Why didn't he just make everyone 1/2 the size so they didn't have to eat as much?

Why didn't he just make everyone 1/2 the size so they didn't have to eat as much?

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  1. 3 months ago

    why didn't he just make the multiverse bigger?

  2. 3 months ago

    Named after the destruction impulse not the smurfing impulse

  3. 3 months ago

    Why didn't he just wish for more wishes?

  4. 3 months ago

    the movie you're looking for is "downsizing"

    • 3 months ago

      I saw that movie in theaters. Totally forgot about it till this post. Might rewatch but I remember leaving the cinema like what the frick.

  5. 3 months ago

    thanos was even stupider than the marvel movie writers.

  6. 3 months ago

    >gets rid of half of life
    >the other half thrives
    >they reproduce and eventually end up back at being too populated for the resources available
    What a wonderful plan

    • 3 months ago

      what if part of his wish was he could see peoples futures so he can pick half of the population to be flaked were the ones that would not amount to be future doctors, lawyers, astronauts, etc?
      So then all that would be left are really smart people, so then depopulation would be done properly & efficiently. Because they are smart enough to know better

      • 3 months ago

        Then its not fair and indescriminate to class and creed like he said

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >the ones that would not amount to be future doctors, lawyers, astronauts, etc?
        You mean actual useful people ? Who would pick up the trash and do hard labor jobs if everyone was a doctor or a physicist ? Who would wake up at 3AM to bake fresh bread in the morning ?

        • 3 months ago

          True, then pick a continent. Like make Most of Africa & India disappear. quick easy, no muss no fuss. Most of the world wouldn't even know about it or will forget about it in the next news cycle.

          • 3 months ago

            Do you know where most of the raw materials and borderline slave labor that supports the first world lifestyle comes from? China has manufacturing but where are they getting the raw goods?

      • 3 months ago

        If it took him even just 1 second to make an evaluation it would take 254 years just for the humans on earth, this is ignoring all of the alien civilizations in the marvel universe.

        • 3 months ago

          It's a movie, so have a background character say he used a thingamajig to do figure out the thing. done

          • 3 months ago

            We’ve already established that he’s a moron for just snapping half of the population away so that probably wouldn’t happen.

            • 3 months ago

              And he had YEARS to think out the plan to perfection.

    • 3 months ago

      >kill only the half that can bear children!
      Checkmate marveltard

  7. 3 months ago

    >can change reality
    >doesn't just make unlimited food for everybody

  8. 3 months ago

    capeshit fans unironically shat their pants to this patrick the star looking thing. couldn't be me.

  9. 3 months ago

    >Half the farmers/truckers/etc. die
    Gee I sure hope this doesn't impact food availability.

  10. 3 months ago

    Why didn't he just make every woman in the world have large amounts of pusy and armpit hair? That would have solved a lot of issues

  11. 3 months ago

    This is the problem of dumbing shit down for the audience. It's like the Matrix, they wanted brains for the processing power, not the energy. Because electricity means cows or nearly any other animal is a better choice.
    He wanted to kill a bunch of people to court lady Death. Not courting her makes the mass murders not make any sense.
    It's like with the green lady. Half her planet was killed but instead of her species thriving it went extinct because you run the risk of killing every doctor, every pilot, every scientist, every farmer, or some other critical infrastructure controllers and the whole species went basically extinct because of it.

    • 3 months ago

      They flip-flopped on Thanos hard, in the first movie he's somewhat sympathetic but still a monster and his plan is moronic, in the second movie they were afraid people would actually root for him too much so they just made him try to kill everyone in the universe when the Avengers twarthed him.

      Would've been better to introduce Lady Death, or at least make up some mumbo jumbo about how Thanos' plan to kill half the universe made sense to him.

      • 3 months ago

        >or at least make up some mumbo jumbo about how Thanos' plan to kill half the universe made sense to him.

        they pretty much did that. He tells Gamora that he's the only one who knows it, or the only one with the will to do something about it. We all know it's an insane plan just by common sense, so his admission is what you would expect from an insane person who believes an insane plan.

        Thanos is based on /x/ and /misc/ posters

        • 3 months ago

          It's not an insane plan, it's a moronic plan. It just makes him look moronic. There's a distinction there but I can't put it into words so whatever.

