Why didnt she report the rapist to anybody?

is this some ultra lefty bullshit they believe? she does realize he will rape again right?

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  1. 2 months ago

    >but I didn't go to le mobster so I am moral!
    I wonder how many rapes Melfi indirectly contributed to

  2. 2 months ago

    because like all women, the idea of being in power far exceeds any reason to think rationally

  3. 2 months ago

    Didn't you watch the espiode you fricking moron?

    • 2 months ago

      yes are you implying she went to the cops cuz she didn’t

      • 2 months ago

        Mate u really are a moron if thats what u think happened

      • 2 months ago

        Yes she did moron. It was reported to the cops, the cops arrested a guy who met the description, but then they let him go because they filed the paperwork on his wrong. That was the real issue, she trusted in the system and the system let her rapist go for bullshit bureaucratic reasons. That’s why she toyed with the idea of going to Tony for street justice

        • 2 months ago

          stfu dick

  4. 2 months ago

    I dont know if youre just being moronic on purpose or not, but she did, and the cops got him, but he got off on a technicality. Her conflict wasnt whether or not to report the rape to the cops, it was whether or not she would tell tony, knowing full well he would kill the rapist and thus being not only complicit in Tony's criminal acts but actively using them to her advantage.
    Personally I find that moronic, there's a time to hold on to your morals and that ISNT when you have the opportunity to kill your rapist after he got away free and clear on some bullshit police incompetence, but that wouldnt be as interesting an episode of TV.

    • 2 months ago

      there is also the angle of telling tony, having the mob hurt/kill the guy, then she owes the mob a huge favor. she probably wouldnt want to be in debt to them for something that made her cum for the first time in years

      • 2 months ago

        >something that made her cum for the first time in years
        it doesn’t work that way chuddie

    • 2 months ago

      One of the best aspects of the show is the way Dr. Melfi absolutely is complicit in many of Tony's criminal acts. Her therapy always seems to give Tony bright ideas on how to be better at doing crime. It's almost slapstick.

      • 2 months ago

        most people probably just see melfi as "the voice of reason" or a mouthpiece for the writers to talk to tony but yeah, based on the other therapists in the show i dont think chase has a very high opinion of psychiatry (based)

      • 2 months ago

        >Her therapy always seems to give Tony bright ideas on how to be better at doing crime.
        at least try and give ONE example before saying such bullshit

        • 2 months ago

          Telling Tony to read Sun-Tzu to become a better crime boss is the first one that springs to mind. Melfi's last appearance is her realizing that therapy has only caused Tony to rationalize his abhorrent behavior and cuts ties with him.
          Did you even watch the show?

        • 2 months ago

          Season one she gives Tony the idea to frame Junior as the boss of the family to take the heat from the police while Tony runs the family himself

      • 2 months ago

        It's outright slapstick. The Sopranos, especially season 1, is really a black comedy first and foremost. Later on it kind of takes itself more seriously, but the early show is very dry, very funny.

        this episode was dogshit and Melfi's character arc completely flounders after it

        Also true. She started out as a core character to the show. This shrink who helps a mobster mob harder with her therapy, but it goes nowhere when the show turns into pure melodrama later on. Tony's ongoing panic attacks and also his continual humiliation at the hands of his family slowly phase out, and Melfi becomes vestigial while the show outlives its interesting bits.

    • 2 months ago

      >using them to her advantage.
      other women's advantage/safety is the argument being made here, dipshit.

    • 2 months ago

      The reason why she didn't want her rapist to be killed because deep down she developed feelings of love for her rapist. This is what happens to women after they get raped.

      That's why she's willing to let him go on to rape other women rather than allow him to be killed

      deep down she has feelings of love for him so she doesn't want him to be killed even thouogh she knows that it means that multiple other women will get raped as a result of her decision.

      This is how strong the effect of rape is on a woman's psyche
      Women have evolved psychologically to fall in love with their rapist, to a greater or lesser degree but nearly all develop at least some feelings of love.
      This is very clear from reading women's anonymous testimonies. They don't admit it as often in public due to shame and backlash but the majority of testimonies of women who have been raped who have had their identity hidden speak honestly and express desire and love for their rapist.

