Why didn't Luke or Vader or anyone in thr OT or prequels stop each other's lightsabers with the force?

Why didn't Luke or Vader or anyone in thr OT or prequels stop each other's lightsabers with the force? Seems very simple

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  1. 4 days ago

    Why not use the force to turn off your opponent's lightsaber mid-duel?

    • 4 days ago

      it's forbidden

  2. 4 days ago

    They hit each other with their lightsabers which is much cooler

  3. 4 days ago

    vader was basically training luke and never actually wanted to defeat him, he just wanted to see what his son's power level was. vis a vis luke was moronic and thought the force was something where if he closed his eyes he could channel it (he does this every time he uses the force in the OT), but that's kind of hard to do that when u have your 6'6" robotic gigachad father whirling his death blade at u

  4. 4 days ago

    >Ezra shows up
    >Says he doesn't need a lightsaber anymore and is going to be kung fu force Jesus
    >Builds a new lightsaber five minutes later

    • 4 days ago

      I wanted to see Ezra use his saber again but they had to have their empowered girl boss. I hate Filoni so much

      >be in Jedi academy
      >Chad pops the batteries out of your lightsaber before force pantsing you.


  5. 4 days ago

    How about stopping blaster bolts with the force?

    • 4 days ago

      When I was a kid, I thought it was just his robot hand blocking it since it was smoking.

      • 4 days ago

        >When I was a kid, I thought it was just his robot hand blocking it since it was smoking.
        I'm surprised you even understood he had a robot hand. The only clue he has cyborg parts on him is when Luke cuts his hand in ROTJ and sees it's all wires and shit, and it reminds him of his own cyborg hand.

        • 4 days ago

          I thought he was all robot

        • 4 days ago

          obi wan straight up tells luke in rotj that vader is "more machine than man" or something to that effect

          • 4 days ago

            I think the point he is making is that he knew he was machine before the film that revealed it.

          • 4 days ago

            Obi Wan was speaking in superlatives. He didn’t literally mean it until Lucas decided that he literally meant it.

        • 4 days ago

          we all seen the part where his mask goes on we already can assume hes like Robocop, waiting for vader to pull a gun out of his leg

    • 4 days ago

      Does he actually stop it with the force or does his hand just block it?

      • 4 days ago

        you think he extenteded his hand, meant to force pull the blaster from han. but hans luck or bloodlust helped him get a quick one off.

  6. 4 days ago

    they put skill points in other things

  7. 4 days ago

    Why not switching it off? seems like incredible more effortless, instead of depleting your stamina in some Force contest to see who pushes harder, just flick off the switch. Frick, just screw the cap and remove the bateries

    • 4 days ago

      Yeah, why not just force push their thumb off the switch and then slice through them?

    • 4 days ago

      >be in Jedi academy
      >Chad pops the batteries out of your lightsaber before force pantsing you.

  8. 4 days ago

    whose the white hair sith girl

  9. 4 days ago

    Because I need to dump my massive cum filled veiny balls in OP's mouth

  10. 4 days ago

    What's the point of even having lightsabers if you've got space magic. Wow a sword that can cut through most things that any monkey can use. Compare to magic that allows you to
    >Destroy planets
    >Jump 50 ft in the air
    >Pull star destroyers out of orbit
    >Heal wounds
    >Make babies
    >Control peoples minds
    >Block lasers
    >Stop lasers mid shot
    >Shoot lighting from your fingertips
    Why doesn't every encounter with a jedi just end with the motherfricker getting launched into the stratosphere.

    • 4 days ago

      all of that sounds like considerably more effort than slicing someone in two with a laser sword

  11. 4 days ago

    >You are lost."
    >"Master Yaddle! How are you? I thought you were still on sabbatical on Nal Hutta! (Smirks)"
    >"I have returned, for a moment at least. I missed my time with the younglings. I have heard great rumblings of your deeds, Vernestra Rwoh."
    >"Thank you, Master Yaddle. I hope I am living your teachings."
    >"Do not reject your instincts, Jedi. Understood? If a large vessel may fill your empty holes of wisdom, let them in, pulsating and throbbing though they may"

  12. 4 days ago

    who is the moron who choreographs the new fights? She/Xir loves that move.

  13. 4 days ago

    Why not just use the force to cause a brain hemorrhage at the start of a lightsabre duel?

  14. 4 days ago

    There’s a “force guard” basically how hard someone has to try to manipulate you with the force. Generally you gotta just go hard as hell but that’s dangerous cause it will teeter towards using aggression which leads to the dark side. The previous continuity was better because your usage of the force affected your alignment to it. The more aggressive and angry you are the better the results, thus people who lean into the “power” usually get tripped up and fall. Basically if you wanted to rip a lightsaber out of someone’s hand they would have to have no guard up or you are just so overwhelmingly powerful they can’t do anything to stop your manipulation

    • 4 days ago

      >r becaus
      example of this is dookoo vs yoda. he was doing great untill yoda showed up, leaving himself too open with his dick out and used his saber vs yoda

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