Why didn't Roku kill Sozin? Is he retarded?

>Be Roku
>kill Sozin

Problems solved.
The Air nomad genocide and 100 years war were averted.

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  1. 8 months ago

    He was an avatar
    No one said he was a good one

    • 8 months ago

      The Avatar has the authority to axe any nation's leader and no one would really challenge them on that right? How far does the Avatar's authority go when ti comes to secular governments. Korra for example seems like she has to operate in the confines of the law which is more of a hinderance more than anything.

    • 8 months ago

      Why was Aang literally the Only good avatar that actually did his job? I mean look at his predecessors
      Dumb mother fricker let his buddy set up an invasion force with literally no interjection and when he had the chance to stop shit he just let it go wothout periodically checking on Sozin. Roku allowed for 100 years of conflict and a Genocide.
      A worthless b***h that literally did nothing until it was her Problem. Allowed Chin to comquer the majority of the Earth Kingdom until her precious island was but in the crossfire. Created a secret police that eventually became an authoritarian dictatorship that literally brainwashed its populace. She was alsona raging dyke
      Yet another lazy homosexual that didn't do shit as Avatar. So incompetent he let his Wife'a face get stolen. Fricking loser
      His frick up literally created all conflict between the spirit world and the real world.

      And it's not like Aang's successor was any better. Hell she was worse!

      • 8 months ago

        Don’t go hating on Kuruk. Dude spent his time killing evil spirits that went crazy after the avatar before him sucked human wiener rather than preserving the balance. Iirc he died young because of it.

      • 8 months ago

        >Aang didn't frick up
        >The Boy In the Iceberg
        >'When he was needed most, he vanished'

        • 8 months ago

          >not realizing Aang would have been murdered anyways if he stayed
          >acting like the fire nation attack wasn't Roku'a frick up to begin with
          Come on anon

        • 8 months ago

          Aang disappearing saved his life and with it the entire avatar cycle. He had no good options because of the hot mess dumped in his infant lap by Roku the senile frickwit. If he stayed, maybe he could've fought off the firebenders with a timely awakening of his avatar state, but without any training in other elements he still very likely would've been killed, and if he was killed in the avatar state that would've fricked the entire reincarnation cycle.

        • 8 months ago

          Also he created half the problems for Korra. Republic City was all kind of moronic and its his fault.

      • 8 months ago

        You had to skip Yangchen to make your argument.

        • 8 months ago

          >Involved herself in political coups and espionage
          >Created spiritual unrest that led to extreme uphevel
          It's not like she was left out because she was good at her job.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Is he moronic?

  3. 8 months ago

    No one expects their best friend since childhood to turn out to be Hitler.

  4. 8 months ago

    he was his best friend, and roku believed that his presence led sozin down the path he was on. He should have killed him but hindsight's a b***h.

    >If anything the question is how did Sozin go from being a good kid and ok young adult into a schizo power hungry dictator.

    • 8 months ago

      >If anything the question is how did Sozin go from being a good kid and ok young adult into a schizo power hungry dictator.
      It probably mostly out of good will, it was Azulon that really started shit and loved the war. The Earth kingdom was a absolute mess, we get glimpse of it throughout the series but there was mass poverty, corrupt and inept rulers, and complete mismanagement of resources causing famine despite mass abundance. On the other hand the fire nation seems to be really prosperous and well organized, we don't really see social order or an education system like in the fire nation anywhere else.

      The Earth kingdom controls 80%+ of the PLANETS mineral wealth and farmland and yet did frick all with it and a bunch of islanders (fire nation is is an archipelago) with a 1/10th of their resources and manpower handed them their asses; keep in mind that the entire history of the Earth kingdom is various warlords all fighting each-other and constant civil unrest (Kyoshi's whole life story is proof), all the fire nation did was throw their hat in ring and beat them at their own game.

      The fire nation was so well organized that if not for both the Avatar and their Prince interfering they could have taken the whole planet.
      In the flashback episodes Sozin mentions how the fire nation is prospering while the rest of the world isn't, he probably saw what a mess the rest of the world was and decide he could fix it, then it all got out of hand; the shit with the Air Nomads was just a brutal insurance policy.

  5. 8 months ago

    People tend to have reservations about killing their best friend. The real question is why he didn't just pull a Kyoshi to evacuate as soon as the eruption happened instead of killing himself fighting a volcano.

  6. 8 months ago

    >a kind man lacks the will to kill his best friend.
    I don't know why you're surprised here, anon.

  7. 8 months ago

    Because killing is... le bad.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, expect for all the people he killed when he blew up the royal palace to confront sozin

      The Avatar has the authority to axe any nation's leader and no one would really challenge them on that right? How far does the Avatar's authority go when ti comes to secular governments. Korra for example seems like she has to operate in the confines of the law which is more of a hinderance more than anything.

      >The Avatar has the authority to axe any nation's leader
      who gave him that authority? As far as we know the nations of the world recognize that the Avatar is a spiritual leader but I don't recall the Avatar having any formal power within any nation. He's like the Dalai Lama with superpowes, he has respect from the religious community but no authority over any matters of state.
      To the extent Aang was expected to confront Ozia it was because he was supposed to be an impartial party rather than the representative of a hostile enemy nation, otherwise it would have been seen as a power grap if Iroh has done it or a forign nation assasination if another member of the White Lotus had

  8. 8 months ago

    They were secret gayfers together.
    Dumbledore/Grimbledwad situation.

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