    • 2 months ago

      If she had told him then she couldn’t have cut off the sessions towards the end of the series. He would’ve had her in his pocket and Tony was a pompous piece of shit towards the end, he absolutely would’ve held it over her head

  5. 2 months ago

    The sociatal contract gives the gouverment the monopoly on sanctioned violence in return for the promise of punishment. If they don't hold up their end of their bargain, I don't see the issue in having tony whack that rapist mexican

    • 2 months ago

      Realistically speaking, this isnt like "seeing if tony can get you a flatscreen" level of absuing your relationship a criminal client for personal gain, this is getting well-deserved revenge on someone who did something horrendous to you and then got away with it.
      From a story telling perspective though, it completely knocks the legs out from under Melfi as being a moral figure in the series, you can no longer treat her as someone who's ostensibly above tony in terms of moral standing.
      What they could have done is just cut the episode a second or two earlier, end it with her just not saying anything at all, or just beginning to speak, and then just NEVER mention it again. It doesnt get brought up later, there's no clues about what happened, we dont even go back to that shop the rapist works at. Let it be completely open to interpretation as to whether or not she told tony.

      • 2 months ago

        >le open to le interpretation
        it's TV not a Choose Your Adventure novel
        >evwy 1 gets to pwick theiw favowite intewpwetation (´°u°')/

        • 2 months ago

          they did that in the very last scene though

          • 2 months ago

            He obviously lived, end of fricking discussion.

          • 2 months ago

            its obvious what happened if you paid attention to the show. the only people who dont get it are moronic boomers who watched week to week and forgot that they hint at it really hard four episodes before and pseuds who think they’re smart

      • 2 months ago

        This is moronic, it would completely change the dynamic of their relationship. You couldn’t not bring it up again if Tony knew, he certainly would hold it over her

        they did that in the very last scene though

        Because it is the last scene. The ambiguity there is also the point, nothing happens but the audience knows it could, Tony does too, even if he’s not killed that day his life is not going to end well, either prison or assassinated or witness protection. The ambiguity of the ending doesn’t create artificial distance between the audience and the characters, if anything it brings them closer. Hiding whether Melli tells Tony or not just tells the audience it never mattered in the first place, if the rest of the show can proceed as if nothing happened either way.

      • 2 months ago

        >Let it be completely open to interpretation
        This is really dumb

      • 2 months ago

        From that perspective, the biggest reason not to tell Tony is simply fear of investigation and prosecution. A murder investigation of Jesus Rossi would immediately have Melfi's ex-husband and likely son investigated as suspects since both have a clear motive and expressed such in front of police/detectives. Any investigation into Melfi herself would probably reveal her connection to a mob boss that is well known for contracting murders.

        Even if Rossi just disappeared, his profile as a rapist might lead to enough questions being asked that a connection might be made later through paperwork and/or one of the many informants leaking information. Even if Melfi was never charged with involvement in a revenge killing, anyone else ever being brought to court over Rossi's death would reveal her involvement and ruin her career.

        The most practical move is not to get yourself or your loved ones mixed up in organized crime murder plot by telling Tony.

        • 2 months ago

          >Even if Rossi just disappeared, his profile as a rapist might lead to enough questions being asked that a connection might be made later through paperwork and/or one of the many informants leaking information
          The New Jersey police department is not going to spend money and man hours, using ‘informants’ to track someone down because of their ‘profile as a rapist’.

          • 2 months ago

            The FBI is already spending money and man hours running multiple informants reporting on the New Jersey mob. Any one of them could report that a local was ordered murdered recently and the FBI would check with local PD. Anyone following up on the rapist case would ask Rossi's friends/family and they'd say he just disappeared. It's likely his family/friends might file a missing persons report. That little bit of paperwork generated would be reported to the FBI when they came asking about some local nobody they mob killed. Murder is murder and any investigation into it would be serious enough to reveal the connection to Melfi.

            It's not a stretch at all to think Rossi dying could comeback on Melfi or her family. Her character's definitely smart enough to understand this immediately.

            • 2 months ago

              The FBI knows Tony sees a psychiatrist.

              >Any one of them could report that a local was ordered murdered recently

    • 2 months ago

      Police and military are zogbot israelite hitmen, at least in ((current year)) idk how bad it was in the era Sopranos took place but the last thing they care about is protecting and serving, they want a 401k and will enforce lockdowns and trans kids and whatever they need to get paid, they don’t care about catching rapists, picrel.

