Why didn't Aang just frick multiple female non-benders to save his own race from extinction instead of having 1 airbender son with 1 woman?

Why didn't Aang just frick multiple female non-benders to save his own race from extinction instead of having 1 airbender son with 1 woman?

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  1. 3 months ago

    He's borderline infertile.

  2. 3 months ago

    his dick was frozen for a thousand years and then when he woke up the first woman he met was a screaming feminist

  3. 3 months ago

    The other people who learned air bending after the harmonic convergence are his children and grandchildren.

  4. 3 months ago

    shit thread, but I always liked how good Suki looks on FN outfits

  5. 3 months ago

    Bending isn't a gene, it's a spiritual commonality that requires attunement through subtle environment conditioning. The four elemental peoples share ethnic habits internally because cultivated lessons enabled them to bend their specific element, not the other way around.

    • 3 months ago

      Then why did no one living at the Northern Air Temple manifest airbending?

      • 3 months ago

        They had not yet adopted the mentality. It was a part of that episode that they were not a real successor to the Air Nomads, as demonstrated by their lack of respect of the temple remains.

        Is this Korra lore
        I know I've heard it before but it's just not something you see in the original show

        Nah, my memory's a little hazy but I could have sworn there was a pair of twins where only one could bend and the other couldn't. It was there to shoot down the bending gene theory.

        So after Sozin wiped out the airbenders, all the world had to do was to just have several people adopt the air nomad lifestyle and they will become airbenders?

        That's the idea. Give it a couple generations to work out the kinks, make sure they're all orphans so none of them are related, that kind of thing.

        Any other interpretation requires assuming the Air Nomads were all fans of eugenics, since all of them were benders before their massacre.

        • 3 months ago

          >there was a pair of twins where only one could bend and the other couldn't. It was there to shoot down the bending gene theory.
          Twins can be fraternal. In fact 70% of twins are fraternal.

        • 3 months ago

          >They had not yet adopted the mentality.
          Aang actively complemented everyone but the Mechanist on their understanding of the freedom of air and literally accepted Tio enough to let him, and invariably the rest of his clan, have access to their inner sanctum, even after half an episode of his anger. Who but Aang is suited to judge who belongs in his people's temple?
          >as demonstrated by their lack of respect of the temple remains.
          This seems extremely backwards.
          -How is it the Air Temple itself and not the site that it's built on the conduit for the spiritual alignment of air? Veneration comes after something is conceived. So the Airbender Temple must follow the invention of Air Bending. And it makes sense the Air Benders would choose a site like a mountaintop with a perpetual air current to build their temple on. It doesn't make sense for people to build a temple on a mountaintop and only after start trying to bend the wind to their whims.
          -How is the temple foundational to understanding Airbending? The site appears as if it doesn't contain anything instructional: books, scrolls. carvings, training equipment, to help anyone learn anything. Fans speculated the Northern Airbenders evacuated the temple before Sozin's assault based on taking the Mechanist at his word he didn't find anyone when he found the temple, assuming he would mention "other than all the corpses". But the same line of reasoning is that the incredibly curious man did not find anything at all to discover what the place was beyond a few gliders. Seems the "History of his people" Aang laments is just a visual rendition of an oral story you're just... kind of expected to know or have someone else explain when you get there.
          -A specific building should be intrinsically linked to the NOMAD culture.

    • 3 months ago

      Is this Korra lore
      I know I've heard it before but it's just not something you see in the original show

    • 3 months ago

      So after Sozin wiped out the airbenders, all the world had to do was to just have several people adopt the air nomad lifestyle and they will become airbenders?

  6. 3 months ago

    It required him to have a functional wiener, sadly Aang was such a homosexual that he couldn't kill Ozai and he couldn't get it working around women. Katara barely managed to get pregnant, but only because she's a waterbender and could juice him

  7. 3 months ago

    he's a family guy and he respects the sanctity of monogamy

  8. 3 months ago

    It's a kid's show on a TV network that caters to advertisers who are run by old white people who get weirdly hung up on the religious concept of monogomy.

  9. 3 months ago

    He's gay and only fricked Katara until he got Tenzin

  10. 3 months ago

    He never considered polyamory in the first place. Wouldn't occur to him.

  11. 3 months ago

    Both Aang and Katara wanted more children and they tried everyday over the decades. The problem was they were both so kinky that they would get carried away. Katara always wanted anal and Aang always wanted to finish on her face.

    • 3 months ago

      b***h could’ve waterbended it out of her ass and into her cooch, bet the bawd liked keeping it back there though

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