          • 3 months ago

            Insane defies logics and social constructs, but has the added bonus that it makes sense if you step in his shoes
            moronic doesn't make sense even if you try hard to understand the other's perspective

    • 3 months ago

      why didn't he just use the infinite wish glove to wish for lady death to be permanently and uncontrollably horny for his purple wiener

      • 3 months ago

        Because he wants to earn Death's love legitimately. Comic Thanos is unironically a romantic.
        The gauntlet in the comics makes him actually omnipotent so he could just create a perfect loyal waifu if he wanted to. In fact he did, but only as an attempt to make Death jealous. It didn't work.

  12. 3 months ago

    >Cinemaphileizen gets the infinity gauntlet
    >becomes king of manlets

  13. 3 months ago

    >Time to erase half the universe "at random" *winks at camera*
    >all Black folk, gays and trannies disappear

  14. 3 months ago

    He's not just trying to solve overpopulation, he's trying to teach a lesson so it never happens again. He expects the surviving half of the universe to be grateful and to realize the importance of exercising restraint. He went crazy because his planet died and now he thinks his dumb plan that no one listened to is the only solution to all problems.

  15. 3 months ago

    Id just snap all time and space including me and the stones out of existence and same with existence. No void, no black no empty. Nothing. ever. Anywhere. Forever. No god. No in the beginning. All of it. Just gone.

  16. 3 months ago

    It was all about justifying to himself that he killed his people, that he was right. He was looking for a more logical or practical solution.

  17. 3 months ago

    why did he have the eagles fly resources to everyone?

  18. 3 months ago

    >2018 was six years ago

  19. 3 months ago

    Movie Thanos was stupid.

  20. 3 months ago

    why did he activate the infinity stones collectively?

  21. 3 months ago

    >kill half of the lifeforms
    >destroy the stones
    >life breeds exponentially
    >in 30-40 Earth years you have the same amount of lifeforms
    >no stones to trim them again
    so stupid

  22. 3 months ago

    He explains it
    If he does it once and everyone sees how great it is they will do it on their own naturally from then on

    Because he's insane! Yay

  23. 3 months ago

    It was a good plan, people is just too smoothbrain to get it and they didn't bother to explain some twitter bullshit that everyone would repeat like parrots, like "everything is going to be the same"
    When it really doesn't
    >This isn't war, a chunk of perfectly breedable womens and childrens get swipped too
    >There's now uncertaintly of life, you could get deleted like, any moment, that would drive people to do more stupid fast shit, not long term family planning
    >This sentiment will be on everyone's head forever at least a couple generations
    People just don't care to think about marvel slop lore and you shouldn't, but parroting twitter shit is equally disgusting

  24. 3 months ago

    They didn't do a good job of explaining his motivation. Its there if you look. Basically he doesn't really give a shit about saving the universe by culling the population. He's pissed that his people failed while everyone else thrives. He wants everyone to experience his pain. The pain of seeing his people fall. He wraps it in the idea of doing everyone a service. Informing them through action that they can experience the same fall his people had. Its just cope. He's pissed and wants others to share in his pain. The fall of his people broke him

    • 3 months ago

      >The fall of his people broke him
      Right. They didn't listen to him. Now he'll make sure everyone listens

  25. 3 months ago

    Why didn't he make OPs pp large

  26. 3 months ago

    He said "rich and poor alike" referencing his own planet, which suggests unequal systems of distribution that would cause starvation and suffering long before overpopulation was an actual issue, yet persists in a mission to kill half of everybody while leaving those systems unchanged, which guaruntees nothing will actually change. The human population doubled within the last century or two out of like 200k years of us being here, and we currently produce more than enough food to feed everyone alive, we just funnel 80% most of it into the mouths of livestock so they can ineffienctly produce 20% of our total produced calories via inefficient-but-profitable meat and dairy production. His work here could be undone within a half dozen human generations

    • 3 months ago

      >this Black person thinking rice and weath are more efficient
      Please show me a comparison of the plantation area that you need to feed 200 000 people, vs the area you need for a feedlot and a chicken factory to feed the same amount
      I'll wait

      • 3 months ago

        are you going to feed your chicken with sunlight or are you going to ~grow~ chicken feed? on plantations, perchance? or are you going to just buy chicken feed for your 200000 people feeding chicken farm in a pet shop?