  6. 2 months ago

    the ventriloquist was taking a break

  7. 2 months ago

    Why didn't Tony report the rapists to anybody?

  8. 2 months ago

    I think she did and they caught the guy though, he had an italian last name and her ex husband got butthurt

  9. 2 months ago

    Because women are fricking cowards. Just look at all the "brave" b***hes from the "me too" movement that "came out" to talk about their assault years and decades after the fact.

  10. 2 months ago

    Agreed. Also why didn't Tony just kill Chris? He was such a liability.

    • 2 months ago

      why did he agree to having his face as a “rapist” face for all of time?

      • 2 months ago

        humiliation ritual

      • 2 months ago

        why would he work at a place called rape nation, seems a bit bold

      • 2 months ago

        Can someone change the text to "Brap Nation" and make the picture Brap Dallas Howard?

        • 2 months ago

          im bored

  11. 2 months ago

    Hmmm Melfi sickin Tony onto the rapist woulda really changed their relationship on the show. It was better to keep it professional for the sake of the series, Sopranos was never some pulpy high strung melodrama.

    Anyway, police lettin off a rapist on a technicality, with so much evidence against him is a bit of a stretch, even in NA.

    And does Melfi truly want that guy dead? Is she that kind of person?

    • 2 months ago

      >Sopranos was never some pulpy high strung melodrama.
      lol, lmao

    • 2 months ago

      >Sopranos was never some pulpy high strung melodrama.
      Tell that to all the screentime devoted to Carmella's various potential lovers throughout the seasons

      • 2 months ago

        This is why I refuse to rewatch sopranos. Half the scenes are “work” to get through and I remember the other half good enough to not need a rewatch

  12. 2 months ago

    Because she knew Tnoi would kill him

  13. 2 months ago

    Because The Sopranos is about consistently taking the least interesting route possible.
    >Should Melfi compromise her morals and get the mob to take revenge for her? Nah.
    >Is the priest gonna frick Tony's wife? Eh who cares dropped.
    >Russian gets away after being shot in the head? Ohh, I bet that'll come back to haunt them! Nah frick it the person who wrote that episode was sick for the rest of the season or something whatever
    >Italian guy flirting with Tony's wife? Oh he just left a note that he's going back to Italy whatever
    >Guy comes to protect Tony's house from a bear? Oh what's that, a grenade in the cupboard? Big zoom on that! Wonder why! Oh, no reason
    >FBI spends half a season setting up mics in Tony's basement in a lamp, Meadow takes it to college with her, ohh will someone let something slip around her? No, storyline dropped
    The whole show is just about constantly aborting whatever is happening in service of nothing. bUt In LiFe yOu DoN't gEt aLL tHe AnSwErS LMAO!!!

    • 2 months ago

      >FBI spends half a season setting up mics in Tony's basement in a lamp, Meadow takes it to college with her, ohh will someone let something slip around her? No, storyline dropped
      That was meant for the court arc, which didn't happen due to Nancy dying.

      • 2 months ago

        Wrong lol they invented that whole episode due to her death

    • 2 months ago

      I think Breaking Bad is more suited to your tastes

  14. 2 months ago

    This is the most ridiculous episode of television I've ever seen
    I just stopped watching the show afterwards because I knew the show didn't have anything worthwhile

    • 2 months ago

      It's pretty much the worst, right next to the Vito filler in s6. I don't know why in camelot/christopher/a hit is a hit get so much flack when this is the most tonally abrasive filler episode in the series.

  15. 2 months ago

    my theory was tony put out a hit but instead of killing her he wanted her to get raped. then with her wanting revenge she would turn to tony to deal with him so that she would be dependent on him and tony wouldnt have to worry about melfi trying to send him to a new doctor or snitching on him. of course she ultimately doesnt take the bait so tonys plan fails

  16. 2 months ago


  17. 2 months ago

    >t. moron that only saw a clip of the episode on tiktok

  18. 2 months ago

    >he will rape again
    how can you be so sure
    man nutted in less than a minute, surely that'll spark some feelings of shame and inadequacy in addition to the realisation that it was a lot of risk for very little pleasure
    if anything, i'd bet he would never rape again after that
    plus he was the employee of the month at mcburgers he a good boy he dindu nuffin gettin his life back on track

    • 2 months ago


  19. 2 months ago

    this episode was dogshit and Melfi's character arc completely flounders after it

  20. 2 months ago

    Women are just that moronic. They did a great portrayal.

