by doing so. It also makes sense for Ghiren to not be on the front lines in an MS because he’s a leader and a plotter who just sits in the background and orders people to hand like his business. Zeta should’ve probably had that approach with Scirocco, he didn’t feel right to have out on the battlefield. He’s the kind of guy who manipulated people to do the dirty work for him even more so than Ghiren. It would’ve fit his characterization better to have him be on board the Jupitris and die in a gunfight with Char or Haman. Hell, having Char headshot him like he did Kycillia would’ve been a great way to show his character coming full circle. Kamille could’ve lost his mind fighting Jerid, or Reccoa, Yazan, or someone else.

    • 10 months ago

      >One of the things I really loved about the original MSG was that Amuro wasn’t the one who killed Ghiren. It was a great choice because it doesn’t make Amuro center of the conflict. And it makes the scope of the world feel so much bigger by doing so. It also makes sense for Ghiren to not be on the front lines in an MS because he’s a leader and a plotter who just sits in the background and orders people to hand like his business.
      That's precisely what i hate about the end of the original MSG. I wanted the original intended ending before the anime was cancelled, in which Amuro would have a gun-fight at the end with him killing Gihren and Char would have realized how pathetic he was after obsessing with Amuro (and Amuro didn't even kill Lalah in that version) and forgetting his original intentions of killing the Zabis, deciding to remain on the exploding ship at the end. That ending was far more fitting and climatic and it was foreshadowed across the series.
      It would have also confirmed that Degwin killed Zeon Zum Deikun.

    • 10 months ago

      >Zeta should’ve probably had that approach with Scirocco
      Scirocco wasn't involved in very many battles before the final battle and mostly just sent yazan jerid or sarah or reccoa out to battle for him. Also Scirocco killed jamitov hymen the leader of the titans so there's that

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah and that’s what I mean, they should’ve kept him doing that until the end. Later on Tomino does it in Victory and G-Reco so it seems he understands.

    • 10 months ago
      SUN WUKONG @ msv.wtf.dev

      >One of the things I really loved about the original MSG was that Amuro wasn’t the one who killed Ghiren. It was a great choice because it doesn’t make Amuro center of the conflict. And it makes the scope of the world feel so much bigger by doing so. It also makes sense for Ghiren to not be on the front lines in an MS because he’s a leader and a plotter who just sits in the background and orders people to hand like his business.
      That's precisely what i hate about the end of the original MSG. I wanted the original intended ending before the anime was cancelled, in which Amuro would have a gun-fight at the end with him killing Gihren and Char would have realized how pathetic he was after obsessing with Amuro (and Amuro didn't even kill Lalah in that version) and forgetting his original intentions of killing the Zabis, deciding to remain on the exploding ship at the end. That ending was far more fitting and climatic and it was foreshadowed across the series.
      It would have also confirmed that Degwin killed Zeon Zum Deikun.

      I can see the argument for both sides; Gundam tends to meld the "dramatic" with the "practical" depictions of conflict. The first anon prefers a "practical" resolution where the main character isn't the one responsible for eliminating the big bad pulling the strings behind the major events of the story, because they are in a war, and any slight misstep or stray bullet could kill anyone else (like how Amuro is killed by a nameless Gigan pilot in the novel). Second anon prefers a "dramatic" resolution where the culmination of interpersonal and ideological friction between two or several rival parties comes to a head, and they fight each other as a sort of poetic or symbolic "climax" to the narrative. Zeta does both; on one hand, it's "practical" because Kamille and Scirroco don't really know each other and never really interacted much - but they don't have to, they're two opposing aces in two opposing factions that fatefully duel each other. Did the guy who shot down Red Baron know him personally and have a grudge against him? Not really. Some sources even say Red Baron went down from AA fire, like Amuro getting got by a Gigan in the right place at the right time. On the other hand, Zeta is "dramatic" because of what

      because both are the opposite of each other.
      Scirocco manipulated women to serve him
      Kamile respected women and loved them

      said; they are two sides of the same coin and their duel is symbolic of the conflict between what either of them represent.

      The original ending to Gundam was also a fusion of sorts. Amuro didn't challenge the Zabis directly as if he were Kamen Rider, but influenced other parts of the battlefield and had his rival duel with Char. But the Zabis still ended up being destroyed due to political and ideological reasons, and then personal ones which dramatically came to a head with Char's very personal assassination of Kycillia which was the culmination of a revenge arc that was built up over 40 something episodes. A show can be both.

  7. 10 months ago

    Scirocco works as a foil to Kamille's arc in zeta. Kamille goes from someone who sees little value in human life and generally treats everyone around him like shit, to a kinder person who cares about his comrades and even some of his enemies. Sirocco on the other hand has no such arc and treats everyone as disposable. Same reasoning is probably why Char's final battle was against Haman and not him. There's not as much narrative value in having a newtype battle between two manipulators. Its also in character for Kamille to self destructively attack whatever he sees as the source of his ills.
    Ultimatly it makes sense for the powerful newtype who forged meaningful bonds with those around him to win over the powerful newtype who just exploits everyone.

  8. 10 months ago

    because both are the opposite of each other.
    Scirocco manipulated women to serve him
    Kamile respected women and loved them

  9. 10 months ago

    Zeta is a mess. I consider it non canon

  10. 10 months ago

    Jerrid is the personal enemy, but he's too much of a b***h to be a satisfying final battle as a fight scene, and too inconsequential to everything going on to make a satisfying final battle as a dramatic conclusion. It reflects Kamille's growth, he has transcended petty personal grudges and instead targets the bigger threats to the world.

  11. 10 months ago

    Kamille always exposited about shitty adults doing stupid things, he just identified Scirocco as the lead stupid thing-doing shitty adult. So he gave him some watermelon.

  12. 10 months ago

    Good newtype vs evil newtype
    Everyone else is fricking dead
    Char got destroyed

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