        • 3 months ago

          Every living thing is about 10% efficient at converting consumed energy into edible calories. So something like corn needs 10 calories worth of the sun's energy to produce 1 calorie, but a chicken needs 10 corn calories to produce 1 meat calorie, which means it needs 100 sun calories. Correlate sun's energy with acreage covered by sun and an acre of wheat fed to a chicken only gives you 1/10 of the edible calories that an acre of wheat turned into bread would. Fitting a bunch of chickens in a small place doesn't mean you need to feed the chickens less, just means you're sourcing the feed from a much larger area of farmland

          Ah, but you don't need a 10/10 plantation to feed cows and chickens. You can feed them with less quality stuff, that for cows and chickens are already better quality than grass and shit.
          My question remained unanswered, I want to know the area of plantation needed to feed 200 000 people WITH that plantation.
          There are no 2/10 cows, but you definitely need those 10/10 corns.
          We can talk about efficiency on the whole chain, not just the sunrays hitting plants.
          Of course, if you plant and reap 10/10 corn, and feed that to a cow, just to eat the cow, that's inneficient.
          Do you both believe that's what happening, like, right now?

          • 3 months ago

            Low quality produce grows from the same size plants as high quality produce with the same amount of grow time and sun energy required, regardless of which animal is meant to eat it, humans included. There's no way to grow animal feed that only requires 1/10 of the land of growing similar or even diverse crops for human consumption. If we're talking about the efficiency of the entire process, animal feed has to be transported and fed to animals, which then need to be transported pre or post slaughter to be processed, then transported again to be distributed, with greater distances the more centralized and industrial scale production is. Plant based food is either harvested and distributed directly or undergo one additional step for processing into some prepared food item.

            • 3 months ago

              You don't grow "low quality grains", my moron friend.
              You grow grain. If the crop is good, you send it over to people. If the crop if bad, you sell it to feedlot.
              Now, can you please explain me what happens if you make a plantation for 200 000 people to eat and the crop is bad?
              Just curious on what's happening on your mind about that
              Because even when the cost of distribution is piled up to the cost of handling the live animals, we are not really having a famine in 100 years, no matter if the crops are good or bad
              Never noticed that?
              Do you think you've been living 100 years of no droughts?

              • 3 months ago

                You're projecting a bit, like assuming my end goal is to argue for no meat production. The 80% number I gave is accurate for the amount of global farmed land currently dedicated to fueling meat and dairy production. 80% of what we grow is not bad and thus being fed to animals, it is a deliberate commitment because beef is worth a lot and so a huge area of the US is dedicated to it for the beef industry and poor people in South America are discreetly deforesting so they can grow and sell beef because it's valuable. Related to my original point, if Thanos wiped half of humanity it would be relatively easy to maintain a level of calorie production necessary for population growth to continue nearly as it has for the past couple centuries. I was just illustrating the thermodynamics at play in converting sunlight hitting our planets surface into food at different levels of efficiency.

              • 3 months ago

                Like producing meat is objectively less energy efficient than producing vegetables and beans

      • 3 months ago

        Every living thing is about 10% efficient at converting consumed energy into edible calories. So something like corn needs 10 calories worth of the sun's energy to produce 1 calorie, but a chicken needs 10 corn calories to produce 1 meat calorie, which means it needs 100 sun calories. Correlate sun's energy with acreage covered by sun and an acre of wheat fed to a chicken only gives you 1/10 of the edible calories that an acre of wheat turned into bread would. Fitting a bunch of chickens in a small place doesn't mean you need to feed the chickens less, just means you're sourcing the feed from a much larger area of farmland

  27. 3 months ago

    Why didn't he just make every woman have big boobs?

  28. 3 months ago

    His plan doesn't have ot make sense. He's obviously insane.

    • 3 months ago

      In the comics they literally refer to him as The Mad Titan

  29. 3 months ago

    >Universe is infinite
    >Infinity/2 = infinity
    Bravo Thanos

  30. 3 months ago

    Becauae that's the gay way of solving the problem he solved like a real chad

  31. 3 months ago

    Why did they change his motivation? In the other Avengers movies its clearly implied he wants to impress Death.

    Was it to cast doubt on Overpopulation being a real issue?

    • 3 months ago

      Seems they thought having actual Death show up would have been too much shark jumping. So they just made him insane instead

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