  21. 2 months ago

    Reminds me of the episode of SVU when a white woman gets raped by a future doctor and decides not to press charges because it would ruin his life.

  22. 2 months ago

    They honestly usually don't. I know someone who is not me at all who raped two chicks forcibly and they never went to the cops. One however did tell anyone who would listen about it, so then this guy - who is 100% not me - went and beat the shit out of her.

  23. 2 months ago

    watch it cicero

  24. 2 months ago

    >its sooo unrealistic she doesn’t turn into an angry revenge killer and she doesn’t even try to shoot her assaulter outside the courtroom, there’s just no way everybody who has something bad happen to them doesn’t just explode and go crazy trying to hurt someone in retaliation.
    You know some people are just meek, right? They don’t just leap into violence and revenge at every little setback. It’s not like she’s gonna get un-raped

    • 2 months ago

      >I’ll just let that rapist go rape some more cuz I’m meek and good

      No that’s called cowardice

      • 2 months ago

        >any time a crime is committed against me I have to change who I am and become a vigilante
        She reported it to the law, and they made a ruling even if it wasn’t the one she wanted. Does she have to become Batman now? If you get raped is it really your job now to become rapist killer the anti-rape rape victim? Obviously not, it doesn’t make sense

        >getting raped
        >a little setback
        huh? but you leftoids told me that rape is basically like triple murdering someone?

        >you aren’t obsessed with punishing a rapist which means you disagree with me which means you’re a leftist which doesn’t make sense because leftists care most about rape and hurting rapists and you don’t do you must be a highly hurt anti-rape leftist who’s lying about not wanting to become a rape vigilante just to hurt me
        Schizo shit really

        • 2 months ago

          is this how your brain thinks it’s way to cowardice

          • 2 months ago

            You couldn’t manhunt your way out of a paper bag you keyboard warrior. People have shit to do with their lives that doesn’t involve becoming the fugitive any time someone hurts them

            • 2 months ago

              all she had to do was tel tony

              • 2 months ago

                >hasn’t read the thread and didn’t pay attention to the episode, as well as having no iq
                Ordering/accepting a hit is murder and she literally was not concerned with getting this guy murdered
                Tony is a borderline personality criminal who offers favors to buoy his mood and as an excuse to perform violence, who then gets pissy over something unrelated and decides you have to pay him back by doing crime while he assaults your family and property anyway

    • 2 months ago

      >getting raped
      >a little setback
      huh? but you leftoids told me that rape is basically like triple murdering someone?

  25. 2 months ago

    She wanted her rapist to get away because she wanted other women to have to go through what she went through.

  26. 2 months ago

    >tony i was raped
    >what exactly did he shay?

    • 2 months ago

      >omygawd hon what was da wienersuckers name Ima go kill him
      >jesus rossi
      >oh he was a paisan? nevermind then lol

  27. 2 months ago

    She goes on a rant about it, she didn’t tell Tony because she felt empowered by having the option to slaughter the guy. If she told Tony and Tony chimped out and killed the guy she’d just be a powerless woman who was raped.

  28. 2 months ago

    Reporting and dealing with a crime is such a fricking hassle that unless it was a robbery where I have a chance of getting my stuff back, resulted in injuries or damages I could file an insurance claim for, or was serious enough that I may get blamed like a murder, I simply would not bother reporting it.

    • 2 months ago

      This. Honestly these guys are just a bunch of armchair warriors, they wouldn’t pursue shit beyond what the law allows them and would probably not do even that the second they realized they could sit at their computer for the evening instead of filing the report.

  29. 2 months ago

    If you kill a rapist, the number of killers increase

    • 2 months ago

      What if I rape a killer?

  30. 2 months ago

    On god this show is peek mid find something better lmao

  31. 2 months ago

    Think of how many crimes against yourself you haven’t acted on, you are not a vigilante dude

    • 2 months ago

      Every time someone jay walks in front of me, I run over and punch them in the face. The cops say I'm a hero.

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